Franklin Graham: ‘God Saved Trump’

On the final night of Trump con aka the Republican National Convention, evangelical huckster Franklin Graham prayed for Donald Trump. “God spared his life”, he said alluding to the assassination attempt on his Orange Messiah five days earlier.

The last night of the convention featured the likes of ageing wrestler Hulk Hogan, Ultimate Fighting Championship CEO Dana White, dumb-ass Kid Rock, and the aforementioned Franklin Graham. “Birds of a feather flock together.”

As Graham surveyed the sea of white Republicans with their red MAGA hats, he pandered to the audience by proclaiming that “God spared Trump.”

Trump’s prayer is wrong on so many levels. In the first place, what was a “man of God” doing praying for an amoral psychopath, in a political convention that demonized immigrants, Democrats and trans people?

To say that the Almighty altered the trajectory of a bullet to save the life of a convicted felon, serial adulterer, rapist, pathological liar, fraudster, and raving lunatic is to impugn the character and wisdom of God.

If God saved the steaming pile of human shit known as Trump but allowed a bullet to explode the head of a volunteer firefighter who shielded his family with his own body, then I do not want anything to do with Franklin Graham’s God.

A true man of God, a genuine prophet would have attended the Republican National Convention only to pray that Trump and his supporters would repent from their wickedness.

Sickening Spectacle: Franklin Graham Embraces Trump at the Border

Part time evangelist and full time Donald Trump fluffer Franklin Graham posted a pic of himself embracing Trump with the caption: “Look who I ran into at the border today! Donald Trump was a great encouragement to many here.”

Franklin is being disingenuous; he didn’t just happen to “run into Trump” at the border. The former president is protected by a phalanx of Secret Service Agents and nobody meets him without making prior arrangements.

Franklin is visiting border towns because it’s an election year, and he wants to amplify Trump’s anti-immigrant message.

The televangelist is preaching a false message by declaring that “Trump was a great encouragement to many here.” Trump’s hateful rhetoric may have been encouraging to his supporters who came to hear his speech, but it was anathema to the predominately Hispanic community of Eagle Pass.

Instead of embracing the blatant racist at the border, he should have been there to welcome migrants who just crossed the border. There are dozens of pro-immigration Biblical verses, including Leviticus 19:34:

 “The alien who resides with you shall be to you as the citizen among you; you shall love the alien as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.”

If Jesus returned to Earth, he would deport Franklin and Trump to Mexico, or maybe he would send them directly to hell, and he would welcome all the migrants with open and loving arms.

Petition Calls for Franklin Graham to be Fired

Franklin Graham

Almost 30,000 people have signed a petition calling for evangelical pastor Franklin Graham to be fired for his support of former President Trump following the deadly Capitol riot. The petition was drawn up by the Christian organization Faith America, which criticizes Graham’s “idolatry” of the former president.”


I wonder how many, if any, of the 30,000 people who signed the petition are evangelical Christians. The vast majority of white evangelical Christians are still under the spell of their Orange Messiah who embodies all the traits of the Antichrist.

And the vast majority of evangelical leaders still support Donald Trump, although a handful, including Franklin Graham, say they will not support Trump for the primaries. Although if Trump wins the Republican nomination, almost all of them will vote for him.

The petition calling for Franklin Graham to be fired for his support of the twice-impeached former president following the deadly Capitol insurrection is a half-measure at best. About 85 percent of white evangelicals and most of their pastors support the Orange Abomination, what we need is a petition calling for the firing of the evangelical movement.

The white evangelical movement is anti-Christian and anti-democratic, when Jesus returns his first order of business will be to smite tooth and nail every last one of the evangelical con artists, buffoons, conspiracy theorists, racist and fascists.

I am on a mission from God to destroy the pernicious influence and power of not only Franklin Graham, but every single evangelical leader and their followers.

Outrage: Franklin Graham Dispatches Chaplains to Club Q Nightclub to Provide ‘Emotional Support’

Franklin Graham is one of the most vociferous homophobic evangelical ministers, he never misses an opportunity to demonize and marginalize the gay and lesbian community. He’s made dozens of anti-gay comments including this doozy: “legalization of same-sex marriage was orchestrated by Satan.

Franklin who leads the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and Samaritan’s Purse dispatched chaplains to Colorado Springs to provide “emotional and spiritual support” after a gunman murdered five people in a gay nightclub.

This is the epitome of hypocrisy and cynicism, that’s like an Aryan Nations’ congregation dispatching their pastor to lend support to the community where an African American church was fire bombed.

