Female Shopper Knocked Out by Cauliflower Says Her Life is Ruined

“A female shopper was knocked unconscious by a head of cauliflower while grocery shopping — and she says the incident has ruined her life and caused her long-term health problems.”

The New York Post

It’s an inexorable law of nature that shit happens, sometimes when you least expect it. Sammi Mai, 42, was grocery shopping when she bent down to look at the bottom shelf and a head of cauliflower fell down from the top shelf and hit her noggin.

A normal non-litigious person would shrug it off and marvel at the absurdity of life. But Mai, in my opinion, pretended to be knocked unconscious and is now claiming that the incident has irrevocably ruined her life.

My reaction? Bitch, please! If a head of cauliflower fell on your ear it would cause no damage, it certainly wouldn’t leave you with a case of cauliflower ear.

Mai is being as melodramatic as Trump the drama queen who reacted as if a ballistic missile had mangled his ear when a bullet fragment grazed his ear.

Mai doesn’t have high-priced lawyers like Trump, and if she does sue, her lawsuit will get thrown out.

Donald Trump Tells Women: ‘I Will be Your Protector’

The evangelical world is a patriarchal system where the husband is the provider and protector of his family, and likewise the pastor, usually a male, is the protector of his flock.

Christian women are conditioned to defer to the wisdom of their better halves and the weaker sex depend on the men in their lives to protect them from the temptations and dangers of the world.

Therefore, evangelical women weren’t nonplussed when Donald Trump, the predator-in-chief, told them at one of his MAGA rallies:

“You will no longer be in danger. … You will no longer have anxiety from all the problems our country has today. You will be protected, and I will be your protector.”

This echoed the sentiment he expressed in his Truth Social platform:


Women have agency over their careers and families, they don’t need protection from the men in their lives. They certainly don’t need to be protected by a billionaire who thinks his wealth and celebrity gives him the right to grab them by the pussy.

In fact, men and women, need protection from the authoritarian sociopath who will destroy our democracy if he returns to power. The best way to protect ourselves from Trump is by voting for Kamala Harris.

Trump’s ‘God Bless the USA Bible Made in China

“A Chinese printing company … shipped 120,000 of “God Bless the USA” Bibles to the USA. Three separate shipments cost $342,000, averaging out to $3 per Bible. Trump is selling hand-signed copies of his branded Bible for $1,000, and the minimum price for an unsigned copy is $59.99.”

The New Republic

Donald Trump, the grifter-in-chief, is on a pre-election grifting blitz, peddling Trump coins, Trump watches and Trump digital trading cards.

In his campaign stump speech Donald Trump (Mr. America First) never fails to lambast China for hurting American businesses and taking American jobs. He boasts that if he wins the election on Day One, he will institute tariffs against Chinese imports. I wonder if he will impose a tariff on his Bible.

Gold gilded pages and a leather cover doesn’t make a Bible valuable, it’s priceless because to secular Americans it’s great literature and to evangelicals it’s the inspired Word of God.

A lover of literature or a seeker of truth doesn’t’ need to fork over $1000, $59.99 or even three bucks for a Bible, there are many Christian ministries that provide free copies.

If Trump really cared about evangelical’s desire to spread the Gospel, he would distribute Bibles free of charge.

The Orange Shepherd doesn’t see his MAGA evangelical base as sheep to protect and enlighten, but as rubes ready for fleecing.

The “God Bless the USA” Bibles should be renamed “God Bless China” Bibles, destroyed through a process called pulping and repurposed as “Harris for President” signs.

White Evangelicals Brand Kamala Harris a ‘Jezebel’

Ever since Kamala Harris became the Democratic presidential nominee, white evangelical leaders have thundered from the pulpit that she’s a Jezebel who’s in league with the devil. With the election less than a month away, they have doubled down on their vile religious rhetoric, painting her as an emissary of the devil.

“Jezebel” is the go-to word for evangelicals for any woman who is confident in her sexuality, embraces her inherent strength, doesn’t reflexively defer to men, especially if she is a liberal woman of color.

