White Evangelicals Least Likely Group to Get COVID-19 Vaccine

Vaccine hesitancy is epidemic in white evangelical circles, according to a recent survey only 54 percent of white evangelicals “definitely or probably” plan to get vaccinated.

This in due in large part because the unofficial pope of white evangelicals, Donald Trump, eschews mitigation efforts against COVID including social distancing, wearing masks and getting vaccinated. If Trump enthusiastically urged his followers to get vaccinated, they would line up to be vaccinated and they would consider the bandage covering the injection site an emblem of their faith in Jesus and his orange messiah, Donald Trump.

White evangelicals don’t get the vaccine because Trump doesn’t emphasize the importance of the vaccine, and Trump doesn’t emphasize the importance of the vaccine because he doesn’t want to lose the support of evangelicals, many of whom were anti-vaxxers long before the coronavirus pandemic. What a vicious circle of ignorance and moral cowardice.

There’s a long history of anti-science within American evangelicalism, their mantra is “Jesus is my vaccine”, not I trust in science to defeat the pandemic. It’s a badge of honor and a demonstration of their faith for evangelicals to refuse to be vaccinated.

According to a Pew research study only 48 percent of white evangelicals said they would consider the community health effects a lot when deciding to be vaccinated. In other words, evangelicals only care about their own tribe, and they are unconcerned and unfazed if their anti-vaccine stance results in a coronavirus breakout in their city.

Unfortunately, Trump didn’t get vaccinated in the glare of the cameras, and there’s no verse in the Bible that states, “You must be vaccinated”, therefore I have little faith white evangelicals will have an epiphany and get vaccinated for their own good and for the good of society.

Franklin Graham Infuriates Evangelicals After Telling Them to Get Vaccinated

Over the last four years evangelical leader Franklin Graham has worked tirelessly to paint a religious veneer on Donald Trump’s racist policies, harsh rhetoric and myriad crimes against democracy and the God that he worships.

Graham isn’t rewarded financially by Trump for his thankless job as a fluffer, but propping up of the racist, corrupt and incompetent short-fingered vulgarian inspires his flock to donate to his ministries. It’s all about the Benjamins and Graham will debase himself to keep himself living in the lap of luxury.

Graham has amplified Trump’s COVID misinformation and conspiracy theories. He’s lambasted Dr. Anthony Fauci for having the temerity to suggest that we should follow the science instead of relying on the counsel of anti-science buffoons like himself who said “COVID exists only because Man has turned his back on God.”

Graham finally said something about the pandemic that makes sense, or at last as much sense as you can expect from a white evangelical minister:

“I have been asked my opinion about the vaccine by the media and others. I have even been asked if Jesus were physically walking on earth now, would He be an advocate for vaccines. My answer was that based on the parable of the Good Samaritan in the Bible, I would have to say — yes, I think Jesus Christ would advocate for people using vaccines and medicines to treat suffering and save lives…

… Vaccines have worked for polio, smallpox, measles, the flu and so many other deadly illnesses — why not for this virus? Since there are different vaccines available, my recommendation is that people do their research, talk to their doctor, and pray about it to determine which vaccine, if any, is right for them. My wife and I have both had the vaccine; and at 68 years old, I want to get as many more miles out of these old bones as possible!”

Graham’s statement is problematic, we aren’t given a choice of which of the three vaccines currently available we prefer and his implication that vaccines may not be right for some people is unscientific hogwash. But I give him credit for urging his followers to be vaccinated, especially considering that vaccine hesitancy is epidemic in the evangelical world.

Graham was crucified for urging his flock to be vaccinated, he was called everything but a child of God by outraged evangelicals. True believers who have the mindset of “Jesus is my vaccine” tore Graham a new asshole for his heretical statement.

I don’t have faith that evangelicals will ever see the light of reason, science and common sense.

If Jesus Christ, the Great Physician walked on the Earth today, he would advocate for people to listen to scientists and physicians like Dr. Fauci, and to disregard the advice of con artists like Graham.


Joe Biden Stumbles Once, Twice, Thrice on Steps of Air Force One. Should We be Worried?

When a child falls, he quickly dusts himself off and resumes whatever mischief led to his mishap. But when a septuagenarian, soon to be an octogenarian, falls everyone holds their breath, hoping and praying he hasn’t cracked his skull or broken his back.

