Snoop Dogg Offers to Help Heal Rift Between Prince Harry and Prince Willliam

“Snoop Dogg has offered his services to help reunite estranged brothers Prince Willian and Harry.

The American rapper, who lives close to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex in LA, has said he would be more than happy to act as a peacemaker between the brothers.”

The Daily Mail

Snoop Dogg is a music industry king: his hip hop catalog transcends genres, his influence spans generations, and he is a worldwide ambassador of goodwill and good vibes.

Even our most beloved icons make mistakes, witness Snoop’s endorsement of the vile and reprehensible Donald Trump. When Secretary of State Marco Rubio eventually resigns in disgrace, Trump can reward Snoop for his support by appointing him to replace Rubio.

In the meantime, Snoop is offering his diplomatic services to help reunite the estranged brothers Prince William and Prince Harry. I cannot imagine either Prince drinking gin and juice, waving their hands in the air like they just don’t care, and bopping their heads to the Chronic album, but they are both huge fans of the Doggfather.

Put the brothers in a room with Snoop, a stack of his albums and a bowl of weed and before long the rift between the brothers will heal as they smoke a peace pipe full of weed. If he smokes enough dope, Prince William will spit rhymes about his love for Meghan Markle.

Elon Musk is the CEO of the American Oligarchy

In a parliamentary government, the real executive power rests with the prime minister, who is the head of government. The president, usually a non-entity, serves as a ceremonial head of state. For example, everybody knows that the prime minister of Israel is the bombastic Benjamin Netanyahu, while almost nobody knows that Isaac Herzog is the president.

America is a constitutional federal republic, and the executive power rests with the president. In the second Trump administration, Trump acts like the president of a parliamentary style government; he loves the pomp and circumstance of the presidency and is in his element signing executive orders and making speeches.

The real executive power rests with Elon Musk, he is the CEO of the USA, and he is busy turning our democracy into an oligarchy. Two months into the Musk administration, the United States is in chaos mode. Musk is downsizing the federal government like an efficiency expert on crack. Musk is taking the patented Republican passion for limited government to an insane level, slashing the government to the bone.

Tariffs levied and then rescinded, legions of workers fired one week and then rehired the next, judicial orders blatantly ignored, what will be the end result of all this chaos?

We’re already in a constitutional crisis, will the Musk regime end in Civil War? An entrenched oligarchy? White Christian Nationalist theocracy?

We are in 1933 Germany when Hitler assumed power, and we don’t have a minute to lose, we must take back our country now.

Franklin Graham Cautions Trump on Profanity! Goddamn Wanker!

Matthew 12:36: “I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak.”

Franklin Graham, one of the most prominent evangelical Trump cheerleaders, has urged Donald Trump, privately and publicly, to refrain from uttering profanities at press conferences and speeches.

As President of the United States and nominal Leader of the Free World, Trump has a bully pulpit that amplifies his every utterance, even his most banal and profane tweets.

Trump will have a lot to answer for on Judgment Day; almost every word that emanates from his sphincter-shaped month is careless. Trump’s brain isn’t a computer that weighs the meaning of every word and calculates how it may resonate with different audiences, it’s a megaphone that blares his unfiltered diatribes.

Graham gets his panties in a twist whenever Trump cusses, but MAGA cultists cream their pants when their Orange Messiah swears, especially when the profanity is directed at a political opponent. Trump has uttered expletives in evangelical churches, with nary a murmur of disapproval from the god-fearing folks. They aren’t bothered even when Trump spits out a “goddam.”

Graham chastises Trump for using four-letter words, but he has nothing to say about Trump’s racism, misogyny, greed, mendacity, fascist tendencies, and overall contemptible behavior.

Goddamn Franklin straight to hell, the hypocrite will have a lot to answer for in the Day of Judgement. He will have to give an account for all his sermons praising Donald Trump, who is the embodiment of evil.

First Photo of Ailing Pope Francis Released

“The first image of Pope Francis since he was hospitalized over a month ago was released by the Vatican on Sunday.


The photograph shows Pope Francis sitting in a wheelchair in a chapel at Rome’s Gemelli Hospital after he supposedly celebrated Mass with other priests.

The pontiff did not “celebrate” Mass, he is infirm, confined to a wheelchair, can barely speak and is too weak to participate in any of the rituals of the Mass.

The leader of 1.39 billion Roman Catholics is alone, and he is observing Mass not in the magnificent and iconic St. Peter’s Cathedral in Vatican City, but in a humble hospital chapel.

