Marco Rubio Slams Snoop Dogg Over Music Video Depicting Mock Trump Assassination

“Snoop Dogg has been criticised for shooting a toy gun at a Donald Trump character in a music video.

“Florida Senator Marco Rubio said the rap star was unwise to pretend to shoot a clown dressed as the US president in the video.

Mr Rubio told TMZ: If the wrong person sees that and gets the wrong idea, you could have a real problem.”


This is a follow up to my article:

Snoop Dogg Shoots Evil Clown Donald Trump in New Video

The video depicts Snoop shooting the evil Trump clown with a toy gun that releases a flag with the word “bang” written on it.

I must concede that there`s one in a billion chance that Snoop`s video might inspire a Jihadist with a sense of the absurd to shoot the real evil Trump with a toy gun that releases a flag with the word “bang” written on it when the trigger is pulled.

But when Snoop`s fans see the video they will only be inspired to munch on Cheetos, take a hit from the bong, and exclaim: Snoop is a righteous dude, I`m glad he clowning on that fat ass Trump clown.

Little Marco needs the chill the hell out, smoke a big blunt and give Snoop Dogg his well-deserved props.

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Kellyanne Conway (Inspector Gadget) is Bonkers

“CNN anchor Chris Cuomo grilled President Donald Trump`s top counselor Kellyanne Conway on Monday about the president`s unfounded surveillance claims.

When asked on Sunday by the Bergen Record about Trump`s unfounded claims that President Barack Obama wiretapped Trump Tower before the election, Conway had responded by suggesting that microwaves could be used for surveillance purposes.

In a live televised interview that lasted over 20 minutes on CNN on Monday morning, Conway appeared to slightly walk back her statement, saying she was “not Inspector Gadget” and didn`t think people used microwaves to spy on the Trump campaign.”

Business Insider

In the interview with the Bergen Record Conway asserted that there are microwaves that turn into cameras, “that is just a fact of modern life” she added for emphasis.

In an alternate universe where alternative facts are the norm, there may very well be microwave ovens that turn into cameras, but in the very real universe where we live, I`m not going to put on a clean shirt in case my microwave oven decides to take a pic of me when I nuke my popcorn.

Conway isn`t Inspector Gadget, a rocket scientist or a credible spokesperson for Donald Trump.

But even the smartest person in the world will come across like an idiot trying to explain or justify Trump`s perplexing tweets.

Former president Barack Obama didn`t wiretap Trump Tower. Period. End of story.

Trying to decipher what a Donald Trump tweet means makes as much sense as trying to explain what a Trump wet fart means in a geopolitical sense.

According to Wikipedia Inspector Gadget is dim-witted, clueless, incompetent, oblivious, and gullible. On second thought maybe Conway is Inspector Gadget.

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Snoop Dogg Shoots ‘Evil Clown’ Donald Trump In New Video

“Snoop Dogg recently jumped on a rework of BADBADNOTGOOD single Lavender. Snoop stars alongside a cast of clowns in the track`s new video. Of the clip, in which a Donald Trump parody reigns supreme-at one point announcing the deportation of all dogs-Snoop told Billboard, `Nobody`s dealing with the real issue with this f–king clown as president, and the shit that we dealing with out here, so I wanted to take time out to push pause on a party record and make one of these records for the time being.` In a climactic scene, Snoop pulls a gun on the Trump clown in a parking lot; later, a chain-bound Trump tries in vain to join Snoop and his accomplice in smoking a blunt.”


Snoop Dogg is the most beloved celebrity in America; he`s adored by everybody from soccer moms to stoners to Opera aficionados to rap fans…

America is one nation under a groove, Crip-walking to the musical stylings of the Doggfather.

I can`t wait for the day when a true believer of the rap God opens the High and Holy Church of Snoop Dogg. The only sacrament observed will be the smoking of the holy herb, and every Sunday will be a high and holy day.

It`s interesting to note that the most loved man in America has nothing but disdain for the most despised man in America, Donald Trump.

We love Snoop for a hundred and one reasons, but chiefly because he keeps shit gangsta real.

Snoop doesn`t mince words when it comes to describing Trump, he calls him a fu**ing clown. In the video he pulls a gun on the Trump clown, ties him up, and doesn`t let him smoke a blunt.

