I Hope the Criminal Justice System Doesn’t Fail Us and Trump is Convicted and Imprisoned

The vast majority of Republican leaders have railed against the indictment of Donald Trump over the stolen classified documents as a witch-hunt and a partisan vendetta by the Department of Justice (DOJ).

But the fact is that the DOJ was lenient and deferential towards Trump in the stolen classified documents case, given his status as a former president. They afforded the twice-impeached failed insurrectionist ample opportunities and more than enough time to avoid charges by returning the highly sensitive documents that didn’t belong to him.

According to the Washington Post one of Trump’s lawyers, Christopher Kise, wanted to negotiate a settlement with the DOJ that would preclude charges, but he was shot down by the stubbornly narcissistic Trump.

Ordinary government employees who didn’t have the status and power of the former president were prosecuted and imprisoned for taking documents home from work.

No one is less deserving of mercy and leniency than the vindictive, authoritarian and fascist Trump who thinks he is above the law. Republicans should stop coddling and making excuses for their Dear Leader, respect the rule of law, stop criticizing the DOJ and let Trump’s fate be decided by a jury of his peers.

If a jury decides that there isn’t enough evidence to find Trump guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, I will be extremely upset but I will accept the verdict.

If the jury finds that there is overwhelming evidence that Trump is guilty of mishandling sensitive files, I will conclude that there’s still hope for our democracy, and especially our judicial system. I will celebrate the fact that the career criminal finally was punished for his evil deeds.

Trump Doesn’t Need an Evangelical as His Running Mate

In 2016 Trump’s strategists thought the thrice-married serial sexual predator ruthless real estate magnate, who didn’t have a spiritual bone in his body, needed some credibility with evangelical voters. Therefore, they selected the straight as an arrow evangelical Mike Pence as his running mate.

During the 2016 presidential campaign Pence played his part perfectly, standing by Trump’s side, looking with reverence and awe at his boss, as profanities, vulgarities and malevolence emanated from his sphincter-shaped mouth.

Trump won with Pence as his running mate, but he would have won had he chosen Stormy Daniels. Evangelicals don’t give a shit about being good Christians, and they don’t expect the presidential candidate they vote for to be Christ-like as long as he shares their hatred of feminists, liberals, the LGBT community and racial minorities. Evangelicals didn’t care how many porn stars Trump had sex with or how many business partners he defrauded as long as he appointed conservative judges and attempted to turn our democracy into a white Christian nationalist theocracy.

There are a dozen Republican presidential candidates, including Pence, trying to catch up with the overwhelming favorite, Donald Trump. Pence is vehemently against abortion, LGBT rights, climate change, and women’s rights, you’d think he would be running neck-and-neck with Trump, but in most polls, he’s lagging far behind Trump and DeSantis. In fact, he’s yet to poll in the double digits in any poll.

Evangelicals prefer the faux Christian Trump over the genuine evangelical Pence; Trump’s racist and vengeful rhetoric resonates more with them than Pence’s civil Republican orthodoxy.

Trump will win the Republican nomination in a landslide, without an evangelical as his running mate. He’s learned that his evangelical base feeds of his anger and vitriol, and he will probably choose a firebrand crazy woman like Kari Lake as his vice president.

Trump and Evangelicals Deserve Each Other

Evangelicals fetishize the Ten Commandments, but most of them are unable to remember more than two or three of them. Not surprising since there are three different versions of the Ten Commandments in the Old Testament. To make things even more complicated, the three versions are organized and phrased quite differently.

Evangelicals are always clamoring to have the Decalogue posted in classrooms, courtrooms and other public buildings. You’d expect evangelicals to support a presidential candidate whose rhetoric and behavior demonstrates that he is at least making an effort to abide by God’s most important laws.

Instead, they enthusiastically support a serial sexual predator and pathological liar who brags about breaking the laws of humans and the Almighty. Donald Trump’s biography is antithetical to that of a spiritually-minded person who is seeking to live by God’s Top Ten Laws.  The soulless sociopath breaks them every day, and a dozen times on Sunday.

Moses gave the ancient Israelites the Ten Commandments, and former President Ronald Reagan gave Republicans the Eleventh Commandment:

 “Thou shalt not speak ill of another Republican.”

Trump shits all over the Eleventh Commandment with as much glee and enthusiasm as he does over the original ten. The twice-impeached former president eviscerates his political opponents, his attacks on Mike Pence, Nikki Haley and especially Ron DeSantis are crude, vulgar, petty and in most cases demonstrably false.

Evangelicals who would be hard pressed to recite the Ten Commandments, worship a presidential candidate who delights in breaking them. Their hero also makes a mockery of the Eleventh Commandment that was handed down to them by the greatest Republican hero, Ronald Reagan.

