The Great American Total Solar Eclipse and Donald Trump’s Moral Darkness

The “Great American Total Solar Eclipse” is anticipated with awe and excitement by most Americans, but a few fundamentalist Christians see it as a divine warning of the impending apocalypse.

These are the same evangelicals who wet their pants in awe and excitement over the Donald Trump administration that has blocked the advancement of civil rights and embraces White Nationalists.

I can`t wait for the solar eclipse, and if I get scared or worried when a hot summer day turns into night this afternoon, I can relax knowing that this phenomenon will last only a couple of minutes.

Unfortunately, the Trump moral darkness will last for four or eight more years, unless we battle the forces of darkness and remove the racist buffoon from power by any means within the law.

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Liberty University Grads Protest Jerry Falwell Jr.’s Sickening Support of Donald Trump

In the wake of President Donald Trump`s stunning Charlottesville remarks in which he embraced White Nationalists every section of our society has repudiated his blatant racism.

President Trump`s Entire Arts and Humanities Council quit.

Trump disbanded his Manufacturing Council & Strategy & Policy Forum after a rash of defections by business leaders.

The following prominent Republican leaders have denounced Trump by name: Sen. John McCain, Sen. Marco Rubio, Sen. Jeff Flake, Rep. Ed Royce, Rep. Leonard Lance, Former President Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney …

Military Joint Chiefs denounced Charlottesville racism.

Artists, business leaders, the military brass, and Republican leaders have criticized Trump`s bigotry in no uncertain terms.

Only evangelical leaders, who you`d think would be the first ones to condemn hatred, have remained silent.

Only one religious leader has stepped down from Donald Trump`s evangelical advisory board. Megachurch pastor A.R Bernard announced on Twitter Friday that “it became obvious that there was a deepening conflict in values between myself and the administration.”

In January 2016, Jerry Falwell Jr. became one of the earliest evangelical leaders to endorse the degenerate billionaire candidate, and he has remained steadfast in support of Trump through every scandal, every intemperate tweet and every contentious press conference.

After Trump`s outrageous, controversial and racist remarks about the Charlottesville White Nationalists` protest this is what Falwell tweeted:

Finally a leader in WH. Jobs returning, N Korea backing down, bold truthful stmt about #charlottesville tragedy. So proud of @realdonaldtrump

We expect our religious leaders to condemn racism and other moral diseases, and to urge their followers and indeed the entire nation to form a more perfect union.

Jerry Falwell Jr. may be a moral coward, but I take heart in the fact that a group of Liberty University (LU) alumni has condemned him for his continued alignment with Trump. Some LU graduates have vowed to return their diplomas to register their disapproval.

I urge my evangelical friends to join the rest of society in condemning hate speech, racism and bigotry.

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Magazine Covers Depict Donald Trump’s Passion for KKK

“The New Yorker, Time and Economist magazines inevitably wanted to feature Donald Trump`s white supremacy speech on their covers. Then the challenge was to find the perfect image.”

The Daily Beast

I so much despise the Trump administration that if I were the publisher of one of these distinguished publications I would opt for something scatological to capture the essence of our president: A piece of turd floating in a toilet bowl or a fart emanating for Trump`s sphincter-like mouth. Fortunately for the public, I don`t get to decide what image goes on the cover of these magazines.

But seriously, nothing captures the spirit of the Trump administration quite like a dunce cap or a KKK hood. The sheer stupidity and blatant racism that spews from the White House demands such provocative magazine covers that will motivate people to fight Trump until he resigns or is impeached.

The New York tabloids are notorious for their sometimes risqué and always controversial covers, and you would expect them to depict Trump as a Klansman or Hitler.

But Time magazine, the Economist and The New Yorker are influential and respected publications that don`t traffic in gratuitous controversy.

It`s not just the intelligentsia as illustrated by these magazines that is linking Trump to White Nationalism, millions of thinking Americans and billions of concerned citizens in the world think that Trump is a racist.

