Donald Trump Lawyer Jenna Ellis Leaves GOP

Donald Trump’s former senior legal adviser, Jenna Ellis, announced she was leaving the Republican Party during an impassioned monologue on her Real America’s Voice show “Just the Truth” on Monday.

It takes a lot of moxie for Ellis to call her program “Just the Truth” when she amplified Trump’s lies during his administration, and repeated the “Big Lie” that the election was stolen from her boss.

“The truth matters,” began Ellis and I expected her to say that she could no longer in good faith remain in the GOP when it was promulgating the Big Lie that Trump won the election.

Alas, I should have realized that once you drink the Kool-Aid it’s almost impossible to accept reality. Ellis quit the Republican Party because she claims that the Republican National Committee wasn’t championing the issues that make America great. In effect, she quit because she doesn’t think Republicans are demonstrating enough cult-like devotion to the orange messiah.

Never mind that the Republican base is 100% behind Trump, and almost all the congressional Republicans back him, except for a handful of brave souls like Senator Lisa Murkowski, Rep. Liz Cheney and Rep. Adam Kinzinger.

A cult can’t allow anyone to exhibit anything less than total allegiance to their leader, and they will ostracize anyone who doesn’t get 100 percent with the program.

In 2016 Ellis called Trump an “idiot”, and she’s now demonstrating that he’s far from the only idiot in the GOP, there are millions of idiots like Ellis who are following Trump to the abyss.

White Evangelicals Are In Decline

“On Thursday, Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI) released startling new polling data showing just how much ground the religious right has lost. PRRI’s 2020 Census of American Religion, based on a survey of nearly half a million people, shows a precipitous decline in the share of the population identifying as white evangelical, from 23% in 2006 to 14.5% last year. In 2020, as in every year since 2013, the largest religious group in the United States was the religiously unaffiliated.”

Chattanooga Times Free Press

Organized religion is the enemy of science, enlightenment, women’s rights, human rights and it’s the biggest obstacle to achieving peace and harmony on a global scale.

Therefore, I am encouraged by the fact that the largest religious group in the United States is the religiously unaffiliated. These so-called “nones” who answer “none of the above” on religious identification surveys aren’t necessarily agnostic or atheist, they simply believe that you can be a spiritual being without belonging to any religious organization.

As Lord Acton famously expressed it, “power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Mega evangelical churches where the pastor has almost total control over his/her congregation are almost totally corrupt, and it’s almost impossible for a parishioner to be a loving Christian when all the church leaders are preaching a message of intolerance, racism and hatred.

Another piece of good news is that there are more white mainline Protestants than white evangelicals. Fundamentalists and evangelicals garner all the headlines because they have a penchant for railing against gays, immigrants and climate change, while mainline Protestants attend church on Sundays and behave like good law-abiding citizens the rest of the week.

White evangelicals are the oldest religious group in the United States, with a median age of 56. These Neanderthals are dying out, but they aren’t going quietly into the night, they are exiting the stage screaming and gnashing their teeth.

Don’t despair my friends, white evangelicals aren’t going to inherit the Earth, they and other organized religions are in the rear view mirror.

Evangelicals Are a Greater Threat to Democracy Than the Pandemic

Evangelicals have a tenuous relationship empirical facts, truth, science and reality itself. Anything that conflicts with their narrow interpretation of the Bible is anathema. Their motto is: the Bible says, I believe it, don’t confuse me with facts.

Evangelicals mistrust academia, science and any other institution that threatens their fundamentalist interpretation of scripture. It’s no surprise that most evangelicals don’t believe in climate change or the efficacy of vaccines.

Evangelical anti-vaxxers are militant, some would say evangelical, in their opposition to the COVID vaccines. They try to convert everyone to their Neanderthal views on vaccines in general, and the COVID vaccines in particular.

Now that the highly contagious delta variant has become the most common variant in the United States it’s imperative that the media, educators, medical professionals and social influencers emphasis the reality that the pandemic isn’t over and that the best way to defeat it by getting vaccinated.

Brian Kaylor argues that the delta variant should be dubbed the “evangelical variant” because of their penchant for refusing to be vaccinated.

I would argue that evangelicals are the disease that is infecting Christianity, the social order and democracy itself. Evangelicalism is as much an existential threat as the pandemic.

Fight stupidity, ignorance and the religious tomfoolery and the pandemic and get vaccinated.

In America Cats and Dogs Are Our Gods

“Anthropologists estimate that at least 18,000 different gods, goddesses, and various animals or objects have been worshipped by humans since our species first appeared. Today, it is estimated that more than 80 percent of the global population considers themselves religious or spiritual in some form.”

Psychology Today

America is a religiously diverse country, but we don’t worship anywhere near 18,000 deities. The United States is still predominantly Christian, and there are more than 200 Christian denominations in the U.S. and 45,000 globally, according to the Center for the Study of Global Christianity.

