We All Want Jimmy Carter to Live Forever and Joe Biden to Hurry Up and Die

In February former president Jimmy Carter, who’s been diagnosed with metastatic melanoma that has spread to the brain, announced that he would forgo medical intervention and spend the remainder of his life in hospice care in his modest home in Plains, Georgia.

Carter was a mediocre president, but he’s enjoyed a highly successful post-presidency engaging in global humanitarian work since founding The Carter Center in 1982.  The iconic photographs of Carter building houses for Habitat for Humanity best represent his life’s work as a former president.

Carter’s announcement elicited gushing tributes from politicians and pundits that could have served as obituaries. It’s now September and Carter remains in good spirits as he welcomes family and well-wishers to his humble abode. We all thought we would lose our beloved Jimmy in February, but we are thrilled that he is still with us.

In April 2023 President Joe Biden, 80, announced that he is running for reelection in 2024, and his announcement was met with frustration by Democrats who don’t think he has the stamina, physical strength or mental dexterity to finish his term, let alone serve another one.

Biden’s reelection announcement prompted alarmed Democrats to realize that his cognitive decline is on a death spiral, and a shot of Geritol isn’t going to revive him long enough to deliver a coherent stump speech.

The evidence of Biden’s terminal decline is manifest, his disastrous Hanoi press conference proved all his doubters right.

We all hope that the Grim Reaper stays away from Carter for as long as possible, but we are praying that he will drag Biden to hell as quickly as possible.

Biden’s Embarrassing Hanoi Press Conference Makes Americans Wish He Would Just Die

For the last two years Americans have witnessed the shocking decline in President Joe Biden’s mental acuity and physical dexterity. Sadly, we are familiar with the octogenarian commander-in-chief tripping on stairs, losing his train of thought, shaking hands with invisible people, falling off a bike, struggling to find an exit of a stage and speeches alternating between creepy whispering and angry yelling.

Americans have seen enough, and the overwhelming majority don’t want Biden to embarrass himself and America by running for reelection. I’m a progressive, but in the general election I will vote for the Republican candidate, if it’s not Donald Trump.

In America we are aware that Biden has the mental acuity of a wilted head of lettuce, and after his press conference from hell in Hanoi now the international community also knows that he is a senile and cranky old man.

Biden wrapped up his first trip to Asia as president with a press conference in Vietnam that was marred by rambling answers, awkward jokes, a McConnell like freeze, and a plea for a nap to end the nightmare.

Biden’s press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, attempted to end the debacle by loudly exclaiming:

“Thank you, everybody. This ends the press conference. Thanks, everyone.

But Biden continued mumbling incoherently, unaware that his microphone had been muted.

Biden is too senile and too full of pride and white privilege to exit the stage gracefully. Biden’s expiration date was a decade ago, how I wish the Grim Reaper would drag him to hell.

Trump’s Mugshot Will Motivate Voters to Vote for Biden

“Former President Donald Trump falsely claimed Wednesday that polls show his support among Black Americans has quadrupled or quintupled since his mug shot was released.”


This is just another lie from the pathological liar; the truth is that in polls taken after his mugshot was released his support in the black population has risen by only two or three percentage points.

Trump is under the delusion that since his booking photo was taken that blacks who are systematically and unfairly targeted by the criminal justice system will identify with him.

Yeah, right!

Trump monetized his mugshot to the tune of over 10 million dollars, but the average black ex-convict won’t be able to buy a cup of coffee at Starbucks with $2 and a copy of his mugshot.

Trump has posted his mugshot on Twitter, his own Truth Social media platform and just about every other popular social media platform because it will redound to his political benefit. But the last thing African Americans want to do is publicize their mugshot, it would only serve to kill any chances they have of finding a decent job.

I don’t understand why blacks or any other minorities would support a blatant racist who has discriminated against us when he was a real estate developer and when he was president.

As a Latino when I see Trump’s mugshot I don’t think “he’s just like one of us, another victim of the criminal justice system.” What I say to myself is: the criminal justice system is a joke! Only after decades of committing tax and real estate fraud, sexually assaulting women, and inciting an insurrection and trying to steal an election was he finally subjected to a mugshot.

Dream on Trump, your mugshot will only remind us of your criminality and motivate us to vote for Biden.

Biden Wears a Mask Again for the First Time in Months

On May 11, 2023 President Joe Biden officially rescinded the executive order that declared COVID-19 a public health emergency. COVID is no longer a pandemic, it’s endemic like the common cold and influenza.

Mandatory masking, lockdowns, emergency field hospitals, respirators and the daily updates of deaths is in our rear-view mirror.

Like the flu and the common cold there will be seasonal surges of COVID, but that is no cause for panic. The prevailing variant is no more lethal than the flu, and there shouldn’t be any talk of mandatory masking, school closures or lockdowns.

