Rudy Guiliani Calls Fani Willis a ‘Ho’

Thrice-divorced and twice-indicted raging alcoholic Rudolph Guiliani is a regular speaker on the ReAwaken America Tour, a Christian nationalist, MAGA traveling circus trying to reclaim America for Jesus Christ and trying to return Donald Trump to the White House.

The pious and pragmatic evangelicals overlook the fact that America’s Mayor of Crazy Town is a drunk Catholic who is facing disbarment in Washington, DC, because he is a true believer in the MAGA cult who has dedicated his life to fluffing Trump and kissing his ass. For dutifully fluffing Trump’s tiny pecker and licking his huge ass, he is a saint in the MAGA cult.

Guiliani was a featured speaker when the ReAwaken America Tour made a stop at Grace Christian Church just outside of Detroit. In an expletive-laden speech from the pulpit, he called the Fulton County, Georgia, District Attorney Fani Willis a “ho” stunning the crowd into a stunned silence.

Just kidding, the crowd erupting into a frenzy of cheers and holy laughter. Nothing excites evangelicals more than when a MAGA leader insults a Democrat, especially if it’s a female minority.

After Giuliani finished his diatribe conference organizer Clay Clark begged the attendees and the livestream viewers to donate money to Giuliani’s defense fund.

I’m sure that most of the evangelicals in attendance donated money, but WWJD? I’m sure that Jesus would say “Fuck this shit”, I’m not giving that drunkard a dime, but I just may smite him with leprosy.

Runaway Trump Bus on Way to MAGA Rally Crashes into Utility Pole

A bus on its way to a Trump rally in Staten Island crashed into a utility pole. The vehicle was festooned with religious signs and messages including a sign that said “Trust Jesus.”

I hate to disappoint my readers, but the bus was empty; the parked bus rolled down until it crashed into the pole.

If a runaway Trump bus was headed straight to a pole, I wonder if the Trump cultists would cry out to Jesus or Trump to save them.

Jesus is kind and merciful and He’s dropping a hint that maybe people who call themselves Christians shouldn’t attend a blasphemous, obscene and downright evil MAGA rally.

But I am sure that the Trump cultists just made other plans to attend the rally, neither hell nor high water nor a divine message will keep them from attending a satanic MAGA rally.

I guess Jesus didn’t take the wheel.

This accident, that coincidentally happened after Trump was declared guilty, is a perfect metaphor for the Trump campaign.

Trump’s MAGA Faithful Aren’t Your Father’s Evangelicals

Trump’s MAGA faithful aren’t your father’s evangelicals, they have substituted the peaceful message of Jesus Christ for the vengeful and hateful rhetoric of Donald Trump.

They despise the hippy Jesus of the Gospels and his liberal Sermon on the Mount blather about “blessed are the poor.” Instead of going to a church that teaches parishioners to love their neighbors and to minister to the poor and needy, they attend MAGA rallies where they soak in the hatred, racism and homophobia that emanates from the sphincter-shaped mouth of their orange overlord.

They aren’t into turning the other cheek, they prefer to pimp slap heretics who doesn’t worship their orange messiah. They perceive themselves as White Christian Nationalist soldiers marching as to war, with their freak flag of Trump flying high, hoping to instill fear in migrants, racial minorities and the LGBT community.

Their mindset is screw Jesus and his liberal blessed are the poor bullshit, give us the ruthless and vengeful sociopath who will own the libs and transform our democracy into a white Christian nationalist theocracy.

Trump’s MAGA disciples aren’t your father’s evangelicals, they are religious scum and we must smite them hip and thigh, metaphorically speaking.

There is No Room for Young Evangelicals in the MAGA Evangelical Faith of Their Parents

The evangelical faith of white Gen Xers and Baby Boomers is anathema to younger evangelicals. It’s usually young people who gravitate to cults but the MAGA cult attracts angry and vengeful older evangelicals who feel out of place in the religiously and culturally diverse America of the 21st century.