President Joe Biden, while boarding Air Force One, lost his footing and fell three times in rapid succession. Biden desperately grabbed the railing, dropped to his knee, and willed himself to stand up again.

Biden experienced his senior moment walking up the ramp, imagine if he had tripped descending the stairs, forward momentum might have propelled him all the way down and all the president’s physicians and all the spin doctors wouldn’t have been able to put him together again.

White House principal deputy press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said the president was doing fine following the incident.

I give Biden style points for quickly composing himself and snapping off a salute before entering Air Force One.

But this accident reminds us that Biden is 78-freaking-years-old, and that his expiration date might be sooner than 2024.

Maybe it wouldn’t be a bad idea to install a chair-lift to the boarding ramp on Air Force One.

Thoughts and Prayers Are as Effective as Passing Wind in Stopping Gun Violence

Whenever a natural or a man-made disaster strikes thoughts and prayers are offered in the hopes that the Almighty might intervene and stop the endless cycle of death and destruction.

But “acts of God “such as hurricanes and wildfires have increased in frequency and intensity due to man-made climate change, and mass shootings have increased in frequency and lethality due to our inability to pass common sense gun laws and the criminal neglect of people suffering from mental illness.

Atheists, believers and anyone with two brains cells to rub together should come to the inescapable conclusion that passing wind to put out a wildfire is as effective as praying to stop a mass shooting.

Prayers dissipate before they reach heaven and they are of little comfort to victims grieving over the death of loved ones. Windbag politicians and sanctimonious preachers should stop insulting our intelligence by reflectively offering their thoughts and prayers in the aftermath of a tragedy.

Let’s not waste our breath uttering useless thoughts and prayers and instead expend our energy and resources in tackling the intractable problems of climate change and gun violence.

Evangelical Ministers and Their Pricey Designer Sneakers

“Ben Kirby, a self-described Evangelical from Dallas, revealed himself as the man behind the @PreachersNSneakers account on Monday.

Since opening his account in 2019, Kirby has amassed more than 210,000 followers by posting images of pastors next to exorbitant price tags for the items they’re wearing – most commonly, their sneakers.”

Daily Mail

Once upon a time sneakers were utilitarian footwear, and you didn’t give a second thought to the smelly old gym shoes until you donned a pair to go jogging or to play basketball.

How times have changed, now you have to take out a second mortgage to purchase the latest Air Jordan or Adidas Yeezy running shoes.

The priorities of some young people are so skewed that they will literally kill someone to steal their tennis shoes.

You would expect evangelical preachers to set a good example by dressing in comfortable and affordable footwear, but they are the biggest consumers of designer sneakers.

Ben Kirby, a self-described evangelical has documented the footwear and designer attire of celebrity evangelical ministers:

Disgraced Hillsong pastor Carl Lentz, who baptized Justin Bieber wears an $800 pair of “Fear of God” running shoes. Obviously, this evangelical clown doesn’t fear the Almighty.

Paula White, who served as Donald Trump’s primary spiritual adviser, has been photographed wearing $785 Stella McCartney slip-ons.

Pastor Stephen R Chandler at Destiny Church in Maryland wears a pair of Air Jordans that retail for $8,100. 

Seattle megachurch pastor Judah Smith has been seen sporting a Judah Smith in a $3,600 Gucci jacket.  

If Jesus returned these evangelical ministers would mock him for wearing sandals.

Evangelical televangelists aren’t just interested in spreading xenophobia, misogyny, racism and false conspiracy theories, they’re also in it for filthy lucre.

My only question is why is Ben Kirby still a self-described evangelical? Why the holy fuck does any rational and spiritually-minded person still give their hard-earned money to this evangelical charlatans.

Trump Wax Figure Removed From Public View After Visitors Attack It

“A wax figure of former President Donald Trump was temporarily removed from Louis Tussaud’s Waxworks in San Antonio, Texas, after sustaining damage from customers.”

USA Today

It’s not uncommon for wax figures to sustain damage by visitors as part of normal wear and tear, but the damage that the Trump effigy sustained can’t be attributed to normal wear and tear.

Customers had such a visceral reaction to Trump’s wax figure that they punched, scratched and clawed at it.

The pummeling that was inflicted on the Trump likeness wasn’t a commentary on its artistic quality, but on the racism, xenophobia, homophobia and corruption that the flesh and blood Trump represents.