Biden turned up in a mask for the first time in months inside the White House, a day after his wife tested positive for COVID-19. But he quickly ditched it during a ceremony honoring an 81-year-old Vietnam veteran, and the two unmasked octogenarians shared a hearty handshake.

The fact that Biden was maskless when he reached around the vet’s body to place the medal around his neck, is proof that he donned the mask just for show.

There was no need for Biden to wear a mask while walking around the White House. Although I would recommend that the serial sniffer wear a mask at all times, maybe that will discourage him from sniffing the hair of any woman cursed to be in his close proximity.

Biden should wear a white mask, he looks like a walking skeleton, and the black mask enhances his ghoulish appearance.

We don’t need any reminders of the hellish pandemic, Biden should shove his mask up his ass, at least that will help the incontinent octogenarian from staining his pants.

Trump Hasn’t Lost Any Evangelical Support

In 2016 Donald Trump garnered over 80 percent of the evangelical vote. Even though Trump’s tenure was riddled with chaos, corruption, confusion and criminality, he didn’t lose any evangelical support in 2020.

When I use the word evangelical, I am referring to white evangelicals. Most African Americans belong to Baptist, methodist and Pentecostal denominations and they hold conservative views when it comes to social issues like homosexuality and women’s rights. Like white evangelicals they believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God, and they believe in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, but they tend to vote Democratic, and they steer clear of Qanon conspiracy theories.

Even though Trump has been impeached twice and indicted four times, if he wins the Republican primary he will still receive over 80 percent of the evangelical vote in the general election. After he was arrested in Georgia for trying to overturn the results of a free and fair election, he became inmate number p01135809. But even if by some coincidence he became inmate number 666666, he would still be worshipped as the Messiah by evangelicals.

Evangelicals aren’t content with the promise of becoming members of the Kingdom of Heaven after they die, they want an earthly kingdom in the form of a White Nationalist regime right now, and they are convinced that the ruthless and vengeful Trump is the one who will establish this Christian theocracy.

The evangelicals’ Orange Messiah is credited with overturning Roe v. Wade in 2022 due to his appointing of three conservative Supreme Court justices who decided the landmark Dobbs case, which sent the issue of abortion back to the states. Evangelicals see this as proof that Trump gets things done by any means necessary, and they put their faith in him to deliver on their greatest dream: Establishing a White Christian Nationalist regime.

Poll: Trump Supporters Trust Him More Than Religious Leaders, Conservative Pundits and Friends and Families

According to the CBS/YouGov poll results evangelical primary voters who plan to vote for former President Donald Trump in 2024 find him to the most trustworthy, ahead of conservative pundits, religious leaders and even their own families and friends. Seven in ten respondents said they feel that what Trump tells them is true, but only four in ten religious leaders merit the same trust.

The results of this poll should surprise nobody, if Trump told his supporters to jump, they would instantly jump regardless if they were at the edge of a cliff, at the crater of a volcano, or at the shore of the lake of fire.

Of course, Trump cultists trust their orange messiah more than conservative media figures, religious leaders and even their own families and friends, they accept every obscenity, lie and absurdity that emanates from his sphincter-shaped mouth as the Gospel truth.

It doesn’t matter that Trump is a pathological liar who told over 30,000 documented lies during his chaotic and turbulent administration. White evangelicals believe that everything that Trump says is true, even if it contradicts the laws of physics and common sense, simply by virtue of the fact that it was uttered by their Savior. Their mantra is: if Trump says it, I believe it, and you can shove your facts up your ass.

Roman Catholics believe that whenever the Pope speaks on matters of faith and morals, he is infallible, but when he speaks on politics, current affairs or any other temporal subject he is susceptible to making mistakes.

White Evangelicals believe that whenever Trump speaks on any subject, whether it’s about religion, politics, sports or entertainment, he is infallible.

It’s foolish to argue with Trump sycophants, they shit on your truth, facts and empirical evidence and lavish praise on every piece of crap that their Dear Leader drops.

It makes no sense to appeal to their friends and family members to intervene and try to make Trump cultists see the truth that Trump is a steaming pile of dung.

It’s a mission impossible to hope that religious leaders will succeed in convincing Trump supporters that he is a false prophet. Trump voters are beyond salvation, they will follow their messiah in his crusade against the rule of law, and democracy itself.

Trump Posts Fake Mugshot of Biden

“Donald Trump’s attempts to make political hay out of his myriad legal woes continued on Monday when he shared a fake mug shot of President Joe Biden on his Truth Social platform.

The former president ‘ReTruthed’ a doctored image of Biden, next to the Fulton County Sheriff’s Office badge, with the caption: ‘The Mugshot America Deserves.’”