This image is a metaphor of how old age and infirmity has separated him from his flock; in the end, no matter how powerful, and spiritually connected with are, we die alone as we face the abyss. How cruel that most of us face death not with the vigor of a young person, but with diminished physical and mental health.

The pic depicts him with his back to the camera, the image emphasizes his solitary condition, and it prepares the faithful for the fact that they will soon no longer see his visage.

The Holy Father is a hospitalized 88-year-old man with chronic health issues, why isn’t he allowed to resign with a measure of dignity, instead of lingering on until he finally dies.

This photograph is an illustration of how a patriarchal religious institution is out of step with today’s world.

‘Christ is King’ is a Chant Used to Troll Jews

Crucifixion, as practiced by the Romans, was an extremely painful way to die, it was meant to inflict maximum shame and humiliation. The crucified Jesus Christ is almost always depicted wearing a loin cloth, but Romans typically crucified victims in the nude. This was intended to degrade and dehumanize the condemned, and to serve as a warning of the fate lying in wait for Jews who opposed Roman occupation.

According to the Bible the cross had a label affixed to it. Above Jesus’ head were the words, “Jesus of Nazareth, the king of the Jews” written it Aramaic, Greek, and Latin. Pontius Pilate, the Roman prosecuting governor, wanted everyone to understand why Jesus was crucified. The label was not intended to honor Jesus, but to ridicule him, in essence Pilate was saying, “this is the King of the Jews, his body mutilated, naked, and left to rot on the cross of shame.”

Millenia later the slogan, “Christ is King” is still used to troll and ridicule Jews. The anti-Semitic motto is ubiquitous in MAGA rallies and meetings of White supremacists. It is spouted by racists who make a mockery of the teachings of Jesus.

“Christ is King” is not a jubilant expression of the sovereignty of Jesus, but a taunt expressing belief that our democracy should be overturned in favor of a white Christian nationalism led by the racist-in-chief, Donald Trump

The catchphrase “Christ is King” is anathema to everyone who cherishes our secular democracy, be they Christians, Jews, Muslims or atheists.

Marco Rubio Humiliated by Tiny Red Carpet as He Lands in Quebec for G7

During the 2016 Republican primary Marco Rubio called Donald Trump a conman and a fraud, and the infamous counter puncher retaliated by christening Rubio with the moniker “Lil Marco.”

A decade later Rubio, who now serves as Trump’s Secretary of State, lavishes praise on his boss, and vigorously defends his commander-in-chief’s unconstitutional and unamerican policies.

Trump has a talent for pinning derogatory nicknames on his opponents, and to this day Rubio is still called “Lil Marco” by his critics.

When Rubio arrived at the G7 Summit in Quebec, and he descended from his plane he set foot on a red mat. Usually host countries roll out the red carpet for foreign dignitaries, but the Canadians just plunked down an oversized red door mat.

I don’t blame the Canadians for humiliating Little Marco, after all Trump calls Justin Trudeau “the governor of Canada”, frequently rhapsodizes about annexing Canada, and has declared economic war on our loyal ally.

Rubio has his work cut out for him trying to mend relations with the Canadians and the other G7 Foreign Ministers at Quebec.

It’s a thankless job to be the Secretary of State for a buffoon who thinks he can annex Canada by redrawing the borders with a Sharpie, and who treats our allies like enemies.

The longer Rubio remains in office, before he eventually resigns in disgrace, the more he shrinks in stature. Next year, he will be welcomed in countries with a red mat that won’t be much longer than his tiny little feet.  

Evangelicals Protest Outside Orlando Metaphysical Bookstore

New Age stores that sell books about spirituality, the law of attraction, meditation and reiki massage are a dime a dozen in large cities. But a store that sells esoteric books, candles, sage, incense, and tarot cards are frowned upon in some small towns.

You would think a big city like Orlando would be accepting of a metaphysical bookshop, but Spiral Circle Bookstore and More, a woman-owned business, was the object of a protest by evangelicals from the Remnant Revival Outreach Center.

Evangelicals getting their panties in a twist over a novelty bookstore is a serious matter. True believers with a penchant for burning books and fantasies about burning witches are a real threat. In their twisted minds they perceive the owner and employees of Spiral Circle Bookstore as witches who have opened an outpost for Satan in their community.

These spiritually blind evangelicals held a raucous protest outside a small metaphysical bookstore, when they should be demonstrating outside the White House ruled by a sociopath who resembles the antichrist.