Harris is white evangelicals’ worst nightmare: a female presidential candidate with the experience, wisdom, courage and potential to become a great president.

They’re cognizant that Trump is no match for her intellectually or ethically, and so they try to build up their authoritarian monster by demonizing Harris.

They are oblivious to the irony that it’s Trump who is evil incarnate, and that he’s the male equivalent of a Jezebel.

I’m convinced that the spirt of secularism, democracy and truth will prevail over the spirit of Jezebel that is alive and well in Trump’s Republican Party.

Elon Musk is the Cringiest Trump Supporter

Donald Trump’s superpower is the ability to make even the most powerful politicians, celebrities, preachers, and business moguls prostate themselves in front of him in exhibitions of subservience and servility.

The latest wanker to make an ass out of himself is Elon Musk, the wealthiest man in the world. After the orange buffoon introduced Musk to the stage in his triumphant return to Butler, PA, the tech mogul jumped in the air several times like a 1st grader who just got a puppy for Christmas.

Musk who wore a black MAGA cap and was dressed all in black, christened himself “Dark MAGA.” Musk was pointing out the obvious, we are well aware that MAGA is a dark movement that will drag us back to the Dark Ages if the chaos agent-in-chief returns to the White House.

Even the Dear Leader was repulsed by Musk’s cringy theatrics, he gave him a JD Vance style side-eye.

Ron Filipkowski, a frequent Trump critic, wrote above a clip of Space Karen jumping on stage: “This might be the cringiest shit I’ve ever seen in politics.”  No shit!

After watching Musk make a spectacle of himself, I wanted to pluck out my eyes and roast them in an open fire.

Melania Trump Defends Abortion in Her Memoir

Donald Trump, the nominee of the party of family values, lives in his palatial estate Mar-a-Lago, that’s adjacent to one of his golf clubs. His trophy wife, Melania, lives in New York, so she can be close to the love of her life, her son Barron, who attends New York University.

Melania has been MIA from the Trump campaign, she’s yet to make a single campaign appearance with her husband. She assiduously avoids making any public appearances with her spouse, even failing to provide moral support by attending any of his court trials.

The spouses of political candidates stand by their partners, nod in agreement while they deliver their campaign speeches and sometimes make short remarks that are in perfect alignment with them.

Melania shocked the MAGA supporters of her husband by declaring herself pro-choice.

In an excerpt of her new self-titled memoir, she (or rather her ghostwriter) wrote:

“Restricting a woman’s right to choose whether to terminate an unwanted pregnancy is the same as denying her control over her own body. I have carried this belief with me throughout my entire adult life.”

This pro-choice stance clashes violently with the views of her husband’s white evangelical supporters. Trump pandered to his evangelical followers by appointing vehemently anti-abortion judges to the Supreme Court.

Likely Trump shares the pro-choice position of his wife, but he pretends to be anti-abortion out of political expediency. But he must be furious at his wife for expressing her views on abortion just a month before the election. Who would have thunk that Melania was responsible for the October surprise that derailed his campaign.

Melania must really hate the orange buffoon as much as I do.

JD Vance’s Eyeliner-Enhanced Side Eye Stole the Spotlight at Vice-Presidential Debate

In the Vice-Presidential debate, the young, handsome and glib JD Vance faced off against the elderly, homely and homespun speaker Tim Walz.

The debate was surprisingly civil, polite and devoid of any theatrics, histrionics and rehearsed zingers.

Vance, the Yale Law School graduate who answers questions from the press at every campaign event, had the edge given his experience interacting with the press and his innate ability to lie effortlessly.

The focus of the debate wasn’t policy arguments, gaffes or the role of the moderators, JD Vance’s wicked eyeliner stole the spotlight.

Allow me to digress by pointing out that I don’t think it’s wrong for a politician, or any gentleman, to wear eyeliner, a wig or even a dress. However, it’s very hypocritical for a campaign that demonizes the LGBT community and vilifies drag queens to choose a male vice-presidential candidate with a penchant for allegedly using eyeliner and a history of dressing in drag in college.

