Biden Must Be Forced to Drop Out

In a perfect world Joe Biden and Donald Trump would be antagonists in a nursing home where their words and actions would not impact anyone outside the sterile walls of their institution.

Biden yells at Trump: No Joke! You are full of malarky. You aren’t the king of me, and you aren’t the king of this rest home. I rid America of super predators and defeated Corn Pop, King of the projects. I am Dark Brandon, Lord of the Universe!

Trump responds: This rest home should be named after me! I have the best brain in the world, the likes of which the world has never seen. I am the Grand Poobah of all I survey, witness how the peasants rush to change my diapers!

The world is far from perfect, and in the waning days of our democracy two extremely imperfect politicians are running for the most exalted office, president of the United States and Leader of the Free World.

Trump is a delusional and demented psychopath who seethes over every perceived injustice and whose syphilis-infected brain is set on retribution and revenge.

Biden is a delusional and demented octogenarian who seethes over every politician, pundit and reporter who acknowledges the truth that his brain is oatmeal and that he is way past his expiration date.

Biden and Trump have one common deficiency, stubbornness. In his third presidential run Trump is the undisputed leader of the GOP, Congressional Republicans and the Republican National Convention serve only to do his bidding. But when Trump ran for president in 2015, he was the outsider, the reality show celeb, the buffoon billionaire, and everyone thought he was running only to burnish his brand. The Republican establishment, the media (conservative and liberal), the intelligentsia and even most evangelicals were against him. But his stubbornness and egotistical belief in himself prevailed against all odds.

President Joe Biden, 81, has spent his entire adult life in politics. After 50 years in public service, and a couple of failed presidential campaigns, he finally became president in 2020.

General stubbornness is a hallmark of dementia, and Biden is too stubborn to relinquish his power even though he is incapable of uttering a complete sentence or exiting a stage after delivering an incoherent speech.

Biden is stubborn as hell. He won’t listen to the polls. He won’t listen to the chorus of Congressional Democrats who are urging him to drop out. He won’t listen to the pundits and editorial boards of mainstream newspapers who are begging him to quit. He won’t listen to Nancy Pelosi, and he won’t even listen to Barack Obama, who was the messiah of the Democratic Party before Donald Trump was the messiah of the Republican Party. He’s still bitter that Obama pushed him aside for Queen Hillary in 2015. He won’t even listen to Corn Pop if he came back from the dead and he threatened to cut off his sagging balls if he doesn’t quit.

Trump is a delusional psychopath who is morally, physically, and intellectually unfit for office, but no power on Earth can stop him from reclaiming his throne. His MAGA followers share his delusion that he has been divinely anointed to return to power.

 Biden is a delusional octogenarian who is physically and mentally unfit for office, and he will drop out only if the Lord God Almighty comes down to the White House to give him his pink slip. But God hasn’t made any house calls since Old Testament days. Democrats don’t share his delusion, according to polls about 65 percent of Democrats don’t want him to run for reelection.

What can save us from the nightmare of a second Trump administration? I’m not depending on the good Lord to knock some sense into Biden, and I’m not placing my hopes on an assassin with better aim.

Biden must be forced to drop out by any means necessary, it is incumbent upon every Democratic leader who cares about preserving our democracy to publicly urge Biden to quit. If all else fails, there’s always the 25th amendment.

Trump Falls Asleep in Court with Sphincter-Shaped Mouth Agape

“Maggie Haberman, a Senior Political Correspondent for the New York Times, reported today to CNN that Trump “appeared to be asleep. His head would fall down… He didn’t pay attention to a note his lawyer passed him. His jaw kept falling on his chest and his mouth kept going slack.”

Los Angeles Magazine

Donald Trump the septuagenarian former president who calls octogenarian President Joe Biden “Sleepy Joe” can’t seem to keep his eyes open in court.

If I was in court for a speeding violation, I would be so ashamed, contrite and nervous that I wouldn’t have any problems keeping my eyes open.

But Trump who is charged with 34 counts of falsifying business records in the first degree, in an attempt to hide hush-money payments to porn star Stormy Daniels is so accustomed to being indicted that he just can’t stay awake in court.

According to Haberman Trump’s jaw kept falling on his chest and his sphincter-shaped mouth was agape. That is such a disturbing pornographic image, that would even keep Stormy awake at night.