Instead of having Bible studies where they seek a closer walk with God, MAGA evangelicals attend meetings that are more political than religious in nature, where they discuss the latest conspiracy theories or the current culture-war hot topics.

Some older white evangelicals have even embraced the Great Replacement Theory which argues that there is an active and covert effort to replace white populations in white-majority countries with black and brown races. Therefore, they are vehemently opposed to immigration from Latin America and Muslim countries. They don’t want to see Christian White American defiled and corrupted by Catholic immigrants from Mexico or Muslim immigrants from places like Pakistan, India or Iran.

These MAGA evangelicals see in Trump a Messiah who will turn back the decades and make America Great Again, the halcyon era of the 1950’s when America was an overwhelmingly white and Christian patriarchy. These religious fanatics are determined to destroy our democracy and replace it with a Christian theocracy.

Young evangelicals are wondering how they can fit in an evangelical movement that is dominated by these MAGA cultists. The answer is that there is no room for evangelicals of any age who are interested in being like Jesus and ministering to the poor and disenfranchised.

I urge young evangelicals to reject the corrupted faith of their parents and grandparents and start their own churches.

GOP Georgia Gubernatorial Candidate Kandiss Taylor Has a Winning Slogan: ‘JESUS GUNS BABIES’

The Georgia governor’s race is one of the most competitive races of the mid term elections. The leading Republican candidates are Brian Kemp, the incumbent governor of Georgia and David Perdue, the former Georgia senator.

Kemp has the power of incumbency and Perdue has the all-important Donald Trump endorsement, the only way that Kandiss Taylor can compete with the likes of Kemp and Perdue is by doing or saying something outrageous.


Kandiss’ campaign bus has the words “JESUS GUNS BABIES” emblazoned on its side.

The JESUS GUNS BABIES slogan doesn’t take into account today’s grammatically-challenged MAGA voters. They will interpret this slogan to mean that Jesus shoots children, and they will visualize the Savior gunning down Mexican and other brown immigrant children crossing the border.

If Kandiss wants to win she shouldn’t change the slogan to “Jesus, Guns, and Babies”, this may just be a winning slogan in the racist state of Georgia.

Some QAnon Cultists Believe JFK Was Trump’s Body Double at Arizona MAGA Rally

“Members of a QAnon group based in Dallas have floated the theory that John F. Kennedy is not only alive, but disguised himself as former President Donald Trump over the weekend to attend a rally in Florence, Arizona.”

Huffington Post

QAnon cultists believe in some conspiracy theories that are absolutely bonkers:

A cabal of Satan-worshipping elites (including most Democratic politicians and Hollywood stars) run a child sex ring and control most governments in the world, including the United Sates.

Humans do not play any role in climate change.

Most mass shootings in recent years were staged hoaxes.

COVID-19 was created in a lab in China.

QAnon cultists live in Crazy Town, and the Mayor/Messiah of Crazy Town is the looniest bastard of them all, Donald Trump. Craziness is the coin of the realm in Crazy Town, and the residents have never been introduced to a conspiracy theory that’s too bonkers.

Some QAnon members believe John F. Kennedy is alive and well and impersonating Donald Trump at MAGA rallies. If JFK was miraculously still alive, he wouldn’t be doing a gig as a body double for Trump, he’d be trying to get into Melania Trump’s pants.

QAnon believers are infatuated with the Kennedys, they also believe JFK and his son John F. Kennedy Jr will rise from the dead to help Trump reclaim the presidency.

Not to belabor the point, but if JFK was resurrected, he’s be too busy making sure his presidential pecker was fully resurrected, and helping Trump regain the presidency would be the last thing on his mind.

I wrote this essay to try to bring home the point that QAnon cultists are absolutely nuts, and you shouldn’t waste any time trying to bring them to their senses.

Sick and Tired of MAGA Rallies? Vote Trump Out of Office

This summer, Donald Trump went almost two months without holding a MAGA rally. Even as he downplayed the coronavirus pandemic, he realized that holding super-spreader campaign rallies wouldn’t be politically expedient.