You can be sure that if Snoop Dogg was President of the United States, the Trump clown would be behind bars, the poor imprisoned for minor drug offenses would be freed, and everybody would be enjoying a fat blunt.

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Nancy Pelosi: I Would Have Retired Had Hillary Clinton Won

“House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi is publicly declaring what she`s been saying privately since after the election: Had Hillary Clinton won the presidency, the longtime Democratic leader was planning to ditch Congress.

`If Hillary had won, I was ready to go home,` Pelosi told reporters Friday, saying she now is motivated to stay to protect Obamacare. `If she were there, then I would not worry about that.`”


Nancy Pelosi is the poster girl for the desperate need for congressional term limits — Botox, hair dye and plastic surgery can`t disguise the fact that she is past her expiration date.

Pelosi,77, would have been forced to retire if she were the CEO of a corporation. Democracy has gone awry when a septuagenarian who has been in Congress since 1987 is the Minority Leader of the House of Representatives instead of a greeter at Walmart.

Now we learn that Pelosi would have retired if Hillary Clinton had won, that`s like the winner of a Spend a Night with Oprah Winfrey Contest, discovering that the consolation prize was spending a night with Rosie O`Donnell.

Politics is a dirty business, and voters always get the shaft, regardless who wins.

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OJ Simpson Could be Free and Starring in a Reality TV Show in 2017

“OJ Simpson could be released from prison as early as October, and the buzz in the reality TV industry is that some producers are getting ready to scramble to sign him.

We`ve contacted a number of reality TV production companies, TV agents and platforms where such a show could run, and the reactions range from recoiling in disgust to pouncing on the opportunity.”


You`d think a former jock would lift weights and get in shape behind bars, but Simpson resembles the Pillsbury Doughboy on crack: He`s a bloated, overweight hunk of crap, who tips the scale at over 300 pounds,

Not good if he wants to earn a few bucks doing porn flicks, but perfect if he wants to be a contestant on the “The Biggest Loser.” It would be perfect if somebody who is the biggest loser, in every sense of the word, won this reality show competition.

Simpson isn`t a star, and I`d be surprised if the bloated tumor could execute even the most basic dance move, but he just might win on “Dancing with the Stars.” The judges would be terrified of giving him low scores, for fear he might stab them to death.

How about “RuPaul`s Drag Race”? I can see OJ as America`s next drag superstar. Behind bars OJ doesn`t have access to white women he can rape and decapitate, he probably knocked boots with the jailhouse drag queens. He must have picked up a tip or two along the way, I`m sure he would make a terrific heavyweight drag star.

I realize the idea of Simpson as a reality TV star makes most of my readers want to vomit, but if we can get used to the idea of a reality TV show clown as the Leader of the Free World, we can get used to anything.

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White House: Intruder Arrested on Grounds While Trump at Residence

“The U.S. Secret Service says a person is under arrest after climbing a fence and getting onto the south grounds of the White House.

The breach happened at 11:38 p.m. Friday. President Donald Trump was at the White House.

The agency says the individual – whom it did not identify – was arrested without further incident. No hazardous materials were found during a search of a backpack the individual carried.”

Los Angeles Times

Instead of building a border wall between Mexico and the United States that would cost billions and severely strain our relationship with our good neighbor, President Trump should spend a few millions to build a solid wall around the White House grounds.

Anyone can scale the fence around the White House and gain instant notoriety and dominate a news cycle, and indeed it`s not an uncommon occurrence.

But post-9/11 this is unacceptable, the trespasser who was arrested after he breached security didn`t have a bomb or weapons in his backpack, but the next intruder might be a suicide bomber.

The intruder jumped the fence without being observed, he wasn`t detected until he was approached by a uniformed Secret Service officer. If an individual jumped a fence protecting the mansion of a movie star he would immediately be detected and grabbed by bodyguards, Trump may be a reality TV star, but he`s also the Leader of the Free World and the security at the White House is a joke.

If a suicide bomber jumped the White House fence he probably wouldn`t be able to get close enough to the president to kill him, but if he managed to blow himself up inside the grounds, the harm to the prestige and reputation of the United States would be incalculable.

Donald Trump you`re a builder: BUILD THE WALL NOW!

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Canadian Dude Crazy for Mozzarella Sticks

“A delivery receipt from a Toronto eatery is going viral after the customer used the comments section to defend their need for mozzarella sticks.