Yahoo News

All his adult life as a businessman and as a politician Donald Trump has considered himself above the law as he brazenly stiffed contractors, committed real estate fraud, sexually assaulted women, culminating in his greatest crime: inciting an insurrection in a desperate attempt to remain in power despite losing in a landslide to Joe Biden.

After being indicted four times and facing 91 charges Trump was finally treated like the common criminal that he is when his mugshot was taken by Pat Labat, the Sheriff of Fulton County.

This should have been a “come to Jesus moment” for the twice-impeached, quadruple indicted, serial sexual predator. The humiliation of the former President being treated like a common criminal should have made him realize that he’s not above the law, and that he might finally be punished for a lifetime of criminal behavior.

Instead of showing contrition, Trump has monetized his mug shot to the tune of seven million bucks. Now in an attempt to distract the electorate from his crimes he posted a fake mugshot of Joe Biden on his Truth Social platform.

It’s not going to work, the fake Biden may be seen by a few thousands, but the real Trump mugshot has been seen by billions and it’s permanently seared in our minds.


Trump-Shaped Cloud Appears in Orlando Shortly After Trump Mugshot Was Taken

“Donald Trump was floating sky-high over the great state of Florida … Donald Trump-Shaped Cloud Emerges in Orlando Shortly After Mug Shot.”


In 2014 reality star Kim Kardashian broke the internet with a photo depicting her proudly displaying her very oiled-up butt.

In 2023 reality star and disgraced former President Donald Trump broke the internet with his mugshot. Never missing an opportunity to grift his supporters, the grifter-in-chief has monetized his mugshot to the tune of over seven million dollars.

Like a malicious computer virus, the Trump mugshot has infected social media platforms and online news sites to the point where you can’t log on to your laptop or open your phone without being exposed to the hideous mugshot.

Before Trump’s ugly visage became viral, a Donald Trump-shaped cloud emerged in Orlando minutes after his mugshot was taken.

The giant cloud looks uncannily like Trump’s ugly mug: the protruding nose, the puckered sphincter-shaped lips, the infamous coiffed hair. This cloud that most likely emanated from the pit of hell is more ominous than a tornado headed straight for your house.

The Trump-shaped cloud momentarily blocked the sun, it’s obviously a manifestation of unbridled evil and a portent of the apocalypse. But Trump cultists will interpret it as a sign that they should buy T-shirts and coffee cups imprinted with the mugshot of their Dear Leader.

The Trump cloud quickly dissipated, if only the real Trump quickly disappeared from the national spotlight.

Vivek Ramaswamy Was the Most Eager Trump Fluffer on the Debate Stage

According to the Drudge Report’s unscientific internet poll (there is no limit to how many times a person can vote), tech entrepreneur and novice politician Vivek Ramaswamy was the winner of the Republican presidential debate Wednesday night with 34% of the vote.

According to Donald Trump’s unbiased opinion Ramaswamy was the runaway winner of the inaugural debate of the 2024 presidential campaign. It wasn’t Ramaswamy’s foreign policy expertise or his solid policy positions that convinced Trump that he was the winner. After all the foolish and inexperienced presidential candidate declared that climate change is a hoax, argued that we should end the Ukraine war by making concessions to Putin, and is in favor of abolishing just about every federal department.

Ramaswamy won Trump’s heart by being the most eager Trump fluffer on the stage. Ramaswamy actually declared that the twice-impeached, quadruple indicted, pathological liar and serial sexual predator “was the best president of the 21st century.” He was the first candidate to raise their hand when the debate moderator asked who would support the former president as the party nominee if he is convicted on any of the felony charges he’s facing.

Ramaswamy sold his soul to the devil for nothing, the racist Republican base will never vote for an Indian American Hindu to be their presidential nominee and Trump will never select him as his running mate.

Trump will win the Republican presidential nomination in a landslide, and he will try to balance the ticket by choosing an experienced politician, probably a woman.

Will Trump Cultists Hold a Circle Jerk Over His Mug Shot?

“Former President Donald Trump is expected to surrender on charges connected to 2020 election interference at a notorious Georgia jail on Thursday — and a local sheriff has promised that the ex-commander-in-chief will be treated just like everyone else accused of a crime in the state.”

Business Insider

Twice-impeached former President Donald J. Trump has been indicted four times, but in deference to his status as a former president, he hasn’t been forced to do a perp walk or undergo the humiliation of having a mug shot taken.

But there’s a new Sheriff in town, and Fulton County Sheriff Patrick Labat has vowed to treat Trump like any other indicted defendant. Although special accommodations may be made for Trump when he turns himself in, he will be weighed, fingerprinted and a mug shot will be taken.