My favorite commandment is: Indict Donald Trump. I’m vehemently against posting the Ten Commandments in any public building, but I hope Trump is indicted, convicted and imprisoned in a cell with a giant poster of the Commandments on the wall of his cell.

Don’t Expect DeSantis to Hit Trump Below the Belt

Notwithstanding most polls that indicate the incumbent president Joe Biden would beat Trump and Ron DeSantis in the General Election, the Republican governor of Florida is convinced that he is the only Republican who can beat Biden.

A solid argument could be made that the young gun DeSantis would pulverize the octogenarian in a matchup. DeSantis wouldn’t have to deliver a haymaker to knock out the doddering and hapless Biden, a glancing blow would put him out of commission.

Bur before he can square off against Biden, DeSantis needs to knock out the schoolyard bully, Donald Trump. The only way to knock out a ruffian the likes of Trump is to put on some brass knuckles, punch him in the nose, and then kick him in the head to finish him off.

If as expected DeSantis formally launches his presidential run this week, he will finally have the opportunity to take on his tormentor and pound the hell out of him.

Expect DeSantis to wimp out. The governor will mostly ignore the daily Trump taunts and insults and will decline to take on the twice-impeached, freshly indicted former president head-on. DeSantis has no choice but to risk alienating the MAGA base and rhetorically destroy Trump.

Nobody has ever really landed a solid blow on Trump, and for the life of me I can’t figure out why. What are Republican presidential candidates so afraid of, Trump like all bullies is a coward, and he’s not going to hurt anyone with his pathetic doll hands.

DeSantis needs to put on his big boy boxing shorts on and punch Trump on the nose and not hesitate to hit him below the waist.

NAACP Issues Travel Advisory for Racist Florida

The U.S government issues travel alerts to countries where crime, civil unrest, kidnapping and terrorism pose a threat to Americans. The federal government has warned against traveling, at one time or another, to uncivilized and backwards nations like Syria, Somalia and Lebanon.

In Florida, under the leadership of Gov. Ron DeSantis, civil rights, women’s rights, and democracy itself has so deteriorated that the NAACP issued a travel advisory for Florida warning potential tourists that recent laws and policies enacted by Gov. Ron DeSantis and GOP Florida lawmakers are openly hostile toward African Americans, people of color and LGBTQ individuals.

If you are a person of color or a member of the LGBTQ community you are making a big mistake if you vacation in the Sunshine State. Frankly, you are out of your mind if you are considering moving to Florida.

I feel a little bit hypocritical because I just visited Florida for a family reunion. I beseech my sister, brother and nieces to please move away from that godforsaken state, so I will never have to return.

The NAACP’s decision didn’t come out of nowhere, Florida has enacted laws that are blatantly racist, and would have been popular under Jim Crow. For example, the DeSantis’ administration rejected the College Board’s Advanced Placement African American studies course. The racist DeSantis administration has advocated for measures that ban state colleges from having programs on diversity, equity and inclusion, as well as critical race theory. And they have passed the Stop WOKE Act (should be called anti-Black Act) that restricts certain race-based conversations and analysis is schools and businesses.

The DeSantis administration has made it crystal clear that blacks and other racial minorities and the LGBTQ community isn’t welcome in Florida. So why the hell enrich the coffers of this racist state by spending your vacation dollars in the land of DeSantis?

Tourism is the biggest industry in Florida, make a statement by staying the hell out of Florida, and really hitting them in the pocketbook.

Evangelicals are an Impediment to Universal Healthy Mental and Physical Health

“Praying, reading the Bible, and having a strong Christian faith can have a positive impact on both mental and physical health, according to a new report.

According to the “Faith and Wellness: Evangelical Insights on Healing and Physicians” report, released by Grey Matter Research and Infinity Concepts, 99% of evangelical Protestants agree that praying, reading the Bible, and having a strong Christian faith all contribute to positive mental health.”


If only evangelicals devoted their time praying for world peace and brotherly love, and reading the Bible as a devotional.

But the sad reality is that too many evangelicals waste their time reading about conspiracy theories, Christian nationalism and racist propaganda on the darkest corners of the Internet.

And when they do read the Bible it’s not to seek spiritual enlightenment, but to look for verses that they can weaponize against gays and lesbians, immigrants and pro-choice advocates.

Evangelicals don’t pray for global peace, unity and harmony, instead they pray that their God will smite liberals, the LGBT community and everyone who doesn’t subscribe to their Neanderthal beliefs.