For someone who incites violence against the LGBT community pretending to engage in ministry after such a violent act does nothing but further traumatize the victims. Franklin’s brand is synonymous with misogyny, homophobia and racism, and he and his minions aren’t welcome in Colorado Springs.

Fortunately, LGBTQ ministers who embody the loving and caring spirt of Jesus Christ are on scene at the nightclub providing comfort and love.

Franklin Graham Furious Because America Celebrates Freedom, Democracy and Diversity

Franklin Graham

“We, as a nation, we’ve turned our back on God. We have just left Him behind, basically. We support abortion, same-sex marriage – these are things that are against God’s standards and God’s laws.

And, we celebrate sin. Instead of being ashamed of sin, we’re celebrating sin. Our politicians are celebrating sin.”

Franklin Graham

Franklin Graham has his panties in a twist because in his opinion America has turned her back on God and His standards. His God being the Jehovah of the Bible, and God’s standards being white evangelicals’ interpretation of Scripture which is synonymous with White Christian Nationalism.

What are America’s sins that trouble Graham’s soul? Our indifference for the poor, homeless, immigrants and other marginalized communities? Our fascination with guns and lust for violence? Our neglect of the mentally ill?


What really upsets the evangelical blowhard is a woman having autonomy over her own body, he would prefer a woman to be pregnant, barefoot, and trusting a man to know what is best for her.

What really infuriates him is same-sex marriage, he can’t bear the thought of gays and lesbians enjoying the rights of all of God’s children.

If you interpret the Bible or any other holy book to mean that God condemns sex outside of marriage, same-sex love, masturbation and abortion, then don’t engage in any of those activities, and don’t worry what anybody else is doing or not doing. One person’s sin is another person’s pursuit of happiness and fulfillment.

Hate Preacher Franklin Graham on a UK Tour Called ‘God Loves You’

Donald Trump is a vessel of unbridled hatred, and his malignance seeps out of his decrepit soul and defiles all those who support him. Trump has a cadre of white evangelical ministers who amplify his Gospel of Vengeance, and who strive to win converts to his MAGA worldview.

Franklin Graham is one of the belligerent buffoon’s most vehement defenders, and he demonizes gays, immigrants, liberals and Muslims in the name of his Lord and Savior, Donald Trump.

Graham isn’t content with poisoning political discourse and defiling the Christian religion in the homeland, currently he is on a United Kingdom tour called “God Loves You.”

I would urge the citizens of the United Kingdom to heed the biblical warning:

“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will recognize them by their fruits.”

The headliner of the UK “God Loves You” tour has made a name for himself in America by preaching hatred against gays, immigrants, Muslims, and anybody else who doesn’t subscribe to his Neanderthal religious beliefs.

But his greatest sin is comparing the sociopath Donald Trump to Jesus Christ, and supporting his racist, misogynist and homophobic agenda.

Some venues have cancelled Graham’s tour events, but that’s not enough, the preacher of hate should be expelled from the UK.

Dirtbag Franklin Graham Criticized for Urging Followers to Pray for Putin

Pray for President Putin today. This may sound like a strange request, but we need to pray that God would work in his heart so that war could be avoided at all cost. May God give wisdom to the leaders involved in these talks & negotiations, as well as those advising them.”

Franklin Graham

Franklin Graham has been lambasted for writing “Pray for President Putin today.” Graham deserves scorn and ridicule to be heaped on him for his slavish devotion to the morally reprehensible Donald Trump, but let’s not take his words out of context.

The Trump-loving televangelist is praying for God to change Putin’s mind so that he won’t attack Ukraine.

Graham’s prayers are as efficacious as farts, their stench won’t reach the heavens, they will only serve to irritate those of us unfortunate to be around the gasbag.

In general, thoughts and prayers are as effective as belches and farts, they are no replacement for action.

Don’t be like Franklin Graham, and recite a grandiose peace prayer, and then sit on your ass as if you’ve done all you can.

Be a peace warrior! A peace activist doesn’t pray, and leave it all in the hands of the Almighty. He fights for peace by demonstrating, writing editorials and sending emails to politicians imploring them to do everything possible to avoid war.

Trump is Physically, Mentally & Spiritually Unfit to Run for President in 2024

“Rev. Franklin Graham, head of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and one of former President Trump’s earliest and most influential evangelical Christian backers, told Axios on HBO it would ‘be a very tough thing’ for Trump to seek a second term in 2024. ‘I think for him, everything will depend on his health at that time,’ said Graham, 68.”

Yahoo News

No shit, Franklin Graham! You don’t have to be a theologian or a physician to deduce that a 74-year-old morbidly obese man with a history of heart disease and a penchant for fast food is too out of shape physically to run for president in 2024.