The receipt from Fresco`s Fish & Chips, which went viral thanks to a photo posted to Reddit, shows the customer ordered three servings of mozzarella sticks, in addition to fried pickles, slaw, and Diet Coke.

The receipt`s comments section reads: Yes — I meant to order 3 mozzarella sticks. Please don`t judge me. I`m having a bad week and was so excited they were back on the menu.”


Unless the delivery person was renowned health food nut Michelle Obama, the customer shouldn`t have felt compelled to justify his order of three entrees of mozzarella sticks totaling $21.

Nothing satisfies the belly and soothes the spirit quite like pigging out on your favorite comfort food. Sometimes I order two Whoppers, supersized fries, and a Diet Coke, and I don`t apologize.

However, I would feel a need to justify ordering fried pickles. Is that Canadian delicacy an acquired taste, kind of like loving Nickleback?

I love me some mozzarella sticks, but if I ate fried pickles I would keep it on the down low.

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Outrage: Leslie Jones Calls Ben Carson an ‘Expletive Deleted’ Face!

“America`s new Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Ben Carson, fired up a bit of controversy during his first day on the job Wednesday, when he likened slaves brought to America with today`s illegal immigrants.

“Saturday Night Live” cast member Leslie Jones was livid with Carlson over the comparison. Just to make sure no one missed her point, she called him “f**kface” on Twitter:

I want to fight Ben Carson!! Cash me outside muthafucka! How bout dat!! #slaveswerenoimmigrants FUCKFACE!!”

Independent Journal Review

Ben Carson is a renowned world-class brain surgeon, but he`s unqualified to be the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. He doesn`t know Jack about public housing, and he seems to know little about the dreadful history of slavery in America. Comparing slaves to immigrants makes as much sense as comparing a crackhead offering to clean your windshield for a buck to an independent small businessman.

Leslie Jones is a semi-literate, vulgar so-called comic who has more physical resemblance to a gorilla than a human being. She should think twice before calling anyone a fu**face; if you look up fu**face in a dictionary of slang you will see Jones` mugshot.

If telling the truth is racist, then I guess that this Hispanic who has published hundreds of anti-racism essays is a racist.

I will fight racism and political-correctness until the day I die.

I realize that beauty is in the eye of the beholder but look at this pic of Leslie Jones and Ben Carson, be honest, who is the one who looks like a fu**face?

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Malik Obama Shares Photo of Brother Barack Obama’s Kenya Birth Certificate

“An Obama has joined the birther movement.

Malik Obama, Barack Obama`s half-brother, tweeted image of what appears to be Barack`s birth certificate.

Except it`s not from Hawaii, but rather Kenya.

`What`s this?` he tweeted.

The document is from the `Coast Province General Hospital` in Mombasa, British Protectorate of Kenya, and is for Barack Hussein Obama II, who was born on the `4th day of August, 1961.`”

American Mirror

“President Obama was born in the United States, period.”

Donald Trump, September 2016

Donald Trump, one of the original birthers, conceded out of political expediency that Barack Hussein Obama was born in the United States during the general election.

President Obama born in the United States, period? Not so much!

Malik Obama, Obama`s half-brother, posted what appears to be Barack`s Kenya birth certificate.

Unlike Barack Obama, Malik isn`t African-American or biracial, he`s a full-blooded African, and he can`t be accused of being a racist for pointing out the obvious: Barack Obama was born in Kenya.

Is this an authentic birth certificate? Who the hell knows, just like who the hell knows if the long form birth certificate that Obama posted online in 2011 is genuine.

Barack Hussein Obama never submitted what he claims to be his original birth certificate to document experts for examination. If you believe that Obama`s birth certificate is real, I have a title deed to the Statue of Liberty that I am willing to sell you for only $1,000.

President Barack Obama was born in the United States, period? Bitch please!

Pic of Obama`s Kenya birth certificate:

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Alameda City Council Calls for President Trump’s Impeachment

Tuesday night the Alameda City Council passed a resolution asking Congress to investigate whether to impeach President Trump.

The island city of Alameda isn`t a liberal bastion, like the cities that surround it: The People`s Republic of Berkeley, Oakland and San Francisco.