The corpulent demagogue became politically emaciated without the energy he feeds on at MAGA rallies. Trump without campaign rallies is like a televangelist holding Zoom revival meetings, it just doesn’t work.

But with his ratings tanking as a result of his mismanagement of the pandemic and the worsening economic crisis, the stable genius resumed his traveling shit show. Since August he has held more than a dozen rallies in swing states.

Trump could care less if his supporters meet the same fate as Herman Cain, optics are more important than the safety and health of his followers.

Almost all of Trump’s recent rallies have been held at airport tarmacs, he can fly in and out quickly, and avoid mingling with the evangelical fanatics, rednecks and assorted riff-raff. Trump doesn’t mind the wild applause of his supporters, but the infamous germaphobe wants to escape from their presence as soon as he can.

Trump treats his loyal supporters as props and pawns, and his critics like enemies of the state that he needs to demonize and neutralize.

Let’s put a merciful end to these MAGA sideshows, and kick Trump to the curb November 3, 2020.

Trump’s Comeback Tulsa MAGA rally an Unmitigated Disaster. Humiliated Beyond Belief!

A MAGA rally is a toxic mixture of revival tent meeting, KKK rally and carnival sideshow, presided over by an orange buffoon who is treated like the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

The dregs of society are drawn to these grand spectacles like flies are drawn to a steaming pile of dung. The rednecks, white evangelicals, white supremacists and assorted riff-raff who attend these political rallies are energized and emboldened in their hateful and racist ideology as they feed off the dog whistles and red meat their fearless leader so promiscuously dishes out. There’s a sucker born every minute and all these marks consider it a religious obligation to attend these festivals of intolerance and racism.

The racist-in-chief is also energized by his MAGA shit shows, they are oxygen for is inflated ego and he views them as evidence of his political potency. Trump is lambasted by pundits, educators, theologians and everyday people who are repulsed by his vulgarity, vanity and racism, but he knows that at a MAGA rally he will be treated like a rock God.

Trump was desperate to get back on the campaign trail, coronavirus pandemic be damned. The amoral authoritarian calculated that he could pretend the crisis was over and his science-denying evangelical base would still flock to his rallies.

Trump’s campaign manager, Brad Parscale bragged that over one million people had registered to attend Trump’s first rally held during the pandemic. In fact, he was so confident that the 19,000 arena would sell out, that he built an outdoor stage to handle the overflow crowd.

Imagine Trump’s disappointment and humiliation when there were literally only a couple of dozen people meandering around the outside stage, and only 6,200 supporters inside the arena. I’m surprised that morbidly obese charlatan didn’t suffer a heart attack as he gazed on empty row after empty row of blue seats.

Trump may peddle the fake news that the pandemic is over, but his multitude of MAGA-heads had enough sense not to attend an indoor event where they would be packed like sardines, especially considering that the coronavirus is surging in Tulsa.

Trump’s comeback rally was a disaster of Biblical proportions and we know that he doesn’t read the holy book but maybe he will read the writing on the wall: Americans are sick and tired of you and your ever-shrinking racist base won’t be enough to save your racist ass.

Without His MAGA Rallies What’s Going to Happen to Trump?

The coronavirus pandemic has changed life as we know it, the new normal is empty sports arenas, concert halls, church buildings and no more political rallies.

All of a sudden, we live in a world without crowds. That’s a difficult adjustment for the average American, but it’s a devastating challenge for a cult leader who feeds off the energy of his MAGA crowds. After holding hundreds of rallies during the 2016 campaign and nearly 100 more since he was elected, Trump now realizes that it’s medical malpractice and political suicide to hold a MAGA rally during the coronavirus pandemic.

Trump needs MAGA rallies, he craves the validation and they’re the only places where he can bask in the pure unadulterated love from his devotees.