Julie Wilder, the owner of Spiral Circle, shared the following statement:

Representatives of the group said their goal was to shut the business down and said they will be back. While the incident was unsettling, the community’s response has been overwhelmingly positive.

Thank goodness Spiral Circle has the support of their city. I urge the citizens of Orlando who value free speech to patronize the Spiral Circle Bookstore, and those of us who live elsewhere can buy their products online.

Trump Turnberry Golf Course Wrecked by Pro-Palestinian Activists

“Pro-Palestine activists have took aim a Scottish golf course owned by Donald Trump this weekend, after they defaced buildings and dug-up holes on the green. Messages where also sprayed across the lawns, reading ‘Gaza is not for sale’.”

The London Economic

Trump-branded hotels and commercial buildings are his best-known real estate properties, but the avid golfer’s most prized possessions are his golf courses; he owns many including in the USA, Scotland, Ireland, and even in the United Arab Emirates.

I imagine Trump’s concept of heaven is a golf resort where the greens have pristine bermudagrass, every par-3-hole results in a hole-in-one, and every caddie has an Uncle Tom grin frozen on his face.

If you want to hurt Trump do not hire a gang of thugs to beat up his supporters, he has nothing but contempt for the blue-collar evangelicals who make up most of his base, and he could care less if they suffer in his name.

The pro-Palestinian activists who vandalized his Trump Turnberry Golf Course claim their action was in protest of Trump’s desire to ethnically cleanse Gaza and turn it into a Riviera of the Middle East.

I hope American pro-Palestinian activists take notes and make every Trump golf course in America look like rubble strewn Gaza.

Maureen McCormick ‘Marcia Brady’ Pleads With Fans Not to Use R Word

“The Brady Bunch” aired for five seasons from 1969 to 1974. The series revolved around the gender rivalries and trivial dysfunctions of a suburban blended family of breadwinner dad, stay at home mom, three brown-haired sons, trio of blond daughters, one frumpy housekeeper, and Tiger the dog.

The seminal series was never a ratings juggernaut or a critical success during its original run, but in the decades since its cancellation, it has become a cultural treasure, especially among children and teenage viewers. Ironic, since boomers like me, who grew up watching the Brady kids, thought the show was corny.

The sit-com may have been cheesy, but Marcia Brady was hot, and she was my first TV crush.

After all these years Maureen McCormick, who played Marcia Brady, still has a warm spot in my heart. At 68 she still turns heads, and I keep up with her social media activity. She has worked to promote the achievements of those with disabilities, and in 2020, she was named a Global Ambassador for Special Olympics International.

McCormick, whose brother Denny has intellectual disabilities, advised her followers on Instagram not to use the R word as “a joke, for a laugh, or to bully or hurt someone.” Marcia may have been mean to Jan, but she does not want anyone to be mean to people with special needs.

If you love the Brady Bunch as much as I do, and if you are especially fond of McCormick, please heed her advice and treat people with mental disabilities with respect.

Mike Pence Blasted by Evangelicals for Calling Pope ‘Holy Father’

“One of my greatest honors as Vice President was the hour I spent with Pope Francis at the Vatican in January 2020. @KarenPence and I join Catholics around the world Praying for this humble and godly man. God Bless the Holy Father.”

Mike Pence

On January 6, 2021, Mike Pence honored his oath to the Constitution over loyalty to his Orange Messiah and refused his decree not to certify the results of the election.

That was an unforgivable sin in the MAGA evangelical faith, and Pence has been anathema to them ever since, and he will never be welcomed back to the fold. Evangelicals have rewritten the Gospel of Matthew to read: “Every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven, but blasphemy against Donald Trump will not be forgiven.”

Pence’s innocuous tweet should not have ruffled any feathers, especially when you consider that his former boss publishes inflammatory posts on Truth Social almost every hour.

But Pence’s inoffensive post prompted MAGA cultists to accuse him of affirming Roman Catholicism despite being an outspoken Evangelical Protestant. In the diplomatic realm it is customary to refer to the Pope as “Holy Father, it simply means you respect his role as leader of the Vatican.

Pence has the temerity to call the Pope “Holy Father” and evangelicals are ready to burn him at the stake as a heretic, but their Dear Leader can do everything but shit on the Bible and tell the Holy Ghost to piss off and all you hear is crickets.