Trump is only two months into his administration, and already there`s talk of impeachment, it`s only a matter of time before dozens, if not hundreds, of municipalities introduce impeachment resolutions.

City councils have no actual authority to call for an impeachment, but they can send a message: Enough with the inflammatory tweets and clownish behavior.

I`ll be the first to admit that city councils should focus their energy and attention on fixing potholes, affordable housing and fighting crime, but somebody needs to speak truth to power.

I lived in the beautiful city of Alameda for a few years, and this bold action is sparking a desire to return for a vacation.

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Stray Dog Adopted as Newest Friar by Bolivian Monastery


“A Franciscan monastery in Bolivia adopted a stray dog and allowed it to join its ranks as the newest friar.

Proyecto Narices Frias (Cold Nose Project) shared photos of the dog, who was given the title Friar Bigoton or Friar Moustache, dressed in traditional robes alongside his fellow friars at the monastery in Cochabamba.

The group hopes Friar Bigoton`s story will encourage other people to adopt stray dogs.


What a wonderful example this Franciscan monastery in providing for all churches, a house of worship should minister to all members of their community, including stray pets.

The Franciscan order takes its name after St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals, this monastery is living up to the legacy of its founder.

Every church, Catholic and Protestant, should adopt a stray dog or cat as its official mascot. There is no better way for a church to welcome a stranger than having a pooch greet them at the vestibule.

I`d rather receive a sloppy wet kiss from a canine, than have a priest sprinkle me with holy water.

I`d feel comfortable at any church where a humble pooch is accepted as part of its faith community.

Pics of pooch:

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Little Fart Farts on Weatherman on Live TV: Video

“Patrick Ellis was delivering the weather forecast Saturday for WLBT-TV when a young boy ran into the camera frame.

`Are you sure?! Are you crazy sure?!` the boy asked as Ellis gave the weather.
The young boy ran over to Ellis and lifted a leg to mime the act of passing gas on the weatherman.

Ellis, somewhat flustered, asked if the boy wanted to deliver the weather forecast.
`Yeah, there are farts everywhere and toots, and they are crazy,` the boy said, right before being dragged off-screen by an adult.”


I`ve yelled “Are you sure?” at the TV screen dozens of times when a meteorologist has predicted rain when there wasn`t a cloud in the sky or forecast snow when the temperature was well above freezing.

It doesn`t surprise me that a young kid had the temerity to question a weatherman to his face, but miming the act of farting on live TV is certainly a novel way to express his skepticism.

The kids` forecast of farts and toots everywhere is probably more accurate than whatever the weatherman predicted.

The little fart was dragged off-screen by an adult, I would have dragged the weather dude off-screen.

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Google Chrome Extension ‘Nope’ Wards Off Coworkers with Fake Phone Call

“A new Google Chrome browser extension called `Nope` aims to help users escape from a common workplace annoyance — conversations with coworkers.

The Nope extension features a button at the top of the user`s browser that they can click when approached by a coworker serving up some annoying conversation.

`Press this button to send a call to your phone. Apologize sincerely as you pick it up. Then watch them walk away,` the extension`s description reads.”


I don`t consider myself a misanthrope, but every night I pray that CERN will unleash a baby black hole that will swallow the Earth.

I don`t like small talk, and I cringe with horror and dread whenever a coworker approaches my desk. I`ve considered putting up a “FUC* OFF” sign on my desk, but the namby pambies at Human Resources would probably object.

“Nope” is a lifesaver, now I can stop my coworkers dead in their tracks before they have a change to annoy me with the following things:

Pester me to buy Girl Scout cookies.

Bore me with the latest news about their cat.

Show me pics of newborn baby that looks like a red-faced demon.

Beg me to help with their project. (The only project I care about is finishing a Facebook quiz.)

Do I care about any of these things? NOPE! God bless this new Google Chrome browser extension.

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Stephen King Trolls Donald Trump with Twitter Horror Story

“After President Donald Trump took to Twitter Saturday to accuse Barack Obama of wiretapping Trump Tower during the 2016 election, Stephen King trolled POTUS by sharing his latest horror story.