In Pew Research Center telephone surveys conducted in 2018 and 2019, 65% of American adults describe themselves as Christians when asked about their religion.

We are living in a post-Christian society and the percentage of practicing Christians is far less than 65 percent. The vast majority of self-professing Christians are nominal Christians and adopting the label is just a way of distinguishing themselves from Muslims, Hindus, or Jews.

Being a member of a political party, a fan of a sporting team, or a stan of a pop idol means more to Americans than their religion.  

18,000 Gods? Not in America! We’re down to a dozen or so: Allah, Jehovah, Jesus, the Orange Messiah, and the Cat. The Cat has been worshipped as a deity since ancient Egypt, and there are millions of Americans who love their cats more than their religion, political party or significant other.

I haven’t found a church that meets my spiritual needs, but the dogs and cats that I’ve adopted over the years remind me that the divine spark hasn’t been fully extinguished.

Mike Lindell is the Mayor of Crazy Town, a City with Millions of MAGA and QAnon Nuts

“MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell has named the date on which he believes former President Donald Trump will take the impossible step of being reinstated as president: August 13.

Speaking to Brannon Howse on the conservative WVW Broadcast Network on Sunday, Lindell said that by that date, Trump’s reinstatement “will be the talk of the world.”

Yahoo News

Mike Lindell has gone from crack addict to CEO to conspiracy theorist, but one thing hasn’t changed, he’s always been a publicity whore.

He self-published a book, What Are the Odds? From Crack Addict to CEO. This tells me two things: he loves publicity so much that he paid to publish his own book, and that he must be a lousy writer if no publisher was willing to invest in the autobiography of a famous entrepreneur.

Lindell is such a publicity hound that he appears in all of the MyPillow commercials; it’s impossible to think of his pillows without imaging him sleeping next to you. It’s enough to turn the most well-adjusted person into a crack addict.

Lindell has been the leading cheerleader of the Big Lie that there was massive voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election, and that victory was stolen from Donald Trump. Lindell has made hundreds of appearances in rightwing cable TV networks, podcasts, YouTube channels and radio programs to promote himself and his batshit crazy conspiracy theories.

The MyPillow clown considers Trump the legitimate president and he believes that he will be reinstated by August 13, 2021. Lindell is the mayor of Crazy Town, and unfortunately there are millions of residents in Crazy Town who believe in his crazy conspiracy theories, and some of these crazy assholes may resort to violence when their crazy messiah isn’t restored to power next month.

For the Love of God Remove the Words ‘Under God’ From the Pledge of Allegiance

“I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

The Pledge of Allegiance was written in August 1892 by the socialist minister Francis Bellamy, and as a student in the 60’s I was required to stand for the recitation of the Pledge.

In 2004, the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals held that students aren’t required to stand for the Pledge, but I wish it would be outright banned in public schools, because it’s against our democratic principles to compel children of diverse religions or no religion to recite a pledge affirming the existence of God.

In 1954, in response to the Communist hysteria of the times, President Eisenhower encouraged Congress to add the problematic words “under God,” creating the 31-word pledge we recite today.

Only two words but they undermine our secular and pluralistic democracy, and make a mockery of the First Amendment. It’s anathema to compel our vulnerable and impressionable children to recite a pledge that in some cases goes against their religious beliefs. There are millions of schoolchildren whose families believe in religions that worship many deities, and there are millions who are taught by their parents that there’s no God. The Pledge honors a monotheistic deity, and seeks to render invisible citizens who belong to polytheistic religions and atheists and agnostics.

We don’t live in a theocracy, and we aren’t a Christian nation, and it’s an outrage that in 2021 we are still reciting this Pledge in our schools, in Congress and public gatherings.

We are not one nation UNDER GOD, and there won’t be liberty and justice for atheists, agnostics and members of polytheistic religions until the objectionable words “under God” are stricken from the Pledge of Allegiance.

Alyssa Milano Clapsback at Troll Who Asked Her: Are You Off Your Meds?

Alyssa Milano clappedback at a social media troll who asked her if she took her medication today.

Milano responded, “First of all, no I did not forget to take my medication I take my medication every day. I have anxiety with complex PTS and panic disorder So, I take my medicine, because I like to just be functional.”

Anybody who has a social media presence has to deal with trolls who have no backbone, brains or life. Milano who has 3.6 million Twitter followers, has to deal with an army of trolls who are just waiting to pounce on almost anything she posts on social media.

Even a blogger like me with a relatively small following on Twitter is constantly criticized, demonized and mocked for expressing his opinions on social media. It’s best to just ignore trolls because if you respond it just feeds their appetite for conflict and chaos.