Not only is Donald Trump physically disqualified from running for president, but he is also mentally unqualified from holding the most stressful job in the world. If Trump were your father, grandfather or great-grandfather you would call an ambulance to take him to a neurologist for an evaluation of his cognitive health. You don’t have to be a doctor to see that Trump’s elevator doesn’t reach the top floor, it’s stuck in his fat ass. He’s the poster boy for Alzheimer’s disease, he doesn’t remember names and places, I only hope one of his aides reminds him to change his diaper on a regular basis.

As a minister Graham should primarily be concerned with Trump’s spiritual health, and as a prophet of God he should speak truth to power and proclaim that he is spiritually unfit to be president of the United States.

Alas, the misogynist, homophobic and racist Graham is as unfit to be a minister as Trump is unfit to be president. I wish Graham and Trump would drop dead or at least shut the hell up.

Franklin Graham: Trump is One of the Finest Christians

Franklin Graham: Donald Trump is one of the finest Christians I’ve ever had the privilege of knowing.

If this quote emanated from the Vatican or from the lips of any respected mainline Protestant minister, it would be shocking and disheartening.

But Graham is a white evangelical leader whose best friends and confidants are other white evangelical ministers, and we have become accustomed to evangelicals uttering outrageous and un-Christian statements.

Evangelicalism is synonymous with racism, misogyny, homophobia, xenophobia and authoritarianism, and it should come as no surprise that Graham proclaims that the racist, corrupt, petty and immoral Trump is a fine Christian.

Graham and his ilk wouldn’t recognize a fine Christian if they traveled back in time and witnessed Jesus healing the sick, feeding the hungry, and speaking words of peace and comfort.

Trump is a steaming pile of dung, but to his credit he’s never claimed to be an evangelical Christian. At best he’s a nominal Christian who attends church only on Easter and Christmas, and who has a penchant for holding the Bible upside down.

But in spite of the fact that Trump doesn’t claim to be an evangelical, white evangelicals worship Trump as a messiah figure because he appointed pro-life judges and he shares their antipathy toward gays and lesbians, immigrants and racial and religious minorities.

God: Franklin Graham is one of the worst Christians I’ve ever had the misfortune of creating and a primary reason why Christian theologians have a devil of a time proving I’m omniscient and omnipotent.

Franklin Graham Infuriates Evangelicals After Telling Them to Get Vaccinated

Over the last four years evangelical leader Franklin Graham has worked tirelessly to paint a religious veneer on Donald Trump’s racist policies, harsh rhetoric and myriad crimes against democracy and the God that he worships.

Graham isn’t rewarded financially by Trump for his thankless job as a fluffer, but propping up of the racist, corrupt and incompetent short-fingered vulgarian inspires his flock to donate to his ministries. It’s all about the Benjamins and Graham will debase himself to keep himself living in the lap of luxury.

Graham has amplified Trump’s COVID misinformation and conspiracy theories. He’s lambasted Dr. Anthony Fauci for having the temerity to suggest that we should follow the science instead of relying on the counsel of anti-science buffoons like himself who said “COVID exists only because Man has turned his back on God.”

Graham finally said something about the pandemic that makes sense, or at last as much sense as you can expect from a white evangelical minister:

“I have been asked my opinion about the vaccine by the media and others. I have even been asked if Jesus were physically walking on earth now, would He be an advocate for vaccines. My answer was that based on the parable of the Good Samaritan in the Bible, I would have to say — yes, I think Jesus Christ would advocate for people using vaccines and medicines to treat suffering and save lives…

… Vaccines have worked for polio, smallpox, measles, the flu and so many other deadly illnesses — why not for this virus? Since there are different vaccines available, my recommendation is that people do their research, talk to their doctor, and pray about it to determine which vaccine, if any, is right for them. My wife and I have both had the vaccine; and at 68 years old, I want to get as many more miles out of these old bones as possible!”

Graham’s statement is problematic, we aren’t given a choice of which of the three vaccines currently available we prefer and his implication that vaccines may not be right for some people is unscientific hogwash. But I give him credit for urging his followers to be vaccinated, especially considering that vaccine hesitancy is epidemic in the evangelical world.

Graham was crucified for urging his flock to be vaccinated, he was called everything but a child of God by outraged evangelicals. True believers who have the mindset of “Jesus is my vaccine” tore Graham a new asshole for his heretical statement.

I don’t have faith that evangelicals will ever see the light of reason, science and common sense.

If Jesus Christ, the Great Physician walked on the Earth today, he would advocate for people to listen to scientists and physicians like Dr. Fauci, and to disregard the advice of con artists like Graham.