Pic of magazine covers:

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Donald Trump Tweets General Pershing Pig’s Blood Myth

On Thursday a radical Islamic terrorist plowed a rental van into a popular pedestrian area teeming with tourists in Barcelona, killing 14 people and injuring at least 100 more.

Trump claimed that he didn`t immediately condemn the white supremacist domestic terrorists who murdered a woman in Charlottesville last weekend, because all the facts weren`t in yet.

Within an hour of the Barcelona attack, our national embarrassment of a president, Donald Trump posted this inflammatory tweet:

Study what General Pershing of the United States did to terrorists when caught. There was no more Radical Islamic Terror for 35 years!

Trump was referring to the myth (fake news) that General John Pershing dipped bullets in pigs` blood before ordering his soldiers to execute Muslim insurgents following the Philippine-American War in order to deter the insurgency campaign.

This myth has been debunked by historians, Snopes.Com and military leaders outraged at this lie that tarnishes the reputation of Gen. Pershing.

But let`s say it`s true, Trump is condoning a grievous war crime. To summarily execute war prisoners is an outrage, and keep in mind that the Muslim soldiers fighting Pershing weren`t terrorists, they were freedom fighters battling a colonial power that had invaded their nation.

Trump`s intemperate and false tweet is going to inflame tensions throughout the Muslim world, putting American tourists, diplomats and military personnel in danger.

Once again Trump has demonstrated that he doesn`t have the wisdom and moral authority to be President of the United States. Impeach the bastard!

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White House Staff Should Resign En Masse in Protest of Donald Trump’s Racism

President Donald Trump`s press conference at Trump Tower in New York City on Tuesday afternoon quickly went off the rails after reporters questioned his response to the violence at the `Unite the Right` white-nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, on Saturday, which left one counterprotester dead and many others injured.

Trump doubled down on his assertion that the violence was caused by `bad actors` on both sides. He equated what he called `the alt-left”`with the `alt-right` at the rally and said that not all those participating were neo-Nazis or white supremacists.

Trump`s new chief of staff, John Kelly, who was brought in to help discipline the White House, looked especially displeased with how the press conference panned out.”


A press conference in which President Donald Trump was supposed to talk about his executive order on infrastructure quickly went off the rails when Trump took back his delayed denunciation of white nationalists and neo-Nazi groups and embraced them with open arms.

Trump wasn`t even scheduled to field any questions, he was supposed to deliver his remarks on infrastructure and then depart, leaving his staff who were standing behind him to answer any questions.

But when a reporter shouted a question about Charlottesville it ignited Trump`s impromptu 15 minute justification of White Nationalism. Trump didn`t use dog whistles to subtly indicate his support of racists, he used the megaphone of his bully pulpit to clearly show that he supports the alt-right movement.

Trump`s new chief of staff John Kelly was one of the White House personnel who were standing behind Trump, by their presence they were endorsing his blatant racism.

It was clear that Kelly was mortified by Trump`s remarks, it`s incumbent upon him to resign to register his disapproval and disgust at his boss`s racism.

I have no respect for Kelly or any other administration official who doesn`t resign in protest, if they remain on Trump`s staff they are complicit in his racism and bigotry.

This shouldn`t be a partisan issue, this is bigger than political parties, it`s about the soul of our nation. Republicans must publicly break with the president, and put our democracy above their careers and party.

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Racist Donald Trump is Considering Pardoning Racist Sheriff Joe Arpaio

“President Donald Trump told Fox News he is seriously considering issuing a pardon for former Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio, who was convicted last month of criminal contempt for ignoring a judge`s order to stop detaining people because he merely suspected them of being undocumented immigrants.

