Biden Must Be Forced to Drop Out

In a perfect world Joe Biden and Donald Trump would be antagonists in a nursing home where their words and actions would not impact anyone outside the sterile walls of their institution.

Biden yells at Trump: No Joke! You are full of malarky. You aren’t the king of me, and you aren’t the king of this rest home. I rid America of super predators and defeated Corn Pop, King of the projects. I am Dark Brandon, Lord of the Universe!

Trump responds: This rest home should be named after me! I have the best brain in the world, the likes of which the world has never seen. I am the Grand Poobah of all I survey, witness how the peasants rush to change my diapers!

The world is far from perfect, and in the waning days of our democracy two extremely imperfect politicians are running for the most exalted office, president of the United States and Leader of the Free World.

Trump is a delusional and demented psychopath who seethes over every perceived injustice and whose syphilis-infected brain is set on retribution and revenge.

Biden is a delusional and demented octogenarian who seethes over every politician, pundit and reporter who acknowledges the truth that his brain is oatmeal and that he is way past his expiration date.

Biden and Trump have one common deficiency, stubbornness. In his third presidential run Trump is the undisputed leader of the GOP, Congressional Republicans and the Republican National Convention serve only to do his bidding. But when Trump ran for president in 2015, he was the outsider, the reality show celeb, the buffoon billionaire, and everyone thought he was running only to burnish his brand. The Republican establishment, the media (conservative and liberal), the intelligentsia and even most evangelicals were against him. But his stubbornness and egotistical belief in himself prevailed against all odds.

President Joe Biden, 81, has spent his entire adult life in politics. After 50 years in public service, and a couple of failed presidential campaigns, he finally became president in 2020.

General stubbornness is a hallmark of dementia, and Biden is too stubborn to relinquish his power even though he is incapable of uttering a complete sentence or exiting a stage after delivering an incoherent speech.

Biden is stubborn as hell. He won’t listen to the polls. He won’t listen to the chorus of Congressional Democrats who are urging him to drop out. He won’t listen to the pundits and editorial boards of mainstream newspapers who are begging him to quit. He won’t listen to Nancy Pelosi, and he won’t even listen to Barack Obama, who was the messiah of the Democratic Party before Donald Trump was the messiah of the Republican Party. He’s still bitter that Obama pushed him aside for Queen Hillary in 2015. He won’t even listen to Corn Pop if he came back from the dead and he threatened to cut off his sagging balls if he doesn’t quit.

Trump is a delusional psychopath who is morally, physically, and intellectually unfit for office, but no power on Earth can stop him from reclaiming his throne. His MAGA followers share his delusion that he has been divinely anointed to return to power.

 Biden is a delusional octogenarian who is physically and mentally unfit for office, and he will drop out only if the Lord God Almighty comes down to the White House to give him his pink slip. But God hasn’t made any house calls since Old Testament days. Democrats don’t share his delusion, according to polls about 65 percent of Democrats don’t want him to run for reelection.

What can save us from the nightmare of a second Trump administration? I’m not depending on the good Lord to knock some sense into Biden, and I’m not placing my hopes on an assassin with better aim.

Biden must be forced to drop out by any means necessary, it is incumbent upon every Democratic leader who cares about preserving our democracy to publicly urge Biden to quit. If all else fails, there’s always the 25th amendment.

New York Magazine Sparks Outrage for Cover Featuring Biden and Trump in Their Underwear

New York Magazine’s new cover depicts Donald Trump and Joe Biden, standing on scales in nothing but clean white underwear.

The current “Health” issue, featuring medical news and breakthroughs, and in particular Joe Biden’s physical and mental deterioration.

There is outrage on social media, with many calling the controversial cover disgusting, disturbing, and demeaning.

My take? Bitch, please! Neither of these presidential candidates is worthy of respect and deference. Trump is a pathological liar, sexual predator, convicted felon, and failed insurrectionist and Biden is a decrepit and demented walking corpse who refuses to drop out of the race even if it means that not only will he lose to Trump, but his presence at the top of the ticket will result in Republicans hanging on to the House and gaining control of the Senate.

The cover shows Trump wearing tighty whities and Biden sporting white boxers. This illustration is sanitized beyond imagination, and neither Trump nor Biden supporters should be complaining. The fact is that they both wear diapers smeared with feces, drenched in urine, and soaked in sweat.

When I look at the cover I’m disgusted and disturbed, not because of the graphic nature of the illustration. I’m appalled that the greatest democracy in the world couldn’t come up with better presidential candidates than these two sick douche bags.