The last time Trump had a physical exam when he was president there was widespread skepticism when his personal physician listed his weight at 239 pounds. In the county jail a Trump lackey won’t be tipping the scales in his favor and I’m betting he will weigh close to 300 pounds.

The process of taking Trump’s fingerprints is going to be incredibly embarrassing because jail officials will have a devil of a time fingerprinting his grotesquely tiny fingers.

Then there will be the demeaning and humiliating experience of having his mug shot taken like a common criminal. Trump’s MAGA cultists may hang his mug shot in a place of honor in their living room, but normal people will think twice about voting for a presidential candidate who has a mug shot.

The intake area of the notorious Fulton County Jail is huge, and detainees are typically processed in front of others who are also being processed. If there’s a God in heaven Trump will be fingerprinted, weighed and have his mug shot taken in front of other criminals.

Evangelicals Worship Trump as the Jesus of the Book of Revelation

You’d think that evangelicals would revile the twice-impeached, quadruple-indicted, serial sexual predator and amoral sociopath Donald Trump as the antichrist.

Instead, these white evangelical cultists worship Trump as the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. But it’s not the kind and gentle Jesus of the Gospels who took on human form to save the world that they worship, they see Trump as the Jesus of Revelation, who returns to Earth with a sword in his mouth to judge the righteous, and wage war against the wicked. The Jesus of Revelation makes the holy and vengeful Jehovah of the Old Testament look like a kind and loving Creator.

The orange deity of the evangelicals is on a crusade to save children from an imaginary satanic child sex ring operated by Democrats. The Messiah of the MAGA cult is on a mission from God to take back America from immigrants, godless liberals, uppity women and gays and lesbians and return America to the glory days of the 1940’s when colored people and women knew their place, the Christian religion reigned supreme, and gays, lesbians and trans people didn’t dare come out of the closet.

Evangelicals need to wake the fuck up and realize they have been suckered by a con man who has been preying on them since he was first elected in 2016.

Trump doesn’t have a spiritual bone in his body, if he’s read the Bible, it’s only to wank off over some of the more lascivious passages in the Old Testament. He caters to evangelicals not because he shares their theological views, but because they are an indispensable part of his coalition of the crazy.

The Jesus of the Gospels may weep over the sad spiritual condition of Trump and his evangelical supporters, but I hope the Jesus of Revelation smites them and hurls them into hell.

Jenna Ellis: God’s Not Going to Help You When a Lesbian Jail Bird Forces You to Be Her Wife

Jenna Ellis has a solid pedigree as an evangelical leader, she was as an attorney for many evangelical organizations, including James Dobson’s “Focus on the Family.”

Ellis was a vehement critic of Donald Trump before he became the 2016 Republican nominee for president, at which point Ellis was led by the Spirit to jump on the Trump bandwagon. She joined the Trump administration as a senior legal advisor. In the months after the January 6 insurrection, she turned against Trump once again.

Ellis was indicted in Georgia Aug. 14 and charged with criminally conspiring with Donald Trump to overturn his 2020 election loss.

This is not her first interaction with the criminal justice system, on February 10 this year, she signed an agreement that declared a public censure of her as an attorney who has violated ethics standards and is guilty of dishonesty. She nearly lost her license to practice law.

After she was indicted by Fani T. Willis, the Fulton County district attorney, Ellis tweeted:

“I am resolved to trust the Lord and I will simply continue to honor, praise and serve him. I deeply appreciate all of my friends who have reached out offering encouragement and support.”

Jesus is the first refuge of an evangelical scoundrel, when they are justly condemned for their illegal actions, they cling to Jesus and claim they are being persecuted and prosecuted for their faith.

Bitch please, if you truly trusted the Lord, you would never have joined the Trump administration and staunchly defended all of his anti-Christian actions.

Don’t expect the Lord to hear your cries when you are in prison and one of the more masculine lesbians forces you to be her wife.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Does a Poor Job as Donald Trump’s Fluffer

“Why would President Trump have to debate the other candidates?

He already has a PROVEN track record of the best 4 years in America!!

The American people don’t need to hear his ideas, we’ve already lived his policies, loved them, and want more!! The primary is over”

 Marjorie Taylor Greene

Marjorie Taylor Greene is one of the new brand of MAGA Republican representatives who aren’t interested in legislating or governing, they are interested only in fluffing Donald Trump and going viral by stoking cultural wars on social media.

Greene has always been contentedly ensconced inside Trump’s rectum, but she is sticking her head out more frequently to run her trap. It’s not that she needs fresh air, for she thrives in the toxic atmosphere, it’s just that she’s brazenly auditioning to be his running mate.

Greene is correct that Trump doesn’t need to debate the other candidates, he is so far ahead that the other contenders are nipping at his heels or kissing his fat ass in hopes that he will include them in his Cabinet.