Trump told the news outlet during a conversation in Bedminster, New Jersey, that the pardon could come quickly,

`I might do it right away, maybe early this week. I am seriously thinking about it,` Trump said, according to Fox News. He said Arpaio was a `great American patriot` who had `done a lot in the fight against illegal immigration.`”

Chicago Tribune

Donald Trump was condemned from all quarters for failing to respond forcefully to Saturday`s White Supremacist violence in Charlottesville, in which a woman was killed when a man crashed his car into a group of counter-protesters.

Finally on Monday, reading from a teleprompter, Trump called out the perpetrators of the violence by name: KKK, neo-Nazis, and white supremacists.

When Trump speaks off-the-cuff his syntax may be mangled, but he speaks from his heart and he tells the truth as he perceives it, but when he reads prepared remarks that his aides have written for him, he looks like a child who`s forced to read a passage of Scripture at Sunday school.

If Trump really didn`t like White Supremacists he wouldn`t appoint them to prominent positions in his administration. If Trump really wanted to strike a blow against the alt-right fascists he would immediately fire Steve Bannon, Stephen Miller and Sebastian Gorka.

Trump is racist to the core and getting him to condemn racism and bigotry is like pulling teeth.

Trump`s confession that he`s seriously considering pardoning former Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio is all the proof anyone with half a brain needs that he`s a freaking racist. Arpaio was convicted of criminal contempt for ignoring a judge`s order to stop detaining people because he merely suspected them of being undocumented immigrants.

Arpaio is one of the most loathed person is the Latino community, he and his deputies arrested thousands of Latinos for the crime of driving while brown.

Trump has declared war on gays and lesbians, immigrants, Latinos, Blacks, Muslims, and women and it`s incumbent upon all of us to fight this orange bastard until he`s removed from office.

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Donald Trump Must be Relieved of the Powers of the Presidency Now!

“Donald Trump should be removed from office because he is mentally ill, a former Republican senator has said.

Gordon Humphrey, who represented New Hampshire between 1979 and 1990, said the US President is `sick of mind` and called for members of Congress to force him out.

In a letter sent to several New Hampshire Democrat senators and representatives, Mr Humphrey said Mr Trump is `dangerous`, `seriously sick` and could cause the deaths of millions of people.

Claiming the Commander-in-Chief is `sick of mind, impetuous, arrogant, belligerent and dangerous`, he added: `Donald Trump should be relieved of the powers of the presidency at the earliest date.`”

MSN News

After Germany was destroyed in the World War I and punished with severe economic sanctions, the Germans ignored Hitler`s madness, anti-Semitism and megalomania when he rose to power in the 30`s because he restored their national pride.

Trump`s supporters have turned a blind eye to his anti-Semitism, racism and megalomania because he has promised to make America Great Again.

History has harshly judged the Germans (rightfully so) for remaining silent when Hitler turned his murderous fury against unions, communists, gays and lesbians and the Jews.

History will indict Americans for tolerating the racism, bigotry and blind hatred of Donald Trump, Humphrey is spot on Trump must be relieved of the powers of the presidency at the earliest possible date.

At this point it`s not enough simply to condemn Trump`s racism and insanity, if you`re not doing everything possible to remove him from power, you are a part of the problem.

The fate of the world and the state of our democracy hangs in the balance, it`s incumbent on Congress to act now before Trump plunges the world into a nuclear winter and ignites a race war in America.

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Donald Trump’s Wretched Statement on Charlottesville

A motley crew of racists (Neo-Nazis, KKK members, white supremacists and skinheads) numbering in the thousands descended on the sleepy college town of Charlottesville, Virginia and wreaked havoc.

The racist invaders came prepared for battle, they had helmets and shields and were swinging sticks and clubs and hurling rocks and bottles.

A small contingent of professional leftist counter-protesters eagerly joined the battle, matching the racists blow for blow. But the majority of counter-protesters were peacefully bearing witness against the invading army of bigots.

One person was killed and many others were injured when a vehicle deliberately sped into a group of counter-protesters.

At such a crucial juncture in history we look to our president to put things in perspective and on behalf of the public condemn racism and intolerance in no uncertain terms.