Although, sometimes it’s wise to respond publicly in order to teach an important lesson, as Milano brilliantly does in this instance in response to her critic.

Almost every day I hear someone say, “Dude are you off your meds? It’s not funny to imply that someone is “off their meds” because they are displaying signs of anxiety or fear. We shouldn’t stigmatize people who take prescription drugs to stabilize their mental condition.

I have a sister and a nephew who are bipolar and have made horrible mistakes when they were off their medication, believe me it’s no joking matter.

If you suffer from PTS, depression or any other mental illness, be like Milano: Take your medication faithfully every day, and don’t be embarrassed to admit that you are on medication.

I’m on medication for high blood pressure and Atrial fibrillation, and I would be putting my life at risk if I didn’t take my medication every day. I am not embarrassed to say I have a heart condition and that I’m on medication. If you have a mental instead of a physical illness, the principle is the same: Take your meds, and don’t be ashamed to admit you’re on medication.

Trump Tells Hannity He’s Made a Decision on 2024 Presidential Run

Donald Trump says he’s made a decision on a 2024 presidential run but declined to confirm whether or not he would actually launch another campaign.

Fox News host Sean Hannity pressed the former president if he had ‘made up his mind’ about a potential run – to which Mr Trump answered ‘yes’”.

Sky News

Donald Trump lives in the here and now, he cares about the current news cycle and today’s polls, and he has no worry about tomorrow, for there are Big Macs to be eaten today, porn stars to be screwed today, grievances to be addressed today and political opponents to be humiliated today.

It’s highly unlikely Trump has made a decision on a 2024 presidential run, and if he has, he will probably change his mind a thousand times before the next presidential election.

If Trump has made up his mind not to run in 2024, he won’t announce his decision until the last moment, because as long as he’s perceived as the as a likely 20024 candidate, donations to his Save America PAC will continue to pour in.

More importantly he’ll remain relevant and, in the news, as long as the public and the media think he’s running in 2024. We all know the only things Trump loves more than publicity are sex and money.

Let’s not forget Trump is a morbidly obese septuagenarian with a heart condition, it will be a miracle if he’s even alive in 2024. I don’t think there’s a snowball’s chance in hell that Trump will run, let alone win in 2024.

Joe Biden’s Jesuit-run DC Parish says it ‘Will Not Deny the Eucharist’

“The parish council at Holy Trinity Catholic Church, the Jesuit-run parish near Georgetown University that President Joe Biden has attended several times since his inauguration, posted a statement to its website saying that the church ‘will not deny the Eucharist to persons presenting themselves to receive it.’

The statement comes on the heels of a controversial vote by U.S. bishops to proceed with drafting a document on the Eucharist that could include a section about Catholic political leaders and their worthiness to receive Communion.”

America, The Jesuit Review

The Roman Catholic Church, a patriarchal, misogynist and homophobic religious behemoth teeming with pedophile priests is considering ascertaining whether pro-choice politicians are worthy to receive the Eucharist. That’s like the Pimp of the Year deciding whether a low-rung drug dealer is worthy to drink from his Pimp Cup.

The Holy Eucharist refers to Christ’s body and blood present in the consecrated host on the altar, and Roman Catholics actually believe that the consecrated communion wafer and sacramental wine are the real body and blood of Jesus Christ. For Roman Catholics, the presence of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist isn’t just symbolic, it’s as real as a heart attack. “Holy Jesus on a popsicle”, you may be thinking, but U.S. bishops believe that Biden is unworthy to partake of the blood and body of Jesus Christ. I’m not a cannibal or a vampire, but hey whatever floats your ark.

I’m a strong believer in the separation of church and state, and I wince whenever an evangelical politician invokes the name of Jesus Christ or a Roman Catholic politician makes the sign of the cross. Attending church on a regular basis doesn’t make anyone a better human being or a better politician.

I don’t give a flying fig if the wafer and wine are actually the body and blood of Jesus or of SpongeBob SquarePants, I just think it’s an abomination and an absurdity that bishops feel they can intervene in American politics by deeming the president unworthy of receiving communion for whatever reason.

QAnon Followers Think They See Donald Trump in White House Window Reflection

QAnon and white evangelical Trump supporters believe he is a messianic figure battling devil-worshipping, pedophile Democrats who drink the blood of children they have imprisoned in caves and underground bunkers. They believe their Savior will free the children and execute the thousands of pedophile Democrats, Hollywood stars and Jewish bankers who belong to this Satanic cabal.

These cultist believe their hero will be reinstated in August 2020, and there’s a genuine risk they will attempt another insurrection once they realize Joe Biden won’t let Trump anywhere near the White House.

In the meantime, just like evangelicals who see the image of Jesus on everything from a sour cream and onion potato chip to a toast to a dirty window, MAGA cultists see their Dear Leader in all sorts of places including the reflection of a window in a photo posted on the POTUS Instagram page showing President Joe Biden inside the Oval Office.