I hope that the sketch artists who are present in the courtroom will depict Trump accurately with his sphincter-shaped mouth open and drool oozing down his triple chin.

Maybe at the conclusion of the trial when Trump is found guilty, he’ll finally wake up.

Joe Biden Must be Replaced as the 2024 Democratic Presidential Nominee by Any Means Necessary

About a year out from the 2024 election President Joe Biden is a dead man walking. Most voters have serious reservations that the physically frail and cognitively challenged octogenarian will last another year, let alone have the energy to mount a successful reelection campaign.

Biden’s approval ratings are in the gutter, the economy is in serious decline, and the world is on the verge of the apocalypse. Americans aren’t going to reelect a commander-in-chief whose finger is too shaky to press the nuclear button if God forbid the near arises.

In head-to-head polls against the twice-impeached, four-times indicted, failed insurrectionist former President Donald Trump, Biden is in a dead heat at best. Yet Biden who resembles the cartoon character Mr. Magoo come to life is oblivious to reality and is convinced he’s going to win.

The befuddled Biden doesn’t realize that the election isn’t going to be a referendum on the former president Trump, it’s going to be a referendum on his administration.

Trump’s supporters don’t care that he is an amoral sociopath with delusions of grandeur, they will vote for their Dear Leader even if he announces that he’s the Antichrist. And voters who aren’t members of the Trump cult will consider the sorry state of the economy, Biden’s advanced age, the sky-high crime rate and the immigration crisis when considering the election.

Trump will probably beat Biden even if he’s convicted and sentenced to prison. Joe Biden must be replaced as the Democratic presidential nominee, by any means necessary.

Joe Biden Shirtless on the Beach! The Horror! The Horror!

When Barack Obama was president, he was photographed frolicking, buff and shirtless on vacation in a Hawaiian beach. Those pics of the young and energetic president are what the young kids call a thirst trap. (For definition check UrbanDictionary.Com)

Joe Biden was recently photographed at Delaware’s Rehoboth Beach standing shirtless in his bright blue trunks, tennis shoes, aviators and with a baseball cap turned backward. This is what young kids call a decrepit old man trying to appear cool. No man older than thirty should ever be caught outside wearing a baseball cap backward.

I had a gag reflex when I saw the ghastly image of the shameless octogenarian’s bleach white and bloated stomach, certainly no resemblance to Obama’s six-pack abs.

Sleepy Joe may have thought he looked cool standing on the beach with his hands on his hips, his cap turned backward and wearing cool shades. Sunglasses can make anybody look cool, but when you’re 80-freaking-years-old nothing can make you look cool.

Biden is too old to be shirtless on the beach, too old to venture outside without a walker, too old to be president, and frankly too old to be still alive.

At least he wasn’t wearing a bright red Speedo brief.

By the End of a Second Term Biden Will Resemble a Vegetable More Than a Sentient Human Being

Whiskey, wine, and cast-iron skillets get better with age, but vegetables and the human brain and the human body do not. If Joe Biden, God forbid, is reelected by the end of his second term he will resemble a vegetable more than a sentient human being. A horror flick starring Joe Biden and Dianne Feinstein as brain-eating zombies is guaranteed to scare the BeJesus out of anyone.

Already the 80-year-old Biden shows signs of severe mental decline; I doubt he has the cognitive ability to tell the nuclear red button from the remote control.

During presidential visits at home and abroad Jill Biden has to guide him as if he was a child or an octogenarian in his second childhood.

When Biden delivers a speech, I bet his aides and handlers hold their collective breath, waiting for him to slur or stumble over his words.

Even in his prime, decades ago, Biden was a gaffe-machine, now that he’s a senior citizen it’s unbearable to witness him struggling to deliver a coherent speech.

When speaking Biden has two modes: screaming and whispering. When he screams, he sounds like a cranky old grandpa scolding the neighborhood kids to get off his damn grass. When he whispers, he sounds like an old pervert telling an innocent little girl that he will give her candy if she lets him sniff her hair.

I am sick and tired of watching senile Biden embarrass himself, the Democratic Party and the nation. I want to hear only one more speech from Biden, the one where he pledges not to seek a second term.