The narcissistic Trump is probably apoplectic that his wax representation was removed from public view, because surely, he knows that that there will be precious few statues erected to celebrate the worst president in history.

In a way I’m sorry that the Trump simulacrum was put in storage because it served a useful role as an outlet for our outrage for how Trump almost destroyed our democracy in four short years.

It’s just too bad that the real Trump can’t be put away in storage in a nursing home for the criminally insane.

Evangelical ‘Prophet’ Jeff Jansen Claims Military Will Reinstate Trump as President

A plethora of evangelical pastors and self-appointed prophets predicted that their false messiah Donald Trump would win reelection, claiming it was God’s will.

When that prophecy didn’t failed to materialize, a handful apologized and admitted they were wrong. Jeremiah Johnson was one of the most famous of these self-styled evangelical prophets who apologized for his false prophecy. His evangelical brethren showered him with death threats, and he ended up dismantling his prophetic ministry.

Evangelical ministers will never admit that their cherished false conspiracy theories are bullshit, even when confronted with science, empirical evidence and reality itself. That’s why most of these so-called prophets still insist Trump is the legitimate president and Joe Biden is an interloper who will soon be cast down by Almighty God.

Jeff Jansen, a self-proclaimed prophet believes that former president Donald Trump is still the legitimate president and that the military will remove Joe Biden from power. Jansen is urging his followers to keep the faith and trust that God will reinstate Trump to power by the end of April.

It would have made more sense had Jansen predicted April 1, 2021 as the day when Trump is reinstated as president, Jansen and his ilk are the biggest April Fools jokes.

Of course, April 30, 2021 will come and go, and Joe Biden will still be the president. If Old Testament prophets uttered a false prophecy they were stoned to death, but today’s evangelical prophets can make one false prophesy after another, without losing any of their gullible and ignorant followers.

Atlanta Spa Killings: A Toxic Mix of Racial Animosity, Misogyny, Evangelical Fervor and Obsession With Guns

A white male went out a shooting spree at three Atlanta-area spas/massage parlors, killing eight people, six of them women of Asian descent.  Racial animosity, misogyny and an obsession with firearms are a combustible mix that frequently explodes in cities large and small all across our nation.

This massacre wasn’t an aberration, indiscriminate killing of women, racial and religious minorities and schoolchildren are an integral part of our democracy.

The suspect, a 21-year-old white male, told police he had a sex addiction and that he saw the spas as a temptation that he wanted to eliminate.  

Often a spa or a massage parlor is a front for a house of prostitution, but the Atlanta police said they hadn’t received any complaints about any illicit sexual activity taking place in the establishments. But even if the masseuses were sex workers, that is irrelevant. A racist monster massacred masseuses, that’s the only relevant information.

The killer, an evangelical and son of a minister, said he had a sex addiction, and instead of praying to God for strength to resist temptation, he killed the women whom he blamed for succumbing to temptation.

It’s easy to kill women when the killer sees them only as orifices for his sexual gratification. It’s easy to kill women when the killer sees them as foreign exotic she-devils. It’s easy to kill women when the killer sees them as Asians spreading venereal diseases and the coronavirus.

I haven’t mentioned the murderer by name and I never will. It’s important that we remember the victims of this racist animal. The names of all the victims haven’t been released, but here’s what we do know: Killed were Delaina Ashley Yaun, 33, of Acworth; Paul Andre Michels, 54, of Atlanta; Xiaojie Yan, 49, of Kennesaw; and Daoyou Feng, 44.

America Must Destroy the White Evangelical Movement

America was founded as a constitutional republic with biblical principles codified in its constitution. In the early years of our democracy the ruling class didn’t see any inconsistency between their biblical values and the genocide of Native Americans and the enslavement of black people. They didn’t experience any dissonance going to church to praise God and then whipping their male slaves to encourage them to work harder and raping their female slaves.

Although America has had a high degree of secularization, evangelical Christianity still exerts an important influence on politics, especially on the Republican party.

Although the first Republican president, Abraham Lincoln, emancipated the slaves, there is still a strong streak of racism in the white evangelical movement. It’s no surprise that most of the white nationalists who stormed the Capitol in an ill-fated attempt to keep their white messiah in power self-identified as evangelicals.

