If Biden Debates Trump He Will Lose the Debate and the Election

Donald Trump is a boxing fan, and he usually has a ringside seat at major boxing events. Even though Trump weighs almost 300 pounds, never exercises, wears diapers instead of boxing trunks, and has tiny doll hands, he views himself as a pugilist. Trump styles himself as a counterpuncher, but actually he’s more of a down-puncher. He strikes out at subordinates and people who he deems incapable of punching back.

The orange pig will never enter a boxing ring, but the next best thing for him is the debate stage. Trump is dying to debate the physically frail and cognitively challenged Joe Biden.

Last month, the combatative politician used his Truth Social platform to dare Biden to step onto the debate stage with him, declaring that he’s prepared to debate the Democratic incumbent “ANYTIME, ANYWHRE, ANYPLACE.” The former president expressed a desire to see ten debates, rather than the usual three general election debates.

Even though Trump is just as senile as Biden he would demolish, destroy and disembowel the octogenarian president. At the first verbal jab Biden’s dentures would go flying out, he would lose his train of thought and maybe control of his bowels as well.

There is no way that Biden can compete against an adversary who breaks all the rules, talks over his opponents and lands more low blows than legitimate punches.

If Biden is foolish enough to debate Trump, he will lose the debate and the election.

Happy Easter and Transgender Day of Visibility

President Joe Biden is facing withering criticism from Donald Trump and his evangelical enablers for proclaiming March 31 as “Transgender Day of Visibility.”

This is faux outrage is exceedingly disingenuous for evangelicals are well aware that “Transgender Day of Visibility” is an annual event that is always celebrated on March 31.

Biden is a devout Catholic who always makes a public display of observing Easter and Christmas, he would be loath to do anything that would diminish any Christian holiday.

I don’t consider religiosity a virtue, and a president shouldn’t observe, commemorate, publicly celebrate or even acknowledge any religious holiday. The separation between church and state is sacrosanct, and I find it deeply offensive whenever any politician tries to curry favor with the electorate by invoking the name of God.

America is a secular democracy, and on March 31, 2024 we are free to celebrate Easter, Transgender Day of Visibility, or the pagan springtime goddess Eostre. Or maybe you are like most Americans who simply consider today just another weekend to eat a chocolate egg, relax and have a good time before we return to work.

Trump Threatens Biden with Image of President Hog-tied on Pickup Truck

As a dog returns to his own vomit, and a pig wallows in the mire after having been washed, Donald Trump returns to the cesspool of violent imagery whenever he feels a need to rile up his base.

And with President Joe Biden seeing a rise in his polls following his State of the Union speech, a desperate Trump posted a video on his Truth Social platform depicting Biden hog-tied on the bed of a pickup truck festooned with Trump 2024 insignia.

The twice-impeached and four times indicted sociopath regularly incites political violence, and it can have real world consequences, or have we already forgotten the failed insurrection of January 6, 2021? Therefore, it’s incumbent upon reporters and bloggers to put Trump on blast every time he resorts to violent rhetoric.

This latest disturbing image was calculated to appeal to the orange messiah’s redneck base, after all only his cultists read the garbage that he posts on his social media platform.

The offensive post didn’t depict a businessman in a Toyota Prius running over Biden, it showed Biden hog-tied in the tailgate of a pickup truck. I’m sure there are multitudes of MAGA fanatics who fantasize about having Biden hogtied in the back of their Ford 150 truck.

This vile Trump post may push one of his disciples over the edge. Enough is enough! I call on responsible Republican pundits and GOP leaders to denounce Trump’s violent imagery.

Trump Hawks ‘God Bless the USA Bibles’

“The former president took to Truth Social Tuesday to urge his supporters to buy the God Bless the USA Bible — a $59.99 Bible inspired by country singer Lee Greenwood’s song.

‘Happy Holy Week! Let’s Make America Pray Again. As we lead into Good Friday and Easter, I encourage you to get a copy of the God Bless the USA Bible,’ Trump posted, linking to a website featuring the books.”


In 2019 Donald Trump, the antichrist personified, autographed Bibles during a tour of tornado-devastated communities in Alabama. If the narcissist defiled Bibles by signing them with his Sharpie, I wouldn’t be surprised if he hired Russian hookers to urinate on them, and then sell them to his evangelical supporters as “the Golden Showers edition of God’s Word.”