But the declaration that he has a proven track record of the best four years in America is a ridiculous and absurd lie. Trump’s tenure was marked by corruption, incompetence, chaos and endless drama.

Trump has a proven track record of abject failure. “Infrastructure Week” was a punchline during his administration, it was his successor Joe Biden who passed the landmark bipartisan infrastructure law. He promised to build a beautiful border wall that stretched 1000 miles along the U.S.-Mexico border, only a few hundred miles of wall was erected during his administration. And Mexico didn’t pay a dime towards the building of the wall. He vowed constantly to repeal and replace Obamacare; I’m still waiting for his health plan.

The only thing that Trump proved during his administration is that he unqualified to ever again set foot in the White House.

Joe Biden is Too Old and Too Pervy to be President

“Former Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown says he once threatened to ‘kick the s**t’ out of Joe Biden for getting ‘handsy’ with his TV star wife Gail Huff.

Brown, 63, said he had given Biden, 80, a clear warning during his swearing-in ceremony in 2010 with the then Vice President – and recounted the alleged incident on Tom Shattuck’s Burn Barrel podcast.

‘I told him I’d kick the s*** out (of him). I told him to stop, so yes,’ he said on Wednesday.”

Daily Mail

Former Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown is a left-of-center Republican and not a rabid Trump supporter who will say anything to derail Joe Biden’s reelection campaign.

For that matter I’m a progressive who thinks Biden is too moderate and the last thing I desire is to criticize Biden in the hopes that it will redound to Trump’s benefit.

The Qanon conspiracy theory that a cabal of pedophile Democratic and Hollywood stars secretly rule the world is absolute bullshit, but that doesn’t mean Biden isn’t kind of pervy, to say the least.

I prize truth above political ideology, and the truth is that it’s well documented that Biden has a penchant for getting to handsy with women, and a seemingly irrepressible urge to fondle and grope pre-teen girls.

When Biden was vice president under President Obama, he was in charge of swearing-in the new members of Congress. Families, including young children, attended the swearing-in ceremony, and Biden took advantage of the situation to grope little girls and to sniff the hair of the wives.

Most of the politicians let Biden get away with his creepy behavior, but thank God Brown warned Biden to keep his hands to himself or he would kick the shit out of him.

Fuck sociopath, racist and fascist Donald Trump, and even though Biden isn’t a sociopath, a racist or an authoritarian, fuck him too, he’s too old and too pervy to be president of the United States.

Come on America, we can do better, much better!

I Hope Trump & His Evangelical Followers Rot in Hell

Donald Trump is the embodiment and personification of evil. He’s not demon possessed and he’s not the antichrist; we don’t need supernatural evil entities to explain the evil that lies in his cold shriveled heart.

Trump is simply an evil fuck, a sociopath and a narcissist whose ideology and platform is his brand; anything that burnishes his brand is good and anything that detracts from his brand is bad.

The only deity that Trump worships is himself, and if the former real estate developer erected a cathedral where his cult devotees could worship him, he would call it the Trump Temple.

He is a poor man’s fascist, a pathological liar, a serial sexual predator, and a messiah for the evangelical cult.

It’s interesting that evangelicals who do believe that Satan and his army of demons seek to corrupt and possess everybody, but especially the wealthy and powerful don’t condemn the twice-impeached, thrice-indicted rapist as a child of the devil.

Instead, they venerate him as their messiah who will lead them to the promised land, where righteous white Christians will feast on milk, honey and red meat and the heathen will subsist on bread crumbs.

I may not believe that demonic activity accounts for the evil spirit of Trump and his followers, but I certainly believe that they would be right at home in hell with the devil and his demons.

There is No Room for Young Evangelicals in the MAGA Evangelical Faith of Their Parents

The evangelical faith of white Gen Xers and Baby Boomers is anathema to younger evangelicals. It’s usually young people who gravitate to cults but the MAGA cult attracts angry and vengeful older evangelicals who feel out of place in the religiously and culturally diverse America of the 21st century.

Instead of having Bible studies where they seek a closer walk with God, MAGA evangelicals attend meetings that are more political than religious in nature, where they discuss the latest conspiracy theories or the current culture-war hot topics.

Some older white evangelicals have even embraced the Great Replacement Theory which argues that there is an active and covert effort to replace white populations in white-majority countries with black and brown races. Therefore, they are vehemently opposed to immigration from Latin America and Muslim countries. They don’t want to see Christian White American defiled and corrupted by Catholic immigrants from Mexico or Muslim immigrants from places like Pakistan, India or Iran.

These MAGA evangelicals see in Trump a Messiah who will turn back the decades and make America Great Again, the halcyon era of the 1950’s when America was an overwhelmingly white and Christian patriarchy. These religious fanatics are determined to destroy our democracy and replace it with a Christian theocracy.