These cultists are sharing this image supposedly showing their messiah in a window reflection on social media, and I wouldn’t be surprised if they have circle jerks while they gaze at the photograph.

MAGA faithful are as big losers as Trump who lost in an electoral college and popular vote landslide to Joe Biden in 2020, and the epic loser won’t be back in the Oval Office on August 2020, January 2025 or ever again.

Men: Do You Wipe Your Butt Standing Up or Sitting Down?

I have an eclectic tastes in movies, and I have seen avant-garde films that depicted some very disturbing images. But a few weeks ago, I saw a film that showed a scene that left me contemplating the very nature of reality, and it wasn’t a porn flick or a snuff movie, it was actually a PG-rated picture.

The mind-blowing scene portrayed a woman wiping her butt in the toilet while sitting down. Since I was potty trained, I’ve been wiping my behind while standing up, like every other red-blooded man, or so I assumed. Maybe this is just a chick thing I thought, and since they sit on the toilet to defecate and urinate, they just do everything sitting down.

I was so mortified by the disturbing imagery that I decided to research the matter online, and so I googled: Do men wipe their butt standing up or sitting down? I clicked the MensHealth.Com result and it turns out they did a survey: After you go No 2, how do you wipe? Sitting down: 64.8% Standing up: 35.2%

I was shocked to discover that I’m in the minority, and I no long know if I’m coming or going. I urinate standing up, but I’m afraid to google it, because if I discover that most men urinate sitting down, I will jump off a cliff.

Donald Trump Doesn’t Have a Clue What Melania is Doing These Days

Donald Trump, the twice-impeached one term president, loves to deliver monologues without being interrupted, therefore he calls in to Newsmax on a regular basis where the anchors won’t fact-check or interrupt him as he spins tall tales. They will nod in agreement and when Trump pauses for a moment, they seize the opportunity to toss a softball question. These sad excuses for news anchors hope that their subservience and journalistic malpractice results in a spike in ratings.

The other day during a Newsmax “interview” the host asked Trump what Melania had been up to since leaving Washington, D.C.

“It’s very funny. “She’s a very confident person. She was very successful as a model, she was very, very successful. and she is low key, but not actually low key, but she’s low key and the people love her. For instance, I’m making a speech in Ohio, where they’re going to have big crowds, they already have them lined up. We’re going have big crowds tomorrow night, and when I go there, there will be many, many signs. ‘We love our first lady, we love our first lady,’ and a lot of times they show a picture of a high heel, a shoe with a high heel.”

Translation: I don’t have a fucking clue.

By all accounts Melania isn’t living under the same roof as her worthless husband. The only question is what will come first: an indictment from the New York District Attorney or a divorce from his wife.

Low key? Not low key? Don’t really give a flying fig as long as she never again has the keys to the White House.

But I really don’t care where Melania is hiding, do you?

Word to Joe Biden: Latinos Hate Being Called ‘Latinx’

BIDEN: “It’s awful hard as well to get Latinx vaccinated… Why? They’re worried they’ll be vaccinated and deported.”

Joe Biden traveled to Raleigh as part of a nationwide campaign to boost vaccination rates before the July 4th holiday. His speech didn’t go well, it’s bad enough that he confused the Tuskegee Airmen with the African American victims of the infamous decades-long Tuskegee syphilis study, but then he referred to Latinos as “Latinx.”

Making such a transparent attempt to look “woke” isn’t going to dissuade his critics from referring to him as “Sleepy Joe.”

Urban Dictionary:

“A term being pushed by PC culture advocates, even though absolutely no one who is actually Latino uses it.

Apparently, it’s supposed to be “inclusive” of Latin American non binary people, even though most don’t care if you refer to them as Latino.

LatinX is a bullshit word made up by people who are not even Latino themselves.”

Spanish is a gendered language, get over it.”

The only ones I ever hear use “Latinx” are politicians, pundits and pendejos. I’m a Latino and I have never heard anyone in my family or any of my friends or acquaintances utter that ridiculous word.

Conservatives are always accusing progressives like me of advancing “cancel culture”, but the only thing I really want to cancel is the word “Latinx” from the lexicon.

Pray tell, why does Biden assume that every Latino is an undocumented person who isn’t vaccinated because he/she fears deportation. 

I’m a proud fully-vaccinated Latino who was born in the United States, who fears being called “Latinx” by wankers and pretentious idiots.

The Evangelical Movement is a Shit Show of Biblical Proportions

In an MSNBC segment discussing the evangelical movement Peter Wehner, who served in various roles in the three Republican administrations before the Trump administration, described the effect of wild conspiracy theories as turning evangelical Christianity into a “moral freak show.”