Walz was nervous and tentative at first, but his confidence and debating skills improved and all things considered he did yeoman’s work.

In my humble opinion Walz narrowly edged Vance, I give him the win because he survived Vance’s withering eyeliner-enhanced side eye that he employed throughout the debate.

MAGA Cultists Claim 43-foot Naked Statue of Trump is Deplorable

“Conservatives have decried a 43-foot-tall nude effigy of Donald Trump that was erected over the weekend on Interstate 15, near Las Vegas.

An anonymous spokesperson for the unnamed artist told Las Vegas’ News 3 the massive sculpture, called ‘Crooked and Obscene,’ weighs 6,000 pounds and is made of foam and rebar.”


Donald Trump is a bigger than life celebrity cum politician, with a penchant for over-the-top publicity stunts and inflammatory rhetoric. To capture his essence a painter must paint in broad strokes and a sculptor must use tons of material.

The 43-foot-effigy of Trump perfectly embodies his gargantuan ego and his outsized influence on politics and culture at large.

Almost everything about the statue is huge, from his bulging belly to his planet-sized head, although you may need binoculars to see his doll size hands and his tiny penis.

Is the work of art in poor taste? Duh! Of course, that’s the point, Trump is the epitome of bad taste. Actually, the anonymous artist showed a remarkable amount of restraint; I would have simply dumped a ton of bullshit, and christened my work of art: Bullshit, the sweet smell of Trump.

MAGA cultists who have their panties in a twist over this sensational work of art have things ass backwards. They shouldn’t be offended by the statue, but what it represents: the steaming pile of human shit known as Donald Trump.

Mother Jones Editor Blasts Alaska Airlines Fllight Editor for ‘Blessed Night’ Remark

“Clara Jeffery, editor-in-chief of Mother Jones which is often described as ‘left-leaning’ or ‘far left,’ took to social media to blast a union flight attendant at Alaska Airlines over their landing announcement where the editor complains that passengers were wished a ‘blessed’ night prior to arrival in San Francisco.”

View From the Wing

San Francisco is the Mecca of inclusivity, diversity, and secularism, it is anathema for a flight attendant to welcome passengers to this urban paradise by wishing them a “blessed night.”

Clara Jeffery is spot on in labeling this egregious lack of etiquette “creeping Christian nationalism”.

The word “blessed” is usually used in conjunction with the word “God”, it’s a short-hand way of saying “God bless you”, and that is just not a kosher way of welcoming passengers to the City by the Bay.

Conservatives have their panties in a twist over Jeffery being offended by what they consider an innocuous announcement. Evangelicals are always imposing their religious views on the culture at large, without considering that America isn’t a Christian nation, but a secular democracy.

Enough is enough. If a neighbor or co-worker wishes me a blessed day I am not offended, but when a person representing a company or the government wishes me a blessed day, that’s a horse of a different color.

The flight attendant needs to undergo sensitivity training, and evangelicals need to learn respect for most Americans who don’t cotton to their religious greetings.

Trump and his Parade of Fools and Wankers

Donald Trump is the epitome of the emperor who has no clothes. In his birthday suit, he sashays in front of his MAGA faithful. His disciples go along with the pretense that he is wearing the most expertly tailored suit in the world, not wanting to appear stupid, or lacking in faith.

Cognitive dissonance is second nature to evangelicals, and they imagine that their orange messiah is wearing a suit woven from sun rays that completely covers his porcine body.

But at the same time, they can see that he is butt naked, and they marvel that God Almighty has chosen a vessel with a tiny mushroom-shaped penis and a mouth that resembles a sphincter to lead them.

They follow behind their naked messiah, resisting the urge to kiss his bare ass, as he leads them to perdition.

The more devout shed their own clothes, in a sign of allegiance to their Dear Leader.

They sneer at the unbelievers who mock them from the sidelines, infidels too blind to join their parade.

We should never underestimate the gullibility and stupidity of the American public, and we shouldn’t be astonished at the millions who are in this parade of fools and wankers.