Biden Makes Epic Gaffe in His ‘Big Boy’ Press Conference

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre billed President Joe Biden’s first press conference in eight months as his “Big Boy” presser. In preparation for his big moment, I am sure the octogenarian girded his loins with his Big Boy diapers, swallowed a double shot of Geritol, and uttered a quick Hail Mary.

But it seems that the Virgin Mary and even God Almighty Himself cannot unscramble Biden’s dementia-impaired brain.

In an ominous portent of things to come, shortly before his momentous question and answer session, he mistakenly referred to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky as President Putin when introducing him at a NATO event.

The geriatric gaffe-prone commander-in-chief started his gabfest by referring to Kamala Harris as “Vice President Trump,” thereby providing Donald Trump with more ammunition to use against him.

Biden’s much-anticipated press conference was not an unmitigated disaster like his debate with Donald Trump, but it did little to quell the fears that he is mentally unfit to serve another four years in the Oval Office. Biden said ‘anyway’ repeatedly when he lost his train of thought or forgot what he was going to say. “Anyway” is shorthand for “please forgive me I’m having another Senior Moment.”

A hundred mediocre press conference performances are incapable of making us forget his disastrous debate.

I am hoping and praying for one more speech from Biden, an announcement that he is not seeking reelection.

Stubbornness is a Hallmark of Dementia, Biden Must be Forced to Drop Out

I am not a neurologist or a psychologist, but neither am I blind or deaf, and I can deduce that President Joe Biden is an octogenarian with serious physical and cognitive issues. His slurring speech, incoherent comments, slow gait and his penchant for standing open with his mouth agape are indicative of a physically frail person suffering from dementia.

If your grandfather is suffering from Alzheimer’s or dementia, you do not expect him to make important decisions regarding his finances or medical care. If you are his caregiver, you make those decisions for him, and about the only choice you allow him to make is if he wants oatmeal or scrambled eggs for breakfast.

After Biden’s complete meltdown at the debate, many pundits and politicians are suggesting that we should give him time to realize that he is no longer physically and mentally fit to be president and allow him to drop out with a measure of grace and dignity.

Hello? Biden’s mind is shattered, he is incapable of realizing or admitting that he is cognitively challenged and unfit to serve as president.

General stubbornness is a hallmark of dementia, and Biden is too stubborn to relinquish his power even though he is incapable of uttering a complete sentence or exiting a stage after delivering an incoherent speech.

Six out of 10 people living with dementia wander at least once, according to the Alzheimer’s Association. When Biden is in a public stage with foreign dignitaries he often wanders away from the group, until his wife or an aide takes him by the arm and nudges him back.

Patients with dementia often develop delusions or false beliefs, and Biden is under the delusion that despite his dementia and poor polls he is the only one who can defeat Donald Trump.

Two years ago, Biden should have had the humility and grace to announce that he was not running for reelection, and anointed Kamala Harris as his worthy successor.

Biden isn’t going to drop out of the race, it’s incumbent upon Democratic leaders to force him to drop out by any means necessary.

If Biden remains the Democratic presidential nominee, he will lose, and a Trump with no guardrails will destroy our democracy.

Biden’s Dreadful Debate Has Doomed His Reelection Bid

My thoughts on last night’s debate:

Donald Trump did not engage in conventional debate preparation like participating in mock debates. He relied on his innate ability to adlib, and he spoke simply, albeit crazily in a manner that resonated with his deluded supporters.

The stable genius’ lack of debate preparation was manifest in his answers which were bereft of nuance and detail. His replies to the straightforward questions posed by the moderators had almost nothing to do with the topic at hand, instead his used his allotted two minutes per question to ramble incoherently about his favorite topics and conspiracy theories, namely immigration, crime and the “rigged” 2020 election.

But I give the former president credit for dialing down his rhetoric a couple of notches, Debate Trump was not as wacky and inflammatory as Maga Rally Trump. His replies were lacking in substance and insight, but he scored points with his forceful and confident delivery.

Liberal critics complained that the pathological liar’s false claims were not fact-checked in real time by the moderators. But it was an impossible task for the moderators to fact-check him when virtually every utterance that emanated from his sphincter-shaped mouth was a lie.

Trump’s debate performance was uneven and lackluster, but compared to Joe Biden’s dreadful performance, he was Reaganesque. The octogenarian’s performance was an unmitigated disaster. The 81-year-old incumbent had one job, and one job only, prove to a skeptical electorate that he still possessed the mental acuity to serve another term. He failed. Miserably.

From the moment he gingerly and tentatively walked to his podium, he looked defeated, downcast and disoriented. His raspy and barely audible voice, deer-in-the headlight stare, inability to complete a sentence and frequent loss of train of thought were enough to convince even the most diehard supporter that he is mentally unfit to be president.

