White evangelicals are an aberration, they don’t quite fit the national zeitgeist. It’s easy to dismiss them as uneducated and brainwashed cultists who engage in groupthink, mindlessly obeying their pastors and especially their orange messiah.
It’s natural to mock and ridicule Trump’s evangelical regiment, after all they speak in tongues, believe in divine healing and demonic possession, are waiting for Jesus to Rapture them out of this world, and they have sworn allegiance to their orange idol.
But we dismiss them at our own peril, they are dangerous precisely because they are a monolith voting bloc, who are convinced they are in a spiritual warfare with Biden and his host of godless liberals.
Trump may be a senile buffoon and his MAGA base may be idiots, but we must take them seriously. Trump beat Hillary Clinton in 2016 and he may win his rematch with Joe Biden in 2024, if Democrats don’t mobilize and energize their base to defeat Trump once and for all.
If Biden doesn’t win the general election in 2024, Trump will do his best to turn our democracy into a white nationalist Christian theocracy, and public school teachers will be warning our children to prepare for the Rapture and to report any of their classmates who show signs of demon possession.