Who Will Prevail in 2024, Senile Biden or Crazy Trump?

Biden and Trump

Donald Trump, the twice impeached, freshly indicted, failed insurrectionist is the most unqualified, incompetent and morally bankrupt presidential candidate in history. Every time he opens his sphincter-shaped mouth, he adds to his litany of batshit crazy and incomprehensible statements. The Republicans have made the Mayor of Crazy Town their standard bearer, and he faces only token opposition in his relentless and inevitable march to the Republican nomination.

In a normal presidential cycle, the Democrats would already be popping open bottles of champagne and looking forward to occupying the White House for another four years.

But there is nothing normal about this election cycle, and nobody has a clue which political party will prevail in 2024.

Joe Biden the incumbent, who is suffering from dementia, is running (dawdling?) for reelection with the cackling word salad champion, Kamala Harris as his running mate.

The somnolent Biden only comes out of his stupor when he spots an innocent little girl that he can fondle and sniff. He shakes hands with imaginary friends, of whom he has an abundance, falls down stairs, and exits stages in a circuitous route that confounds his Secret Service agents.

The age of COVID-19 may be over, but due to his lack of physical agility and declining mental acuity, Biden will be forced to run a virtual campaign from the White House basement.

Who will win the presidential election, the incumbent that the electorate will rarely see, or the challenger who will drive people nuts with his myriad MAGA rallies?

Me? I will continue to warn the public about these two pathetic presidential candidates, and I will be pray that the Grim Reaper will soon kill both of these decrepit old white men who refuse to give up their power.