In the relative halcyon days of American evangelicalism at a church service the polyester-clad pastor would deliver a fire and brimstone sermon, and the congregation would beatifically smile in the smug awareness that an angry God would spare them from the eternal torment reserved for the heathen. Evangelicals would leave church hating the sin but condescendingly loving the sinner.

Decades ago, evangelical ministers railed against generic sinners, but now they spew their hatred against specific classes of sinners: gays and lesbians, transgender people, feminists, Democrats, evolutionists, scientists, immigrants, university professors …

Evangelicals have always believed in the miracles of the Bible including the parting of the Red Sea, Jesus walking on water, and the worldwide flood, but now they also believe in crazy conspiracy theories that have no biblical basis.

In recent decades white evangelicals have for the most part aligned with the Republican party, but now they consider being a Republican an article of faith and they demonize Democrats.

Peter Wehner is being generous in his description of evangelical Christianity, it’s a shit show of biblical proportions. How else can you describe a religious movement that elevates an amoral, egotistical con artist billionaire to the stature of a messiah figure. Attending a church service where the minister preaches that the COVID vaccine is the Mark of the Beast, and that the election was stolen from Donald Trump but that the Almighty will reinstate him in a few weeks is akin to attending a religious sideshow carnival.

The evangelical movement is a dung pile whose stench reaches to the heavens, believe me I’m giving these wretched people a wide berth.

Mike Pence Heckled as ‘Traitor’ at Christian Faith & Freedom Conference

Mike Pence’s speech at the conservative Christian Faith & Freedom “Road to Majority” conference was interrupted with shouts of “traitor.”

Why was Pence’s s address so rudely interrupted, did the stalwart evangelical renounce his faith in Christ or did he come out as a gay man? What was Pence’s mortal sin that incited his brethren to brand him a “traitor”?

The pro-Trump attendees heckled and booed the former vice president for refusing to overturn a free and fair election on January 6.

In January President Donald Trump urged Pence – who as vice-president presided over the Senate – to overturn the certification of President Joe Biden’s landslide victory in Congress. When Pence argued that he didn’t have the power to do so, Trump and his supporters turned against him, and they haven’t forgiven him, and they never will.

Pence will never be the Republican nominee for president, Trump cultists will never forgive him for refusing to overturn the election on January 6. Pence can speak before a conservative or evangelical audience every day for the next four years, but it won’t improve his meager support in the Republican party.

Pence has committed the unpardonable sin, and that’s not blaspheming the Holy Ghost, evangelicals consider disrespecting or failing to obey their messiah Donald Trump the new unpardonable sin. Pence’s lips may be permanently stained brown from being affixed to Trump’s ass for four years, but he can kiss his presidential aspirations good-bye.

Outrage: EEOC Defends Religious Nut Who Was Fired Because He Refused to be Fingerprinted

“The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has filed a lawsuit against a Minnesota employer on behalf of a Twin Cities man who was fired for refusing the company’s requirement to be fingerprinted, citing religious grounds.

AscensionPoint Recovery Services, a company with operations in Coon Rapids and St. Louis Park that manages debt recovery for creditors, was sued Thursday in U.S. District Court in Minnesota by the EEOC on behalf of Henry Harrington, of Mound.

AscensionPoint had requested that its employees be fingerprinted as a result of a background check requirement of one of its clients, according to the EEOC.”


The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is responsible for enforcing federal laws that make it illegal to discriminate against a job applicant or an employee because of the person’s race, color, creed, age, sexual orientation, gender identification and religion.

The EEOC has represented tens of thousands of employees and job applicants who have suffered discrimination because they were members of the aforementioned classes.

But the EEOC shouldn’t defend a religious nut; religion covers a multitude of conspiracy theories and doctrines that contradict science, history and common sense.

The EEOC has to draw the line somewhere, and certainly they should draw the line at employees who refuse to be vaccinated against COVID because they believe it is the “Mark of the Beast” or refused to be fingerprinted for religious reasons.

There are ten thousand and one religions and everybody believe theirs is the only true religion and the ten thousand other religions are fantastical bullshit. The EEOC should defend employees who were fired for being evangelicals, Roman Catholics, Wiccans, Jehovah Witnesses, Muslims, etc., but it shouldn’t defend the peculiar beliefs of religious nuts if they present a security or health issues to other employees.

Evangelicals Believe Book of Revelation Teaches Trump is a Messiah Figure and All Sorts of Nonsense

“An apocalypse is a literary report of an amazing, often fearful, violent vision that reveals truths about past, present, and/or future times in highly symbolic and poetical terms. The writer may represent himself as being transported into a heavenly realm, or the vision may be unveiled—and even interpreted—by an angelic messenger. Apocalyptic exhortations are aimed at chastening and reforming their hearers with promises of rewards and punishment in the coming end times.”

