Trump Struggles to Pronounce ‘Evangelical’

Joe Biden is in obvious physical and mental decline; he’s like an octogenarian who wandered out of the house in the middle of the night and has no idea how to get back home.

Donald Trump is as senile and demented as Biden but because he’s physically robust, voters don’t consider him as far gone as the current resident of the White House.

One of the ways in which Trump’s senility manifests itself is in his incoherent screeds that barely resemble stump speeches. His diatribes are riddled with obscenities and malapropisms, he mangles the King’s English like a Norwegian on crack.

I give him a pass when he mispronounces or mangles the name of a head of state, but only a senile old man with cognitive issues would stumble over the word “evangelical.”

In a recent speech to the National Religious Broadcasters in Nashville, Trump struggled to say “evangelical” and “evangelist.” It’s been reported that Trump refers to evangelicals in profane terms in private; I give him credit for not slipping and calling them ignorant shitheads in his speech.

What a marvelous democracy we have, we will be only slightly better off if Biden stumbles to the finish line ahead of Trump.