At one point Biden froze for a few seconds, his apologists can’t explain this disturbing cognitive fail as a cheap fake. Biden is a dead man walking, he isn’t low-energy Joe, he’s rigor mortis Joe.

Presidential debates have a history of candidates having one viral moment that sabotages their performance, witness Gerald Ford’s “Free Poland” gaffe. But it wasn’t one mistake that doomed Biden, the entire evening was dominated by his incoherence, mental instability and inability to respond with a cogent thought.

I am a progressive who thinks that Trump is the worst president in history, who will destroy our democracy if he returns to power. The Democratic Party has a deep bench with many potential candidates like California Governor Gavin Newsome who would have no problem defeating Trump. It is tragic that we are burdened with a senile candidate, as evidenced by his horrific debate performance, who will lose to Trump.

If Trump is Human Garbage, why is the Presidential Race a Dead Heat?

When the presumptive Republican presidential nominee is a thrice-married, twice impeached felon, failed insurrectionist, pathological liar, cognitively-challenged serial sexual assaulter of women, miscreant who has been convicted of rape and fraud in civil trials, sociopathic personality with delusions of being a dictator, you’d think the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee would be miles ahead in the polls even if he was a wilted head of cabbage.

Certainly Democrats, Independents and even Republicans should vote for Joe Biden, right?

But Donald Trump and Joe Biden are in a dead heat in the national polls, and Trump is ahead in most of the swing states.

Why? Dear God, why?

Donald Trump is not only the undisputed leader of the GOP, but he is also the messiah of the MAGA cult, and his disciples have an excuse or a conspiracy theory for all of his grievous faults.

Pathological Liar? Lies, what lies? Every utterance that emanates from their Orange Messiah’s sphincter-shaped mouth is an alternative fact accepted as the Gospel truth by his disciples.

Cognitively challenged? Whatcha talkin’ about Willis? Trump is a stable genius who has aced a couple of cognitive tests! He’s an eloquent speaker and if the publishing world wasn’t controlled by commies and lesbians, hundreds of his pearls of wisdom would be included in Barlett’s Familiar Quotations.

Felon? His sycophants think he was framed just like Jesus Christ! The Justice System was weaponized against their Dear Leader. Trump considers his felony convictions as badges of honor!

Failed Insurrectionist? The 2020 election was rigged, and the patriotic hero was just trying to stop the steal.

Sociopath? MAGA wingnuts think that the heartless billionaire feels their pain, they think he’s as empathetic as Jesus.

The MAGA cultists are convinced that Trump will win in a landslide, and that Trump will lose only if the election is once again rigged.

Biden and Trump: Incontinent and Cranky Clowns Making Mockery of Our Presidential Election

A video of Joe Biden at the 80th anniversary of the D-Day invasion in Normandy has gone viral. The footage depicts the octogenarian commander-in-chief shaking hands with French President Emmanuel Macron, and then turning away and bending slightly, as if trying to sit down or as if he is digesting the fact that he just shit his pants in front of a world-wide viewing audience.

This disturbing video comes just days after the Donald Trump hush money trial featured the disgraced former president poisoning the court room with uncontrollable bouts of flatulence.

When a 78-year-old former president challenges an incumbent 81-year-old president it shouldn’t come as any surprise that that media coverage and political commercials will focus on droopy drawers and stinky farts.

Joe Biden and Donald Trump should reside in a nursing home where nobody will bat an eye if either one shits his pants or rips a loud and stinky fart. But we shouldn’t be expected to tolerate our president soiling his pants in a solemn occasion or a former president falling asleep in court and farting like nobody’s business.

I’m tired of this shit, the greatest democracy in the world shouldn’t put up with two incontinent senile presidential candidates.

The Debate Between Sleepy Joe and Drowsy Don Will be a Snoozefest

Let’s get ready to rumble! President Joe Biden, 81, and former President Donald Trump, 77, have agreed to a pair of debates. The two ageing pugilists have agreed to a debate on June 27, hosted by CNN, and another on Sept. 10 hosted by ABC.

Don’t expect a Lincoln-Douglas oratory masterclass when these two senile combatants take the stage, it will be more like a clash between Mr. Magoo and Scrooge McDuck.

The debates will feature just the two presidential candidates and the moderators without the rowdy in-person audience that makes even the most boring verbal duel interesting. This will be a disadvantage for Trump because he feeds off the energy of his cultists. The Sleepy Joe vs Drowsy Don debate will be a snoozefest.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr was not invited to the debate; I guess a conspiracy theorist who had part of his brain eaten by a worm would only serve to make the verbal confrontation between the old geezers more confusing.

The only way this debate will be interesting is if Joe Biden stumbles walking up to the stage or if he can’t find his lectern without assistance. There’s also the strong probability that Trump will enliven the verbal match with a bout of flatulence.