In a series of three tweets, the author penned a short thriller mocking the allegations, seeming to ridicule the fact that Trump provided no evidence backing up his claims. `Not only did Obama tap Trump`s phones, he stole the strawberry ice cream out of the mess locker,` King wrote. `Obama tapped Trump`s phones IN PERSON! Went in wearing a Con Ed coverall. Michelle stood guard while O spliced the lines. SAD!`

But it was the twist ending that really took the cake: Trump should know OBAMA NEVER LEFT THE WHITE HOUSE! He`s in the closet! HE HAS SCISSORS!”

Time Magazine

Not even the twisted mind of Stephen King could conceive of a reality more chilling than Donald Trump accompanied by a military aide carrying a briefcase with launch codes for nuclear weapons.

Leave it to the master of horror fiction to satirize Trump`s delusional paranoid mind by turning his tweets into a horror scenario.

I just hope King hasn`t further inflamed Trump`s inferiority complex by reminding him that he can never escape Obama`s legacy (such as it is). Indeed Obama`s shadow follows Trump wherever he ventures inside the White House.

Size does matter, and a literal pissing contest between Trump and Obama would be like Obama fighting a blaze with a water hose, and Trump brandishing a water gun in his pathetic little hand.

Trump is attempting to burnish his reputation by defaming Obama. SAD! Trump`s Twitter rants are indicative of a petty and sick mind. SAD! The American people elected this Oompa Loompa Clown. PATHETIC.

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An Angry Donald Trump is Out of Control!

“Here’s how The Washington Post described President Trump’s mood heading into this past weekend: Trump was mad — steaming, raging mad.

And here’s ABC News: President Donald Trump summoned some of his senior staff to the Oval Office and went ‘ballistic.’

The president, it seems fair to say, wasn’t happy then on Saturday morning when he sent a flurry of tweets alleging — with zero evidence — that Trump Tower had been wiretapped in the course of the 2016 campaign under orders from then-President Barack Obama. Anger — and a persistent sense that people were out to get him or weren’t treating him fairly — motivated Trump to make a massive charge: That the man he was running to replace purposely sought to sway the election via misuse of the intelligence community.”

The Washington Post

Trump was livid that Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself on Thursday from any investigation into charges that Russia meddled in the 2016 presidential election, only hours after he declared that he saw no need for his Attorney General to recuse himself.

Trump felt that Sessions made him appear weak and ineffectual and he took out his explosive anger on those closet to him, his hapless staff. I would love to see video of Trump`s blistering attack on his handlers; I can imagine his wig flipping, his tiny hands gesticulating, hot air emanating from his mouth, and wet farts from his ass.

His seething anger hadn`t dissipated by Saturday morning, so he let loose with toxic tweets accusing former President Barack Obama of wiretapping Trump Tower in the course of the 2016 presidential campaign.

Needless to say, Trump doesn`t have a shred of proof to back up his mind blowing accusation. Trump`s preposterous allegation has been denied by a spokesperson for Obama, former DNI Director James Clapper, and by just about everyone else who isn`t connected with the Trump regime.

Trump`s anger was humorous in the debates when he was cutting down “Little Marco,” Lyin` Ted Cruz,” and “Low-energy Jeb Bush,” but his out of control temper is terrifying now that he`s the Leader of the Free World.

What if the dictator of North Korea tweets that Trump`s belligerent tone towards his country is compensation for his tiny pecker? Will Trump respond by nuking the Hermit Kingdom?

If Trump blows off steam by having an affair with a White House intern, I hope to God that the press doesn`t report on the scandal. If Trump finds a way to blow off steam, other than tweeting, we should be grateful.

Trump for the love of God please have an affair, or hire Snoop Dogg as your aide, and chill with him smoking some Chronic.

Adorable Kitten Stuck in Bag: Video

“An adorable kitten who became over-excited at his owner`s birthday party was caught on camera SWAN DIVING into a slim gift bag in a bid to retrieve a toy – only to become stuck.”

Daily Mail

Cats are cool characters, you could be suffering a massive heart attack, and they would barely glance in your direction, while they continue to groom themselves.

But even the coolest cat will go bonkers when he sees a bag or a box, and a bag doesn`t need to have a toy or a treat inside to entice a feline to dive into it.

This adorable kitten looks anything but cool stuck inside a gift bag, my cats have been in this predicament dozens of times. Be careful not to leave any plastic bags lying around, your fluffy friend can easily suffocate in a plastic bag.

There are many bag-loving kittens waiting for a forever home in your local animal shelter.

