Satan is the Father of Lies, Trump & His Evangelical Disciples are Liars from Pit of Hell

Jesus Christ is the epitome of truth:

 John 14: 6:

“I am the way and the truth and the life.

John 18:28

“For this purpose I was born and for this purpose I have come into the world—to bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice.”

Satan is the epitome of deceitfulness:

John 8:44 “You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.”

White evangelicals have turned their back on Jesus Christ and they have embraced Donald Trump as their new messiah. This is evidenced by the fact that they have rejected Christ’s message of truth, mercy and forgiveness, and embraced Trump’s message of lies, vindictiveness and hatred.

Like the Satan of the Bible Trump is a pathological liar and almost every word that emanates from his sphincter-shaped mouth is a lie, and like dutiful disciples evangelicals spread his Gospel of toxic lies. The Big Lie that the 2020 presidential election was rigged, and hundreds of other lesser lies are accepted as the truth by evangelicals.

I feel like taking a shower whenever I have a conversation with an evangelical because I’m bombarded with lies like the COVID vaccination and masks don’t work, immigrants are rapists and spread diseases, most Americans are so-called pro-life, Trump hasn’t committed any crimes …

Trump is a steaming pile of human shit, a fascist, a racist and a liar, and most evangelicals are indistinguishable from their master.

Marjorie Taylor Greene, Satan and Abortion

“Abortion is a lie that Satan sells to women. He sells it to ’em. When Satan sells a sin, it’s not loud. It’s whispered, softly and gently into your ears and into your soul.”

Marjorie Taylor Greene

“Satan” trended on Twitter over the weekend, thanks to Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s absurd statement. I’m not surprised that such a manifestly evil person has inspired the world to talk about Satan.

Like most evangelicals Marjorie Taylor Greene has a persecution complex, she’s always complaining how much she’s persecuted for her faith. But she has no qualms about demonizing Catholicism, claiming that the Roman Catholic Church is controlled by Satan.

If Greene spent more time meditating on the love, mercy and forgiveness of Jesus Christ and less time obsessing on Satan, she wouldn’t be such a heartless and judgmental monster.  

Evangelicals believe that life begins at conception and aborted fetuses go straight to heaven. Aborted fetuses bypass the transformation into babies, avoid the pains and travails of going through puberty, escape the angst of middle age, and dodge the humiliations of old age and go straight to paradise. If evangelicals really believed this bullshit, they would be on a mission from God to protect Roe v Wade, and Greene would thank the devil for seducing women to have abortions.

Invoking the name of God and blaming the devil never solves any problems. Let’s address issues like abortion by skipping the God talk and irrational fear of the devil, and instead relying on our common sense, empirical evidence, science and rationality.

Satan Smiles on Trump’s MAGA Rallies

President Donald Trump’s MAGA rallies haven’t changed since 2015, four years of serving as commander-in-chief and Leader of the Free World hasn’t tempered his rhetoric, curbed his vindictiveness, or eradicated his racism.

A 2020 MAGA rally is almost indistinguishable from a 2015 rally, you still hear chants of “Lock Her Up!” and “Build the Wall”, and an atmosphere of racism and intolerance still looms over the congregation of true believers.

Trump is like a country evangelist with a grade school education, who shuns study and preparation and depends on the Holy Ghost to speak through him to compel sinners to come to Jesus.

Trump doesn’t prepare for his stump speeches and he doesn’t know the Holy Ghost from Casper the Friendly Ghost.  The former reality TV show host relies on his ego to energize and weaponize his supporters.

If an evangelist is exposed as a phony with a predilection for hookers and cocaine, all he has to do is put on a show of repentance and most of his followers will forgive him.

Trump has already been exposed as a phony many times over and he’s never repented or apologized, and he hasn’t lost any of his followers.

There will be no reset, epiphany or moment when Trump becomes presidential, he is who he is: an ignorant and vindictive racist. Indeed, Trump’s ignorance and racism are the reasons why he is so beloved by his white evangelical supporters.

It’s useless praying to the Almighty to smite this evildoer and his reprehensible white evangelical supporters. It won’t be an exorcist but millions of patriots and decent citizens who vote who will banish this demon to hell.