This is what the President of the United States said about the mayhem going in Charlottesville, the same person who never missed an opportunity to condemn former President Barack Obama for failing to name the evil of Islamic terrorism by its name:

“We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence, on many sides. On many sides. It`s been going on for a long time in our country. Not Donald Trump, not Barack Obama. This has been going on for a long, long time.”

Trump didn`t condemn the sickening outrage in the strongest possible terms, his generic comments didn`t call evil by its name: White supremacist violence, and intolerance.

Our execrable president has a history of making racist comments and playing footsie with unabashed racists, and once again he has failed our democracy miserably.

Let me state in no uncertain terms, Donald Trump is a racist, and we must expunge this cancer by any means necessary.

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In a Sane World Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un Would Settle Things in a Death Match

I always feared that if nuclear war broke out it was because a hyper-nationalist Russian Federation overreached and invaded one of the Baltic States, drawing NATO into the conflict which escalates into a nuclear conflagration.

Another likely scenario: The People`s Republic of China invades the island republic of Taiwan, and the United States is forced to defend Taiwan under the Sino-American Mutual Defense Treaty and soon there are mushroom clouds over Beijing and Washington.

And there`s always the possibility that Israel`s archenemy Iran will miscalculate and attack Israel with swarms of missiles and the Jewish nation will have no choice but to respond with nuclear bombs.

But I never dreamed that a nuclear holocaust would be unleashed because the President of the United States and the Dear Leader of North Korea
engaged in a pissing contest, exchanging apocalyptic broadsides culminating in a nuclear winter.

American presidents from George H.W. Bush to Barack Obama didn`t overreact when Kim Jung-un`s grandfather and father hurled bombastic threats, they were confident as leader of the free world and didn`t see a need to match the inflammatory rhetoric of a 3rd world tinpot dictator.

It`s too bad a naked Donald Trump and Kim Jung-un can`t settle their differences in a death cage death match, and not endanger the lives of millions of people.

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Kim Jong-un Sashays Over Donald Trump’s Red Line! Now What?

Rule Number 1 for surviving in cold and cruel world: Never (ever) make a threat that you aren`t able and willing to carry out.

If I yell at my next-door neighbor “If you blast your redneck music again tonight when I`m trying to sleep I`m going to knock the crap out of you,” and then he plays “All My Rowdy Friends Are Coming Over Tonight” at full volume on an endless loop that same night, and I`m too afraid to confront him, my fate has been sealed, I will never again enjoy a good night`s sleep.

Which brings us to the Blowhard-in-Chief Donald Trump, he warned Pyongyang it would face “power, the likes of which this world has never seen before” if the renegade state continued to threaten the United States.

Keep in mind that everybody knows how Kim Jong-un rolls, almost every day for the last six years he has issued an apocalyptic warning directed at America.

Sure enough within an hour after Trump delivered his fire and brimstone warning the pudgy dictator threatened to launch missiles at Guam. Lil` Kim is basically saying: Now What?

In 2013 President Barack Obama warned that if Syrian President Bashar Hafez al-Assad used chemical weapons against his own people it would trigger an American military response. But when the inevitable happened, Obama failed to keep his promise, and Trump has never let him forget it.

There is no quicker way for an American president to lose favor with the American public and credibility with the international community than by drawing a line in the sand, and then failing to act.

Kim Jong-un sashayed over Trump`s red line, and the only “fire and fury” is emanating from the Orange Buffoon`s arse as he farts away in frustration.

Nobody will believe Trump`s future warnings, he has succeeded in making the likelihood that the Korean crisis will go nuclear so much higher.

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Double Rainbow Appears Over White House! Divine Sign the Almighty Will Smite Donald Trump!

“President Donald Trump left Washington to speak at a rally in West Virginia on Friday and a double rainbow was spotted over the White House.”

Yahoo News

When a rainbow appears in the skies, after a downpour, we marvel at the awesome sight, and are subconsciously reassured that there`s always hope after the storm.