Christian nationalism is undermining inclusiveness, pluralism and democracy itself, and in order to survive as a democracy we must recognize white evangelicals as an existential threat.

The white supremacist-in-chief has been defeated at the ballot box, but Trump-supporting evangelicals are still a threat and we must fight their religious extremism tooth and nail.

As a writer I will devote the rest of my life to exposing the racism, fascism, misogyny and homophobia of white evangelicals, and we must all use our gifts, resources and talents to destroy white evangelicalism in America.

Outrage: Vatican Won’t Bless Same-sex Unions, Calling Homosexuality a ‘Sin’ and a ‘Choice’

Pope Francis has been viewed with cautious optimism by LGBTQ groups because of his history of gay-friendly remarks like his statement published in 2020, that homosexuals are “part of the family” and that same-sex couples need a “civil union law.”

It’s unwise to bet on the Roman Catholic Church or practically any other organized religion to treat lesbians and gays as spiritual beings intrinsically worthy of all the blessings of God.

The hopes that after centuries of oppression, persecution and demonization of gays and lesbians that the Catholic Church would finally recognize, sanction and bless same-sex marriage were dashed by the Church’s statement, approved by Pope Francis, that the Church cannot bless same-sex marriages because it can’t bless sin.

The Catholic Church takes false pride in the pontiff’s statement that same-sex couples deserve a “civil union law”, but the LGBTQ community isn’t second-class in a legal or spiritual sense, and same-sex marriages deserve to be accepted by the legal and spiritual community everywhere in the world.

The Catholic Church is a misogynist, homophobic and patriarchal organization that condones pedophilia and protects pedophile priests, and enlightened and spiritual people shouldn’t be looking to them for what is blessed or not blessed by the Almighty.

Donald Trump Buddha Statue a Hit in China

Donald Trump had a hawkish, hostile and confrontational policy toward China, and his anti-China rhetoric, such as calling the coronavirus the Chinese flu, was outright racist.

Therefore, it’s not surprising that China’s commercial websites offer a variety of anti-Trump products, including toilet paper rolls with Trump’s mug printed on them, a toilet brush shaped like Trump’s wispy urine-colored hair, and T-shirts printed with satirical cartoons of him.

But the latest trend in Trump merchandising in China is a surprise: a statue of Trump, sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed in a Zen position, draped in a robe.

Trump Buddha? Trump isn’t known for his calm and peaceful demeanor. When Trump is criticized, I doubt he assumes a Zen pose and meditates and contemplates how he should respond to his critics.

Chinese aren’t as stereotypically inscrutable as they are portrayed in the West. The Trump Buddha statue is described as “Dong (know it all) Buddha of the West”, it’s a mock tribute to the Man Baby we in America hate so much.

Joe Biden’s First Prime-Time Speech a Resounding Success

The $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan is the most far-reaching piece of legislation since FDR’s New Deal, allow me to channel Joe Biden by declaring that it’s a Big Fucking Deal.

President Joe Biden would have been excused had he devoted his first prime-time speech as president to tout what may very well turn out to be the most significant accomplishment of his administration.

But only a few hours after signing the mammoth piece of legislation into law, Biden focused the lion’s share of his address to the nation talking about his plan to contain and control the coronavirus pandemic. The empath-in-chief spent only the last few minutes talking up the American Rescue Plan.

What a contrast between Biden and his predecessor, if Trump signed a two trillion-dollar stimulus bill into law, he would have spoken for well over an hour touting his accomplishment as the most consequential legislation in the history of America, and he would have demanded that his victory be celebrated with a place in Mt. Rushmore.

The selling of his Rescue Plan will begin in a couple of days, Biden and his aides will hit the road to explain the benefits to the American public. But Biden’s first prime-time speech was all about empathy and unity, and he struck all the right chords. Finally, after four years we heard a real presidential speech.

Lindsey Graham Sees “Magic” in the Steaming Pile of Manure Known as Donald Trump

Senator Lindsey Graham’s virulent 2015 attacks on presidential candidate Trump transformed into adulation once the reality show buffoon accomplished the seemingly impossible and won the election. The vehement critic transformed into a subservient fluffer, because the senator from North Carolina cares more about political power than he does about morality and democracy.  A profile in courage, he’s not.

Throughout Trump’s chaotic four-year term, Graham made excuses and justifications for the president’s myriad acts of racism, incompetence and corruption.