Elon Musk Doubles Down on His Nazi Salute

On January 21 Elon Musk performed a Nazi salute as a speaker on stage before Trump’s arrival on Washington’s Capital One arena. He made the Nazi salute with gusto and then turned around and repeated the gesture in the other direction.

Is there better way for a preliminary speaker at a MAGA rally to prepare the crowd for the racist-in-chief than to perform a Hitler salute? I do not think so, considering the Capital One arena erupted in cheers and jubilation when Musk made the execrable motion.

The MAGA loyalists defended Musk explaining that he’s autistic and prone to making awkward movements. If Musk makes the Nazi sign again while goosestepping will Trump’s supporters once again blame it on his autism?

Musk’s recent appearance on Joe Rogan’s podcast made it clear that he knew exactly what he was doing when he made the Nazi salute. He told Rogan that his gesture, described by many as a Nazi salute, was “meant in the most positive spirit possible.” Musk incredulously claimed that he did not see the backlash coming, despite performing the vile gesture twice in Washington DC on Inauguration Day.

There is no way that a Nazi salute can ever be made in a positive spirt, and those of us who want to save our democracy from Trump, Musk and their minions must double down on calling out their racism.

It’s late 1930’s Germany again, and the Nazi salute is a harbinger of atrocities yet to come.

Wake up America!

Marco Rubio Was Homer Simpson Disappearing into the Hedge

If you’re a fan of the “The Simpsons” or if you spend any time online, you’ve seen the GIF of Homer Simpson disappearing backward into a hedge, his cartoon eyes wide open. This meme is used to express embarrassment or the desire to disappear from an awkward social situation.

We’ve all felt like Homer at one time or another, sometimes it’s when we make a minor faux pas in a social setting and we want to disappear into the ether, and other times it’s when we make a major mistake and wish we’d never been born.

Volumes will be written about Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky Oval Office meeting with President Donald Trump. Trump’s attempt to pressure Zelensky, the president of a democracy invaded by Russian President Vladimir Putin, to betray his country and go along with Trump’s “peace deal” that is tantamount to Ukraine’s surrender to Russia is disgusting and revolting.

I won’t focus on the heroic Zelensky, the contemptuous Trump or the sycophantic JD Vance who joined his boss is berating the war time leader of Ukraine.

My focus is on Secretary of State Marco Rubio who was sitting next to Vance. While the Vice President appeared comfortable in the shitshow that was taking place in the hallowed Oval Office, Marco reminded me of Homer Simpson disappearing into the hedge. Little Marco sold his soul to the devil; was he praying that Jesus would rapture him to heaven or hell? Burning in the lake of fire would feel more comfortable than the Oval Office.

Rubio posted on X:

“Thank you @POTUS for standing up for America in a way that no President has ever had the courage to do before. Thank you for putting America First. America is with you!”

Rubio’s posture and demeanor wasn’t that of a Cabinet member who was proud of the behavior of his commander-in-chief. Rubio looked like he was sick of Trump’s betrayal of an ally who is fighting to save his country.

Rubio’s Faustian bargain will not end well, he should have stayed in the Senate. He will have many more Homer Simpson moments before he’s fired or resigns in disgrace.

Trump Will Lead Evangelicals to Damnation and Fascism

Evangelicals embrace superstition and conspiracy theories and reject science, empirical facts, and common sense. Evangelicals are woefully ignorant of the Bible; they memorize select verses and brandish them as swords to slay gay people, feminists, and liberals.

They don’t recognize that the Good Book was compiled over a period of about 1,500 years and written by different authors from various backgrounds. They consider the Bible to be one book and therefore feel free to cherry pick verses from disparate books in the Bible to construct their own dogmas which are alien to orthodox Christianity. They treat Scripture as a Lego set, each verse a Lego piece that they use to construct monstrous ideas that are antithetical to the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Atheists are more biblically literate than evangelicals, and they are immune from being conned by shyster evangelists and corrupt politicians who use religious rhetoric to sway the electorate.

Evangelicals are so ignorant of the Bible, and so unfamiliar with the Jesus of the Gospels that they worship a sociopath who has nothing in common with Jesus and everything in common with the antichrist.

You might as well tilt at windmills than use the Bible, common sense, or facts to prove to evangelicals that they are following Trump down a road that leads to damnation and fascism.

They are beyond spiritual or political redemption, and it is an exercise in futility to engage with them. Instead, expend your time and energy in encouraging Democrats to save our democracy.