Trump: ‘I Wanna Work the French Fry Machine at McDonald’s’

Working for McDonald’s is a rite of passage for American teens; the Golden Arches are ubiquitous in America’s landscape.

Unlike billionaire Donald Trump who inherited a seed capital of $400 million, Kamala Harris was a child of the middle class, and she worked at McDonald’s while attending college to make ends meet.

Trump is promoting the conspiracy theory that Harris didn’t work at McDonald’s because her resume and job applications a year after graduating college didn’t mention her work experience at Mickey D’s. Well Duh, a law school graduate, is unlikely to include a job flipping burgers.

“Kamala should take down and disavow all of her Statements that she worked for McDonald’s. She must apologize to the American people for lying!”

Truth Social post

In a rally at Pennsylvania last night Trump after once again accusing Harris of lying about working at McDonald’s said, “I’m gonna go to a McDonald’s and I’m gonna work the French fry job for about half an hour, I wanna see how it is.”

I would love to see Trump trying to figure out how to use the French fry machine, the morbidly obese buffoon wouldn’t be able to stand the heat, and he would quit after five minutes.

Trump has his diapers in a twist over Harris supposedly lying about her work experience, where is his outrage about Mark Robinson, the Republican candidate for governor in North Carolina, lying that he didn’t call himself a “Black Nazi”?

Trump lies about as often as the McDonald’s milkshake machine breaks down, and we should take anything he says with a grain of salt.

Trump Needs to Don His Big Boy Diapers and Debate Harris Again

“Donald Trump said it’s ‘too late’ to hold another debate after Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign said she had accepted an invitation for a face-off on CNN in October and challenged the Republican nominee to take the stage with her.”


Donald Trump was salivating over the prospect of debating President Joe Biden before he dropped out of the race. He repeatedly declared that he was prepared to debate the Democratic incumbent “ANYTIME, ANYWERE, ANYPLACE.” He taunted Biden telling him that he’d like to see ten debates, rather than the usual three.

Trump is a vicious predator, and he could smell Biden’s physical frailness and dementia, and he knew that his own cognitive issues and penchant for spinning lies would be overlooked in any debate with the brain-dead Biden.

Biden’s performance was so disastrous that he dropped out of the race and endorsed Kamala Harris. When Harris and Trump faced off in their first, and most likely only debate, the newly christened Democratic presidential candidate eviscerated the orange buffoon.

Even though almost every pundit, including Republicans, declared  Harris the winner, the liar-in-chief declared himself the winner. But the pugilist with doll hands knows that he lost, as evidenced by the fact that he is refusing to debate Harris again.

Harris said on Saturday that she had agreed to debate Trump again on CNN with the same format and rules as the debate between Trump and Biden.

After the CNN debate between Trump and Biden, the disgraced former president lavishly praised the moderators.

The colicky toddler needs to man up, don his big boy diapers, and debate Harris again. What happened to “ANYTIME, ANYWEHRE, ANYPLACE,” you coward?

Donald Trump & Puff Daddy Should be Cellmates

A federal indictment states that Sean Combs aka Puff Daddy is the architect and leader of a criminal enterprise engaged in arson, kidnapping forced labor, bribery, obstruction of justice and sex trafficking.

Comb’s freak off parties are legendary for their debauchery, and many celebrities including Ivanka Trump, Jay-Z, the Kardashians, Pharrell Williams, and evangelist T.D. Jakes participated in the degeneracy.  Was Jakes there to give the benediction to the freak off parties that included male sex workers, women who were intimidated or otherwise forced to perform sex acts, underage boys and hundreds of bottles of baby oil?

Combs is a monster who makes Harvey Weinstein look like a choirboy, and all his erstwhile friends and colleagues are distancing themselves from him.

Donald Trump who is a sexual deviant in the same league as Combs has the gall to try to link Combs with Kamala Harris. This is the same Trump who has been held liable for rape in a civil trial, who bragged about grabbing women by their genitals and who has credibly been accused by dozens of women of sexual misconduct.