That’s why there is no mental wellness in the evangelical movement. How can you be at peace with yourself when you hate everyone who isn’t part of your religious cult?

Having a strong faith isn’t a positive when it inspires vindictiveness, intolerance and inhumanity.

Almost 100 percent of the general population believes that evangelicals are an impediment to universal healthy mental and physical health. The world would be a better place without their divisive rhetoric and evil behavior.

The ReAwaken America Tour Unites QAnon Nuts, the MAGA Faithful and White Evangelicals

The ReAwaken America Tour, founded by former Donald Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn, is a traveling religious/political circus that features the biggest grifters, conspiracy theorists and evangelical hucksters, like the MyPillow guy, Roger Stone and Eric Trump.

The audience for this alt-right festival is comprised of QAnon conspiracy theorists, white evangelical Christians, the MAGA faithful and Christian nationalists. In other words, the audience is almost completely white, you will spot only a handful of Uncle Toms.

During the ReAwaken Tour that started on Thursday at the Trump National Doral in Miami, an Uncle Tom preacher, Mark Burns, was actually allowed to address the audience.

The Oreo preacher delivered the toxic goods, he thundered from the stage:

“I believe without a shadow of a doubt, the only man that God has anointed him…to be the next President of the United States of America and that is Donald Trump.”

The pro-Trump sycophant suggested that violence is needed to establish a Christian Nationalist government.

“You got to get to the point where you realize that when they smack you in the face you smack them back two times harder.

The heretical pastor then suggested violence as he noted that the “Bible says the violent take it… and we take it by force,” in reference to Matthew 11:12, which reads, “And from the days of John the Baptist until now, the Kingdom of Heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.”

Only at a ReAwaken America event would you heard a preacher turn Jesus’ message of non-violence upside down, and suggest that instead of turning the other cheek, you should pimp slap someone who slaps you.

If the ReAwaken America Tour makes a stop in your city, stay the hell away.

By the End of a Second Term Biden Will Resemble a Vegetable More Than a Sentient Human Being

Whiskey, wine, and cast-iron skillets get better with age, but vegetables and the human brain and the human body do not. If Joe Biden, God forbid, is reelected by the end of his second term he will resemble a vegetable more than a sentient human being. A horror flick starring Joe Biden and Dianne Feinstein as brain-eating zombies is guaranteed to scare the BeJesus out of anyone.

Already the 80-year-old Biden shows signs of severe mental decline; I doubt he has the cognitive ability to tell the nuclear red button from the remote control.

During presidential visits at home and abroad Jill Biden has to guide him as if he was a child or an octogenarian in his second childhood.

When Biden delivers a speech, I bet his aides and handlers hold their collective breath, waiting for him to slur or stumble over his words.

Even in his prime, decades ago, Biden was a gaffe-machine, now that he’s a senior citizen it’s unbearable to witness him struggling to deliver a coherent speech.

When speaking Biden has two modes: screaming and whispering. When he screams, he sounds like a cranky old grandpa scolding the neighborhood kids to get off his damn grass. When he whispers, he sounds like an old pervert telling an innocent little girl that he will give her candy if she lets him sniff her hair.

I am sick and tired of watching senile Biden embarrass himself, the Democratic Party and the nation. I want to hear only one more speech from Biden, the one where he pledges not to seek a second term.

The CNN Trump Town Hall Was a Travesty! Boycott CNN

Donald Trump is craven crass, clownish sociopath who thinks he’s Don Rickles. His stump speech is like a stand-up act by an insult comic whose trademark is punching down. The orange clown takes a perverse delight in mocking women, the LGBT community, immigrants, liberals and basically everyone else who doesn’t worship him.

If you gift a national platform to a clown expect him to act as if he’s the headliner in a circus. Trump’s diseased mind thrives under the spotlight, a barrage of insults, lies and profanity will emanate from his sphincter-shaped mouth.

We have witnessed Trump’s clown act on the national stage for the past eight years. Did anyone really expect a man with racoon eyes, an orange complexion and a double chin to utter words of civility and wisdom?

The CNN town hall featured the twice impeached, criminally indicted former president doubling down on the Big Lie, insulting the moderator Kaitlan Collins as a “nasty person” and defaming columnist E. Jean Carroll only a day after a jury found Trump guilty of defaming and sexually abusing her.

CNN knew exactly what they were getting in Donald Trump, but they hosted the shit show for higher ratings.

It’s our responsibility to make CNN pay for their desecration of the noble profession of journalism.

Boycott CNN!

Top 4 Ways CNN Can Make Amends for Televising Trump Town Hall

The CNN town hall was such an affront to humanity, such a tour de farce, such a display of fuckery that I felt compelled to write a series of essays on the shit show from the pit of hell.