Franklin Graham Compares 10 Republicans Who Voted to Impeach Trump to Judas Iscariot

“Shame, shame on the ten Republicans who joined with @SpeakerPelosi & the House Democrats in impeaching President Trump yesterday. After all that he has done for our country, you would turn your back & betray him so quickly? What was done yesterday only further divides our nation.”

Franklin Graham tweet

Rev. Franklin Graham, the head of the non-profit Samaritan’s Purse, has been a steadfast supporter of President Donald Trump. He has stood by the short-fingered vulgarian’s side throughout every credible allegation of sexual assault, every outrageous lie, every racist comment and every other toxic word and action that’s antithetical to the teachings of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

On January 6, 2020 millions of Americans were sickened when they witnessed Trump incite his followers to break down the doors of the Capitol and commit unspeakable crimes of murder, vandalism, theft and mayhem.  I was so outraged that I wrote several essays condemning the insurrection, wanton violence and obscenely unchristian behavior, but Graham mildly rebuked Trump, saying:

“I don’t think it was the president’s finest moment.”

I am hardly surprised that Graham likened the 10 Republican representatives who voted to impeach Trump to Judas Iscariot, the apostle who betrayed Jesus Christ in exchange for 30 pieces of silver. Where we see profiles in courage, Graham sees apostates who fail to recognize Trump as a messianic figure who can do no wrong.

On “Fox and Friends Weekend”, Graham asserted that only God can address the problems that America currently faces. I can bullshit on that assertion! It’s up to all Americans, believers and unbelievers alike, to acknowledge and address the problems facing America.

And Trump is the biggest problem facing America, and I applaud the ten Republican congresspersons who voted to impeach him. Trump isn’t the only problem facing America, white evangelical ministers who support the fascist-in-chief are complicit in his crimes, and we must condemn them in no uncertain terms.

Franklin Graham Calls for ‘Special Day of Prayer’ to Protect Donald Trump

“Graham and 250 other Christian leaders are calling for Sunday, June 2, to be a ‘Special Day of Prayer for the President’ in hopes God will ‘protect, strengthen, embolden and direct’ Trump against his political foes.

President Trump’s enemies continue to try everything to destroy him, his family, and the presidency,’ Graham posted Sunday on Facebook.

‘In the history of our country, no president has been attacked as he has. I believe the only hope for him, and this nation, is God. This is a critical time for America. We’re on the edge of a precipice. Time is short. We need to pray for God to intervene. We need to ask God to protect, strengthen, encourage, and guide the President,’ said his post.”

Charlotte Observer

We are living in perilous times and it’s incumbent upon prophets of God to speak truth to power and condemn ruthless authoritarians like Kim Jong-un, Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump.

We need a man of God to stand in the breach and rail against the racism, homophobia, misogyny and xenophobia of the Trump administration. Someone like Nathan the prophet who confronted King David over his adulterous relationship with Bathsheba and the murder of her husband to cover-up the affair.

Evangelical leaders like Franklin Graham and Jerry Falwell Jr. speak out in no uncertain terms against the sexual immorality in Hollywood, but they give their false Messiah a mulligan for his myriad sexual indiscretions.

When Franklin and his ilk say they’re praying for Trump they don’t mean that they will pray that he will repent from his vulgarity, racism, intolerance and pettiness. They’re asking the Almighty to protect and strengthen Trump in his mission to Make America Great by demonizing immigrants, stripping away rights from transgender individuals, and appointed conservative judges who will overturn Roe vs Wade.

It’s blasphemous that white evangelicals are praying that the Supreme Being will protect the most evil American president in history, but at least we know that their thoughts and prayers have the efficacy of belches and farts.

I don’t know what I’ll be doing on June 2, I certainly won’t be praying for Trump but I know what I will be doing November 2020: voting for the Democrat who will face off against the fucking moron.

Franklin Graham Tells Mayor Pete to Repent, Not Flaunt Being Gay

“One of the country’s most well-known evangelical Christians, Franklin Graham, said Pete Buttigieg, an openly gay 2020 presidential candidate, should repent. Graham called homosexuality a ‘sin’ and ‘something to be repentant of, not something to be flaunted, praised or politicized,’ in a tweet Wednesday. ‘Mayor Buttigieg says he’s a gay Christian. As a Christian I believe the Bible which defines homosexuality as sin, something to be repentant of, not something to be flaunted, praised or politicized. The Bible says marriage is between a man & a woman—not two men, not two women,’ Graham, the president of the Billy Graham Evangelical Association, tweeted.”