I would caution Biden to be prepared for low blows, there is no telling what the vulgar and vindictive Trump will say to rattle his opponent. And I would caution Trump not to interrupt Biden if he regales the viewing audience with an anecdote about Corn Pop, let Biden be Biden and he will lose the debate.

Senile Joe Biden Calls Himself a ‘Grown Man’

“US President Joe Biden roasted his predecessor and political rival, Donald Trump and poked fun at his age at the annual dinner for Washington’s political and media elites, saying ‘I am a grown man running against a six-year-old’”.


In his dig at his rival Donald Trump, President Joe Biden described himself as a “grown man.” When I think of a grown man, I think of a person who is fully developed and mature, both physically and mentally. I picture a middle-aged man with the wisdom and experience to navigate all the pitfalls of his career and private life.

Biden, 81, is not a grown man; he is an enfeebled old man, who is deteriorating an at exponential rate, both physically and mentally. Biden is not a grown man ready mentally and physically to reach the apex of his career. He is a senile, stubborn and silly old codger who should be put out to pasture.

Biden is not running against Trump, his shuffling along at a tentative gait reminiscent of a dead man walking who is too mentally addled to realize that his days are numbered.

The only truth in Biden’s tired joke is that his opponent is a six-year-old, intellectually and temperamentally. Not to put too fine a point on it, but Trump is a freaking idiot, with the vocabulary, intelligence and wisdom of a toddler. When he doesn’t get his way, he has a tantrum befitting a spoiled toddler.

This joke was written for Biden, he no longer has the mental acuity to read and understand the label on his prescription pills, let alone write a joke.

The joke’s is on us, we are screwed regardless which one of these senile old men wins.

If Biden Debates Trump He Will Lose the Debate and the Election

Donald Trump is a boxing fan, and he usually has a ringside seat at major boxing events. Even though Trump weighs almost 300 pounds, never exercises, wears diapers instead of boxing trunks, and has tiny doll hands, he views himself as a pugilist. Trump styles himself as a counterpuncher, but actually he’s more of a down-puncher. He strikes out at subordinates and people who he deems incapable of punching back.

The orange pig will never enter a boxing ring, but the next best thing for him is the debate stage. Trump is dying to debate the physically frail and cognitively challenged Joe Biden.

Last month, the combatative politician used his Truth Social platform to dare Biden to step onto the debate stage with him, declaring that he’s prepared to debate the Democratic incumbent “ANYTIME, ANYWHRE, ANYPLACE.” The former president expressed a desire to see ten debates, rather than the usual three general election debates.

Even though Trump is just as senile as Biden he would demolish, destroy and disembowel the octogenarian president. At the first verbal jab Biden’s dentures would go flying out, he would lose his train of thought and maybe control of his bowels as well.

There is no way that Biden can compete against an adversary who breaks all the rules, talks over his opponents and lands more low blows than legitimate punches.

If Biden is foolish enough to debate Trump, he will lose the debate and the election.

Trump Threatens Biden with Image of President Hog-tied on Pickup Truck

As a dog returns to his own vomit, and a pig wallows in the mire after having been washed, Donald Trump returns to the cesspool of violent imagery whenever he feels a need to rile up his base.

And with President Joe Biden seeing a rise in his polls following his State of the Union speech, a desperate Trump posted a video on his Truth Social platform depicting Biden hog-tied on the bed of a pickup truck festooned with Trump 2024 insignia.

The twice-impeached and four times indicted sociopath regularly incites political violence, and it can have real world consequences, or have we already forgotten the failed insurrection of January 6, 2021? Therefore, it’s incumbent upon reporters and bloggers to put Trump on blast every time he resorts to violent rhetoric.

This latest disturbing image was calculated to appeal to the orange messiah’s redneck base, after all only his cultists read the garbage that he posts on his social media platform.

The offensive post didn’t depict a businessman in a Toyota Prius running over Biden, it showed Biden hog-tied in the tailgate of a pickup truck. I’m sure there are multitudes of MAGA fanatics who fantasize about having Biden hogtied in the back of their Ford 150 truck.

This vile Trump post may push one of his disciples over the edge. Enough is enough! I call on responsible Republican pundits and GOP leaders to denounce Trump’s violent imagery.

Trump vs Biden? Just Shoot Me!

It’s not even spring and the world’s greatest democracy has now chosen the presidential nominees for the two major parties: Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Joe Biden.

The GOP and the Democratic Party have a stranglehold on the presidential selection process, and there’s zero chance that a Third-Party candidate will emerge to seriously compete against these despicable and senile candidates.