Trump is a toxic brew of racism, misogyny, homophobia and xenophobia, and he needs to vent his hatred to a crowd reception to such poison. Without his rallies he will shrivel and may die of a stroke or heart attack.

Without his adoring crowds Trump is like a televangelist without a crowd to pass the collection plates to, or a rock star playing in an empty venue without groupies throwing their panties on the stage. Without his crowds Trump is just an ugly billionaire with nobody to take his ridiculous and racist rhetoric seriously.

Let’s hope that the lack of MAGA rallies will deprive Trump of the oxygen he needs to thrive and prosper, and that he won’t have enough energy to win the general election.

March 2020 Archives Page 2:

Coronavirus Prayer: MAGA Rally In an Empty Arena

“According to Shams Charania of The Athletic and Stadium and Marc Stein of the New York Times, the league has reached out to teams regarding the possibility of playing games without fans and media in attendance.”

Bleacher Report

Already soccer games have been played in Europe in empty stadiums due to concerns of the coronavirus, so it’s not unlikely that NBA games may be playing without fans and media in attendance.

It’s not just athletic contests, but any event that attracts huge crowds like concerts and lectures are in danger of being held without fans and media in attendance.

An NBA game without the noise and excitement of fans would be a sad spectacle, but a MAGA campaign rally without the racist chant of cultists encouraging the toxic rhetoric of their false Messiah wouldn’t be such a bad thing.

Imagine a Trump campaign rally that would be livestreamed without a live audience:

Trump is incapable of delivering a speech without exaggerating the size of the crowd. Trump would urge the folks watching his rally on the Internet not to believe their lying eyes and declare that the event was in danger of being shut down by Fire Marshalls because there were so many people in attendance.

Trump loves having reporters in attendance because they are the perfect foil, a MAGA rally without CNN reporters would be a dull affair.

The coronavirus has deleterious effects on the economy and social fabric of our country, but a MAGA rally without an audience would be a wonderful silver lining.

A MAGA Wedding From the Pit of Hell

Audra Johnson and her husband Jeff, from Kalamazoo, Michigan, had a ‘Make America Great Again’-themed wedding, with red, white and blue decor. They posted about it using the hashtag #MAGAPatriotWedding, to pay tribute to President Donald Trump. While the bridesmaids were dressed in patriotic blue, it was Audra’s wedding dress that had the public turning heads. After wearing a plain white wedding gown for the ceremony, Audra changed into another gown for photos which featured the words ‘Make America Great Again’ down the front of the dress and ‘Trump’ in sparkly red letters on the back.


A marriage is a spiritual, legal, and romantic union of two individuals. The couple becomes one entity before God, their friends and family. Introducing politics to this holy equation cheapens the ceremony and corrupts the foundation of their relationship. A marriage based on politics is destined to fail, only love can bind two persons together for a lifetime.

In the wedding photographs that the bride posted to Facebook I don’t see a single person of color, I see only plump white people decked out in red, white and blue. There is no place for black, brown or rainbow flags in a MAGA wedding and a MAGA society, there is only room for white folks dressed up like patriotic idiots.

At least they could have hired Diamond and Silk to provide the entertainment, their brand of coonery would been much appreciated by these patriotic racists.

I long for the day when MAGA hats and MAGA-themed weddings will rightfully be considered as racist as KKK hoods and KKK-officiated weddings.

Read More:

Pics of the MAGA wedding:

Octogenarian Claims He Was Assaulted for Wearing MAGA Hat!

“Prosecutors say an elderly man was assaulted inside a New Jersey supermarket after he was confronted over a Make America Great Again hat he was wearing.

Somerset County Prosecutor Michael Robertson says the 81-year-old Franklin Township man was shopping at the Shop Rite on Elizabeth Avenue Monday afternoon when he was approached regarding his red cap.

The victim was assaulted and sustained minor injuries, according to prosecutors. He declined medical attention at the scene.”

CBS News

Octogenarians are granted a wide latitude in how they dress, they can wear tighty whitey drawers in lieu of a hat and nobody will bat an eye.