The Charlotte Observer

Jesus Christ had volumes to say about the sins of pride, self-righteousness, greed and envy, but he didn’t have a single word to say about homosexuality.

The Old Testament prohibits many behaviors including wearing clothing made from mixed fabrics, letting your hair become unkempt, sleeping with another man’s slave ( I guess it’s kosher to sleep with your own slaves), getting tattoos, trimming your beard (lots of heathen millennials walking around), and men having sex with men and women having sex with women.

“Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.”

I don’t lose any sleep over my neighbors having unkempt hair, tattoos, or neatly trimmed beards, and I don’t give a rat’s as if they sleep with same sex partners. My duty as a Christian is to mind my own business, worry about the beam that’s in my eye, and show them the love of Christ.

The hypocrisy of Franklin Graham knows no bounds, he praises Donald Trump, who openly and brazenly flaunts the seven deadly sins, but goes ballistic over Pete Buttigieg because he’s a proud gay man.

Mayor Pete is a practicing Episcopalian who’s imbued with the Spirit of Christ, and his policies of universal health care, respect for immigrants, and support for welfare programs embody the teachings of Christ. Trump, on the other hand is the antitheses of everything Jesus taught.

Memo to Franklin Graham: A prophet should speak truth to power, you should be condemning Trump for demonizing immigrants, sexually assaulting women, marginalizing minorities and lying his fool head off.

If Graham makes it to heaven, by the skin of his teeth, he may discover that there’ a rainbow flag next to the throne of God.   Read More:

Outrage: Franklin Graham Selling Pro-Trump T-Shirts at Billy Graham Library

“Now Franklin Graham is inviting evangelical Christians to wear their support for Donald Trump, America`s 45th president.

The North Carolina-based evangelist is selling “Pray for 45” T-shirts in the store at Charlotte`s Billy Graham Library.

It`s Graham`s answer to “Impeach 45″ T-shirts, baby clothes and Frisbees that were briefly advertised by third-party sellers on Walmart`s website.”

Charlotte Observer

Televangelists` stock-in-trade is selling ridiculous religious trinkets such as prayer cloths and anointing oil to their gullible followers.

Not to be outdone by his evangelical brethren, the Rev. Franklin Graham is selling “Pray for 45” T-shirts in the store at Charlotte`s Billy Graham Library.

Billy Graham must be rolling over in his grave at the idea of a T-shirt supporting a president who resembles the anti-Christ more than Jesus Christ being sold in a library named after him.

To add insult to injury the online ad for the profane T-shirts includes a pitch from the Bible.

Many sincere Christians pray for Trump regularly, they pray that he will turn from his wicked ways and embrace God. White evangelicals, on the other hand, pray that God will bless the most corrupt, racist and inept administration in history.

The store at the Billy Graham library should sell KKK pointy caps and dunce hats, they would go perfectly with the pro-Trump T-shirts.

Franklin Graham Dismisses Donald Trump’s Alleged Affair With Porn Star Stormy Daniels

“You would think itd be incredibly easy for an evangelical Christian leader to denounce Donald Trump`s alleged affair with porn star Stormy Daniels, which reportedly took place months after giving birth to his fifth child with his third wife. Yet Franklin Graham, appearing yesterday on MSNBC with anchor Alex Witt, had no words of condemnation for his Republican savior.

Graham initially suggested the entire story was fake since Trump hadn`t admitted it – but added that it wouldn`t matter even if it were true because Trump isn`t `President Perfect.`”


During the 2016 presidential campaign Donald Trump famously claimed he could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and not lose any voters.

I would argue that Trump could rape a 13-year-old girl in the middle of Fifth Avenue and not lose any support from evangelicals. Evangelicals would claim that the little harlot tempted him, and that he repented anyway immediately after closing his zipper.

If Stormy Daniels produced a blue dress with a semen stain that was verified to be Trump`s DNA, evangelicals would claim that the stain was in the shape of a cross, and evidence that God`s blessing was upon him.

Franklin Graham has been one of the most diehard Trump supporters, time after time again he has justified the president`s sins and transgressions. I`m not surprised that he has failed to condemn Trump for having an affair with a porn star, and paying her money to keep quiet.

The Rev. Graham had the audacity on Sunday to declare that President Trump defends Christianity more than any recent American leader.

With all due respect the good reverend is full of crap, Trump`s policies, behavior and words are antithetical to Christianity. Trump has defiled the Christian faith more than any recent American leader.

Trump and his evangelical enablers are destroying democracy and Christianity, and the president and his white evangelical supports should be anathema to true Christians, and true patriots.


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