Take a Step to Improve Your Health and Get a Smartwatch

When 98% of Americans own a cell phone with a clock that is synchronized to GPS satellites, which contain incredibly accurate atomic clocks, wristwatches are unnecessary.

And if our mobile phones run out of juice, we still don’t need a wristwatch to tell time. Almost every electronic device in the home, including microwave ovens, TV’s, refrigerators, coffeemakers, and even some toasters, for God’s sake, have a clock.

Only rappers and people who are health-conscious wear wristwatches, rappers wear luxury wristwatches as a status symbol, and health nuts wear smartwatches, not to tell time, but to check on their daily step count.

I don’t have OCD, but I check my daily step count with almost every step that I take, and if I go to bed without achieving my daily goal, I toss and turn all night.

Folks who count their daily steps are not neurotics and smartwatches are not a gimmick. Your daily step count makes a big difference to your disease risk.

If you suffer from a cardiovascular disease, you really need to wear a smartwatch. According to the American College of Cardiology, about 3,000 steps per day reduces risk of cardiovascular disease compared to those who did just 2,000 steps.

Walking at least 4,000 steps helps reduce your risk of dementia, although I’m not sure I believe that because I average 12,000 steps, but I constantly check my smartwatch to remind me how many steps I’ve taken.

Take a step to improve your health and get a smartwatch.

Trump Calls Himself a King

Troll-in-chief Donald Trump blocked New York City’s congestion pricing program, reversing a federal approval granted last year. The congestion toll charges drivers $9 to enter Manhattan, and it was successful in easing Manhattan’s notorious congestion and helped fund public transit.

Trump’s action is out of pocket, unconstitutional, and just another example of him acting as if he’s a king who isn’t subject to any laws and can do whatever he pleases.

Trump celebrated his action online, posting on Truth Social: “CONGESTION PRICING IS DEAD. Manhattan, and all of New York, is SAVED. LONG LIVE THE KING!”

The White House’s official Instagram account shared an image of Trump with a crown and the words “LONG LIVE THE KING.”

Nary a word of protest from conservatives, they weren’t offended in the least by the spectacle of the president of the greatest democracy in the world acting like a king and calling himself a king.

The MAGA crowd ridiculed liberals for being offended and praised Trump’s gift of trolling. But can you imagine if President Barack Obama had referred to himself as a king? They would have said: Maybe he’s the King of Kenya, or perhaps he’s one of those faux Nigerian princes who swindles white Americans out of their money.

If Joe Biden had called himself a king, Trump’s followers would have compared him to King George III of Great Britain who suffered from dementia.

Trump is not a king, he is a wannabe dictator, and a sorry excuse for a president.

Trump and Musk Girl Crush on Each Other on Hannity

Donald Trump and Elon Musk expressed gushing admiration for each other on “Hannity.” Interviewed together in the White House, the lovebirds spoke of each other in such endearing terms that Sean Hannity was moved to say: “I feel like I’m interviewing two brothers here.”

Brothers? I got more of a “booty brothers” vibe, they acted like two middle school girls who just discovered that they have a girl crush on each other.

I did not think that the sociopath Trump and the autistic Musk could develop an attraction so deep that they would whisper sweet nothings on national TV.

“I love the president, I just want to be clear about that,” the gazillionaire said. “I think President Trump is a good man. The president has been so unfairly attacked in the media, it’s really outrageous.”

I have never heard Melania publicly declare that she loves her husband, and I have likewise never heard her say that he is a good man.

Trump loves speaking in superlatives, and he heaped praise on the love of his life calling him “caring” “amazing”, “brilliant guy” and a “great guy.”

I’m surprised Hannity didn’t tell them “get a room”, especially considering the Lincoln bedroom was available for them to consummate their passion.

They accused the media of trying to drive them apart, by suggesting that Musk was the real power behind the throne.

Is this a love destined to last forever, or will the megalomaniac Trump finally get tired of Musk stealing his spotlight?

Trump: ‘He Who Saves His Country Does Not Violate any Law’

Donald Trump’s fascist philosophy summarized in one-sentence, “He who saves his Country does not violate any law”, is pinned atop his Truth Social profile.

This quotation is attributed to Napolean Bonaparte a narcissist personality who like Trump had an illusion of grandiosity, a craving for admiration and a singular lack of empathy.

This reminds me of Richard Nixon’s infamous line: “Well when the president does it, that means it is not illegal.” The Republican Party of the 1970’s wasn’t as cynical and corrupt as Trump’s GOP, and Republican statesmen joined their Democratic colleagues in forcing Nixon to resign.