In my last essay I wrote that the CNN MAGA rally masquerading as a town hall was an unpardonable sin, but perhaps there is a way in which CNN can make amends. Here are a few suggestions:


Since May 2022, he has been the chairman and CEO of CNN. He has been on a mission from God to transform CNN from a liberal/moderate news organization into a Fox Light clone. This foolish endeavor is destined to be as popular and successful as Bud Light’s marketing strategy.


CNN should profusely apologize to their aggrieved viewers and pledge never again to air any Trump event, be it a speech, rally, photo-op or press conference. The only speech they should televise is the one where he drops out of the presidential race. Don’t normalize a monster, period!


In the town hall Trump made disparaging remarks about E. Jean Carroll just a day after he was found liable in a civil case for sexually assaulting her. CNN gave the serial predator a national platform to defame, insult and mock her once again. The only way CNN can make amends is by giving her a platform to defend her reputation.


Give the Biden town hall audience the same instructions as the Trump audience: be respectful, applaud, but don’t boo.

If CNN fails to take these actions it’s incumbent upon us to boycott the failed news organization.

CNN ‘Town Hall’: a Shit Show of Biblical Proportions

The CNN “town hall” was an unmitigated disaster, a shit show of biblical proportions, a desecration of journalism, an off-the-rails MAGA rally, a betrayal of CNN’s audience, a Lollapalooza of lies, a desperate publicity stunt for ratings and the death knell for the formerly most trusted name in news.

The sorry spectacle had evangelicals shouting “Amen”, Nazis screaming “Hail Hitler, rednecks as happy as pigs eating slop and the demons in hell squealing in delight.

But I’ll pull a pearl out of Trump’s incontinent rectum, and admit that one good thing was accomplished: the televised abomination proved once and for all that Donald Trump hasn’t changed one iota for the better. He’s still the steaming pile of human shit that he’s always been. There is no Trump 2.0, he’s still an asshole.

The town hall from the pit of hell was vintage Trump: he called the moderator a “nasty person” for doing her due diligence as a journalist and asking follow-up questions to controversial subjects, he made disparaging remarks about E. Jean Carroll just a day after he was found liable in a civil case for sexually assaulting her, and he defended the Big Lie.

The CNN town hall was the unpardonable sin, liberals will never forgive the cable news giant. CNN is anathema to me.

Trump turns everything he touches to shit, and he has managed to destroy CNN.

CNN Televises Trump MAGA Rally Disguised as a Town Hall

Under its new chief executive, Chris Licht, CNN is dumping some of their more left-leaning anchors and steering the cable news giant to a more moderate position.

Under the stewardship of the former CNN president, Jeff Zucker, CNN didn’t air any of the fascist Trump MAGA rallies in the last four years.

In a desperate attempt to appeal to a more conservative demographic Licht aired a Trump MAGA rally disguised as a town hall.

CNN chose an audience of Republican and Republican leaning voters for their town hall that they knew would cheer for his lies, laugh at his conviction for sexual assault and revel in his antics.

The all-white audience at the CNN town hall resembled a crowded Cracker Barrel on a Sunday morning after church, a white nationalist convention or a MAGA rally.

Not a single person of color was allowed to question Trump, and the moderator, Kaitlan Collins, was ill-equipped to deal with Trump’s bullying tactics. Why didn’t CNN choose a more seasoned anchor for such an important event?

As I witnessed the cultists clap, cheer and chuckle at the racist and ignorant rhetoric emanating from the sphincter-shaped mouth of Trump, I marveled that this shit show was being televised on CNN and not Fox News or Newsmax.

CNN probably got monster ratings for the sickening spectacle, but they have lost their soul.

White Evangelicals Still Infatuated with Trump

Donald Trump is worried that there’s some erosion among the rock-solid support he enjoys among white evangelicals. I don’t think Trump has anything to worry about on that front, evangelicals regard their Orange Messiah with awe and reverence. They are blind to his warts and festering sores, they are too preoccupied fawning over the lies, racism, homophobia and misogyny that emanates from his sphincter-shaped mouth.

Nevertheless, in an effort to shore up his support among evangelicals, Trump had an interview with a pro-Trump evangelical minister on April at Mar-a-Lago.

In the interview with a sycophant from the Victory Channel, Trump reminisced about his Christian upbringing and claimed that he regularly attended Sunday school. This is just another whopper from the liar-in-chief, there is no evidence that Trump’s father, a ruthless businessman who was solely focused on accumulated wealth at the expense of ordinary citizens, raised him in the Christian faith.