But nobody, not even senior citizens, can don a MAGA hat without provoking a visceral reaction.

The MAGA hat is the KKK hood of our generation, and it brands anyone wearing it as a racist.

I don`t condone or advocate violence, but I can certainly understand why a person of color would react violently to a yahoo with a MAGA hat.

I doubt that this old racist was assaulted, when somebody that freaking old is assaulted he`s going to sustain more than just minor injuries, in fact he will probably end up in intensive care.

We must respect our elders, but an old reprobate sporting a MAGA hat deserves a verbal lashing. I implore my readers to refrain from physically attacking an 80-something bigot wearing a MAGA hat, he will be in the hands of the devil soon enough.

Read More:

The MAGA Bomber is Representative of Donald Trump’s Cultists

Authorities arrested Cesar Sayoc, 56, now and forever to be known as the MAGA bomber, in connection with a series of explosive devices there were mailed to prominent Democratic leaders over the past week.

I would have a hard time saying MAGA philosopher, MAGA scientist or MAGA professor, but the words “MAGA bomber” roll of the tongue.

Batman has his Batmobile and the MAGA bomber has his MAGA van, the side and back windows of the van are covered in disturbing collages of Republican iconography and anti-Democratic memes.

The TV Batman of the 60`s was a campy figure, but there`s nothing campy or ironic about the MAGA bomber. The MAGA bomber is as subtle and nuanced as a sledgehammer, I imagine that in a conversation he would just repeat the memes and slogans that cover his vehicle.

The MAGA Van is a disturbing piece of art, it has images of Donald Trump, the American flag, and there are also red targets superimposed over progressive icons like Hillary Clinton, Michael Moore and Barack Obama.

The same violent imagery also appeared on the MAGA bomber`s Twitter feed, which has been taken down. But why in the name of God wasn`t it taken down before, violent images and hateful words are just as destructive as bullets and bombs.

Unfortunately, the MAGA bomber isn`t an aberration, he`s representative of Trump`s ignorant and racist cultists. I see the same wild-eyed rage and intolerance for minorities at Trump rallies.

Most Trump followers are able to restrain themselves somewhat, and although they may have only one “CNN Sucks” bumper sticker, they are full of the same pent-up rage as the MAGA bomber.

Trump isn`t destroying our democracy by himself, he has the tacit support of Republican leaders, and the undying devotion of his base.

Vote on November 6, 2018 as if the MAGA bomber is living next door, or as if he is your child`s teacher, because the MAGA Bomber`s mentality has infected a significant section of our society.

We must rid our democracy of Donald Trump and his MAGA followers.

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Kanye West Felt Like Superman When He Put On a MAGA Hat But He Looked Like an Uncle Tom

“There was something about putting this hat on that made me feel like Superman.”

Kanye West

This was one of the dozen insane comments that the rapper made as part of an extended soliloquy during his infamous Oval Office meeting with Donald Trump.

I`m a Latino and if I donned a “Make America Great Again” hat I wouldn`t feel like a superhero, far from it. I would feel like a traitor to my community, considering Trump made dozens of disparaging remarks about Mexican migrants and Mexican-American citizens during his presidential campaign and during his tenure as president.

West is a traitor to his race, he might as well have put on a KKK pointed hat. Trump referred to African nations as “shithole countries,” and he has gone out of his way to mock and ridicule prominent African-Americans.

The phrase “Make America Great Again” implies that there was a time when our country was at the zenith of its greatness. I wonder does West think that glorious era was during slavery, or perhaps the Jim Crow period.

As an Hispanic I`m cognizant of the fact that my people have never enjoyed more opportunities than today, although we aren`t a perfect union and racism is still prevalent. I certainly don`t want to go back to the halcyon days for racists when people of color were treated like dogs.

Kanye, putting on the MAGA hat may have made you feel like Superman, but it made you look like an Uncle Tom house Negro.

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