Everything Trump touches turns to shit, but to his disciples he’s King Midas, and they believe everything he touches is worth its weight in gold.

I believe the “God Bless the USA Bible” will sell out, Trump’s followers equate patriotism with Christianity, and they will buy the cursed Bibles knowing it will fill their messiah’s coffers.

“God bless the USA Bible”? I would feel more comfortable buying a “God damn the USA Bible”, especially now as evangelicals cite the scriptures as a justification to support Israel’s genocidal war against Palestine.

Trump Doesn’t Deserve a Second Term, He Deserves a Life Term Behind Bars

When reality star and pompous businessman Donald Trump descended the golden escalator in his garish Fifth Avenue building to the perfunctory applause of curious onlookers and paid actors, he opened his trap and toxic racist rhetoric emanated from his sphincter-shaped orifice.

Who can forget his infamous remarks in which he labeled Mexican migrants rapists, criminals and drug dealers. Trump is a master at projection, and he projected his fraudulent criminal and sexual predatory behavior on the hardworking Mexican undocumented workers in search of the American Dream.

Needless to say, immigrants are model citizens, they are loathe to break any laws of their new home country, lest it hinders them from obtaining a green card, and one day citizenship.

Sadly, when America elects its Republican and Democratic presidential nominees, all too often they don’t select the best candidates. Witness the physically frail and senile Democratic nominee, Joe Biden and the morbidly obese and senile racist, Donald Trump.

Mexican immigrants aren’t the criminals, the twice-impeached and four times indicted Trump who is facing 91 criminal charges is one of the most notorious criminals to ever seek a political office.

Hispanic immigrants aren’t the rapists, it’s Trump, the serial sexual predator, who was found guilty of rape in a civil trial.

Brown and black immigrants aren’t the ones who have a problem with drugs, it was Trump’s White House that was awash in uppers, antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications. That should come as no surprise to anyone, how else could aides and staffers survive working in such a chaotic and corrupt administration?

Trump doesn’t deserve a second term; he deserves a life term behind bars.

F Donald Trump

Evangelicals’ public rhetoric and private conversation has always been hateful and dismissive of religious and racial minorities, liberals and towards anyone who doesn’t subscribe to their Medieval religious beliefs.

Pre-Trump they never allowed their odious speech to degenerate into obscenities and vulgar expression. In fact, they were so averse to profanities that they were always quick to demand that a “parental advisor warning” be slapped on any album with explicit content or even just a few curse words.

But since they adopted Donald Trump, the stinking pile of human shit, as their new messiah, they praise God for every obscenity that emanates from his sphincter-shaped mouth and they no longer think it’s a sin to sprinkle their conversation with four-letter words. Evangelicals find it almost impossible not to use cuss words when demonizing racial minorities, immigrants and the LGBT community.

Well, I find it impossible not to use dirty words when talking about the dirtiest mother fucker who ever entered the realm of politics, Donald Trump.

Fuck Donald Trump, fuck every church that supports him, and fuck white evangelicals who sacrilegiously worship the trick-ass, mother-fucken wanker.

Trump vs Biden? Just Shoot Me!

It’s not even spring and the world’s greatest democracy has now chosen the presidential nominees for the two major parties: Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Joe Biden.

The GOP and the Democratic Party have a stranglehold on the presidential selection process, and there’s zero chance that a Third-Party candidate will emerge to seriously compete against these despicable and senile candidates.

This tragic state of American politics can best be demonstrated in a metaphor:

Imagine that both parties are holding political events in Las Vegas at the same time, and naturally all the brothels are doing thriving business. You walk into a cathouse, and the Madam tells you that only two past their prime working girls are available:

Sleepy Joanna: she has a second job doing grannie porn videos in order to make ends meet. She’s emaciated and you fear she may have a heart attack doing the dirty deed, and you wonder about your legal liability. It’s likely that she will forget your name, and blurt out the wrong name when she pretends to climax.

Dorky Donna: she has a second job doing BBW porn in order to pay the bills. She’s fat as a pig and you fear that she may suffer a stroke while you’re knocking boots. You’re certain that the narcissist cow will scream her own name when she comes, and who wants to put up with that shit? 