He told the interviewer that the Bible is even better than his coffee table picture book. “I’m glad to hear you say that,” the evangelical fluffer said reassuringly.

Evangelicals know damn well that Trump who has a penchant for holding the Bible upside down at photo-ops, and who attended church only at Easter and Christmas during his scandal-riddled term has no Christian inclinations whatsoever.

Evangelicals will continue to support the amoral sociopath for pragmatic reasons: his hatred of immigrants and the LGBT community, and his commitment to appoint anti-abortion judges.

Trump can stop pretending to be a Christian, evangelicals have shown no evidence that they will stop getting spiritually high by sniffing the odor that emanates from his rectum, regardless what crimes or sins he commits.

Trump Can Rape a Woman in the Middle of Fifth Avenue and Evangelicals Will Still Vote for Him

“An attorney on MSNBC on Friday said former president Donald Trump’s deposition video, which some legal experts have said could be devastating to his defense in the case in which he has been accused of defamation and rape, shows that Trump faked his initial reaction to the release of his infamous recordings bragging about committing sexual assaults because he’s famous.”


On October 7, 2016, one month before the presidential election, The Washington Post released the infamous Hollywood Access Grab ‘em by the pussy tape, and pundits and political analysts predicted that evangelicals would turn against Trump costing him the election.

But Trump issued a perfunctory apology, and that was enough for the evangelicals to cling to him and they enthusiastically voted for him giving him enough of a margin to defeat Hillary Clinton.

In an edited deposition video released as a trial exhibit in the civil rape defamation case filed by E. Jean Carroll against the serial predator Donald Trump, he exposed his true feelings about the comments he uttered in the Hollywood Access tape, namely that he had no remorse.

He said that “unfortunately or fortunately” “over the last million years” stars can grab women by the genitals. Trump definitely has acted over the decades as if he had carte blanche to rape, grope and sexually abuse women.

In hindsight, Trump would have won the 2016 presidential election without issuing a faux apology, and he didn’t even need ramrod straight evangelical Mike Pence as his beard, he had evangelicals at “hello”.

If Trump rapes a woman, or even an underage girl. in the middle of Fifth Avenue, he won’t need to pretend to apologize, evangelicals will vote for him in 2024 come hell or high water.

Outrage: Texas Bill Pushes for Ten Commandments in Classrooms

Ten Commandments

“Every public classroom in Texas could be required to display a copy of the Ten Commandment if a bill, which has already gained the Senate’s blessing, gets the green light from the House.

The bill’s supporters insist the Ten Commandments inspired many of the country’s founding documents, but those opposed to the proposal worry it could exclude other religions and infringe on student and teacher rights to free religious expression.”

Austin American-Statesman

Displaying a copy of the Ten Commandments is an egregious violation of the constitutional principle of separation of church and state.

Public schools are government-run institutions where children of all religious faiths and no faith attend. The Ten Commandments is a Judeo-Christian document, and the first four Commandments pertain to how believers should worship Jehovah.

Displaying the Ten Commandments in classrooms is an afront to Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, atheists and followers of thousands of other religions that don’t recognize Jehovah as a deity.

There are millions of people who aren’t adherents of a monotheistic religion, and displaying a poster that proclaims that there is only one God, is anathema to them.

If the Ten Commandments are displayed in public schools, why shouldn’t the main tenets of other religions be posted as well, after all we live in a multi-cultural, multi-racial and multi-religious democracy? Why shouldn’t the Seven Tenets of the Satanic Temple be posted next to the Ten Commandments?

America is a secular democracy and we don’t have a state religion, no religious documents should be displayed in public schools.

Woman Accuses Trump of Groping Her: ‘He Was Like an Octopus’


Jessica Leeds testified on Tuesday to support a defamation lawsuit against Trump filed by writer, E. Jean Carroll.

Carroll alleges Trump forcibly raped and groped her in a Manhattan luxury department store dressing room in the mid 1990’s. She is suing the serial pussy grabber for defamation because he denied the rape and, in the process, called her a liar.

Leeds testified in court that Trump groped her on an airplane with what she said felt like “40 zillion hands.” She said that Trump was like an octopus and that his hands were everywhere.

To be raped by a blimp with a mouth that resembles a sphincter must be a horrifying life-shattering experience, and I hope that the jury awards Carroll millions.

But to be groped by a fat ass with grotesque doll hands is also a terrifying experience, and I hope Leeds is under psychiatric care.

Imagine the nightmarish experience of Trump’s tiny hand reaching up your legs trying to grab your vagina? That’s more horrible than having a giant octopus trying to strangle you with his tentacles, or a movie alien penetrating all of your orifices with his myriad appendages. The horror, the horror.

