Happy Easter and Transgender Day of Visibility

President Joe Biden is facing withering criticism from Donald Trump and his evangelical enablers for proclaiming March 31 as “Transgender Day of Visibility.”

This is faux outrage is exceedingly disingenuous for evangelicals are well aware that “Transgender Day of Visibility” is an annual event that is always celebrated on March 31.

Biden is a devout Catholic who always makes a public display of observing Easter and Christmas, he would be loath to do anything that would diminish any Christian holiday.

I don’t consider religiosity a virtue, and a president shouldn’t observe, commemorate, publicly celebrate or even acknowledge any religious holiday. The separation between church and state is sacrosanct, and I find it deeply offensive whenever any politician tries to curry favor with the electorate by invoking the name of God.

America is a secular democracy, and on March 31, 2024 we are free to celebrate Easter, Transgender Day of Visibility, or the pagan springtime goddess Eostre. Or maybe you are like most Americans who simply consider today just another weekend to eat a chocolate egg, relax and have a good time before we return to work.