Trump makes Nixon look like a piker, and his scandals and assaults on democracy makes Watergate look like a peccadillo.

In his first weeks of his presidency Trump has dramatically expanded the power of the executive branch by issuing over a hundred executive orders that impede on the House’s power of the purse and that have challenged the judiciary branch.

Trump’s execrable line is basically a “FU” to the legal challenges that he faces, he is drunk with power and confident that he will prevail over Congress, the Supreme Court and everyone who still believes in our democracy.

“He who serves his Country does not violate any law” is a challenge to those of us who aren’t enthralled by the authoritarian sociopath. Are we going to let Trump destroy our democracy? I hope we will do everything within our power to defend our democracy from Trump and his enablers, supporters, and sycophants.

Is JD Vance a Worse Human Being than Trump?

Donald Trump is a pathological liar, serial adulterer, adjudicated rapist, wannabe dictator, conniving fraudster, lifelong racist, and just a general stinking pile of human shit.

If the Almighty finally has enough of the orange messiah and smites the morbidly obese sociopath with a heart attack, we’ll be better off with JD Vance as president, right? Maybe not.

But is the cynical bastard who once called Trump a “moral disaster, cynical asshole, cultural heroin and possible America’s Hitler” and who experienced an epiphany and now praises Trump as the MAGA messiah who will make America great again, really an improvement?

Say what you will about Trump, and there is plenty negative to say about the blathering idiot, but he would never allow anyone to insult his wife. Trump is no wimpy Ted Cruz; he would go nuclear against anyone foolish enough to denigrate his trophy wife.

Marko Elez, a 25-year-old DOGE employee, is a blatant racist who has posted many racist posts on X, including:

“Just for the record, I was racist before it was cool.”

“You could not pay me to marry outside of my ethnicity.”

“Normalize Indian hate.”

After the Wall Street Journal exposed Elez’ racist tweets, he resigned from DOGE in disgrace. Elon Musk ran a poll on X asking if he should be rehired, and of course 80 percent Of X’s racist subscribers said he should be rehired. And of course, the racist Trump administration rehired Elez.

Did JD Vance who is married to an Indian American, and has three children with her denounce the racism of the DOGE employee and demand that he never be rehired? Not exactly.

Here was Vance’s reaction:

I obviously disagree with some of Elez’s posts, but I don’t think stupid social media activity should ruin a kid’s life. We shouldn’t reward journalists who try to destroy people. Ever. So, I say bring him back. If he’s a bad dude or a terrible member of the team, fire him for that.

What a cowardly piece of garbage! Elez is an unrepentant racist who never apologized for his racist tweets, and that automatically makes him a bad dude who has no business being a member of DOGE.

Unfortunately, Trumpism will not die with Trump, not as long as there are assholes like Vance and his ilk in prominent positions in government.

Elon Musk and Lil X Dominate Oval Office Presser with Donald Trump

MAGA King Donald Trump and zillionaire Elon Musk appeared together at the Oval Office, where they defended Musk’s Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) unconstitutional and draconian efforts to downsize the federal government and slash spending.

Whenever the megalomaniac Trump appears in a photo-op with any of his aides, his sycophants defer to their Dear Leader, gaze lovingly at him, and speak only if he deigns to give them a few seconds to lavish praise on him.

But this time Musk dominated the presser, he spoke at length and most of the reporters, cognizant of who the real power is, addressed their questions to him, and not Trump.

In fact, Trump was the third wheel, all the attention was focused on Musk and his four-year-old son X Æ A-Xii, affectionally known as “Lil X.” The little brat made faces and picked his nose while his dad spoke. At one time Lil X was about a foot away from Trump while he was picking his nose, and the president remarked that he was a little genius.

Can you imagine if Kanye West visited the Oval Office with his five-year-old son Psalm West in tow, and the little kid picked his nose? I guarantee racist Trump wouldn’t feel led of the Spirit to call him a genius, and the infamous germaphobe would be terrified that he might touch him and infect him with his boogers.

The tech entrepreneur has 12 children with three different women, and I doubt Lil X receives much attention from his father, which is probably a good thing. Trump bought Twitter, rebranded it X, and turned it into a toxic waste site, let’s hope Lil X fares better than X.