Young evangelicals are wondering how they can fit in an evangelical movement that is dominated by these MAGA cultists. The answer is that there is no room for evangelicals of any age who are interested in being like Jesus and ministering to the poor and disenfranchised.

I urge young evangelicals to reject the corrupted faith of their parents and grandparents and start their own churches.

White Evangelicals Will Never Reject Their Sociopath Saviour, Donald Trump

Back in 2016, when he was running for President, Donald Trump prophetically and presciently declared:

“Christianity will have power. If I’m there, you’re going to have plenty of power, you don’t need anybody else … remember that.”

These words dripping with toxic masculinity and triumphant Christianity were music to the ears of white evangelicals.

Trump may not know the Bible from a Penthouse magazine, but he innately understands white evangelicals. He knows they’re not interested in spiritual enlightenment or world peace, but in naked power.

Evangelicals lust for political power, and what better way to achieve temporal power than by destroying our democracy and turning America into a white Christian nationalist theocracy.

They want the power to deport immigrants, strip the LGBT community of their rights and their very humanity, gain control over the bodies of women, ban controversial books and turn back America into the 1950’s when white Christian men ruled supreme, and everybody else knew their place.

The twice-impeached, thrice indicted Trump may be fascist sociopath without a spiritual bone in his body, but they worship the steaming pile of human shit because he kept his promise.  He delivered on their greatest wish by nominating Supreme Court Justices who overturned the constitutional right to have an abortion. He moved the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, another item on evangelicals’ infernal bucket list. Trump can be indicted, convicted and imprisoned and evangelicals will still vote for him. He’s the ruthless and amoral fighter that they’ve always dreamed of to make America Great Again, that is to say turn America into a dystopian Christian theocracy

Louisiana Public Schools Required to Display ‘In God We Trust’ in all Classrooms

“All Louisiana public schools are now required to display the national motto of ‘In God We Trust’ inside of classrooms, under a new law that went into effect on August 1.

The law known as HB8, which was officially signed by Gov. John Bel Edwards in June, states that each classroom must have a ‘minimum requirement of a paper sign’ with the religious motto.

The bill’s author, state Rep. Dodie Horton, said to CNN affiliate WVUE, ‘It doesn’t preach any particular religion at all, but it certainly does recognize a higher power.’”


The blatantly religious motto “In God We Trust” doesn’t explicitly reference the Christian religion, but it does implicitly exclude polytheistic religions.

More importantly it shatters the line separating church and state, a bedrock principle of our secular democracy.

If “In God We Trust” is required to be displayed in every classroom in Louisiana, the adherents of other faiths should sue to have posters acknowledging their deities also displayed:

“In Gods We Trust” for followers of polytheistic faiths.

“In God We Don’t Trust” for theists who believe in Him, but thinks he’s cruel and capricious.

“In Jehovah We Trust” for Jehovah’s Witnesses who always refer to the Almighty as “Jehovah.”

“In Allah We Trust” for Muslims who believe that’s the name of God.

“In Science We Trust” for humanists, atheists and agnostics.

The offensive motto may have been embraced by the culture at large back in the 40’s and 50’s when most of the population was Christian, but it is anathema in the religiously diverse America of the 21st century.

The larger issue is why in the name of God is “In God We Trust” our national motto? It’s an anachronistic, offensive, and divisive lie.

Joe Biden Shirtless on the Beach! The Horror! The Horror!

When Barack Obama was president, he was photographed frolicking, buff and shirtless on vacation in a Hawaiian beach. Those pics of the young and energetic president are what the young kids call a thirst trap. (For definition check UrbanDictionary.Com)

Joe Biden was recently photographed at Delaware’s Rehoboth Beach standing shirtless in his bright blue trunks, tennis shoes, aviators and with a baseball cap turned backward. This is what young kids call a decrepit old man trying to appear cool. No man older than thirty should ever be caught outside wearing a baseball cap backward.

I had a gag reflex when I saw the ghastly image of the shameless octogenarian’s bleach white and bloated stomach, certainly no resemblance to Obama’s six-pack abs.

Sleepy Joe may have thought he looked cool standing on the beach with his hands on his hips, his cap turned backward and wearing cool shades. Sunglasses can make anybody look cool, but when you’re 80-freaking-years-old nothing can make you look cool.

Biden is too old to be shirtless on the beach, too old to venture outside without a walker, too old to be president, and frankly too old to be still alive.

At least he wasn’t wearing a bright red Speedo brief.

Drag Queen Flamy Grant Tops iTunes Christian & Gospel Chart

Matthew Blake performs as a drag queen under the moniker “Flamy Grant”.  He (when not performing Blake uses, he/him pronouns) served as a worship leader for decades in evangelical churches, but since deconstructing his faith he now performs and worships in progressive churches.