After the most horrible downpour in human history the Biblical flood, Jehovah declared that the rainbow was a sign that he would never again destroy humanity with a flood. The fire next time …

The double rainbow that appeared over the White House after Donald Trump had left Washington to speak at a political rally in West Virginia is a divine sign that the downpour of lies and obscenities emanating from the White House will soon come to an end, hopefully before 2020.

If humanity survived the flood, we will also survive the Trump administration. But don`t sit on your ass waiting for the Almighty to smite the orange bastard. Do everything in your power to bring down Trump, as a humble blogger I promise to continue to write hundreds of essays exposing Trump until he`s impeached and removed from power.

Pic of the double rainbow:

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Local Milk People United Against Donald Trump

“Newly published transcripts of January phone calls between President Trump and the leaders of Mexico and Australia didn`t just give people an opportunity to see how Trump discussed matters with international leaders at the time. One conversational snippet has given the internet a primo meme opportunity.

Published Thursday by the Washington Post, the transcripts showed that Trump had a combative conversation Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull about a plan to accept hundreds of refugees from offshore detention centers near to Australia.

`I guarantee you they are bad. That is why they are in prison right now. They are not going to be wonderful people who go on to work for the local milk people,` Trump said, seemingly a reference to the massive U.S. dairy industry.

Yahoo News

Holy Cow, Donald Trump is an idiot, I am going to hop on the bandwagon and milk this story for all it`s worth.

After all the free publicity that Trump has given milk, wonderful milk, I`m sure that he will be offered a job as CEO of the California Milk Advisory Board when he`s impeached and removed from office.

Who are these “milk people” that Trump referenced, common sense would lead us to conclude that he was referring to employees of the dairy industry. But who knows? In Trump`s vision of Making America Great Again, our country isn`t polluted by Muslim refugees or Mexican immigrants, there is only a homogeneous population where white milk people deliver milk (no chocolate milk) to the homes of milk-complexioned Americans.

I`m old enough to remember the days when milkmen (there were no milkwomen) delivered milk to our front doors. But those weren`t halcyon days, at least not for minorities, and I have no desire to Make America Great again in the racist image of Donald Trump and his ilk.

I love me some milk, and if I`m at a restaurant I don`t care if it`s an Hispanic, Black, or Arab waitperson who pours me my favorite beverage.

That`s enough milk-flavored news for today, if I don`t end my article even my readers who aren`t lactose intolerant are going to get sick.

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The Mooch Will Return! God Help Us All!

“But what about Scaramucci? What are the SkyBridge Capital founder`s plans now that he is no longer a part of the White House? According to what he told the Huffington Post recently, nothing.

`I am now going to go dark,` the Mooch explained when asked about his future, political or otherwise. `Then I will reemerge as me.`”


I don`t have a degree in abnormal psychology, however I will attempt to decipher the Mooch`s declaration.


Scaramucci sold his company so he could be eligible for a White House position, and he missed the birth of his son so he could be with the president as he embarked on his new career as the White House Communications Director, only to be summarily fired by the new Chief of Staff, John Kelly after only 11 days.

It`s understandable that some political analysists interpreted the phrase “I am now going to go dark,” as a threat meaning that he was going to go full evil and return to the White House and burn it down, or at least tweet profane remarks about every member of the Trump administration.

But Scaramucci`s evil thermostat is permanently set on high, and his default mode is “dark as hell,” it`s impossible for him to turn up the evil factor a notch.

I believe that the Mooch meant that he was going to avoid the spotlight and keep a low profile – for a while. This is quite the sacrifice for the Mooch, we all know how much he loves the Klieg lights. Revenge is a dish best served cold, and he will be spending his down time plotting his revenge.


A leopard doesn`t change his spots, and a worm never turns into a butterfly, Mooch isn`t going to reemerge as a normal human being.

We`ve all seen horror flicks where the monster is killed, only to reemerge to continue his killing spree.