A horror flick that features a Trump-like monster with a dozen doll hands and a tiny mushroom-shaped pecker would be the scariest movie of all time.

Biden: ‘Just Watch Me’ We Have, You’re Too Damn Old!


The octogenarian president often dismisses concerns about his advanced age by saying: “watch me, just watch me.”

Once again on Wednesday Biden said he respects Americans taking a hard look at whether his age is a factor and to decide if he’s fit to serve another term.

We don’t need to take a “hard look” at Biden to determine if he’s fit to serve another term. Even a cursory look at the hapless president is enough to determine that the Grim Reaper should be fired for not retiring him permanently.

Watch me? We have watched Biden shake hands with his imaginary friends.

Watch me? We have seen the old codger take a circuitous route to exit the stage after delivering a speech.

Watch me? We have witnessed the senior citizen repeatedly falling down stairs.

Watch me? We have observed the old-timer react like a deer caught in the headlight almost every time a reporter asks him a question.

Watch me? A baby’s gibberish makes more sense than the typical Biden stump speech.

Watch me? We’ve got more than an eyeful of the geriatric president shuffling along at a snail’s pace.

Watch me? We’ve paid attention to the way his longsuffering wife guides him.

Watch me? We’ve seen enough. Just do the world a favor and don’t run for reelection.

Where the hell is Corn Pop or the Grim Reaper when you really need him?

Who Will Prevail in 2024, Senile Biden or Crazy Trump?

Biden and Trump

Donald Trump, the twice impeached, freshly indicted, failed insurrectionist is the most unqualified, incompetent and morally bankrupt presidential candidate in history. Every time he opens his sphincter-shaped mouth, he adds to his litany of batshit crazy and incomprehensible statements. The Republicans have made the Mayor of Crazy Town their standard bearer, and he faces only token opposition in his relentless and inevitable march to the Republican nomination.

In a normal presidential cycle, the Democrats would already be popping open bottles of champagne and looking forward to occupying the White House for another four years.

But there is nothing normal about this election cycle, and nobody has a clue which political party will prevail in 2024.

Joe Biden the incumbent, who is suffering from dementia, is running (dawdling?) for reelection with the cackling word salad champion, Kamala Harris as his running mate.

The somnolent Biden only comes out of his stupor when he spots an innocent little girl that he can fondle and sniff. He shakes hands with imaginary friends, of whom he has an abundance, falls down stairs, and exits stages in a circuitous route that confounds his Secret Service agents.

The age of COVID-19 may be over, but due to his lack of physical agility and declining mental acuity, Biden will be forced to run a virtual campaign from the White House basement.

Who will win the presidential election, the incumbent that the electorate will rarely see, or the challenger who will drive people nuts with his myriad MAGA rallies?

Me? I will continue to warn the public about these two pathetic presidential candidates, and I will be pray that the Grim Reaper will soon kill both of these decrepit old white men who refuse to give up their power.

Down Syndrome Barbie: Good Idea, Bad Execution


I applaud the initiative by Mattel and other toy manufacturers to market dolls of all ethnicities and different body shapes in an effort to be inclusive. It’s a wonderful world when every young boy and girl can find a doll that represents them.

In the homogenous and monochrome world of the 60’s that I grew up in as a child, the only option for children of color was to play with a white GI Joe and a white Barbie.

Now Mattel is launching a Barbie with Down’s syndrome in an effort to help more kids find a toy that represents them.

Mattel said it consulted the NDSS and medical professionals to inform the design process, introducing a new face and body sculpt to be more illustrative of women with Down’s syndrome, including a shorter frame and a longer torso.

Guided by the NDSS, the doll’s pink pendant necklace with three upward chevrons represents the three copies of the 21st chromosome, which is the genetic material that causes the characteristics associated with the condition.”

The Guardian

The idea to launch a Barbie with Down’s syndrome was noble, but the execution was a failure. A child with Down’s syndrome will be unable to discern the subtle differences between a Down’s syndrome Barbie and a regular Barbie. In fact, a child with Down’s syndrome won’t be able to tell the difference between a Barbie, a GI Joe or a flashlight.

A realistic Barbie with Down’s syndrome should have a misshapen face and stubby legs.

Mattel is virtue signaling that they are inclusive by marketing the Down’s syndrome barbie, but they need to go back to the drawing board.

The Passion of Donald Trump


This Easter it became abundantly clear just how far away from Jesus white evangelicals have strayed and how closely they cling to their new messiah, Donald Trump.

In some third world countries like the Philippines, we witness the spectacle of penitents crucifying themselves in imitation of Jesus Christ’s suffering and death.