New World Encyclopedia

In Apocalyptic literature dragons and monsters, angels and demons are prominently featured, and the writer takes the reader on a roller coaster ride from the heavenly realms to a dystopian future to the seven circles of hell.

The last book of the Bible, the Book of Revelation is a prime example of apocryphal literature, and even the most erudite theologian on LSD finds it difficult to discern more than the basic fact that it teaches that good will prevail over evil in the end.

But that doesn’t stop evangelical prophets and televangelists from proclaiming that the Book of Revelations reveals all sorts of fantastic events that will take place in the End Times: The Rapture of the Church, the rise of an Antichrist, the Mark of the Beast and on and on ad infinitum.

Evangelical ministers can convince their followers to believe in all sorts of nonsense as long as they claim that’s what the Book of Revelation teaches. I’ve heard several evangelical ministers claim that the COVID vaccine is the Mark of the Beast, and as a result hundred of thousands of evangelicals are afraid to be vaccinated.

The Book of Revelation is a first century genre of literature that as the title suggests, is meant to reveal spiritual truths, but it was never intended to be a roadmap of the future.

So, if you hear a televangelist rant about the COVID vaccine being the Mark of the Beast or that the Book of Revelation teaches that Trump is a messiah figure who will rescue thousands of children from the hands of pedophiles, turn that shit off.

Why Do Evangelicals Hate ‘Pride Month’ So Much?

“Christian hate-peddler Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council, who admitted last month that Christian warriors were ‘trying to take over the world,’ is now offering life tips to Christians on how to survive Pride Month.

In addition to his tips, though, he complained about why they were needed at all:

‘How did we get to the point where celebrating sex and transgenderism became a 30-day event that rivals Christmas. We have a president who’s flying the rainbow flag above the U.S. flag at our embassies, a Democratic Congress that thinks the military should salute pride on base, and a White House that brags that almost 1 percent of its 1,500 appointees are LGBT. You can’t blame people for wondering: When did we become identified by our sexual proclivities? The world is upside down when American pride is something we should apologize, for but sexual perversion is the stuff of parades.’”

Friendly Atheist

What an ethnically, politically and religiously diverse America needs are life tips on how to survive the assault of white evangelicals on religious, ethnic, and sexual minorities. Broadcast TV, Cable TV, and the internet are littered with religious programming that demeans and demonizes the LGBTQ community.

Homophobe Tony Perkins laments the fact that an entire month is set aside to celebrate the LGBTQ community and their contributions to making America the greatest democracy in the world. Bitch please, after centuries of oppression, persecution and pogroms against gay people, the least we can do is set aside a month to revel in their awesomeness.

Evangelicals like Perkins never grow weary of peddling the trope that homosexuality is synonymous with sexual perversion. Taking pride in loving a person of the same gender isn’t a perversion, it’s an expression of freedom and acceptance.

The world is upside down when hatemongers are given a platform to preach their evil Gospel of misogyny, homophobia and racism. Perkins and his ilk are on the wrong side of history, but little by little we are turning things around and making America a more inclusive, democratic and loving country.

White Evangelicals Rejoice Whenever Violence Breaks Out Between Israelis and Palestinians

A few weeks ago, when the Middle East tinderbox predictably once again exploded into open warfare between Israel and Hamas, people of all faiths around the world were horrified by the tribal and religious violence.

But not everybody was shocked by the thousands of rockets fired by Hamas militants into civilian population centers or by the disproportionate Israeli air strikes that devastated the impoverished Gaza Strip.

Millions of people in the United States rejoiced at the obscene display of violence, and it wasn’t anarchists or Satanists who welcomed the bloodshed.

White evangelicals who ostensibly are followers of Jesus Christ the Prince of Peace welcomed the violence.

Evangelical pastor John Hagee, founder of Christians United for Israel, basked in orgiastic glee at the violence in the Middle East. “The rapture of the church is imminent” he thundered “If you’re not ready, get ready, because we’re getting ready to leave this world.”

Evangelicals are unmoved and unconcerned by the cyclical explosions of violence in the Middle East, every time Israel and the Palestinians go to war they pray and hope that it will usher the Rapture of the Church.

Violence in the Holy Land is no reason to rejoice, and it doesn’t mean that Jesus Is going to rapture racist white evangelicals out of this world and meet them in the heavens.

Proof that the evangelical eschatology is misguided and unbiblical is that it leads them to rejoice every time war breaks out between Palestinians and Israelis.

Fake Tickets to Trump’s Second Inauguration Circulate on Social Media

“While Joe Biden decisively won the 2020 presidential election, online users are still sharing a viral image of tickets for sale to the second inauguration of former President Donald Trump, without evidence Trump actually won the election.