This tragic state of American politics can best be demonstrated in a metaphor:

Imagine that both parties are holding political events in Las Vegas at the same time, and naturally all the brothels are doing thriving business. You walk into a cathouse, and the Madam tells you that only two past their prime working girls are available:

Sleepy Joanna: she has a second job doing grannie porn videos in order to make ends meet. She’s emaciated and you fear she may have a heart attack doing the dirty deed, and you wonder about your legal liability. It’s likely that she will forget your name, and blurt out the wrong name when she pretends to climax.

Dorky Donna: she has a second job doing BBW porn in order to pay the bills. She’s fat as a pig and you fear that she may suffer a stroke while you’re knocking boots. You’re certain that the narcissist cow will scream her own name when she comes, and who wants to put up with that shit? 

The madam of the house of ill repute is waiting for you to make your decision, and you finally decide that you’d rather put your privates through a meat grinder than have sex with either of those sorry prostitutes.

Who am I voting for: The senile Biden is better than the senile human excrement Trump, but maybe I should just kill myself.

Pathological Liar Trump Calls Himself ‘Honest John’

In the early morning hours of Tuesday when all decent and honest people are sleeping, Donald Trump had the unmitigated gall to post this on his Truth Social media platform:

“For the good of our now failing Nation, and in order to inform the American people of what is going on in our Country, we must immediately have a full scale debate between Crooked Joe and Honest Don. I’m ready to go, ANY TIME, ANY PLACE!”

Trump the pathological liar, the mendacious miscreant who told over 30,000 lies during his administration christened himself with the moniker “Honest Don”

If a used car salesman at “Honest John’s Auto Emporium” tells you the rusted heap he’s trying to sell you is in cherry condition, if the Madam at the brothel tells you that the new working girl with dead eyes and heroin track marks all over her arms is a virgin, and if “Honest Don” known to everybody else as a lying piece of shit tells you anything, don’t believe a word they say.

It’s fair to label Joe Biden “Sleepy Joe”, “Skeleton Joe” or “Hospice Joe”, but he’s basically a decent person and it’s a disservice to refer to him as “Crooked Joe”

However, it would be fair to call the twice-impeached, twice divorced and 4 times indicted former president Trump “Crooked Don.”

If there is a debate between Biden, 81, and Trump, 77 there should be an AI powered Truth-O-Meter on stage to call out Trump in real time every time he tells a whopper.

And there should be a device on the floor under Biden that delivers an electrical shock every time he starts nodding off or goes off on a tangent about Corn Pop or some other nonsense.

Dementia Joe or “Honest Don” is going to be the next president. We’re Fucked.

When Racist Trump Mistakes Obama for Biden, You Know He’s Senile

I support Joe Biden, 81, over Donald Trump, 77; the Democrat presidential candidate who resembles Mr. Magoo is preferrable over the Republican presidential candidate who resembles a Joe Stalin or an Adolph Hitler.

I will stipulate that President Joe Biden is suffering from severe cognitive issues, the octogenarian has suffered more mental lapses than Carter has little pills.

I will also stipulate that Trump is a blatant racist, he has dog whistled more times in the last eight years than a typical NBA referee has blown whistles during a season.

Even most Democrats will concede that Biden is senile AF, but Republicans are loathe to admit that Trump is senile as all get out.

How senile is Trump? He is so senile that the raging racist has repeatedly mistaken Barak Obama for Joe Biden. During a recent campaign speech in Richmond, VA he said this:

“Shortly after we win the presidency, I will have the horrible war between Russia and Ukraine settled. I know them both very well, and we will restore peace through strength. Get that war settled. It’s a bad war. And Putin has so little respect for Obama that he’s starting to throw around the nuclear word.”

Trump hates Obama simply because he’s black, and when the unrepentant racist mistakes a black former president for the current white president, you know he belongs in a rest home.

Biden’s Annual Exam Must Include Cognitive Tests for Dementia

“President Joe Biden spent about 2 1/2 hours at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center on Wednesday for an annual physical that will be closely watched as the 81-year-old president seeks reelection.”

Associated Press

I have zero faith that the White House will release an accurate and truthful assessment of Joe Biden’s health. After all, after his last exam in February 2023, his physicians declared Biden “healthy, vigorous and fit to handle his White House duties.” This glowing assessment was in spite of Biden’s stiff gait and sluggish pace that’s indicative of a dead man walking, his days are clearly numbered.

Biden doesn’t have to put on a costume for Halloween, with his wispy white hair, prune face and bewildered expression he looks like Mr. Magoo’s ghost.

Biden’s annual exam must include cognitive tests for dementia, and the results must be released to the public. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to ascertain that Biden is senile AF. Anyone who has seen Biden stumble down stairs, lose his train of thought, wander around incircles searching for the exit from the stage, will deduce that he is senile.

