When Racist Trump Mistakes Obama for Biden, You Know He’s Senile

I support Joe Biden, 81, over Donald Trump, 77; the Democrat presidential candidate who resembles Mr. Magoo is preferrable over the Republican presidential candidate who resembles a Joe Stalin or an Adolph Hitler.

I will stipulate that President Joe Biden is suffering from severe cognitive issues, the octogenarian has suffered more mental lapses than Carter has little pills.

I will also stipulate that Trump is a blatant racist, he has dog whistled more times in the last eight years than a typical NBA referee has blown whistles during a season.

Even most Democrats will concede that Biden is senile AF, but Republicans are loathe to admit that Trump is senile as all get out.

How senile is Trump? He is so senile that the raging racist has repeatedly mistaken Barak Obama for Joe Biden. During a recent campaign speech in Richmond, VA he said this:

“Shortly after we win the presidency, I will have the horrible war between Russia and Ukraine settled. I know them both very well, and we will restore peace through strength. Get that war settled. It’s a bad war. And Putin has so little respect for Obama that he’s starting to throw around the nuclear word.”

Trump hates Obama simply because he’s black, and when the unrepentant racist mistakes a black former president for the current white president, you know he belongs in a rest home.

By the End of a Second Term Biden Will Resemble a Vegetable More Than a Sentient Human Being

Whiskey, wine, and cast-iron skillets get better with age, but vegetables and the human brain and the human body do not. If Joe Biden, God forbid, is reelected by the end of his second term he will resemble a vegetable more than a sentient human being. A horror flick starring Joe Biden and Dianne Feinstein as brain-eating zombies is guaranteed to scare the BeJesus out of anyone.

Already the 80-year-old Biden shows signs of severe mental decline; I doubt he has the cognitive ability to tell the nuclear red button from the remote control.

During presidential visits at home and abroad Jill Biden has to guide him as if he was a child or an octogenarian in his second childhood.

When Biden delivers a speech, I bet his aides and handlers hold their collective breath, waiting for him to slur or stumble over his words.

Even in his prime, decades ago, Biden was a gaffe-machine, now that he’s a senior citizen it’s unbearable to witness him struggling to deliver a coherent speech.

When speaking Biden has two modes: screaming and whispering. When he screams, he sounds like a cranky old grandpa scolding the neighborhood kids to get off his damn grass. When he whispers, he sounds like an old pervert telling an innocent little girl that he will give her candy if she lets him sniff her hair.

I am sick and tired of watching senile Biden embarrass himself, the Democratic Party and the nation. I want to hear only one more speech from Biden, the one where he pledges not to seek a second term.

Who Will Prevail in 2024, Senile Biden or Crazy Trump?

Biden and Trump

Donald Trump, the twice impeached, freshly indicted, failed insurrectionist is the most unqualified, incompetent and morally bankrupt presidential candidate in history. Every time he opens his sphincter-shaped mouth, he adds to his litany of batshit crazy and incomprehensible statements. The Republicans have made the Mayor of Crazy Town their standard bearer, and he faces only token opposition in his relentless and inevitable march to the Republican nomination.

In a normal presidential cycle, the Democrats would already be popping open bottles of champagne and looking forward to occupying the White House for another four years.

But there is nothing normal about this election cycle, and nobody has a clue which political party will prevail in 2024.

Joe Biden the incumbent, who is suffering from dementia, is running (dawdling?) for reelection with the cackling word salad champion, Kamala Harris as his running mate.

The somnolent Biden only comes out of his stupor when he spots an innocent little girl that he can fondle and sniff. He shakes hands with imaginary friends, of whom he has an abundance, falls down stairs, and exits stages in a circuitous route that confounds his Secret Service agents.

The age of COVID-19 may be over, but due to his lack of physical agility and declining mental acuity, Biden will be forced to run a virtual campaign from the White House basement.

Who will win the presidential election, the incumbent that the electorate will rarely see, or the challenger who will drive people nuts with his myriad MAGA rallies?

Me? I will continue to warn the public about these two pathetic presidential candidates, and I will be pray that the Grim Reaper will soon kill both of these decrepit old white men who refuse to give up their power.