Trump shared a meme on Truth Social:  a fake image depicting Harris posing next to Combs. “Madame Vice President”, the meme asks, “Have you ever been involved with or engaged in one of Puff Daddies Freak Offs?”

There is no indication that Harris ever met Combs, it is Trump who has been photographed with Combs at several events over the years.

Trump probably hasn’t attended any of Combs freak off parties, only because the racist sociopath wouldn’t feel comfortable at a sex party that featured dozens of black male prostitutes.

Trump was a close friend of Jeffrey Epstein, and he was a frequent visitor to Epstein’s private island where parties with underage girls were held.

Trump is a moral degenerate, and he deserves to be behind bars for the rest of his life with his buddy Combs.

Trump a Martyr to the MAGA Faithful

“God has now spared my life”, the Orange Messiah told an arena full of his MAGA disciples last night. The expert showman waited a beat before he completed his thought: “Not once but twice.”

It is a miracle the Almighty did not smite him for daring to invoke His Name, when the only deity Trump worships is himself. Former aides have confessed that in private the amoral sociopath mocks and ridiculous his evangelical followers.

On July 13, 2004, Trump survived an assassination attempt while speaking at an open-air rally near Butler, Pennsylvania. A bullet, or more likely a fragment of a bullet, barely grazed his ear, although the drama queen wore a bandage resembling a Kotex pad for days afterward.

On September 15, 2004, a man who was 400 yards away from Trump, and who didn’t have a line of sight, ran away without getting off a shot, when Secret Service agents shot at him when they noticed him holding an assault rifle in the perimeter of Trump’s golf course.

Have these two foiled assassination attempts led Trump to examine his life and his campaign? Has he toned down his hateful rhetoric, has he stopped demonizing immigrants and stopped spreading conspiracy theories that are calculated to inflame passions?

Trump is still the same petty, vengeful, obscene racist and raving lunatic. In fact, he’s doubled down on his campaign of spreading despicable lies and treating his opponents with contempt.

Ineffectual would-be assassins have failed to rid the world of this stinking pile of human feces, it’s up to the electorate to flush him down the toilet.

Rich Lowry’s N-Word Freudian Slip

The National Review is a far-right editorial magazine, featuring commentary pieces on politics, current events and cultural affairs. The magazine was founded by conservative icon William F. Buckly Jr. in 1955, and its current editor-in-chief is Rich Lowry.

Recently, Lowry was interviewed by conservative podcast host Megyn Kelly about the “Haitians eating dogs and cats” controversy. It’s no surprise that instead of debunking the ludicrous and racist rumor, Lowry argued that there were legitimate grounds for believing the reports of Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio stealing and eating cats.

During the interview Lowry stated:

“Police have gone through 11 months of calls and only found 2 Springfield residents calling to complain about Haitian Ni*gers…uh..migrants taking geese from ponds.”

Lowry’s Freudian slip revealed that racism is behind the dehumanizing rumor that Haitian immigrants are abducting and eating household pets. Lowry and his ilk would never have accused Scandinavian immigrants of stealing and eating cats and dogs.

Lowry did not apologize after blurting the N-Word, his facile smile never left his face as he quickly corrected himself and said, “uh migrants.” And Kelly didn’t bother to apologize to her audience for her guest using the ugliest word in the English language.

Lowry, Kelly and MAGA cultists take their cues for their Dear Leader, and they amplify Trump’s racism. They are so blatantly racist, that they no longer deem it necessary to apologize after inadvertently uttering the N-Word.

If the racist-in-chief returns to the White House expect for it to become a regular occurrence for Haitian immigrants  to be accused of eating pets, Mexican immigrants accused of raping women and Muslim immigrants accused of being terrorists.

Before Debate Trump’s Evangelical Fluffers Prayed the Holy Spirit Would Speak Through Him

On Monday night, before Tuesday night’s presidential debate Donald Trump prayed, via telephone call, with hundreds of his evangelical supporters. This mockery of prayer was sponsored by the “National Faith Advisory Board,” an organization headed by prosperity gospel evangelist Paula-White-Cain, whose main purpose is to stroke his ego, or to put it more crassly, to fluff his mushroom-shaped tiny pecker.