The madam of the house of ill repute is waiting for you to make your decision, and you finally decide that you’d rather put your privates through a meat grinder than have sex with either of those sorry prostitutes.

Who am I voting for: The senile Biden is better than the senile human excrement Trump, but maybe I should just kill myself.

Pathological Liar Trump Calls Himself ‘Honest John’

In the early morning hours of Tuesday when all decent and honest people are sleeping, Donald Trump had the unmitigated gall to post this on his Truth Social media platform:

“For the good of our now failing Nation, and in order to inform the American people of what is going on in our Country, we must immediately have a full scale debate between Crooked Joe and Honest Don. I’m ready to go, ANY TIME, ANY PLACE!”

Trump the pathological liar, the mendacious miscreant who told over 30,000 lies during his administration christened himself with the moniker “Honest Don”

If a used car salesman at “Honest John’s Auto Emporium” tells you the rusted heap he’s trying to sell you is in cherry condition, if the Madam at the brothel tells you that the new working girl with dead eyes and heroin track marks all over her arms is a virgin, and if “Honest Don” known to everybody else as a lying piece of shit tells you anything, don’t believe a word they say.

It’s fair to label Joe Biden “Sleepy Joe”, “Skeleton Joe” or “Hospice Joe”, but he’s basically a decent person and it’s a disservice to refer to him as “Crooked Joe”

However, it would be fair to call the twice-impeached, twice divorced and 4 times indicted former president Trump “Crooked Don.”

If there is a debate between Biden, 81, and Trump, 77 there should be an AI powered Truth-O-Meter on stage to call out Trump in real time every time he tells a whopper.

And there should be a device on the floor under Biden that delivers an electrical shock every time he starts nodding off or goes off on a tangent about Corn Pop or some other nonsense.

Dementia Joe or “Honest Don” is going to be the next president. We’re Fucked.

When Racist Trump Mistakes Obama for Biden, You Know He’s Senile

I support Joe Biden, 81, over Donald Trump, 77; the Democrat presidential candidate who resembles Mr. Magoo is preferrable over the Republican presidential candidate who resembles a Joe Stalin or an Adolph Hitler.

I will stipulate that President Joe Biden is suffering from severe cognitive issues, the octogenarian has suffered more mental lapses than Carter has little pills.

I will also stipulate that Trump is a blatant racist, he has dog whistled more times in the last eight years than a typical NBA referee has blown whistles during a season.

Even most Democrats will concede that Biden is senile AF, but Republicans are loathe to admit that Trump is senile as all get out.

How senile is Trump? He is so senile that the raging racist has repeatedly mistaken Barak Obama for Joe Biden. During a recent campaign speech in Richmond, VA he said this:

“Shortly after we win the presidency, I will have the horrible war between Russia and Ukraine settled. I know them both very well, and we will restore peace through strength. Get that war settled. It’s a bad war. And Putin has so little respect for Obama that he’s starting to throw around the nuclear word.”

Trump hates Obama simply because he’s black, and when the unrepentant racist mistakes a black former president for the current white president, you know he belongs in a rest home.

Sickening Spectacle: Franklin Graham Embraces Trump at the Border

Part time evangelist and full time Donald Trump fluffer Franklin Graham posted a pic of himself embracing Trump with the caption: “Look who I ran into at the border today! Donald Trump was a great encouragement to many here.”

Franklin is being disingenuous; he didn’t just happen to “run into Trump” at the border. The former president is protected by a phalanx of Secret Service Agents and nobody meets him without making prior arrangements.

Franklin is visiting border towns because it’s an election year, and he wants to amplify Trump’s anti-immigrant message.

The televangelist is preaching a false message by declaring that “Trump was a great encouragement to many here.” Trump’s hateful rhetoric may have been encouraging to his supporters who came to hear his speech, but it was anathema to the predominately Hispanic community of Eagle Pass.

Instead of embracing the blatant racist at the border, he should have been there to welcome migrants who just crossed the border. There are dozens of pro-immigration Biblical verses, including Leviticus 19:34:

 “The alien who resides with you shall be to you as the citizen among you; you shall love the alien as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.”