The gospel & roots musician from the Bible Belt never had a hit in the Christian charts when he still considered himself an evangelical, but now thanks to Christian recording artist, QAnon enthusiast and prominent Donald Trump supporter Sean Feucht, his single “Good Day”, and his album “Bible Belt Bay” topped the iTunes Christian and Gospel chart.

It all started when Feucht posted this nasty and unchristian tweet criticizing popular Christian singer-songwriter Derek Webb for collaborating with Grant:

“If you’re wondering the end goal of the deconstruction movement in the church, then look no further than former worship leader @derekwebb’s new collab with a drag queen. These are truly the last days.”

In response to the negativity, Grant wrote on Instagram:

“Sean Feucht thinks hardly anyone is interested in a worship song by a drag queen. Good Day deserves a spot on the #christianmusic charts, dontcha think?”

The rest as they say is history, with lighting speed Grant’s single and album zoomed all the way to the top of the charts.

Donald Trump supporter Feucht represents the worst of Christianity, and Grant represents the best.

Take a listen for yourself. Grant may be a flamboyant drag queen, but “Good Day” is a beautiful and understated song that wouldn’t be out of place in a Christian radio station with a contemporary Christian format.


Evangelicals at Tim Scott’s Prayer Breakfast Laugh When Nancy Mace Says She’s Having Sex with Her Fiancé Later that Evening

“U.S. Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC), appearing at fellow South Carolina Republican Tim Scott’s prayer breakfast, was met with raised eyebrows and some outright criticism after announcing she declined overtures from her fiancé early Thursday morning but suggested she plans to have sex with him later this evening.”

Raw Story

Rep. Tim Scott an evangelical who twice in his life considered going into a seminary, makes family values a central part of his presidential campaign.

Earlier in his career he described himself as a “proud virgin”, and he is a strong advocate of abstinence education.

But Scott no longer claims to be a virgin. After he was appointed to the Senate in 2012, the National Journal asked him if he was sticking to his pledge of abstinence. “Not as well as I did then”, he responded. But he still preaches that sex before marriage is wrong.

We can assume that the 57-year-old bachelor commits fornication with females, or maybe males? As much as Republicans rails against gays, don’t expect him to come out of the closet, if he’s gay.

The twice-divorced Nancy Mace is an evangelical, but she doesn’t make any pretense of abstaining from sex with her fiancé until after she’s married, witness her inappropriate joke at Tim Scott’s prayer breakfast.

I guess when the messiah of your cult has been divorced twice and has been found guilty in a civil court of rape, evangelical political candidates no longer feel a need to pretend they abide by the Bible’s strict sexual guidelines.

But that doesn’t stop them from preaching family values and demonizing the LGBT community.

According to the Raw Story article, most of the crowd, including Scott, laughed at the incident, and remember this was a fucking prayer breakfast.

If evangelicals laugh about an evangelical woman having sex with her finance, then they’re not really serious about their strict interpretation of the Bible and they can shut the fuck up about how God is going to smite gays and lesbians.

The MAGA messiah Donald Trump, Tim Scott and all the rest of his evangelical followers are a bunch of hypocrites, and unworthy of our votes.

Ron DeSantis is a Humorless, Charisma-free Freak Who Eats Pudding with His Fingers

Florida governor Ron DeSantis thought he could win over the MAGA base, and secure the 2024 presidential nomination by being the drama-free, indictment-free, and more sophisticated version of Donald Trump. Instead of sending incendiary tweets he releases policy position papers, and instead of mocking and slamming his political opponents he keeps the focus on his agenda.

DeSantis may be drama-free compared to Trump, but he is also personality-free and charisma-free and he just isn’t connecting with voters. Who the hell is going to be attracted by a freak who eats pudding with his fingers, snarls at reporters and is seemingly incapable of cracking a smile?

DeSantis’ goal of winning the Republican nomination also entails running to the right of Trump. DeSantis signed into law a bill approved by the Republican-dominated Florida Legislature to ban abortions after six weeks of pregnancy. In contrast Trump has yet to endorse the Republican proposal for a nationwide abortion ban after fifteen weeks. DeSantis is even more racist than Trump, witness Florida’s new slavery curriculum that calls for teaching that slavery gave enslaved people valuable skills.

What DeSantis doesn’t seem to realize is that a small minority of conservatives wants to ban abortion after only a few weeks with no exceptions for rape or incest, most Republicans don’t really want to do away with abortion altogether.

The MAGA base is racist to the core, and they adore their racist messiah. Trump is more subtle in his racism that the blatantly racist DeSantis, and Republicans don’t want to identify with an outright unapologetic racist.