Trump: ‘To Get Gravitas You Have to be a Horrible Human Being’

Donald Trump was in a reflective mood at the National Prayer Breakfast after his administration unleased chaos by beginning his mass deportation program, shutting down US AID, announced his plan to ethnically cleanse Gaza, and the GOP-controlled Congress confirmed the first batch of clowns, charlatans and crooks to his cabinet.

“To get gravitas, you have to be controversial and in many cases, a horrible human being,” the orange MAGA messiah mused at the Washington Hilton.

The dictionary definition of “gravitas” is “dignity seriousness or solemnity of manner.” Synonyms include dignity, bearing, comportment, mien, and presence.

Trump is the antitheses of a statesman who is blessed with gravitas, he has all the gravitas of cotton candy drenched in urine.

Trump is mistaking “notoriety” for “gravitas.” Trump has indeed achieved notoriety by being a horrible human being who persecutes his political enemies, demonizes marginalized groups like the LGBTQ community, especially trans people, and criminalizes migrants whose only crime is seeking a better life in America.

Trump’s sycophants are totally behind his crusade to get gravitas by being a horrible human being, their mantra is “let Trump be Trump”, which basically means “let Trump be a jerk.”

Trump’s speech at the prayer meeting was met with wild applause by the audience of MAGA evangelicals, but for the rest of us it was a portent that when Trump’s devolution is complete he will be a horrible human being that makes the antichrist look like a boy scout.

Ms. Rachel is the Biggest Star on Netflix

Rachel Accurso, better known as Ms. Rachel, worked as a music teacher at a public preschool in New York City before finding fame and fortune as a YouTuber creating content for toddlers and preschoolers.

Ms. Rachel is beloved by babies and toddlers all over the world, and their mothers, and even by men like me who do not have any children but are mesmerized by her transcendent beauty, talent and charm.

Ms. Rachel is now one of the biggest stars on Netflix. The streaming giant released a four-part series featuring the popular content creator. The first four episodes consist of a “curated compilation” of Ms. Rachel’s YouTube videos.

Ms. Rachel always wears a pink headband, a lavender T-shirt, and overalls. Back in the day, I used to wear trendy Guess overalls, but Ms. Rachel’s overalls have more of an Oshkosh vibe. Ms. Rachel is the epitome of goodness and wholesomeness, but for her older male fans she is also a sex symbol. May God forgive my prurient curiosity, but I wonder if she wears pink thongs underneath her overalls.

Ms. Rachel sings nursery rhymes and dances on her videos. I would not be surprised if one day she had a pop hit on the Billboard charts, after all she’s a professional singer who released a studio album in 2006.

My sister tells me that Gaddy, her grandson, is enthralled by Ms. Rachel. He may be only 11 months, but he is already learning words like “up”, “down” and “go.” At least she thinks so, it is hard to decipher the speech of a toddler.

I recommend the Ms. Rachel show on Netflix for babies, toddlers, and their mothers, and for horny old guys like me.

Selena Gomez Cries Over Trump’s Brutal Deportation Policies

Selena Gomez is an American actor, singer, producer, businesswoman and a third-generation Mexican American who hasn’t lost touch with her roots and has a deep and abiding empathy for Mexican migrants who are feeling the wrath of Trump’s draconian deportation program.

Gomez was so disturbed and despondent over Trump’s cruel immigration policies that she posted an emotional video on Instagram Story.

In the video, she said, “All my people are getting attacked, the children. I don’t understand. I’m so sorry. I wish I could do something, but I can’t,” she continued through tears, “I don’t know what to do. I’ll try everything, I promise.”

Gomez was brutally attacked by MAGA zealots for her humane and compassionate reaction to the sorry plight of migrants in Trump’s America. They consider empathy a weakness, a thought crime, and an affront to American values. These soulless evangelicals accused her of “acting” and being “out-of-touch.”

“Apparently it’s not OK to show empathy for people,” Gomez wrote in an Instagram Story after taking the video down after the flood of vitriol it elicited.

The former child actor is a kind and gentle soul who is in touch with her humanity and used her platform to appeal to our better angels.

I’m also a Mexican American who feels empathy for brown and black migrants who are being deported by the fascist Trump administration, and I’m using my humble platform to urge Americans of all racial backgrounds to fight back against this evil and undemocratic regime.

ICE Barbie Kristi Noem Gets Dolled Up for Deportation Raid Photo-Op

Immediately after being sworn in Donald Trump signed executive orders empowering law enforcement agents to deport undocumented migrants who have committed felonies.