If Jesus returned to Earth, he would deport Franklin and Trump to Mexico, or maybe he would send them directly to hell, and he would welcome all the migrants with open and loving arms.

Trump Struggles to Pronounce ‘Evangelical’

Joe Biden is in obvious physical and mental decline; he’s like an octogenarian who wandered out of the house in the middle of the night and has no idea how to get back home.

Donald Trump is as senile and demented as Biden but because he’s physically robust, voters don’t consider him as far gone as the current resident of the White House.

One of the ways in which Trump’s senility manifests itself is in his incoherent screeds that barely resemble stump speeches. His diatribes are riddled with obscenities and malapropisms, he mangles the King’s English like a Norwegian on crack.

I give him a pass when he mispronounces or mangles the name of a head of state, but only a senile old man with cognitive issues would stumble over the word “evangelical.”

In a recent speech to the National Religious Broadcasters in Nashville, Trump struggled to say “evangelical” and “evangelist.” It’s been reported that Trump refers to evangelicals in profane terms in private; I give him credit for not slipping and calling them ignorant shitheads in his speech.

What a marvelous democracy we have, we will be only slightly better off if Biden stumbles to the finish line ahead of Trump.

Rep. Bob Good Booted from Trump Store

Virginia’s 5th congressional district congressman Bob Good has sterling conservative credentials, after all he’s slightly to the right of Atilla the Hun and he’s the head of the far-right House Freedom Caucus.

Under normal circumstances such conservative bona fides are enough to discourage any Republican from challenging him in the primary. But Good endorsed Ron DeSantis in the 2004 Republican presidential primary, and he endorsed Donald Trump only after the Florida governor dropped out of the race.

In the MAGA cult that’s the unpardonable sin, and regardless how conservative Good may be, Trump supporters will never forgive him for not endorsing their orange messiah from the start.

Good’s heresy in endorsing DeSantis emboldened VA Del. John McGuire to run against him in the GOP primary, and now Good is running scared. So scared in fact that he made the embarrassing rookie mistake of inviting his supporters to attend the grand opening of a Trump store in Farmville, a McGuire campaign event.

Good joined his supporters in crashing McGuire’s party, and the store’s owner was incensed by the interloper’s sacrilegious action and she was caught on tape angrily asking him to leave.

A Trump store is akin to a place of worship, and the orange buffoon’s supporters will never forgive Good for defiling their temple with his audacious stunt.

I’m a progressive and both Good and McGuire are anathema to me, but Good is substantially more of a rightwing nut, and I hope that he loses his primary.  

Would You Buy a Pair of $399 Trump Sneakers?

“At a sneaker conference in Philadelphia over the weekend, former president Donald Trump unveiled his latest pitch — and it wasn’t a stump speech.

The businessman-turned-politician debuted a new line of gleaming, golden sneakers called Never Surrender High-Tops, which sell online for $399 a pair.”


The sneakerheads subculture is primarily a black thang. The phenomenon has its roots in the NBA and hip-hop culture.

Sneakerheads don’t typically wear their Jordans or Yeezys worth hundreds or thousands of bucks, to preserve their resale value. But on occasion they will don even their most expensive pair of sneakers, and you are likely to end up dead if you accidentally step on them.

You might expect a DJ Khaled, who reportedly has 10,000 pairs of sneakers in his collection, or a Chris Paul or a Lebron James at a Sneaker Con convention peddling their newest line of sneakers.

The last celebrity I expected to see hawking sneakers at a Sneaker Con convention was the noted racist Donald Trump who has nothing but disdain for black culture.

Maybe an Uncle Tom the likes of Sen. Tim Scott might buy a pair of Trump golden sneakers to please his master, but the average guy in the hood wouldn’t be caught dead in a pair of Trump sneakers.

And I can’t see the average MAGA head buying a pair of $399 Trump sneakers even if they feature an American flag on the back and a capital T for Trump on the side.

Trump sneakers are destined to be just another failed Trump-branded product, like Trump steak and Trump bottled water.

Trump Once Again Beefing with Adam Schiff

Since the birth of hip-hop, beefs have been a part of the culture, and no rapper worth his salt will refrain from dissing his rivals on record on social media or in interviews.

Donald Trump has more beefs with celebrities, reporters and politicians than anyone in the political or hip-hop realms.