If Biden’s cognitive abilities are tested and the results are released to the public, he wouldn’t dare perpetrate the fraud of running for reelection.

Trump Struggles to Pronounce ‘Evangelical’

Joe Biden is in obvious physical and mental decline; he’s like an octogenarian who wandered out of the house in the middle of the night and has no idea how to get back home.

Donald Trump is as senile and demented as Biden but because he’s physically robust, voters don’t consider him as far gone as the current resident of the White House.

One of the ways in which Trump’s senility manifests itself is in his incoherent screeds that barely resemble stump speeches. His diatribes are riddled with obscenities and malapropisms, he mangles the King’s English like a Norwegian on crack.

I give him a pass when he mispronounces or mangles the name of a head of state, but only a senile old man with cognitive issues would stumble over the word “evangelical.”

In a recent speech to the National Religious Broadcasters in Nashville, Trump struggled to say “evangelical” and “evangelist.” It’s been reported that Trump refers to evangelicals in profane terms in private; I give him credit for not slipping and calling them ignorant shitheads in his speech.

What a marvelous democracy we have, we will be only slightly better off if Biden stumbles to the finish line ahead of Trump.

Joe Biden Belongs in a Nursing Home or a Hospice, not in the White House

At an impromptu news conference aimed at defending the octogenarian president’s cognitive abilities from his legion of detractors, Joe Biden inexplicably referred to Egyptian leader Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi as the “president of Mexico.”

Actually, it’ not inexplicable at all, it’s not surprising that a cognitively-impaired and feeble old man who can’t tell his anus from a gopher hole got his wires crossed, for the umpteenth time.  

The gaffe occurred only hours after the release of the special counsel’s report into Biden’s handling of classified documents which concluded that he willfully retained classified information, including top secret documents, but that he didn’t charge him with any crimes, because no jury would convict a doddering old Mr. Magoo-like character.

Islamic Egypt and Roman Catholic Mexico may be separated by thousands of miles of ocean and desert, but what the hey, they both have world-famous pyramids and maybe we should cut Biden some slack? Should we just look the other way every time he falls down stairs, can’t find his way down a stage or utter a mind-boggling gaffe?

Absolutely, not! Joe Biden isn’t the president of the Bingo Club at a nursing home, he’s the president of the United States and Leader of the Free World, and he has no business running for reelection.

Joe Biden belongs in a nursing home or a hospice, not in the White House.

Special Counsel: No Charges for Biden Over Classified Documents (Too Senile to be Charged)

“A US Department of Justice report on Thursday cast Joe Biden as a ‘well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory’ in a damaging portrayal of the president even as he was spared from criminal charges following a months-long probe.

Financial Times

Special Counsel Robert Hur oversaw the DOJ’s investigation into Joe Biden’s handling (mishandling) of classified materials found at his private residences and offices and famously in a box behind his classic Corvette.

After a months-long investigation, he concluded that Biden, 81, had “willfully retained and disclosed” sensitive documents but he did not file criminal charges as a result.

Why was Biden spared from criminal charges when the special counsel concluded that he had willfully retained and shared the sensitive material with his ghostwriter, among other individuals?

Hur perceived Biden as a ‘well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory’ who would be viewed sympathetically by a jury. Basically, he’s saying that a jury would feel sorry for him and not convict him even if he showed up for his trial with classified materials shoved up his ass. The jury would correctly deduce that Biden doesn’t know his rectum from a locked file cabinet and they would find him not guilty of all charges. I guess a friendly elderly man who is as brain-addled as Mr. Magoo can get away with murder. (As long as he isn’t black or brown.)

Biden may be breathing a sigh of relief, but most Americans are terrified that a hopelessly senile old man will probably be reelected. Biden has no business getting behind the wheel of a Corvette and he has no business running for reelection.

Senile Joe Biden Should Step Aside for Gavin Newsom

According to actuarial tables, the statistical tools used by insurance companies, government agencies and corporations to predict the life expectancy of a potential employee or policy holder, Joe Biden has one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel, and one finger stuck up his ass, and the other one picking his nose.

But ordinary people don’t have to take into account expectancy tables or mortality tables to discern that Biden is senile old codger who will die well before he completes a second term if he’s reelected.

Donald Trump is still physically robust but he’s almost as senile as Biden. However, he has the presence of mind to realize that Biden is so physically frail and cognitively challenged that he may be forced to drop out of the race.

That’s why in an interview with Fox News host Maria Bartiromo he eviscerated California governor Gavin Newsom who is running a shadow campaign for president. Trump blamed Newsome for almost every problem the Golden State is facing.