The two tickets are marked on sale for $1,200 each, and Kid Rock and Ted Nugent are listed as headliners for the event.”


Online trolls and Trump supporters? are sharing a viral image of these bogus tickets on social media platforms, especially on Facebook. It goes without saying that anything presented as fact on Facebook should be taken with a grain of salt, an army of fact-checkers are unable to keep Facebook free from false conspiracy theories and outrageous lies.  

According to the fake ticket, the event is to be held “in front of the capitol steps” on Aug. 15, 2021. Thirty percent of Republicans actually believe Trump will be reinstated as president on that date, and a ticket scalper can make a small fortune selling these counterfeit tickets to members of Trump’s cult.

There won’t be a second inauguration of Trump on Aug 21, 2021 or on January 20, 2025 for that matter, four years of fuckery culminating in his incitement of the January 6 insurrection has diluted his support to the point that if he’s the Republican nominee for president in 2024 he will lose by an even bigger landslide in 2020.

Sorry to burst the bubble of white evangelical cultists but on Aug 15, 2021 Kid Rock will probably be shouting anti-gay slurs from some redneck dive and Ted Nugent will probably be singing “Jailbait” a song about his love for a 13-year-old girl in half-filled concert hall, but they won’t be performing on the steps of the Capitol for Trump’s second inauguration.

30 Percent of Republicans Believe Trump Will Be Reinstated August 2021

“A Morning Consult/Politico poll found that nearly 30% of Republicans believe Trump will be reinstated, which I assume means they believe such a thing is possible under the U.S. Constitution.


Civics 101: The only way a president who failed to win reelection can be restored to power is if he wins reelection in the next presidential election. There is no Reinstatement Clause within the United States Constitution or any other legal mechanism that allows for a defeated president to replace the duly elected president before his term expires.

Anyone with an elementary school education is aware of this basic fact of our democracy, so why do 30% of Republicans believe the twice-impeached Donald Trump will be reinstated in August 2021?

Trump has confided to his aides that he believes in the preposterous idea that’s festering on the internet that he will be reinstated in August. Trump’s base is a cult, and they accept as Gospel every pronouncement that emanates from their messiah. If Trump says he will be reinstated, then it becomes an article of faith for them to promulgate his nonsense.

Some of Trump’s white evangelical followers really believe there’s a constitutional way for their Dear Leader to be reinstated in a couple of months. But most of them know that the only way Trump can be reinstated if there’s another insurrection, and this time they are successful in toppling the Biden administration or if there’s a military coup.

Trump’s white evangelical supporters’ allegiance is to their cult leader and not to democracy or the rule of law, and they don’t have any reservations about using violence to overthrow a president who won in a popular vote and electoral landslide in a free and fair election.

We must always be on guard to protect our democracy from all enemies foreign and domestic. The threat of another January 6 type insurrection is very real, I hope this time our law enforcement agencies will be prepared to protect the Capitol and our democracy.

Kamala Harris Needs to Lose Her Nervous Cackle

Allow me to preface my remarks by stipulating that I’m a progressive whose first choice for president was Kamala Harris, unfortunately when it was my turn to vote in the Virginia primary she had already dropped out of the race.

Vice President Kamala Harris is one heartbeat away from becoming commander-in-chief, and you don’t have to be an expert at reading actuarial tables to recognize that the chances she’ll succeed the 78-year-old Joe Biden as president before 2024 are pretty good.

With that in mind, Harris needs to step up her game, immediately. Biden hasn’t done Harris any favors by appointing her as the administration’s go-to-person for stemming the flow of migration from Central America.

Harris has totally botched her role as the immigration czar. In an interview with Lester Holt, the NBC anchor asked her why she hadn’t yet visited the southern border.

“At some point, you know, we are going to the border,” Harris responded. “We’ve been to the border. So, this whole, this whole, this whole thing about the border. We’ve been to the border. We’ve been to the border.”

Holt, to his credit, fact-checked her by stating: “You haven’t been to the border.”

“I, and I haven’t been to Europe,” Harris replied to Holt, with a nervous cackle.

What can we gleam from this ill-fated interview?

Harris needs to recognize the obvious: The situation on the border is a genuine crisis, and she needs to visit the damn border.

Harris needs to be better prepared for interviews, even with reporters who are predisposed to be friendly to the Biden administration.

Harris needs to lose the cackle, post-haste. It’s useful to break out in a cackle if you’re impersonating Hillary Clinton or if you’re auditioning to play the Wicked Witch of the East, otherwise cackling is a career killer.

The only role Harris is auditioning for is commander-in-chief, and a nervous cackle is ill-suited for that critical role.

Title of Trump’s Memoir: Shit Happens

“Jimmy Kimmel thinks he’s found the title of Donald Trump’s memoir — and it came right from the ex-president himself.

