In the wake of President Donald Trump`s stunning Charlottesville remarks in which he embraced White Nationalists every section of our society has repudiated his blatant racism.
President Trump`s Entire Arts and Humanities Council quit.
Trump disbanded his Manufacturing Council & Strategy & Policy Forum after a rash of defections by business leaders.
The following prominent Republican leaders have denounced Trump by name: Sen. John McCain, Sen. Marco Rubio, Sen. Jeff Flake, Rep. Ed Royce, Rep. Leonard Lance, Former President Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney …
Military Joint Chiefs denounced Charlottesville racism.
Artists, business leaders, the military brass, and Republican leaders have criticized Trump`s bigotry in no uncertain terms.
Only evangelical leaders, who you`d think would be the first ones to condemn hatred, have remained silent.
Only one religious leader has stepped down from Donald Trump`s evangelical advisory board. Megachurch pastor A.R Bernard announced on Twitter Friday that “it became obvious that there was a deepening conflict in values between myself and the administration.”
In January 2016, Jerry Falwell Jr. became one of the earliest evangelical leaders to endorse the degenerate billionaire candidate, and he has remained steadfast in support of Trump through every scandal, every intemperate tweet and every contentious press conference.
After Trump`s outrageous, controversial and racist remarks about the Charlottesville White Nationalists` protest this is what Falwell tweeted:
Finally a leader in WH. Jobs returning, N Korea backing down, bold truthful stmt about #charlottesville tragedy. So proud of @realdonaldtrump
We expect our religious leaders to condemn racism and other moral diseases, and to urge their followers and indeed the entire nation to form a more perfect union.
Jerry Falwell Jr. may be a moral coward, but I take heart in the fact that a group of Liberty University (LU) alumni has condemned him for his continued alignment with Trump. Some LU graduates have vowed to return their diplomas to register their disapproval.
I urge my evangelical friends to join the rest of society in condemning hate speech, racism and bigotry.
Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://twitter.com/robertpaulreyes