DeSantis is floundering in the polls, and he doesn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of overtaking Trump. MAGA will never reject their vindictive, profane, blabbermouth Dear Leader in favor of a humorless politician who doesn’t know how to deliver a speech with passion, make small talk with voters, or even eat like a civilized human being.

If Trump Returns to Power, it Will Mean the End of Democracy

The John F. Kennedy presidency is remembered fondly as an American Camelot. Camelot refers to the idyllic reign of the mythical King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. Despite revelations after Kennedy’s death that he was a tarnished hero who indulged in numerous adulterous relationships with Hollywood starlets, Mafia princesses, and young White House staffers, the image of Camelot prevails to this day.

In stark contrast the Donald Trump presidency is remembered in horror as a Third Reich aberration. Americans forget just how horrible the Trump presidency was: daily tweets from the pit of hell, unholy alliances with white evangelicals and white supremacists, weaponization of the FBI and the DOJ against his political enemies, attacks on the press, disdain for the rule of law, mismanagement of the fight against COVID, the embrace of dictators, and the constant assault on immigrants, women, people of color and the LGBT community.

But as godawful terrible as the Trump administration was it will be Camelot compared to a second Trump administration. If you think Trump was off-the-rails in his first term in office, he will be unrestrained, unaccountable and uncontrollable if God forbid, he becomes president again.

Trump has already declared “I am your retribution” and he has already promised to reign in the FBI, the DOJ and any government institution that poses a threat to his presidential powers. Make no mistake about it, if Trump is returned to power, he will be a dictator, a vengeful dictator.

When Trump was elected president in 2016 the Republican establishment was against him, but this time Trump is the Republican establishment, the GOP is MAGA through and through. Trump was a political novice in 2016 and that restricted his ability to get things done, but now he has enough political experience to execute his nefarious agenda.

If Trump wins in 2024 it will be an existential threat to our democracy, it is incumbent upon lovers of democracy to do anything within our power to prevent him from returning to power.

Satan is the Father of Lies, Trump & His Evangelical Disciples are Liars from Pit of Hell

Jesus Christ is the epitome of truth:

 John 14: 6:

“I am the way and the truth and the life.

John 18:28

“For this purpose I was born and for this purpose I have come into the world—to bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice.”

Satan is the epitome of deceitfulness:

John 8:44 “You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.”

White evangelicals have turned their back on Jesus Christ and they have embraced Donald Trump as their new messiah. This is evidenced by the fact that they have rejected Christ’s message of truth, mercy and forgiveness, and embraced Trump’s message of lies, vindictiveness and hatred.

Like the Satan of the Bible Trump is a pathological liar and almost every word that emanates from his sphincter-shaped mouth is a lie, and like dutiful disciples evangelicals spread his Gospel of toxic lies. The Big Lie that the 2020 presidential election was rigged, and hundreds of other lesser lies are accepted as the truth by evangelicals.

I feel like taking a shower whenever I have a conversation with an evangelical because I’m bombarded with lies like the COVID vaccination and masks don’t work, immigrants are rapists and spread diseases, most Americans are so-called pro-life, Trump hasn’t committed any crimes …

Trump is a steaming pile of human shit, a fascist, a racist and a liar, and most evangelicals are indistinguishable from their master.

Video: Creepy Joe Biden Nibbles on a Child’s Shoulder

Joe Biden has earned his moniker, “Creepy Joe Biden”, there are literally dozens of videos on YouTube chronicling his creepy and depraved behavior. He’s the quintessential demented and decrepit uncle you hide in the attic, the weirdo has a penchant for sniffing women’s hair, groping pre-teen girls, yelling at aides behind closed doors and whispering during press conferences.

Just when you think the old pervert can’t get any creepier, he’ll tell an anecdote about how young children love rubbing his legs or he’ll nibble at a child’s shoulder.

Allow me to channel Biden: Not a joke! The senile old fart really nibbled on a child’s shoulder:

“The 80-year-old was saying farewell to staff from the US embassy in Helsinki before boarding his flight home, and stopped before a mother and child. As he went to kiss the baby on the forehead, the scared child retreated to its mother.

But that didn’t stop Biden, who instead gnawed on the youngster’s shoulder, which caused visible discomfort to both the mother and the child.”


If an octogenarian nibbled on a stranger’s toddler at the mall, he would be slapped by the parents, arrested by security, and cursed out by shoppers.

Why does Biden do such inappropriate and creepy things? First, he’s suffering from dementia, and it’s only a matter of time before he will ask a young girl if she minds changing his diapers.

Secondly, he’s full of white privilege, he believes the commander-in-chief can get away with all sorts of disconcerting and disturbing behavior.

It’s time to lock Creepy Joe in the attic, kick him to the curb, and vote him out of office.