After Trump’s incitement led to the storming of the Capitol, Graham finally broke with Trump. “Count me out. Enough is enough”, he thundered on the Senate floor.

A few days later Graham was verbally attacked at an airport by a handful of MAGA faithful for his betrayal of Graham, and the cowardly senator returned to the fold, and once again defended Trump.

Graham further prostrated himself before his orange deity this weekend when he declared there was some “magic” in the disgraced twice-impeached former president.

“There’s something about Trump. There’s a dark side and there’s some magic there. What I’m trying to do is harness the magic,” Graham blathered.

There is no magic in Trump, there never was. There’s only a bottomless pit of cruelty, racism, pettiness, misogyny, homophobia, incompetence, corruption …

Only a spiritually blind and politically pragmatic fool like Graham will see any magic in the steaming pile of dog shit known as Donald Trump.

Cleveland Browns Lineman Wyatt Teller Causes Uproar For Killing, Posing With an Alligator

Football is a brutal sport and NFL players revel in their machismo and they rarely miss any opportunity to showcase their strength and power. Their social media sites are chock-full of images depicted them bench pressing hundreds of pounds and performing other athletic feats.

Cleveland Browns lineman Wyatt Teller shot, murdered, and then posed with a magnificent 10-foot-long alligator. He was captured on photographs and videos carrying the blood 200-pound beast over his shoulders.

He killed the reptile while on a hunting experience in Florida last week. Some people visit Florida to enjoy the beautiful beaches or to enjoy the thrilling rides and attractions in Disneyworld, Neanderthals visit the Sunshine State to kill beautiful animals.

The video of the smiling moron carrying the alligator over his shoulders is as disturbing as a video depicting a psychopath carrying a bloody 100-pound female victim on his shoulders.

The NFL should send a clear signal that they value animal life by at the very least condemning Teller for his despicable act of animal cruelty.

RNC Says it Has the Right to Use Trump’s Name and Likeness for Fundraising

Donald Trump sent out cease-and-desist letters to the three largest fundraising entities for the Republican Party, the RNC, NRCC and NRSC, for using his name and likeness on fundraising emails and merchandise.

What a sad state of affairs that the Trump name which is synonymous with racism, fascism, misogyny, and homophobia is effective in eliciting funds for the GOP.

It’s disturbing that his likeness (orange complexion, mouth that resembles a sphincter and raccoon eyes) is an effective advertising image.

This is a devastating indictment on the Republicans who respond in a positive way to the name and image of the disgraced and diminished twice-impeached former president.

Trump is apoplectic that his name is being used by Republican fundraising organization to help Republicans who voted to impeach him. Trump cares more about exacting revenge on the Republicans who voted to impeach him, than he does about helping the GOP win elections.

The RNC flat-out rejected Trump’s cease-and-desist demand, arguing that it “has every right to public figures as it engages in core, First Amendment-protected political speech.”

The RNC had no choice but to reject Trump’s demand, the GOP is the party of Trump, and there is no way that they can effectively raise funds without invoking the name of their messiah.

Why can’t the Republicans see that their embrace of the narcissistic, racist, and downright evil Trump will doom them to a minor party status.

We Need Herd Immunity Against the Coronavirus and White Evangelicals

There will be more spikes in coronavirus cases, hospitalizations, and deaths, but we shouldn’t despair because we have President Joe Biden’s promise that there will be enough vaccine available for all adults by the end of May.

Of course, having enough vaccine for every adult isn’t synonymous with every adult getting a shot in the arm, there are logistical problems that need to be overcome before we reach herd immunity.

The availability of vaccine is going up and at the same time vaccine hesitancy is going down. According to a Pew Research Center survey, 69 percent of Americans have indicated that they’ve either already taken the vaccine or will definitely or probably take it in the future. That’s up from 60 percent last November and significantly up for the low of 51 percent in September 2020.

But it’s not all good news on the vaccine front, vaccine hesitancy is still epidemic in white evangelical communities, and it could imperil our goal of herd immunity.

According to the Pew survey white evangelicals are the least likely to say they should consider the health effects on their community when deciding to be vaccinated. White evangelicals have the mindset of Jesus is my vaccine and the Holy Ghost and not masks will protect us, and we will continue to hold superspreader events in our churches and if the heathen get infected it’s their fault for not trusting Jesus.

