Donald Trump’s newest official portrait, captured by his chief photographer, Daniel Torok, and not by a vindictive tabloid paparazzo perfectly captures his malevolent essence.
In the photo, the president-elect dons a stern expression, eyebrow cocked as if he is contemplating what evil he is going to unleash in the next four years. The disturbing image deliberately bears an uncanny resemblance to Trump’s mug shot, as if he wants to convey the message that his enemies must gird themselves for biblical style retribution and vengeance.
Trump is depicted sternly squinting, bathed from lighting from below, as if the faux lighting is emanating from the pit of hell. This photo is an antithesis of portraitists who employ “heavenly light” to express God’s delight in the object of their painting.
Nobody should be surprised that Trump is not smiling, he eschews smiling in photos because he equates smiles with weakness and scowls with strength.
This is the image which will be printed in the programs his MAGA cultists will clutch on Inauguration Day, reminding them that their orange messiah is no wimpy Jesus.
The grifter-in-chief has a talent for hawking Trump-branded merchandize to his devotees, and I would not be surprised if he sells a signed limited-edition print of his official inaguaration portrait.
I will not be buying any prints of his photographs, and I will studiously avoid watching his unsmiling ugly mug whenever it pollutes my TV screen.