In America, on Holy Week, we witnessed the spectacle of white evangelicals metaphorically donning sackcloth and ashes and weeping over the prosecution and persecution of their savior Donald Trump.

The twice-impeached president was indicted on 34 felony counts of falsifying business records, to cover up his one-night stand with a porn star. The same white evangelicals who wanted to drive Bill Clinton on a rail out of town for having oral sex with a White House intern, totally overlook their orange savior’s dalliance with the porn star, and claim that he shouldn’t be indicted over what they perceive as simply a bookkeeping error.

In the passion play as represented by white evangelicals Donald Trump is the messiah who is suffering spiritual, financial and emotional pain, and damage to his brand on the behalf of White America. It should be emphasized that according to their reckoning Trump isn’t suffering for all of America, just for conservate white citizens.

If you think I’m overstating the case let me remind of the words of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene:

“President Trump is joining some of the most incredible people in history being arrested today. Nelson Mandela was arrested, served time in prison. Jesus! Jesus was arrested and murdered!”

The steaming pile of human excrement known as Donald Trump is worshipped as the savior of white America by evangelicals and they aren’t going to forsake him, no matter how many times he’s indicted, for any pretender like Ron DeSantis.

The faith of evangelicals in their orange messiah won’t be dashed until he loses again, and he becomes too senile to run again.

Biden vs Trump in 2024? Just Kill Me!

Trump and Biden

“With President Biden reportedly set to announce his reelection campaign early next week, more Americans say they feel exhaustion over the prospect of a 2024 rematch between Biden and his predecessor, Donald Trump, than any other emotion, according to a new Yahoo News/YouGov poll.

No other sentiment — not fear (29%), sadness (23%), hope (23%), anger (23%), excitement (16%), pride (8%) or gratitude (7%) — cracks the 30% mark among all Americans.”

Yahoo News

Four years after a historically large number of Republican and Democrat presidential candidates, it looks like the field for the 2024 presidential campaign will be much smaller. It will likely be headlined by the same two senile men who ran in the general election last time: President Joe Biden and the twice-impeached, freshly indicted former President Donald J. Trump.

Biden has only token opposition: New Age quack Marianne Williamson and anti-vaxxer Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Williamson will be lucky to get the support of a few New Age weirdos and Kennedy might get the support of a few anti-vaxxers who have grown tired of Trump’s antics.

Trump has only token opposition: Nickie Haley, a former governor of South Carolina and United Nations ambassador under Trump, Vivek Ramaswamy, a millionaire entrepreneur, Asa Hutchinson, a former governor of Arkansas and nutjob conservative radio host Larry Elder. Trump will make mincemeat out of these pretenders, they don’t’ have a snowball’s chance in hell of winning the nomination.

Ron DeSantis, the governor of Florida, is the only one who might pose a threat to Trump, but he hasn’t announced yet, and most political operatives think he’s not ready for prime time.

Unless Biden’s cognitive mental decline approaches Dianne Feinstein’s vegetable level and he’s forced to withdraw or the morbidly obese Trump suffers a fatal attack, it’s going to be Biden vs Trump again. And I’m already exhausted, depressed and bored to death.

What can we expect from the 2024 general election campaign? Biden safely ensconced in the White House running a virtual campaign. Biden does not have the physical energy or the mental acuity to run a conventional campaign. Trump leveling insults at Biden and holding his Nazi-like MAGA rallies.

Biden vs Trump II is evidence that our democracy is broken. Our only hope is for the Grim Reaper to target Biden or Trump, or hopefully both. We desperately need a new generation of presidential candidates to revive our democracy.

Asa Hutchinson: Trump’s Campaign a Personal Vendetta


“Former Arkansas GOP Gov. Asa Hutchinson said former President Donald Trump has taken the Republican Party ‘back to bitterness.’

Donald Trump has taken us back to bitterness. He’s taken us back to, you know what, a personal vendetta,’ Hutchinson said. ‘Whenever you look at what he wants to do as president, it’s more about getting even with his political enemies than leading our country, which concerns me.’”

Washington Examiner

All of the announced Republican presidential candidates, with the exception of former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson, treat the frontrunner Donald Trump with deference and respect. You’d think the twice impeached, freshly indicted insurrectionist was a statesman worthy of such reverence.

Hutchinson doesn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of winning the Republican nomination, but as one of Trump’s most vocal GOP critics his quixotic campaign may serve as a reminder that Trump is a steaming pile of shit.

Hutchinson is spot-on, Trump isn’t running to enact a conservative agenda, rather he’s on a mission from God, a personal vendetta if you will, to get even with all of his enemies.