Evangelicals main imperative is to evangelize, that is to demonstrate their care and compassion for their communities by reaching out to them with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. But their message that Jesus saves will fall on deaf ears when their refusal to wear masks, social distance and be vaccinated reveals a total disregard for the health and welfare of their neighbors. Instead of spreading the love of Christ white evangelicals are spreading false conspiracy theories and the coronavirus. White evangelicals are a more deadly disease than the coronavirus, and I’m hoping that they will be wiped out along with the coronavirus.

Republicans Obsessed With Stoking the Culture Wars

Republican leaders stoke the culture wars as a means of energizing their base and building a campaign war chest. The Republican faithful are primed to storm the Capitol to stop the evil Democrats from banishing The Muppets, Dr. Seuss, Goya, Mr. Potato Head and the My Pillow guy.

If you listen exclusively to right wing media cable news outlets like Fox News and Newsmax you’d think that democracy was in an existential threat of being undermined by the raging culture wars. Republicans are terrified that America will fall to communism if Liberals succeed in cancelling Roseanne Barr, Jon Voight, Mr. Potato Head, the My Pillow fraudster and Donald Trump.

Conservative pundits, preachers and politicians have their panties in a twist over what they describe as out of control PC culture.

The mainstream media may have light-hearted segments on Dr. Seuss and Mr. Potato Head, but it’s not culture wars 24/7.

President Joe Biden and his administration aren’t preoccupied with the culture wars.

“I don’t think there is any danger in ignoring a debate on Mr. Potato Head and Dr. Seuss,” said John Anzalone, a Biden adviser and campaign pollster.

Biden has more important things on his plate: passing the massive COVID-19 relief package and bringing the pandemic under control.

If only Republican congressional leaders would stop playing with Mr. Potato Head, put down their Dr Seuss books and help Democrats in fighting the pandemic, ending systemic racism, building our infrastructure, and protecting voting rights.

Tiger Woods and Donald Trump: Two Poisonous Peas in a Pod

Tiger Woods career is over after an automobile crash that resulted in open fractures to the upper and lower sections of his right leg along with significant trauma to his ankle.

Woods’ indomitable spirit and tremendous work ethic are responsible for 82 PGA tour victories and 15 Major championships, but there’s no way that a 45-year-old golfer who’s had five back surgeries and multiple knee surgeries can return to the PGA tour. The celebrated golfer will be lucky if he can return to Augusta in five years to play a ceremonial round of golf.

An adoring press has universally characterized Tiger’s latest vehicular escapade as an “accident.” If a boulder rolls down a hill and crushes your car that’s an accident. If a pothole causes your vehicle to roll over that’s an accident. But when you speed on a road notorious for its hairpin turns, and you total your automobile, that’s not an accident. It’s negligence, recklessness, and stupidity.

Disgraced and diminished former President Donald Trump wished his occasional golf partner Tiger Woods a speedy recovery, predicting, “he will be back.”

In May 2019, just weeks after winning his fifth Master’s title, Trump awarded Woods the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

In a recent interview Trump said:

“When Tiger is in contention, which is often, the ratings are double and triple. It’s very few people that can cause that kind of phenomena.”

Trump admires Tiger’s celebrity and penchant for getting high ratings whenever he’s in a golf tournament, and Tiger admires Trump’s power, influence, and wealth. Two peas in a pod.

There won’t be another miraculous Tiger comeback. His debilitating injury has ended his hall of fame career. There won’t be a Trump comeback, his incapacitating moral failings and fascist tendencies have ended his political career.

The Trump Republican Party is Destined for Defeat

Donald Trump suffered a popular vote and electoral landslide defeat to Joe Biden, and subsequently he was impeached for the second time for inciting an insurrection against his own government.

Trump is 74, morbidly obese and odds are that he will suffer a heart attack, or a stroke caused by either his violent temper or unhealthy diet before he can run for president again in 2024.

After having lost the House, the Senate, and the presidency, you’d think Republican congressional leaders who avoid him like the plague, after all there’s nothing that politicians hate more than losers.

But the former commander-in-chief holds court at Mar-a-Lago as if he was a king, basking in the presence of sycophants who paid hundreds of thousands for membership fees in his country club.