“His state is doing horribly. You look at the homeless problem. You look at the people that are leaving. You have companies that are leaving. They’re all leaving for other locations. I think Gavin’s easy because California is a disaster.” Finally, he said Newsome was “bullshit.”

Newsome with his relative youth and good looks is a presidential candidate straight out of central casting, and he would defeat Trump in a landslide.

Biden is a good man but it’s bullshit that he’s running for president, he needs to drop out immediately. Trump is a horrible person, and it’s bullshit that the senile sociopath is the presumptive Republican presidential nominee.

Trump’s Toxic Personality Prompts Biden to Utter, ‘What a sick …’

President Joe Biden eviscerated Donald trump during a speech kicking off his 2024 presidential campaign. Biden’s absolute disdain and abhorrence of Trump kept his mind focused and his delivery lively, for once I didn’t notice any signs of mental decline.

At one point in his impassioned political attack on his likely general election opponent, Biden exclaimed, “What a sick … My God.” It wasn’t a declining mental acuity that prevented Biden from completing his thought, his fists were clenched in an effort to stop from uttering an expletive. We all know that Biden wanted to say “What a sick fuck.”

Trump usually sprinkles his campaign stump speeches with expletives, to the delight of the MAGA crowd. But Biden has too much respect for the office of the presidency to make it a practice to utter profanities in public.  

The volume of stupidity, racism, misogyny, and homophobia that emanates from Trump’s sphincter-shaped mouth during a typical speech is enough to make the average person exclaim, “What a sick fuck” a dozen times.

Biden was every one of use when he uttered, What a sick …” It’s incumbent upon each one of us to do everything within our power to make sure that this sick fuck doesn’t ever again return to power.

Nikki Haley: ‘Biden is Too Old’

“Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley has launched a new campaign ad calling President Biden ‘too old,’ in one of the most direct attacks on the president’s age this election cycle.

‘I’ll just say it: Biden’s too old,’ Haley, 51, says in the ad. ‘And Congress is the most exclusive nursing home in America.’”

The Washington Post

Amen, Nicki Haley, Amen!

Haley’s comment isn’t ageist, it’s an affirmation of the biological truth that septuagenarians like Donald Trump and octogenarians like Joe Biden are simply too old to be president of the United Sates, the most stressful occupation in the world.

With every stumble, malapropism, loss of train of thought and deer in the headlight stare, Joe Biden proves that time has taken a heavy toll on his physical health and mental acuity.

Haley has made subtle references and allusions to Donald Trump’s age, but she should also clearly proclaim that Trump, 77, is too old. Trump is an energetic and feisty old codger, but his cognitive ability is declining at a rapid pace.

Both candidates have recently disclosed positive health reports from their physicians, but those reports should be taken with a grain of salt. A twenty-year-old Ford Focus’ Fitness Certificate is more trustworthy than a quack’s medical report ascertaining the excellent mental and physical health of the commander-in-chief.

Joe Biden is too damn old! Donald Trump is too damn old. I will vote for Biden, he may be a senile old fart, but that’s better than being a senile old racist, homophobic, misogynist fat piece of shit.

I Hope the Election Doesn’t Come Down to a Choice Between Old Fool Biden or Old Felon Trump

Andrew Stein, a long-time supporter of Donald Trump, has turned his back on him, and now he is backing Nicky Haley. In an editorial for the Wall Street Journal, he wrote that he is “worried the election would come down to a choice between an old felon and an old fool.”

If the election is once again between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, our democracy is irrevocably broken. How in the world can two successive presidential elections come down to a choice between the same two men, who are manifestly unfit to be president of the world’s greatest democracy?

“An old felon and an old fool”, perfectly describes these two old geezers who don’t have any business being anywhere near the vicinity of the White House.

If Trump wins the election, it’s very likely he will be an old felon by inauguration day, considering he faces 91 felony counts for trying to subvert democracy, falsifying business records and risking national security secrets.

Dementia has rendered Biden an old fool who is incapable of stringing two sentences together or finding his way off a stage after delivering an incoherent speech.  I imagine that by inauguration day 2025 he will be unable to walk without a walker and he won’t be able to deliver his inauguration speech without soiling his diapers.

Who am I voting for the old fool or the old felon? First of all, Biden at 81 and Trump at 77 are both suffering from severe cognitive decline. Biden is too old to be president, and he’s an old fool, but at least he’s a good person. Mr. Magoo Biden may accidentally press the red button and start World War III, but Trump may deliberately press the nuclear button because he’s such an evil sociopath.

I hope and pray Biden will change his mind and not run for reelection, so I won’t have to vote for the old fool over the old felon.