For the love of God, will somebody please frontstab or backstab the Mooch (metaphorically speaking) while he`s in hibernation.

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President of Venezuela Taunts Clown Donald Trump

“President Nicolas Maduro of Venezuela taunted President Trump in response to the sanctions the U.S. placed on the country on Monday, reports Reuters.

In doing so, the Venezuelan president took aim at an apparent soft spot-Hillary Clinton`s popular vote win in the 2016 election.

Maduro said, `In the United States it`s possible to become president with 3 million votes less than your opponent. What a tremendous democracy!`

`I don`t take orders from the empire. Bring on more sanctions, Donald Trump,` Maduro added.”


Venezuela`s Sunday election, which granted Maduro power to rewrite the nation`s constitution, and basically turned the country into a one-party state has been condemned by the civilized world.

Sanctions are ineffectual against tyrants and dictators, it`s not surprising that Maduro is taunting Trump to “bring on more sanctions.”

Maduro makes an excellent point, how dare Trump who received 3 million less votes than Hillary lecture Maduro on the finer points of democracy.

Trump has too many internal problems to be meddling around in the affairs of another country.

I`m not going to expend any energy protesting that election farce that just took place in Venezuela; I`m devoting my time and energy as a writer advocating for the impeachment of Trump and the restoral of democracy in America.

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Donald Trump Won’t Stop Tweeting Until a Hero Chops Off His Tiny Hands

“One day after swearing in a new chief of staff, President Trump has a message for the world: He won`t stop tweeting.

`Only the Fake News Media and Trump enemies want me to stop using Social Media (110 million people),` Trump said in a post Tuesday. `Only way for me to get the truth out!`”


Donald Trump wouldn`t recognize the truth if it bit off his tiny pecker and flushed it down the toilet.

This tweet is another one in the endless series of lies that emanate from the White House. It`s not only Trump`s enemies (which are legion) that want him to stop tweeting, most Americans want him to stop utilizing social media.

According to a recent YouGov poll a total of 58% of respondents said they thought Trump`s use of Twitter was inappropriate compared to just 25% saying it was appropriate. A further 17% said they were not sure.

Trump`s tweet seems to be a warning that the new sheriff in town, White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, won`t be able to curb his obsession with Twitter.

I`m sure he won`t, Trump will be tweeting until the glorious day when he`s impeached and removed from office.

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CBN: ‘There’s a Spiritual Awakening Underway in the White House’! Bullcrap!

“A spiritual awakening is underway at the White House.

Some of the most powerful people in America have been gathering weekly to learn more about God`s Word, and this Trump Cabinet Bible study is making history.

They`ve been called the most evangelical Cabinet in history – men and women who don`t mince words when it comes to where they stand on God and the Bible.

Ralph Drollinger of Capitol Ministries told CBN News, `These are godly individuals that God has risen to a position of prominence in our culture.
Health Secretary Tom Price, Energy Secretary Rick Perry, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, Agriculture Secretary Sunny Perdue, and CIA Director Mike Pompeo are just a few of the regulars.


It should be noted that CBN is an evangelical television network and production company founded by televangelist con man, Pat Robertson. It would be the epitome of ignorance to rely on CBN to provide an objective opinion on the spiritual state of the Trump administration.

You don`t have to be a political science major or a theologian to deduce that the White House is in political and spiritual chaos. All of the political divisiveness and spiritual turmoil emanates from the president, Trump`s petty, narcissistic and vindictive behavior sets the tone for the White House staff.

Consider the example of the newly appointed White House Communications Director, Anthony Scaramucci, if the boss swears like a sailor and publicly belittles his cabinet members, he will do him one better. Scaramucci`s obscene on-the-record rant against Chief of Staff Reince Priebus and Special Counselor to the President Steve Bannon made even sailors blush.