Since Trump never forgives and never forgets his beefs never end, any simmering beef with a longtime adversary can come to a boil for any perceived insult.

The war between Adam (Pencil Neck) Schiff and Donald (Grifter) Trump is once again in full blast.   

Schiff earned Trump’s lifetime enmity by leading the House’s 2020 impeachment, arguing that Trump had solicited foreign interference in the 2020 presidential election, and then obstructed the inquiry itself by ordering his aides to ignore subpoenas for documents and testimony.

Trump challenged Schiff’s allegations with his trademark intelligence, nuanced arguments and eloquence. Just kidding. Trump fought back by calling Schiff a fraud, a pencil neck and a slimeball. And as Trump is wont to do, he christened Schiff with a new moniker, “Shifty Shiff.”

Now that Schiff is running for the Senate in California, Trump is once again taunting him with his juvenile insults. In a recent post on his Truth Social media platform, Trump claimed that Schiff is one of the true lowlifes in the history of politics in America.”

Trump is the one who is the most corrupt, ignorant and venial lowlife in the history of politics in America. It’s in Schiff’s interests to simply ignore Trump’s childish social media posts. He doesn’t need to beef with Trump to fire up his campaign.

Black Evangelicals Need to Reclaim Their Faith from White Evangelicals

When you hear a news reporter mention evangelical Christians what image comes to mind? A middle-aged white person wearing a MAGA hat, waving a Bible in one hand and brandishing a Trump flag in the other? The operative word being “white”, whether they’re suburban parishioners worshipping in a megachurch, or trailer park denizens attending a revival in a big tent, we think of evangelicals as white.

The white evangelical movement in America is a heretical strain of Protestant Christianity that has corrupted Christianity and infected the Republican Party. White Christian nationalists and other strains of the evangelical faith have taken control of the GOP, the Bible is their political platform and Donald Trump is their messiah. Their orange messiah has embraced their Gospel of xenophobia, transphobia, homophobia and misogyny.

The constant linking of Whiteness with evangelical Christianity, obscures the fact that there are millions of black, brown and Asian evangelicals in America.

Black evangelicals are as theologically conservative and socially conservative as their white counterparts, but black evangelicals aren’t enthralled with the sociopath and amoral Trump. They tend to vote Democratic, and they don’t believe in the heresy of Christian nationalism.

Sadly, homophobia is one sin that black evangelicals share with white evangelicals, hopefully they will come to despise homophobia as much as they despise racism.

Black, brown and Asian evangelicals, the vast majority of whom don’t share the far-right and extremist views of white evangelicals, need to reclaim the evangelical faith from heretical white evangelicals. They can start by being as vociferous preaching unity, love and the brotherhood of man as white evangelicals are in preaching racism and hatred.

White Evangelicals are Clownish Cultists, But We Must Take Them Seriously

White evangelicals are an aberration, they don’t quite fit the national zeitgeist. It’s easy to dismiss them as uneducated and brainwashed cultists who engage in groupthink, mindlessly obeying their pastors and especially their orange messiah.

It’s natural to mock and ridicule Trump’s evangelical regiment, after all they speak in tongues, believe in divine healing and demonic possession, are waiting for Jesus to Rapture them out of this world, and they have sworn allegiance to their orange idol.  

But we dismiss them at our own peril, they are dangerous precisely because they are a monolith voting bloc, who are convinced they are in a spiritual warfare with Biden and his host of godless liberals.

Trump may be a senile buffoon and his MAGA base may be idiots, but we must take them seriously. Trump beat Hillary Clinton in 2016 and he may win his rematch with Joe Biden in 2024, if Democrats don’t mobilize and energize their base to defeat Trump once and for all.

If Biden doesn’t win the general election in 2024, Trump will do his best to turn our democracy into a white nationalist Christian theocracy, and public school teachers will be warning our children to prepare for the Rapture and to report any of their classmates who show signs of demon possession.

Snoop Dogg Says He ‘Has Nothing but Love for Trump’ Say What?

Rappers have a penchant for flashing Benjamins, wearing sharp clothing, glorifying violence, demeaning women as “bitches and ho’s”, and beefing with each other. Beef is a verbal conflict between rappers, most commonly manifested in rap songs degrading and demeaning one other.