Federal officers immediately swept into sanctuary cities, nabbing thousands of migrant criminals, including many whose only “crime” was applying for asylum.  

Trump’s political allies have adopted desperate measures to prove that they are just as racist as their Dear Leader, indulging in the hateful rhetoric that America is being invaded by hordes of black and brown criminals from shithole countries.

Kristi Noem the former South Dakota governor, infamous dog killer, and Trump’s new Homeland Security Secretary, is already portraying herself as the biggest enemy of migrants.

In photos posted to X by Noem, she donned a bullet-proof vest and a cap with a police crest and posed alongside ICE and DEA agents, brandishing assault rifles.

The Ice Barbie attempted to soften her macho appearance by apparently using a trowel to apply pancake makeup, lip gloss and mascara.

She posted a video of law enforcement perp-walking an undocumented immigrant with the caption, “Dirtbags like this will continue to be removed from our streets.”

The biggest dirtbag is Trump who is constructing a facility capable of holding 30,000 deported migrants at Guantánamo Bay naval base. This deplorable action by Trump will only add to the wretched history of Gitmo where terrorism suspects were imprisoned and tortured during Bush’s Global War on Terrorism.

Noem who cosplays at being an Ice Barbie ICE Agent is just as bad as Trump; they are the racist dirtbags what must be dumped in the garbage if we are to survive as a democracy.

Trump and Israel Seek to Ethnically Cleanse Gaza

“According to a United Nations agency and a growing number of experts and rights organisations, including Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, Israel has committed genocidal acts against the Palestinian people.”


Israel responded to the barbaric attack by Hamas on October 7, 2023, against primarily Israeli civilians by unleashing a counteroffensive that quickly degenerated from a just retaliatory military action against wanton terrorism into a textbook case of deliberate and systematic genocide.

You don’t need to be a member of an international court of law to deduce that Israel has committed genocide in Gaza. More than 47,000 Palestinians, the majority civilians, have been killed in Israel’s offensive, and more than 100,000 have been injured. Most of Gaza’s two million residents have been internally displaced, many multiple times, and most of Gaza’s infrastructure, including primary schools, universities, mosques and hospitals have been bombed into rubble. You have to be morally blind and an Islamophobe not to conclude that Israel is guilty of genocide.

Trump wants to legitimize and finish off the genocide of the Palestinians in Gaza. He said that he wants Egypt and Jordan to take in Palestinians from Gaza.

Describing Gaza as a “demolition site”, Trump said: “You’re talking about probably a million and a half people, and we just clean out that whole thing”. He said that the move “could be temporary or could be long-term”.

“Clean out the whole thing.” He might as well have said that Gaza needs to be completely ethnically cleansed so that the Jews from Israel can move in.

Both Hamas and the Palestinian Authority condemned the proposal. Jordan and Egypt have also rejected the idea.

Even though Gaza has been reduced to rubble, Palestinians have a strong attachment to their homeland, and they would never willingly leave.

The authoritarian Trump administration and the Zionist regime must not be allowed to ethnically cleanse Gaza.

The Symbiotic Relationship Between Trump and White Evangelicals

The toxic and symbiotic relationship between Donald Trump and white evangelicals has changed since 2016 when the Bible thumpers initially tentatively embraced the amoral bastard.

Back then they were queasy and hesitant to publicly support the pathological liar, serial philanderer and unethical real estate tycoon. The sanctimonious hypocrites distanced themselves from his immoral conduct, penchant for uttering profanities and petty vindictiveness, but they embraced his stand against abortion and his affinity for the Zionist state of Israel.

They regarded Trump as a corrupt politician but nevertheless a messiah chosen by the Almighty to Make America Great Again and to turn back the tide of moral decadence.

But now white evangelicals are as corrupt, petty and vindictive as their Dear Leader. Trump has a cultlike hold on his evangelical devotees, and they support him not despite the fact that he’s amoral, but precisely because he’s a ruthless moral monster who’s on a mission from God to destroy liberals.

In 2016 they cringed when Trump uttered an obscenity at his MAGA rallies, now they laugh and recite the profanity along with him. They experience a spiritual orgasm when Trump engages in violent and hateful rhetoric. In short, they have become indistinguishable from their evil leader, and they have turned into the moral decadence that is ruining our great democracy.

The end stage of this symbiotic relationship is when the parasite from hell Trump, has sucked every last drop of goodness that may have existed at one time in the white evangelical movement.