Trump at the weekend continued to push his 2020 election lie when he told the North Carolina GOP convention that Republicans ‘had a great election, bad things happened, but we had a great election.’

‘That should be the title of his book, Bad Things Happened,’ cracked Kimmel on Monday.

Huffington Post

Kimmel is spot on “Bad Things Happened” perfectly sums up the Trump administration, although a more Trumpian title would be “Shit Happens.” Shit definitely does happen especially when an amoral, ineffectual and corrupt shithead becomes the Leader of the Free World.

“Shit happens” is a colloquial phrase that expresses the existential, and some would say pessimistic observation, that shitty things happen to people not due to karmic or divine judgement, but for no particular reason.

Even the most optimistic person expects to step on dog crap every once in a while, but nobody was prepared for the shit storm that was the Trump administration. Shit happened as in Trump’s mismanagement of the coronavirus pandemic resulted in over half a million deaths. Shit happened as in Trump’s refusal to concede defeat and his promulgation of the Big Lie incited an insurrection. Shit happened as in White Nationalism was not only tolerated but glorified in Trump’s authoritarian regime.

The functionally-illiterate Trump won’t need a ghostwriter for his memoir, anyone with a third-grade education could write his book: It was the best of times for racists, it was the shittiest time for everyone else. Everything I touched turned to shit, and I turned the world’s greatest democracy into a shithole country. Shit happened every day of my administration, and even now I’m still stirring up shit.

Trump Will Never Be Reinstated and White Evangelicals Will Never Be Rehabilitated

Most Americans view Donald Trump as a demented demagogue who refuses to accept reality and admit that Joe Biden won in an electoral college and popular vote landslide. The twice-impeached former president believes he will be reinstated as commander-in-chief by August.

Trump in not alone in his delusional beliefs, about 35 percent of the electorate is convinced that their orange messiah will be restored to power before the next presidential election cycle in 2024.

Every time I see Trump deliver another disjointed and incoherent speech riddled with lies and conspiracy theories, I wonder how can anybody in his right mind believe that this clown who puts on his pants backwards and is too obstinate to change his diapers will be reinstated as president?

The answer is that white evangelicals and QAnon adherents aren’t in their right minds, and they really believe in the Big Lie and are persuaded that Trump will become president again in the near future.

Johnny Enlow a self-proclaimed evangelical prophet is one of these deluded fools; he believes that God will bless those who refuse to back down from their support for Trump.

Enlow uttered this nonsense:

“It’s not sufficient just to say, ‘Hey I worship God. I’m totally sold out to God or to Jesus. It’s been clearer than ever…. Who’s being advanced and blessed and ministries that are advancing and blessing and who I see in increased anointings, they’re seeing more favor, they’re seeing more revelatory, are people who didn’t back off Trump.”

It’s clear that Enlow and his white evangelical brethren worship the crass and amoral orange messiah and not the kind and loving Jesus of the Gospels.

Trump is leading his white evangelical followers to spiritual and political ruin. There’s no way in hell Trump will ever be reinstated and there’s no way the evangelical brand will ever be rehabilitated.  


Trump Man Up and Admit You Wear Diapers

Former President Donald Trump returned to the stage on Saturday night, delivering a speech at the North Carolina Republican Party State Convention, the start of his summer MAGA concert tour.

Trump’s widely anticipated speech was a bomb of biblical proportions, his low-energy delivery barely elicited cheers from the North Carolina party officials. The much-hyped event wasn’t carried by any of the major cable news outlets, not even the Trump-friendly Fox News.

Twitter was in a meltdown after Trump’s address, but of course folks weren’t discussing the substance of his disjointed, incoherent discourse, they were tweeting about the former president apparently having his pants on backward while he addressed the crowd. To my untrained eye it seemed like the moron had his pants on backwards, I could see no zipper and no creases, but according to Snopes.Com he managed to put on his britches on the right way.

I will defer to Snopes the ultimate arbiter of truth on the matter of whether or not Trump had his pants on backwards, but nobody will convince me the senile septuagenarian wasn’t wearing diapers. Any mother who’s dressed a toddler, and every nurse who’s dressed an Alzheimer’s impaired adult noticed the bulge in Trump’s crotch. I’ll bet my life savings against a dollar that Trump’s diapers were full of crap.

Trump is such a monster that he can’t be humanized but if he admitted that he’s incontinent and wears diapers perhaps it might lessen the hatred we feel for him. Many of Trump branded products like Trump vodka, Trump steaks and Trump bottled water have failed miserably, but if he sold Trump diapers, they would outsell Depend diapers before you could say, “Trump is full of crap.” After all, many of his supporters are aging baby boomers who would love to express solidarity with their messiah by donning Trump diapers. Trump be a man, and admit that you wear diapers!