There have been some epic rap beefs; Nas vs Jay-Z, Tupac Shakur vs. The Notorious B.I.G., and more recently Nikki Minaj vs. Megan thee Stallion.

Snoop Dogg has had some epic beefs, who can forget his rap battles with Eminem? But Snoop’s most infamous beef wasn’t with a fellow rapper, but with former president Donald Trump. For example, in a 2020 interview Snoop has this to say: “I ain’t never voted a day in my life, but this year I think I’m going to get out and vote because I can’t stand to see this punk in office one more year.” Snoop has shouted “Fuck Trump” as often as he has said, “pass me the blunt.”

Snoop has done a complete turnaround on Trump. In an interview with The Sunday Times published Sunday he said:

“Donald Trump? He ain’t done nothing wrong to me. He has done only great things for me. He pardoned Michael Harris.”

Say what? Phony reason for Snoop to all of a sudden start lavishing praise on the twice-impeached, four-times indicted steaming pile of human excrement, after all, it was years ago that Trump pardoned Harris.

Say it ain’t so Snoop! Please tell us that you are punking us once again, just like you did when you tweeted that you had given up smoking and it turned out that your tweet was a marketing ploy for a smokeless fire pit.

I hope you are still hatin’ on Trump, just like you are still smoking fat ass blunts.

Donald Trump is Furious That Nikki Haley Doesn’t Drop Out of the Race

Donald Trump was enraged this week when Nikki Haley vowed to keep fighting him in the Republican primaries, despite the fact that she came in a distant third in the Iowa Caucuses, and suffered a double digit lose in New Hampshire, a state that was tailor-made for her.

Haley doesn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of beating Trump, and I predict that she will suspend her campaign before she suffers a humiliating lose in her home state of South Carolina.

However, Haley has every right to continue her quixotic quest to beat the orange behemoth, and if Trump had any sense, he would simply ignore her, but his narcissism and hatred of women won’t allow him to do the sensible thing.

The foaming at the mouth disgraced former president, angry at his rival’s refusal to drop out of the race, resorted to ridiculing her appearance on stage during her concession speech, commenting that she was wearing a “fancy dress that probably wasn’t so fancy.”

Trump, an authoritarian who has nothing but contempt for the democratic process, wants to be coronated before the primary campaign is over, and he wants all his opponents to kiss his ring, and proclaim him messiah.

During his New Hampshire victory speech Trump humiliated South Carolina Senator Tim Scott who was standing right behind him, by telling him that he must really hate Nikki Haley for endorsing him rather than Haley who appointed him senator when she was the governor of South Carolina. The emasculated Uncle Tom stepped up to the podium, and looking directly at Trump, displaying an ingratiating smile, replied, “I just love you.”

Trump wants all of his political opponents to be as submissive, subservient and obsequious as the aforementioned house negro, and he is besides himself that his last remaining primary rival, a woman at that, refuses to bow out of the race. And so, the misogynist pig resorts to juvenile behavior by making fun of her dress. What a fucken chauvinist pig.

Donald Trump is Physically Repulsive, He’s an Abomination

Donald Trump is a morally corrupt charlatan, an amoral sociopath and wannabe dictator who is arguably the worst president in history. Tomes have been written about his moral flaws, criminal behavior and myriad sins against humanity and God.

But not enough has been written about his alarming and disturbing physical appearance, in deference to his status as a former president.

Donald Trump is the most physically repulsive politician in American history, if he was the monster in a horror flick it would have to be rated NC-17 for the irreparable psychological and spiritual harm it would cause in moviegoers.

Consider his mouth that resembles a porn star’s overworked sphincter, his eyes that remind us of a rabid raccoon, his orange complexion that you would expect to find in a survivor of a nuclear attack, his misshapen tiny doll hands, his urine-colored toupee that looks like a Russian hooker just peed on, his double chin that speaks of his gluttony and his huge ass that testifies to his laziness.

And now consider that white evangelicals worship this ugly as hell abomination as their Lord and Savior. That tells you everything you need to know about white evangelicals.

Trump: ‘If You’re Sick as a Dog, Even if You Vote and Die, It’s Worth It’

Donald Trump demands unquestioned loyalty and total devotion from his supporters. He doesn’t care that the temperature on caucus night may drop to -45 degrees, he expects his devotees to cast their ballot with their frostbitten fingers.