Link to video:

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Monster Alligator Struts Across Florida Golf Course: Video

“A large alligator strutted across a Florida golf course proudly carrying an almost equally large fish in its mouth.

Norma Respess captured footage of the gator and its massive trophy as it made its way across a walkway at Seven Springs Golf and County Club in Trinity.”


When a monster gator nonchalantly strolls across a Florida golf course proudly carrying a large fish in its mouth, nobody bats an eye. Pardon the pun, but alligators on a Florida golf course are par for the course. In fact I wouldn`t be surprised if there are “Alligators have the right of way” signs posted throughout the Seven Springs Golf and Country Club.

In Australia I`m sure it`s not unusual to see a dingo carrying a fat toddler in his mouth on a golf course, and it`s Hollywood nobody will think it odd if a celebrity is boinking a fat bimbo to celebrate a win on the 18th hole.

Dog bites man: Not a story

Alligator strutting across Florida golf course: Not a story

If an alligator beats Tiger Woods playing golf: Story! Then again maybe not, even an alligator with a bad gold handicap could probably beat Woods.

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Donald Trump and the Press Must Call a Truce

Donald Trump has been president for less than two months, but it seems like two years. Every day, if not every hour, of the Trump administration brings a new senseless Twitter attack, overreaching executive order, or poorly planned policy initiative.

The Russia controversy is a cancer that is quickly metastasizing, claiming another official of the nascent administration in almost every news cycle. The Russian connection may not bring down the Trump presidency, but it`s crippling his agenda.

The president is mired in historically low approval ratings, and his only recourse is to demonize an entity, the press, that has an even more dismal approval rating.

Trump and the press are engaged in trench warfare, every new engagement between these implacable foes only serves to diminish the reputation of both of them.

Both parties of this conflict have gone nuclear: Fake news vs incoherent rants and peeves.

The bloody Korean War ended with an armistice, not a peace treaty. Donald Trump and the media aren`t going to be singing Kumbaya anytime soon, but for the sake of our democracy, if not our sanity, I implore them to call a truce. This interminable sniping between the Trump administration and the press must stop.

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Dude Dies Under His Six-ton Collection of Adult Magazines

A lonely Japanese man who amassed more than six tons of porn died when a huge pile of magazines fell on top of him. And even more tragically, the man`s body was only discovered six months later when the landlord entered the flat to find out why the rent had not been paid.

The man`s lowly death was revealed by a member of the cleaning team, who said his company had been hired to remove the magazines discreetly in a way that would not be noticed by neighbours and the man`s family to save them from the shame.”

Daily Mail

This article brings up a lot of questions:

Is the phrase “lonely Japanese man” redundant?

Hardcore porn videos are available online for free, why would anyone buy porn magazines? This individual must have been keeping the porn magazine industry alive all by himself.

What kind of landlord waits six months to find out why his tenant hasn`t been paying his rent? When I was a tenant if I was six days late, my landlord would be banging on my door demanding his money.

Why didn`t the floor collapse under the weight of six tons of dirty mags?

How the hell do you remove six tons of adult magazines from a house discreetly? Did the cleaning crew wrap each magazine in a brown paper?

Didn`t this wanker have a girlfriend, boyfriend or significant other that cared enough about him to come by and check on him? Rhetorical question, anybody who buys 6 tons of pornographic magazines doesn`t have any friends, let alone lovers.

What were this loser`s last words?

But God, I only bought the magazines for the articles.

The weight of my porn addiction is too much to bear.

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Parents Outraged When Teacher Plays With Ouija Board with Kindergarten Students

An outraged mother is calling on Milwaukee Public Schools officials to fire a kindergarten teacher who introduced the young students in her class to a Ouija board.

The mom, who asked to not be publicly named, said the game was used on Friday in her 5-year-old`s classroom at Zablocki Elementary.

In an email to the mother, the teacher said the Ouija board had been in the classroom since Halloween.

`The kids have been asking for a scary story and I got the board and moved the paper clip to answer some of their questions. They asked about scary characters in movies. I did not say there were spirits. It was all done in fun. I understand your concern. It was silly and I`m sorry. I will take the board home and this won`t happen again,` the teacher said.”


If this teacher had brought in a Bible and answered any questions the students had from Scripture, he would have been summarily fired.