White-Cain prayed that the Holy Spirit would speak through the former president during Tuesday night’s debate because, just like King David in the Old Testament, Trump was the Lord’s anointed.

Call me a cynic but I seriously doubt that a divine spirit would speak through such a craven, amoral sociopath, with delusions of becoming America’s first dictator.

But maybe I’m wrong, perhaps the Holy Ghost deigned to speak through the sphincter-shaped mouth of the orange obscenity. After all, according to the Old Testament Jehovah spoke through Balaam’s donkey.

Was it the Holy Spirit speaking through the steaming pile of human shit known as Donald Trump when he dehumanized Haitian immigrants by spreading the racist rumor that in Springfield, Ohio they are stealing and eating dogs and cats?

 Or maybe it was when Trump blatantly lied and said that Democrats are in favor of abortion until nine months, and even after birth. That is of course a ridiculous lie, infanticide is illegal in every state.

Almost every incoherent statement that emanated from Trump’s mouth was a craven lie, and anybody who thinks that he is God’s spoken is full of crap.

Weird Wanker JD Vance Spreads Racist Rumor about Haitian Immigrants Stealing and Eating Cats

JD Vance and prominent Republicans are repeating the baseless claim Haitian immigrants are stealing pet cats from their neighbors in Springfield, Ohio and eating ducks from local parks.

Officials in Springfield, Ohio, said they have not received any credible reports of Haitian immigrants abducting and eating pets, or decapitating and eating ducks.

Anyone with two brain cells and a smidgen of common sense knows they do not have to worry that their family picnic at a park will be ruined by hungry Haitian immigrants killing and barbecuing the ducks swimming peacefully in the pond. They also know that there is zero chance that Haitian immigrants will steal Fluffy the cat and eat it or sacrifice it in a voodoo ritual.

But Trump’s Maga base is racist, and they are predisposed to believe the most awful rumors about Black immigrants. That is why Vance uses his social media platforms to amplify these baseless and racist propaganda.

Today Vance finally admitted that reports of Haitian immigrants eating cats may turn out to be false, posting on Twitter:

“In the last several weeks, my office has received many inquiries from actual residents of Springfield who’ve said their neighbors’ pets or local wildlife were abducted by Haitian migrants. It’s possible, of course, that all of these rumors will turn out to be false.”

There is no doubt about it, these racist rumors are patently false. Vance should apologize for spreading false rumors abut Haitian immigrants, they love their pets as much as native Americans.

Vance would be well-advised to stop talking about cats, The weird wanker was criticized for stating that the country is being run by a bunch of childless cat ladies, including Vice President Harris.

Nobody wants to hear Vance’s misogynistic take on childless cat ladies or his racist nonsense about Haitians eating cats.

Jimmy Carter Excited About Kamala Harris

Former President Jimmy Carter has been in hospice for 18 months, and his legion of fans are hoping that he will live to see his 100th birthday on October 1.

Jimmy Carter is a humble man, and he doesn’t care too much about celebrating his 100th birthday, but he has told his friends and family that he wants to live long enough to see Kamala Harris win.

According to his eldest grandchild Jason Carter the former president is excited about politics again since President Joe Biden dropped out of the race and endorsed Harris.

If a 99-year-old man, who is confined to a wheelchair, and may have only days left to live is excited about the candidacy of Harris, how much more should we be enthused?

Most of us have decades left in our odometer, and we should be doing everything we can to make sure that Harris wins, and thereby preserve democracy for the benefit of our children and grandchildren.

I am as excited as Carter about the ascendancy of Harris, and I am doing everything I can to make sure she wins, and that means writing essays and letters to the editor, planting a Harris for President sign in my front yard, and reminding everyone to vote for her.

Harris Laughs While Trump Implodes

Since July 21, 2024, when the somnolent Joe Biden finally read the writing on the wall and dropped out of the race and endorsed his vice-president Kamala Harris, she has exploded into a supernova that has eclipsed the star power of one Donald J. Trump.

