These are the dog days of summer and man and beast are at the mercy of the sweltering heat. The A/C in my car sucks, and in the summer I usually drive with the windows rolled down.
My pooch, Mandy, is my constant companion, and she loves to ride shotgun with me. I always roll the windows down when she rides we me, even in the winter, the look on her face as she sticks her head out the window, is the picture of contentment.
When I`m running errands with Mandy in the summer, I always roll the windows down, even when I make a quick stop at a convenience store. Mandy is more precious to me than anything that a thief can snatch from my vehicle, because I left the windows open.
Before you leave your dog in a hot automobile there are two things that you need to remember:
It takes only six minutes for your pooch to die in a hot car, but it takes only a second to lower the windows.
“If a dog`s internal temperature goes above 41°C (105.8°F) it is at risk of heatstroke, which only 50% of dogs survive. Some breeds are more susceptible than others – large dogs, dogs with short faces such as bulldogs and boxers, and overweight or long-coated dogs are most at risk – but every dog has the potential to suffer from heatstroke. It doesn`t have to be boiling hot for this to happen either – when it`s 22°C, (71.6°F) outside, the inside of a car can easily reach 47°C within an hour(116.6°F).”
Dogs can`t sweat, let me repeat that, dogs can`t sweat.
“In humans, sweating is primarily a means of thermoregulation, which is achieved by the water-rich secretion of the eccrine glands. Maximum sweat rates of an adult can be up to 2-4 liters per hour or 10-14 liters per day (10-15 g/min·m2), but is less in children prior to puberty.[3][4][5] Evaporation of sweat from the skin surface has a cooling effect due to evaporative cooling. Hence, in hot weather, or when the individual`s muscles heat up due to exertion, more sweat is produced.”
Imagine taking a jog in the heat of summer and not being able to sweat, even the healthiest athlete in the world would pass out from heat exhaustion after a few minutes.
A dog is man`s best friend, they provide us with companionship, protect our lives and property, and slobber us with love. The least we can do for them is to never leave them in a hot car without the windows rolled down.
Most of my readers are responsible dog owners and they would never leave their faithful pets in a hot car, but if you see a dog locked in a hot vehicle, call the police immediately, and break the damn window.
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