Trump: ‘I Love the Ten Commandments


Donald Trump Truth Social Post

Trump’s post expressing his undying love for the Ten Commandments came after Louisiana Governor Jeff Landy signed legislation this week that requires the display of the Ten Commandments in every public classroom in the state.

The thrice-married, twice-impeached and multi-indicted former president regularly breaks the commandments. He does not think the rule of law applies to himself, nor any divine precepts.

Trump’s endorsements are worth their weight in gold, and if the pathological liar and serial sexual predator gives his blessing to the ten injunctions, his MAGA cultists will interpret his approval as marching orders to lobby for the Decalogue to be posted in every classroom in America.

The Louisiana law does not pass constitutional muster, it violates the establishment clause of the U.S. Constitution, and it will eventually be overturned. But in the meantime, the Orange Messiah will strengthen his evangelical support by calling for the law of Moses to be posted in public schools.

Trump treats the Bible as a political prop and as a money raising tool, witness his $59.99 God Bless the USA Bible. It will not be long before a Trump endorsed poster of the Ten Commandments is available for $29.99 on his web site. His edition of the Ten Commandments might include some revisions. For example: Thou shall not commit adultery, unless thy wife is disgustingly pregnant, and then thou will have a dispensation to commit fornication with a porn star.

Trump and Evangelicals Deserve Each Other

Evangelicals fetishize the Ten Commandments, but most of them are unable to remember more than two or three of them. Not surprising since there are three different versions of the Ten Commandments in the Old Testament. To make things even more complicated, the three versions are organized and phrased quite differently.

Evangelicals are always clamoring to have the Decalogue posted in classrooms, courtrooms and other public buildings. You’d expect evangelicals to support a presidential candidate whose rhetoric and behavior demonstrates that he is at least making an effort to abide by God’s most important laws.

Instead, they enthusiastically support a serial sexual predator and pathological liar who brags about breaking the laws of humans and the Almighty. Donald Trump’s biography is antithetical to that of a spiritually-minded person who is seeking to live by God’s Top Ten Laws.  The soulless sociopath breaks them every day, and a dozen times on Sunday.

Moses gave the ancient Israelites the Ten Commandments, and former President Ronald Reagan gave Republicans the Eleventh Commandment:

 “Thou shalt not speak ill of another Republican.”

Trump shits all over the Eleventh Commandment with as much glee and enthusiasm as he does over the original ten. The twice-impeached former president eviscerates his political opponents, his attacks on Mike Pence, Nikki Haley and especially Ron DeSantis are crude, vulgar, petty and in most cases demonstrably false.

Evangelicals who would be hard pressed to recite the Ten Commandments, worship a presidential candidate who delights in breaking them. Their hero also makes a mockery of the Eleventh Commandment that was handed down to them by the greatest Republican hero, Ronald Reagan.

My favorite commandment is: Indict Donald Trump. I’m vehemently against posting the Ten Commandments in any public building, but I hope Trump is indicted, convicted and imprisoned in a cell with a giant poster of the Commandments on the wall of his cell.

Outrage: Texas Bill Pushes for Ten Commandments in Classrooms

Ten Commandments

“Every public classroom in Texas could be required to display a copy of the Ten Commandment if a bill, which has already gained the Senate’s blessing, gets the green light from the House.

The bill’s supporters insist the Ten Commandments inspired many of the country’s founding documents, but those opposed to the proposal worry it could exclude other religions and infringe on student and teacher rights to free religious expression.”

Austin American-Statesman

Displaying a copy of the Ten Commandments is an egregious violation of the constitutional principle of separation of church and state.

Public schools are government-run institutions where children of all religious faiths and no faith attend. The Ten Commandments is a Judeo-Christian document, and the first four Commandments pertain to how believers should worship Jehovah.

Displaying the Ten Commandments in classrooms is an afront to Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, atheists and followers of thousands of other religions that don’t recognize Jehovah as a deity.

There are millions of people who aren’t adherents of a monotheistic religion, and displaying a poster that proclaims that there is only one God, is anathema to them.