The stars have aligned in her favor, and she has surged in the polls, dominated social media, energized the Democratic base, hauled in tons of cash, and garnished support from almost every Democratic leader and even a handful of Republican heavyweights.

Trump is seething with rage and envy as he sees Harris dominate the news cycles and become a social media star. He is like a dervish on crack, posting increasingly inflammatory posts on Truth Social trying to regain the attention of the mainstream media.

Kamala’s message of joy and hope trumps Trump’s message of gloom and doom, and the 78-year-old sociopath senses that his time in the spotlight may be ending soon.

The September 10 debate may be Trump’s last chance to reclaim the spotlight, and God only knows what the erratic, desperate and senile old man will do.

My advice for Harris is to ignore Trump’s race-baiting, name-calling and string of lies during the debate and for the rest of the campaign. She can just smile and laugh and promote her positive agenda for the American public while Trump implodes.

Woman Who Got ‘Trump’ Tattoo on Forehead Now Wants to Remove it

Rain Monroe, 21, is the type of woman Trump would love to grab by her pussy, she is young, beautiful, blond, and dumb evidenced by the fact that she tattooed “Trump” in bold letters on her forehead.

Trump properties have his name on their signage. He considers women his property and if he could get away with it, he would force Melania, his trophy wife, to tattoo his name on her forehead.

Monroe achieved her 15 minutes of fame by tattooing the disgraced ex-president’s name on her forehead, but now she is sick of the backlash and tired of being a subject of ridicule.

Monroe, a social media influencer (of course) is using her Instagram account to beg for money to remove her offensive tattoo.

Bitch, please! Nobody forced you to deface your beautiful face; you made your bed, now lie in it. Do not expect your Instagram followers to pay for your stupidity.

Trump is a serial sexual predator, found guilty of rape in a civil trial. Monroe should make amends by breaking open her own back account to pay for her tattoo to be removed, and by condemning the misogynist Trump and supporting Kamala Harris.

JD Vance is a Mean Jerk

Donald Trump is a manifestly vicious, nasty, petty, and vindictive little man, but his supporters and sycophants find these odious traits endearing and inspiring. Every vile comment and every ridiculous statement that emanates from his sphincter-shaped mouth is treated as the Gospel truth by his disciples.

White evangelicals are every bit as fascist and disgusting as their orange messiah.

Trump chose JD Vance as his running mate over the objections of his trusted aides, and in short order he has become the most disliked vice-presidential candidate in history.

Vance is on a mission from God to remain in the good graces of his boss by spouting hate on every campaign stop. He has an audience of one, and Trump feeds off the hateful energy of his underlings.

Not to belabor the point, but JD Vance is a mean asshole, and he is even turning off the MAGA base. Trumpers love when Trump waxes evil because they believe he can do no wrong, but Vance does not enjoy the same dispensation to be an evil jerk.

Vance was a deplorable jackass before he became part of Trump’s orbit, being in the former president’s orbit has only magnified his fiendishness and degeneracy.  

Vance is every bit an abomination as his Dear Leader, but America is sick and tired of the bad vibes, and the Trump ticket is destined for defeat. This will mean the end of the 78-year-old Trump’s political career, and it will mean the end of the 40-year-old Vance’s career before it really got started.

Good riddance to bad rubbish.

JD Vance’s Disqualifying Haircut

A myriad essays have been written about Donald Trump’s striking and disturbing countenance. Trump slathers on orange tan lotion on his weathered mug leaving pale circles around his eyes that give him the appearance of a feral raccoon. Then there is the obscene sphincter-shaped mouth that makes him look like a demon that just escaped from the pit of hell. But it is his infernal hairstyle that defies gravity, offends aesthetics, and scares the bejesus out of little children that keeps me up at night. Pundits, politicians, and preachers ponder why the billionaire former president carefully cultivates a coiffure that looks like cotton candy dipped in a Russian hooker’s urine.

I never imagined that any other politician, let alone Trump’s running mate, would ever don a hairstyle that could compete with the former president. But there has never been a weirder vice-presidential candidate than JD Vance. The couch-fucking freak is saying, “hold my beer, take a gander at my haircut.”