There will be no guard rails in a second Trump administration, he will be in full dictator mode, as he seeks revenge on America for choosing Biden over him.

Hutchinson ain’t gonna win, but hopefully enough Republican voters in the general election will remember his warning to deny Trump the presidency.

Uncle Tom Sen. Tim Scott Announces Creation of Exploratory Committee to Run for President

Uncle Tom

Last week, South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott announced the creation of an exploratory committee to run for president in 2024. Scott is the only Republican African American in the Senate.

The 2020 Republican presidential primary seems destined to be a titanic battle between former president Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis, the governor of Florida.  

Why would any presidential hopeful enter this race between King Kong and Godzilla, when they would be nothing, but a mouse trampled to death by the two behemoths?

Most Republican presidential candidates enter the 2024 race knowing they have little to no chance of winning, they have other motives for entering the fray. They may be auditioning to be the winner’s running mate; they hope to do just well enough to be perceived as a viable vice president. Others are expecting to become part of the eventual nominee’s Cabinet, and the rest believe that their quixotic campaign will burnish their brand name and help them to sell books and land lucrative speaking engagements.

Scott is cognizant that as a black man he has little chance of becoming the Republican presidential nominee of a party riddled with racism. He would never leave his influential perch on the Senate to join an administration, and he doesn’t need the publicity of running for president to increase his value as an author or a speaker.

Scott is running for president hoping that the winner, which he expects to be Trump, will choose him as his running mate. During Trump’s administration, Scott frequently appeared by the president’s side, gratuitously flashing his Uncle Tom smile. Scott would be comfortable in the subservient role as the vice president of a narcissist egomaniac.

Scott knows that the only way he will become president is if Trump chooses him as his running mate, they win the general election, and then the morbidly obese septuagenarian dies while in office.

American Evangelicals Responsible for Uganda’s Brutal anti-LGBT Bill


“In condemning a law the Uganda Parliament just passed that imposes life imprisonment for gay sex, the death penalty for aggravated homosexuality and makes it a crime to even identify as LGBTQ, the White House this week called the measure from the East African nation one of the most extreme anti-LGBTQ laws in the world and said that no one should be attacked, imprisoned or killed simply because of who they are or who they love. Uganda President Yoweri Mouseveni is expected to sign the bill into law.”


The White House condemned this extreme anti-LGBTQ measure in no uncertain terms.

Americans may not be surprised that a third-world nation would enact such a primitive and brutal law. The death penalty for loving someone of the same sex is a legal and moral abomination that shouldn’t exist anywhere in the world.

But what most Americans fail to realize is that it’s American evangelical missionaries who are responsible for the virulent hatred against the LGBTQ community in Africa in general and Uganda in particular. Evangelicals have spent millions pushing an anti-gay agenda throughout Africa.

Instead of spreading the good news that Jesus saves in Africa, evangelicals are spreading the ugly news that gays and lesbians are sinful and deserving of the wrath of God and the condemnation of the government.

Evangelicals aren’t content with trying to turn our secular democracy into a White Nationalist theocracy, they are also quite busy undermining democracy throughout the world.

We must fight evangelicals at home to diminish their ability to corrupt our democracy, and to diminish their ability to spread their hatred to the four corners of the world.

Outrage! Minneapolis City Council OKs Muslim Call to Prayer to Be Broadcast Over Loudspeakers

Call to Prayer

“Minneapolis mosques would be able to broadcast the adhan—the Islamic call to prayer—five times a day under a proposed ordinance unanimously approved March 29 by the City Council’s Public Health and Safety Committee.”

Sahan Journal

“Polls have found that the number of Americans identifying as evangelical Christians is dropping rapidly. And it’s not just the polls. The Southern Baptist Convention, the largest evangelical Protestant group in the country, has lost more than 2 million members over the last decade and a half.”

The Survey Center on American Life

The fact that membership in evangelical churches is rapidly declining gives me hope for the future of democracy in America. Evangelical Christianity is antithetical to democracy, and the sooner homophobic, misogynist and racist evangelicals dimmish to an insignificant minority the better.

Unfortunately, Muslims are increasing in numbers and influence, and Islam is even more reactionary and hostile to a democracy than Christianity.

The bill would allow the call to prayer to be played publicly by loudspeaker between the hours of 7 a.m. and 10

CAIR-MN executive director Jaylani Hussein told Axios the change “sends a message to the world that freedom of religion is practiced here.” This bill isn’t an example of the freedom of religion, it’s an example of the tyranny of religion.

Why the hell should the sleep of citizens be interrupted in the morning and at night by the blaring of loudspeakers calling Muslims to prayer? The only thing this bill will accomplish is to incite hatred against Muslims.