I`m a strong believer in the separation of church and state, and no religion has any place in a government school. Most of us consider a Ouija board a harmless toy, but some oculists use it to conjure spirits. It`s irrelevant if you`re able to summon a demon with a Ouija board, just as it`s irrelevant if the Christian deity responds to school prayers uttered in the name of Jesus.

The teacher must have been aware that evangelical Christians consider the Ouija board a tool of the devil that can lead to demonic possession, was he deliberately attempting to provoke fundamentalists? In any event school should be a religion-free zone, and the teacher should be suspended.

An Ouija board should never be brought to school, not even on Halloween, just like a Bible should never be brought to school, not even during the Christmas season.

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Fetus Captured on Ultrasound Flashing Sign of the Horns! Antichrist?

A Utah couple are preparing to welcome what might be the state`s most metal baby after an ultrasound image captured the fetus flashing the sign of the horns.

Makelle and Jared Ahlin of Santaquin said they were looking at ultrasound images of the fetus, whose sex is as of yet known, when they noticed the baby had the fingers on one hand arranged in the sign of the horns, a gesture commonly associated with rock `n` roll, particularly heavy metal.


The couple was so enraptured by the image that they posted in on Facebook, the funky fetus is now a star on the Internet.

I`m glad mom and dad aren`t born again Christians, or else the baby might be welcomed into the world by an exorcist instead of a pediatrician.

What would you do if an ultrasound image revealed that your unborn child was flashing the sign of the devil? Would you prepare to baptize him in holy water as soon as he was born, or would you stock up on Mettalica onesies for your little rocker?

Rock on little dude! Rock on!

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Chelsea Clinton is the Most Repulsive Potential 2020 Democratic Presidential Candidate

Despite two humiliating losses for Hillary Clinton, in 2008 she lost to a political neophyte with a Muslim name, and in 2016 to a racist clown, Democratic elites are determined to keep the Clinton dynasty alive.

Bill and Hillary didn`t have any offspring, but Hillary and Webster Hubbell had one daughter, Chelsea Clinton. Unfortunately, Chelsea has all the physical attractiveness and charisma of her toad-looking baby daddy, which is zilch.

But that hasn`t stopped the liberal elites from promoting Chelsea as the Second Coming of Bill Clinton. If Chelsea possessed even a fraction of the charm and charisma of Bill she would be a viable candidate, but she doesn`t have the allure to elicit a cat call from a crackhead homeless person.

Chelsea is physically repulsive, she doesn`t know how to work a crowd, she`s the most unnatural politician since her mother. Even with the financial backing of the one percent, she couldn`t be elected dog catcher in New York City.

The Democratic Party should stop trying to foist this abomination on us — can you imagine what Donald Trump would do to Chelsea if she ran against him in 2020? He would grab her by the pussy, bitch slap her, command her to spray orange tan on his face, and he would win in an electoral college and popular vote landslide!

The Democrats need to get it through their thick heads that the Clinton brand is dead beyond salvation. The Democratic Party desperately needs an infusion of new blood.

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Outrage: Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Skips Donald Trump’s Speech

Not only did Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg never miss a speech that President Barack Obama delivered to Congress, but she always hugged him.

Ginsburg made her loathing for Donald Trump clear before he was elected president, during the heated campaign she called him a “faker.”

Chief Justice John Roberts, and Justices Anthony Kennedy, Stephen Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan attended Trump`s address to Congress last night. Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito weren`t in attendance, continuing their past practice.

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was notably absent from President Donald Trump`s first address to a joint session of Congress, shame on the hideous little gnome.

Justice Ginsburg is making a mockery of the principle that the Supreme Court is above politics, her love of the constitution and justice should exceed her hatred and disdain of Trump, and she should have dragged her skeletal butt to Congress to hear Trump`s speech.

Trump isn`t an easy man to like, his clownish Oompa Loompa appearance is matched by his petty and vulgar character. But he`s exceedingly blessed that his primary female detractors (Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, Lena Dunham, Leslie Jones, Rosie O`Donnell, Elizabeth Warren, and Ruth Bader Ginsburg) are the most physically and morally repulsive creatures on the face of the Earth.

Hopefully, the Grim Reaper will drag Ginsburg to hell before she has another opportunity to embarrass herself and disrespect the president by skipping another presidential address.
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