Social media has been horrified by the photo of a new haircut by JD Vance. Who cut his hair, his inbred aunt stricken with glaucoma and cataracts?

The unruly clump of hair atop his dome, with no gradation to the rest of his hair, is not a great look for anyone and certainly not for someone running for vice-president.

Vance’s hairdo looks normal from the front, but from the back it looks like the devil himself styled his hair.

Thank God sofas aren’t sentient creatures, imagine if you will, getting humped by a mean and weird a-hole with such an insane hairdo?

National Dog Day

I am an unapologetic misanthrope. I believe organized religion is a curse and a blight on humanity, but there may be some truth to the Calvinist belief in the total depravity of man. History is a record of our incorrigible inhumanity towards each other and our fellow creatures. In short, I would be averse to celebrating National Humanity Day. (if such a holiday existed)

Today is National Dog Day and it is celebrated every year on August 26 and is dedicated to the love of man’s best friend. Though I am loath to celebrate National Humanity Day, I enthusiastically celebrate National Dog Day.

Canines exude love, loyalty and loveliness, and humans have a natural affinity for these furry angels. I would never deduce that a total stranger is a “good man” or a “good woman”, there’s always something offsetting about even the best of us. But I do not know how many times I’ve petted a pooch I’ve just met and told him, “Good Boy.”

Dogs are our better angels, and they bring out the best in us. I find it difficult to trust people, but I tend to give the benefit of the doubt to a person who owns a dog or a cat. If humanity is ever successful in climbing out of its moral cesspool it will be because we learn to value and love our fellow animals. A dog will lead us to salvation.

Evangelical Movies are Cheesy & Cringey

“An overwhelming majority of Protestants view Christian movies as effective evangelism tools even as most churchgoers remain hesitant about sharing such films with their non-Christian friends, a new survey reveals.

When asked if they viewed Christian movies as effective evangelism tools, 81% of respondents answered in the affirmative.”


So-called “faith movies” or “Christian movies” are cringy, corny and cheesy and a total waste of money and time for a non-Christian who is corralled into watching them by their evangelical friends or family.

Christian movies are so bad that evangelicals rarely invite non-believers to watch them, because they instinctively know that they will be repulsed by the propagandist nature of these paint-by-the-numbers flicks.

Producers of Christian movies know that their core audience sees things in black and white, therefore they avoid any trace of nuance or subtlety. In fact, these flicks have all the subtlety of a sermon delivered by a fire and brimstone evangelist.

The “stars” of these motion pictures are washed-up actors like Jim Caviezel, Kirk Cameron, Stephen Baldwin, Kevin Sorbo and John Schneider.

I would rather watch a North Korean propaganda film than a Christian movie.

JD Vance’s Donut Shop Visit Awkward as Hell

Americans identify with Homer Simpson’s love for donuts. His orgasmic delight in gobbling his favorite pink frosted donuts with multicolored sprinkles is a metaphor for our urge for instant gratification with products of dubious nutritious values.

JD Vance’s campaign team thought that orchestrating a photo op at a donut shop would be a perfect way to demonstrate that he is a normal guy, and not a weird asshole.

JD Vance’s interaction with workers at a donut shop went epically awry.

After looking at the donut display case, he said: “I’m JD Vance, I’m running for vice president, good to see you.” “OK” is the only response from the employee. She was not impressed with her weird customer and wanted the interaction with him to be as brief as possible.

When a regular guy enters a donut shop, he mutters “mmm donuts” and orders his favorite donut. Only a weird character would ask for an assortment of “whatever makes sense.”

Vance has also gone viral for comments about Diet Mountain Dew and Swiss cheese on a cheesesteak sub restaurant in Philadelphia.

His comments about subjects that have nothing to do with food are even weirder. Witness his comment about our country being “run by childless cat ladies” and his belief that people with children should be rewarded extra votes.

The only way that this photo op could have gone worse is if the shop had a couch and he decided to have carnal relations with the couch instead of ordering donuts.