“You can’t sit home. If you’re sick as a dog… even if you vote and then pass away, it’s worth it,” Trump told supporters while at a rally in Iowa on Sunday, January 14.

Trump may have been half-joking but his followers will don their long johns, winter coats and risk hypothermia to caucus for their Orange Messiah.

If MAGA idiots froze to death on their way to caucus, they would die with a smile on their faces counting it a privilege and a blessing to die as a martyr for their Savior.

On caucus night Trump will get a kick out of watching his groupies brave the elements to vote for him, while he sips hot chocolate and watches election coverage in Mar-a-Lago.

The supporters of the other Republican presidential candidates aren’t as dedicated, and many of them will choose to stay in their warm homes. After all, they consider Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley mere politicians and not God’s anointed leader who will lead them to the Promised Land of a Christian theocracy.

Trump is destined to win the Iowa caucuses and the Republican presidential nomination thanks to his legions of sycophants, cultists and fluffers.

Our democracy’s only hope is that in the general election, Trump voters will be no match for the majority of Americans who haven’t swallowed the Kool-Aid.

White Evangelicals Yearn to Turn America into an Iowa Like Dystopia

Monday’s Iowa Republican caucuses formally launch the 2024 primary race that will culminate with the coronation of twice-impeached, twice-divorced and four times indicted Donald Trump.

Iowa is the perfect state to kick off the 2024 GOP presidential race, it’s 90 percent white and white evangelicals dominate the state Republican party.

Republicans long for the 1920’s when American was more religiously and ethnically homogeneous, and it was clearly understood that the nation should be led by a white Christian male.

White evangelicals are on a mission from God to make America resemble Iowa by voting for a sociopath authoritarian who’s promised to deport immigrants, and to revive his Muslim ban that will prohibit travel and refugee resettlement from predominately Muslim countries.

White evangelicals are convinced that Trump will turn our democracy into a white nationalist Christian theocracy.

If you despise democracy, hate people of color, hate diversity, and are afraid of women and the LGBT community, then by all means join Iowan Republicans in voting for the execrable Trump.

Trump’s Toxic Personality Prompts Biden to Utter, ‘What a sick …’

President Joe Biden eviscerated Donald trump during a speech kicking off his 2024 presidential campaign. Biden’s absolute disdain and abhorrence of Trump kept his mind focused and his delivery lively, for once I didn’t notice any signs of mental decline.

At one point in his impassioned political attack on his likely general election opponent, Biden exclaimed, “What a sick … My God.” It wasn’t a declining mental acuity that prevented Biden from completing his thought, his fists were clenched in an effort to stop from uttering an expletive. We all know that Biden wanted to say “What a sick fuck.”

Trump usually sprinkles his campaign stump speeches with expletives, to the delight of the MAGA crowd. But Biden has too much respect for the office of the presidency to make it a practice to utter profanities in public.  

The volume of stupidity, racism, misogyny, and homophobia that emanates from Trump’s sphincter-shaped mouth during a typical speech is enough to make the average person exclaim, “What a sick fuck” a dozen times.

Biden was every one of use when he uttered, What a sick …” It’s incumbent upon each one of us to do everything within our power to make sure that this sick fuck doesn’t ever again return to power.

Donald Trump’s Bizarre Remarks about Magnets

Donald Trump doesn’t spend all his time at his MAGA rallies dishing out the red meat of racism, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia and xenophobia to his legions of white evangelicals, QAnon nutjobs, and inbred rednecks.

Sometime he waxes philosophical about esoteric subjects like windmills causing cancer, injecting bleach to fight Covid, and not to mention his toilet flushing fixation.

During one of his recent campaign rallies in Iowa where agriculture is king, Trump make frequent reference to John Deere. “Do you like John Dedre? I like John Deere”, the orange buffoon queried his audience.

I can understand why Trump referenced John Deere in Iowa, but why the hell did he go off on a tangent about magnets? While discussing magnetic elevators he said:

“Think about it, magnets. Now all I know about magnets is this: Give me a glass of water, let me sprinkle it on the magnets, that’s the end of the magnets.”