Joe Biden Must be Replaced as the 2024 Democratic Presidential Nominee by Any Means Necessary

About a year out from the 2024 election President Joe Biden is a dead man walking. Most voters have serious reservations that the physically frail and cognitively challenged octogenarian will last another year, let alone have the energy to mount a successful reelection campaign.

Biden’s approval ratings are in the gutter, the economy is in serious decline, and the world is on the verge of the apocalypse. Americans aren’t going to reelect a commander-in-chief whose finger is too shaky to press the nuclear button if God forbid the near arises.

In head-to-head polls against the twice-impeached, four-times indicted, failed insurrectionist former President Donald Trump, Biden is in a dead heat at best. Yet Biden who resembles the cartoon character Mr. Magoo come to life is oblivious to reality and is convinced he’s going to win.

The befuddled Biden doesn’t realize that the election isn’t going to be a referendum on the former president Trump, it’s going to be a referendum on his administration.

Trump’s supporters don’t care that he is an amoral sociopath with delusions of grandeur, they will vote for their Dear Leader even if he announces that he’s the Antichrist. And voters who aren’t members of the Trump cult will consider the sorry state of the economy, Biden’s advanced age, the sky-high crime rate and the immigration crisis when considering the election.

Trump will probably beat Biden even if he’s convicted and sentenced to prison. Joe Biden must be replaced as the Democratic presidential nominee, by any means necessary.

Republicans Consider Trump More of a ‘Person of Faith’ than Biden, Pence or Any Other Republican Candidate

“Former Vice President Mike Pence is a born-again, evangelical Christian who roots his political ideology in his faith and frequently quotes the Bible on the campaign trail. President Joe Biden is, by all accounts, a devout Catholic and attends mass virtually every week.

But according to a recent poll, more Republicans view former President Donald Trump as a ‘person of faith’ than they do Biden, Pence or any other 2024 GOP presidential hopeful.”

Spectrum News

Allow me to preface my essay be unequivocally stating that being a “person of faith” doesn’t make a candidate a better person. I don’t care if a candidate is nominally religious, devoutly religious or a nonbeliever, that is not a criteria that I use in deciding who’s the best person for the office.

The evangelical Republican base places a high premium on a candidate’s allegiance to Jesus Christ and the Bible. Mike Pence wears his faith on his sleeve, every sentence he utters include a noun, a verb and an allusion to Jesus. How an evangelical can believe that the serial sexual predator, pathological liar and sociopath Donald Trump, who’s never claimed to be an evangelical, is more of a person of faith than Pence is beyond my understanding.

Joe Biden may not be an evangelical, but he’s a devout Catholic who attends mass every week, and always carries rosary beads with him. Surely, it should be apparent to even the most dim-witted MAGA true believer that Biden is more religious than Trump.

Trump embraces white evangelicals without embracing evangelical Christianity strictly out of expediency, he realizes they are the most loyal part of his base, and will stand by him come hell or high water.

Democratic Senator Bernie Sanders denies he’s an atheist, but he probably is one, he states that he “isn’t actively involved in organized religion.” The non-religious Sanders has more integrity in his pinkie finger than a sanctimonious politician like Mike Pence has in his whole body. I would vote for him over a devout Catholic like Biden, or an evangelical zealot like Mike Pence.

Evangelicals who make a mockery of their faith deserve an amoral buffoon like Donald Trump, may they rot in hell.

Joe Biden Doesn’t Have the Cognitive Ability to Take Care of Commander, the White House Dog

“US President Joe Biden’s dog Commander bit a Secret Service agent on Monday, the 11th such incident in a year, according to NBC News. The two-year-old purebred German Shepherd bit a female officer of the Uniformed Division and she was treated by the White House medical office.”


I own a pit bull, a breed that is often lumped together with German Shepherds and Doberman Pinchers as dangerous, but dogs aren’t inherently violent or dangerous and if a canine bites a person, blame the owner not the animal.

I walk Princess every day around my neighborhood, and children call her out by name, and pet her. I pamper my pooch to death and that enhances her natural friendly disposition and she spreads good cheer throughout my neighborhood.

If my pet bit eleven persons within a year, I would have 11 lawsuits, a neighborhood up in arms and animal control would have confiscated her and put her to death.

There is one standard of the law for the rich and powerful and another for the poor and powerless. Almost nobody, Republican or Democrat is calling out Joe Biden for maintaining an unsafe working environment.

Assuming the cognitively impaired commander-in-chief is aware that he has a pet dog in the White House, he is a cruel tyrant for keeping an animal who has a penchant for biting Secret Service Agents, the very individuals who risk their lives to protect him and his family.

It’s time for Commander to be handed over to an individual or family with the time and inclination to teach him discipline and shower him with love. Biden doesn’t have the cognitive ability to take care of a goldfish, let alone a dog.