If the Trump administration`s anti-Muslim, anti-people of color and anti-poor policies and its hateful tone can be attributed to the Cabinet Bible Study, then I hope they ditch the Bible and seek spiritual guidance from the Satanic Bible.

This isn`t a blanket condemnation of evangelicals, there are sincere Christians who follow the example of Jesus Christ and preach the Gospel, feed the poor, and minister to prisoners.

Jesus Christ wouldn`t recognize the wealthy swine holding Bible studies in the White House while venerating the most evil person ever to sit in the Oval Office.

Only an evil fuc* believes that there`s a spiritual awakening underway in the White House

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Donald Trump and Anthony Scaramucci: Vulgar Twins From the Pit of Hell

“A week after Anthony Scaramucci joined the White House as communications director, his wife, Deidre Ball, has reportedly filed for divorce.

Scaramucci`s friends claimed Ball was not happy with him for joining the White House and his `naked political ambition,` reports said.”


Scaramucci tweeted:

Family does not need to be drawn into this. Soon we will learn who in the media has class and who doesn`t. No further comments on this.

Scaramucci has never been in the same zip code as class, there`s only one person on this planet who is more crude and vulgar, and that`s his boss. How dare Scaramucci appeal to class in an attempt to persuade the media not to report on his divorce?

This is the same man who said of Trump`s Chief of Staff:

Reince is a fuc*ing paranoid schizophrenic, a paranoiac.

And who said of Steve Bannon:

I`m not Steve Bannon, I`m not trying to suck my own cock. I`m not trying to build my own brand off the fuc*ing strength of the President. I`m here to serve the country.

I`m not surprised that Scaramucci`s wife has filed for divorce, she wants nothing to do with this reprehensible scumbag.

A White House Communications Director who uses such vulgar language would have been summarily fired by every president, but of course the Vulgarian-in-Chief is proud of Scaramucci`s obscene way of expressing himself.

We must rid ourselves of Donald Trump and his posse of fools, sycophants and scumbags by any means necessary.

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Donald Trump Speaking to Boy Scouts is Like a Porn Star Speaking to Girl Scouts

Donald Trump on Monday delivered a highly partisan speech to an audience of 35,000, he was frequently interrupted with applause and whoops and hollers. But this wasn`t a typical Trump crowd that applauds every coarse and idiotic thing he says, he was speaking to Boy Scouts at the National Boy Scout Jamboree in Beaver, West Virginia.

Before the vulgarian had finished speaking, parents had taken to social media to register their outrage, some parents even threatened to pull their sons out of the 107-year-old youth organization.

At least Trump restrained himself from making an R-rated joke about thousands of young boys assembled in a town called “Beaver.”

The parents would have been less offended if the Boy Scouts had asked a known pedophile or a serial killer to speak to their impressionable children.

Trump`s address can best be described as “inappropriate,” he waxed apoplectic against his usual targets: Hillary Clinton, Obama and fake news.

Unfortunately, this vitriol is par for the course in a stump speech at a political rally, but the bastard was speaking to young boys. He should have been speaking to them about trust, loyalty, and encouraging them to obey and respectd their parents and attend college.

In a short six months Trump has trampled the Constitution, diminished the presidency, attacked the judiciary and the free press, and now he has tarnished the reputation of the venerable Boy Scouts. It`s high time to impeach the loathsome son of a bitch.

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Donald Trump Proclaims He Should be on Mount Rushmore

President Donald Trump (I cringe whenever I write those words) joked about being added to the Mount Rushmore National Memorial during a rally in Youngstown, Ohio.

At least I think he was joking, after all the narcissist recently declared that the only president more presidential than him was Abraham Lincoln.

The prospect of Trump`s ugly mug being immortalized in the iconic rock alongside the sculptures of former presidents George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln, makes ordinary Americans want to vomit, but one of his supporters has probably already started a GoFundMe campaign to add the bastard to Mount Rushmore.

Adding Trump`s orange bust to Mount Rushmore would be an abomination, only his hands should be added to Mount Rushmore. They are so tiny they won`t be seen — perfect.