You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to know that a magnet maintains its magnetic strength when it is immersed in water.

Trump doesn’t know shit about politics, windmills or magnets; he is the King of the MAGA morons.

Trump should know a little bit about magnetism, certainly he should be aware that he attracts the dregs of society.

Most Republicans View Trump as a ‘Person of Faith’

“A new survey suggests that an increasing number of Republicans view Donald Trump as a person of faith, with Trump earning higher ratings than even some of the more vocally religious members of the Grand Old Party, including former Vice President Mike Pence and Senator Mitt Romney.”

The New Republic

A person of faith has a firm belief in something for which there is no scientific or empirical evidence; the believers of the three greatest monotheistic religions base their beliefs on sacred texts that have been revised countless times and that were written thousands of years ago.

Religion motivates some people to live moral lives, and they are for all practical purposes useful and trustworthy members of society. But almost all wars and genocides have been committed in the name of God, it’s “persons of faith” who fly planes into skyscrapers, enslave indigenous populations, demonize the LGBT community and persecute racial minorities, treat women like second-class citizens and commit all sorts of despicable crimes.

An intelligent person doesn’t base his decision to vote for a politician on whether or not they are a person of faith. History has taught us that politicians who wrap themselves in the clothes of religiosity are the biggest scoundrels, thus the proverb: religion began when the first scoundrel met the first fool.

If you asked me which politician could best be characterized as a person of faith these name would come to mind:

Mike Pence wears religion on his sleeve, he’s always invoking the name of God and he attends church on a regular basis. Joe Biden is a devout Catholic who attends Mass every Sunday and always carries rosary beads in his pocket. Mitt Romney is a strict Mormon who doesn’t drink, smoke or use profane language, and his faith informs his politics and personal behavior.

Donald Trump the twice-divorced, twice-impeached, four-times indicted, pathological liar, and serial sexual predator is the last person on Earth I would characterize as a person of faith.

But Republicans, especially white evangelicals, are enamored with the sociopath and they worship the orange abomination as their messiah. An astounding 64 percent of Republicans view Trump as a person of faith, according to a HarrisX poll in November, up from 53 percent in a similar poll conducted in October.

To be clear white evangelicals don’t consider a person of faith to be a someone who embodies the peaceful, gentle, loving and compassionate spirit of Jesus Christ, but someone who embodies the evil, vindictive and ruthless nature of the antichrist.

Evangelicals are besotted with Trump precisely because he’s a ruthless, vindictive asshole who will put migrants, blacks, Latinos and gays and lesbians in their place. They expect him to reward them for their loyalty be turning our democracy into a White Nationalist Christian theocracy.

It’s incumbent upon Americans who want to save our democracy from Donald Trump and his legions of “people of faith” by voting for Joe Biden.

Iowa Evangelical Leaders are Enthralled by Trump

“’President Trump is the clear choice for people of faith in America. Unlike other politicians, when President Trump promises he will do something, he keeps his promises,’ said Pastor Jamison Plank from Henry County, Iowa. ‘President Trump has an unmatched record of defending family values, promoting religious freedom, and championing moral clarity and biblical authority.’”


President Trump, the twice-divorced, twice impeached and four times indicted New York shady businessman, has the endorsement of over 300 evangelical leaders in the nation’s first primary contest, the Iowa Caucus.

Let’s parse the endorsement of evangelical Pastor Plank:

“Trump is the clear choice for people of faith in America.” This bold proclamation is evidence that people of faith, and more specifically evangelicals like Plank, are spiritually blind, and susceptible to being manipulated by charlatans like Trump who cynically sprinkles his stump speeches with Jesus words.

“He keeps his promises.” Oh, really? The pathological liar didn’t keep his biggest and boldest promise: To build a great wall on the southern border, and make Mexico pay for it. Trump promised to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, how did that turn out? Obamacare is more popular and covers more patients that ever.

“Trump has an unmatched record of defending family values.” Bitch, please! The Orange Messiah has an unmatched record for cheating on his wives with strippers and porn stars. He also has an unmatched record of being a serial sex predator.

“Champions moral clarity and biblical authority.” Trump doesn’t have a moral compass and “Mr. Two Corinthians” is no Bible scholar.

Fuck Trump and fuck evangelicals like Plank who support him.