Republican leaders make pilgrimages to Mar-a-Lago to kiss his fat ass and pledge undying loyalty.

And millions of his white evangelical supporters still prostate themselves before him and treat him as the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

The Republican party has lost its integrity, relevance, and legitimacy by clinging so pathetically to such an amoral loser, and the white evangelical movement has lost its morality, relevance, and spiritual vitality by worshiping a false messiah.

I predict that Biden or Harris will soundly beat the corrupt Republican presidential nominee in 2024, makes no difference if its Trump or one of his clones.

Jill and Joe Biden Have a Phone-free Dinner Date Every Night at the White House

Joe Biden is the President of the United States and Leader of the Free World, and as you can imagine his daily schedule is chock full of meetings with cabinet members, congressional leaders, foreign heads of states, and White House aides.

But Joe realizes that his relationship with his spouse, Dr Jill Biden, is more important than cultivating close ties with political allies and befriending foreign leaders.

Therefore, the commander-in-chief ends every day by having dinner with his wife. In an interview with Kelly Clarkson, Dr. Biden said that they have dinner together every night, with the phones turned off.

Jill Biden is almost as busy as her husband, besides her duties and responsibilities as first lady she also has a full-time job as a college English professor. If this uber-busy couple makes time to have a quiet dinner together every day, there is no reason why we can’t have a daily meal with our spouse or significant other.

Enjoy a meal with your loved one every day and remember three’s a crowd. That means leaving your smart phone in your purse or in a drawer.

Model the excellent behavior of the first couple.

Trump Golden Calf Statue on Sale for $1000,000 at CPAC

Trumpalooza, also known as CPAC ends Sunday with a rousing speech by the star of the extravaganza, Donald Trump. It’s the annual conference during which conservatives come together to network, discuss policies, showcase presidential hopefuls, and chart the course for the future of the conservative movement. This year’s iteration of the conference is dedicated solely to the glorification of the false messiah, Donald Trump.

No festival would be complete without overpriced merchandise, and CPAC is no different. All things Trump are available at CPAC including hand-crafted luxury Trump hammocks, 2024 Trump bumper stickers, impeachment champ T-Shirts and “don’t me I voted for Trump” buttons. I bet the average Trump evangelical cultist would rather browse in the gift shops at CPAC featuring Trump paraphernalia than walk the streets of gold in heaven with Jesus Christ.

But what do you get the Trump devotee who already has all the aforementioned Trump items including the hammock?

The bizarre gold statue of the disgraced former president, that has been the runaway hit of the conference, is on sale for a cool $1000,000. The golden idol weighs 200 pounds, almost as much as the blimp it represents.

Are you a white evangelical POS who idolizes Trump? Do you think your messiah’s farts smell like heavenly incense? Do you worship the ground he walks on? Then don’t leave CPAC with a lousy T-Shirt! Demonstrate you reverence for your Dear Leader by purchasing the Trump Golden Calf idol! Take out a second mortgage if that’s the only way you can afford the abomination.

Trump Golden Calf Statue Worshiped at CPAC

Republican politicians, conservative media personalities and activists are gathering in Florida for the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC).

Former President Donald Trump will be the headliner of the show in Orlando, delivering a Sunday afternoon speech, in which he is expected to tease a 2024 presidential run and continue to preach the Big Lie that the 2020 presidential election was stolen from him.

All the preliminary speakers are expected to minor on conservative policy positions and to major on the magnificence of their false messiah. CPAC should be renamed TPAC, considering that this political conference isn’t intended to advance the conservative agenda but glorify Donald Trump.

Trump acolytes constructed a golden statue of Trump and wheeled it out to cheers from conference attendees. Reminiscent of the Biblical story of the Golden Calf, is it not? Even people who are biblically illiterate are familiar with the story of the Golden Calf. The Israelites, newly freed from Egyptian slavery, angry and impatient that Moses is taking to long talking with Jehovah on Mount Sinai melt down their golden jewelry to construct a golden calf to worship.

The party of Abraham Lincoln and Ronald Reagan is now the party of Trump, and the Republican platform has been replaced by the Trump cult of personality.

White evangelicals who make up the largest part of Trump’s base abandoned their commitment to the Biblical principles of honesty, integrity, propriety, and morality and embraced a devil whose speech, behavior and actions are antithetical to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Jehovah punished the faithless Israelites by making them wander for 40 years in the wilderness, and the political gods will punish the Republicans’ embrace of Trump by making them wander in the political wilderness of defeat and irrelevance for generations.