If the Ten Commandments are displayed in public schools, why shouldn’t the main tenets of other religions be posted as well, after all we live in a multi-cultural, multi-racial and multi-religious democracy? Why shouldn’t the Seven Tenets of the Satanic Temple be posted next to the Ten Commandments?

America is a secular democracy and we don’t have a state religion, no religious documents should be displayed in public schools.

The Ten Commandments Rewritten for Donald Trump

“Tony Perkins, the president of the conservative Family Research Council, contended Tuesday that the evangelical community has given President Donald Trump a mulligan when it comes to his personal behavior.

`Yes, evangelicals, conservatives, they gave him a mulligan. They let him have a do-over. They said we`ll start afresh with you and we`ll give you a second chance.` Perkins said in an interview on CNN`s `Erin Burnett OutFront.`

Perkins` remarks come after a Wall Street Journal report that Trump`s lawyer, Michael Cohen, formed a private LLC to pay a former porn star in exchange for not speaking publicly about an alleged sexual encounter with the then-candidate.”


Evangelicals are willing to give Donald Trump a second chance, a hundred chances, even though he never admits making any mistakes, let alone express remorse or repent.

Trump will get a mulligan from evangelicals every time, as long as he continues to support their evil anti-gay, anti-immigrant and anti-women agenda.

I`m sure God will give me a mulligan when I say: Fuck Trump and fuck the hypocritical evangelicals.

It won`t be long before Tony Perkins rewrites the Ten Commandments especially for Donald Trump:

  1. I am the Lord thy God, thou shalt have no other gods before me. Except for Mammon, as a billionaire thou are allowed to worship Mammon.
  2. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, but feel free to place a copy of Time magazine bearing thou regal image in every room in the White House.
  3. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain in public, but in the privacy of the White House goddamn the hell out of thou subordinates if they don`t praise thou like a deity.
  4. Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it holy. Thou hast permission to sleep the entire Sabbath, for that is the only way thou can keep it holy.
  5. Honor thy father and thy mother by keeping alive thy father`s Nazi legacy.
  6. Thou shalt not kill thou enemies, instead kill their reputation on Twitter.
  7. Thou shalt not commit adultery, but as president thou gets a mulligan when thou fornicates with a porn star.
  8. Thou shalt not steal in person, but thou hath a dispensation to execute tax laws that steal from the poor and give to the wealthy.
  9. Thou shalt not bear false witness against a conservative, but thou are free to defame and libel heathen liberals.
  10. Thou shalt not covet thou neighbor`s wife, but thou will be forgiven if thou grabs her by the pussy.

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Arkansas Ten Commandments Monument Destroyed Hours After Installation

“A newly installed Ten Commandments monument on Arkansas state Capitol grounds was toppled on Wednesday by a man police said drove his vehicle into the granite slab and posted the incident on Facebook.

`It was shattered into a lot of pieces,` Chris Powell, a spokesman for the Secretary of State and Capitol Police, said in an interview.

The suspect, identified as Michael Reed, 32, was arrested on three charges, including a felony of defacing an object of public interest. Police did not release Reed`s motive for destroying the monument installed in Little Rock on Tuesday.”


This is not the first time, and it won`t be the last time the Ten Commandments are smashed. Anyone with a cursory knowledge of the Bible knows that when Moses came down from the mountain, after Jehovah had given him the tablets of stone, he witnessed the Israelites committing fornication, idolatry, and practically every other type of pagan sin under the sun. Moses was so enraged by the sins of the people of God, that he smashed the commandments to smithereens.

Police haven`t released Reed`s motivation for destroying the Ten Commandments monument on Arkansas state Capital grounds, but it`s reasonable to conclude that his act of vandalism wasn`t inspired by the heathen proclivities of the good citizens of Arkansas.

Installing a Ten Commandments monument on Arkansas state Capital grounds is such a provocation, and an affront to our beloved Constitution and the Almighty himself, that even a rational person might be tempted to topple the religious marker.

A Christian church or a Jewish temple would be a perfect place to erect a Ten Commandments monument, but to erect a religious pillar on government property is a blatant violation of our sacred principle of separation of church and state.

I don`t know if Jehovah was mad when Moses destroyed the original Ten Commandments, but I`m guessing He was thrilled when Reed drove his vehicle into the granite slab.

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