ForeverSpin Spinning Top a Perfect Toy for a Child of Any Age

I’m a baby boomer and every day my aching body reminds me that my best days are behind me. In my old age I have my dreams and memories of my halcyon days to sustain me.

Some of us old-timers spend thousands on buying and restoring the muscle cars of our youth to invigorate us in our waning years. I owned a 66 Mustang in the prime of my youth, if that automobile has been restored and is still on the road its odometer matches the numbers of miles I have traveled on my life’s journey.

I can’t afford to purchase a vintage automobile or a mechanical pinball machine to remind me of my wayward youth but buying the toys of my childhood are within my financial means.

On of my favorite childhood toys was a spinning top, in an innocent age when video games and the Internet existed only in science fiction books and magazines, simple toys like a spinning top or a Frisbee kept us entertained for hours.

I will soon be receiving a ForeverSpin spinning top in the mail and I am absolutely ecstatic. There is nothing more therapeutic, soothing, and relaxing than watching a top spin. A top spins away the years and takes me back to the carefree days of my youth.

Description of ForeverSpin spinning tops from ForeverSpin.Com:

“ForeverSpin spinning tops are made out of nothing but the purest and highest-quality metals. This metal is formed into solid billets and moved to a state-of-the-art facility where each top is CNC-machined on a lathe in one operation to achieve an incredible degree of precision. After years of research, hundreds of prototypes, and relentless dedication to mastering the creation of spinning tops, we continue the pursuit of perfection.”

Thanks, ForeverSpin!

People Who Wear Glasses Are Three Times Less Likely to Catch COVID-19

I’ve worn glasses since elementary school and if I had a dime for every time, I was called four-eyes I would be a millionaire. Wearing glasses has been a handicap all my life, men seldom make passes at girls who wear glasses and women give men who wear glasses a wide berth. I’m now a senior citizen and almost all my contemporaries wear corrective lenses, and still, nobody makes a pass at me. Hmm, maybe it wasn’t the glasses.

In the age of the global coronavirus pandemic there’s finally a silver lining for those of us who wear spectacles. According to a non-peer reviewed study published on the website medRxiv, people who wear glasses could be up to three times less likely to be infected by the coronavirus.

The virus can enter the body by people touching their eyes, nose, or mouth after coming into contact with it.

However, the study suggests people who wear glasses rub their eyes less and are therefore at less risk of contracting COVID-19.

These days I’m glad women give this four-eyed old geezer a wide berth, I don’t want to catch the virus from them. My glasses make me feel special knowing that I am three times less likely to catch COVID-19 than folks who don’t wear them.

Rush Limbaugh is Dead and I’m Unapologetically Dancing on His Grave

“Don’t speak ill of the dead” is a maxim that’s universally recognized as a basic rule of conduct. Even when a tyrant or dictator dies, we’re expected to maintain a modicum of decorum and refrain from dancing on the dearly departed’s grave.

Well, I call bullshit on that tired old proverb, that ain’t how we roll in the 21st century. When Trump bites the bullet, I’m going to dance the Macarena on his grave.

I’m glad to see that many in the media share my mindset, when the quintessential shock jock Rush Limbaugh finally succumbed to terminal cancer the Huffington Post’s headline screamed: “BIGOT, MISOGYNIST, HOMOPHOBE, CRANK: RUSH LIMBAUGH DEAD.” Twitter was even less restrained, they metaphorically danced and pissed on his grave.

It is a mortal sin to mourn the passing of a millionaire who reeked of white privilege and who was contemptuous of religious and racial minorities, and the poor and disenfranchised. I don’t care what deity you worship, I’m sure He will give you a dispensation to mark the death of Limbaugh by criticizing the vile creature and everything he represented.

For decades Limbaugh viciously mocked gay AIDS victims, feminists, immigrants and just about everyone else who wasn’t a white Christian conservative. He dedicated the last days of his life undermining democracy by ardently promoting the false conspiracy theory that Joe Biden stole the 2020 election from Donald Trump.

As a poor progressive Hispanic, I represent the person that Limbaugh attacked mercilessly for decades, and upon his death all I can say is: Fuck you Limbaugh, I hope you rot in hell.