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Trent Reznor: Donald Trump is a Fucking Moron


In an interview with the Village Voice Trent Reznor didn`t mince words in describing Donald Trump:

“The president of the United States is a complete fucking moron. That`s what gets me the most – that he`s this vulgar, grotesque dope, everything I hate in people.”

Reznor may be dismissed as just a rock and roller by people who don`t care for his liberal politics, but the songwriter of “Hurt,” one of the most meaningful songs ever written, deserves to be heard on diverse and sundry subjects.

When describing a piece of shi* like Trump a writer doesn`t need to break open his thesaurus or consult “The Elements of Style.”

Reznor described Trump succinctly and accurately, “he`s a complete fuc*ing moron.”

Trump is a “complete moron,” there`s no spark of intelligence or wisdom that he`s repressing, and he can always be counted on to behave in a moronic fashion.

Trump is a “fuc*ing moron,” there are some morons whose stupidity is somewhat deflected by their good nature, and then there are fuc*ing morons who are as evil as they are stupid.

Trump is a vulgar, grotesque, fuc*ing moron, and he doesn`t have any socially redeeming values.

I`m going to play a Nine Inch Nails album, and try to forget, for a moment, that Trump is president of the United States.

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Dump Trump! Impeach the Abomination!

When against all odds Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton and assumed the presidency, Republicans were ecstatic, they assumed they would enact legislation on tax reform, immigration, and repealing and replacing Obamacare.

Republicans weren`t naïve, they realized that Trump wasn`t a real Republican, but an opportunist who saw his best chance of winning running as a Republican. Nevertheless they had high hopes that after eight years of Obama they would finally pass conservation legislation, after all they controlled the White House and both chambers of Congress.

This week marks the six month point of Trump`s chaotic and turbulent presidency, repealing and replacing Obamacare is a pipe dream, the Wall is a mirage, the infrastructure plan is crumbling and tax reform isn`t going anywhere.

Trump`s only clear victory is the Senate confirmation of Judge Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court.

Why is the Trump administration such an unmitigated disaster even though the GOP controls all levers of power in Washington?

According to the polls, even the conservative-friendly Rasmussen poll, Trump is the most unpopular White House incumbent of the modern political era.

The Russian scandal has completely consumed the Trump administration, and instead of tamping down the controversy and focusing on policy, Trump has fed the fires with his obsessive compulsion to tweet about Russia.

Time has run out on the Trump administration, and even the most adroit politician wouldn`t be able to turn things around. Certainly an incontinent toddler with the diplomatic skills of a WWE wrestler isn`t going to right the ship of state.

A Monmouth University poll released this week showed that more Americans want to see Trump impeached today than was the case for then-incumbent Richard Nixon at the start of the Watergate scandal.

Republicans are blind if they can`t see that the faux-Republican buffoon isn`t going to lead their party to the Promised Land. They don`t have the luxury of waiting a year or longer until the Special Counsel completes his investigation, they would be well-advised to immediately take steps to get rid of the bastard.

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July 2017Archives Page 2:

Hillary Clinton is Always on Donald Trump’s Mind

During the general election Donald Trump often implied that Hillary Clinton was in terrible health, to hear him tell it she had one foot in the grave and her lover Huma Abedin was desperately clutching her other foot to prevent the Grim Reaper from dragging her to hell.

But truth be told Trump wants her to live forever, or at least for the next four years.

When a crisis hits the White House Trump returns to campaign-style rhetoric in an attempt to shift attention away from the scandal du jour.

In a series of tweets Saturday morning, the president questioned Hillary`s ties to Russia, as well as her use of a private email server during her tenure as Secretary of State.

`So many people are asking why isn`t the A.G. or Special Council looking at the many Hillary Clinton or Comey crimes. 33,000 e-mails deleted?`, Trump tweeted.

First of all, nobody is asking Jack about Hillary, we are doing our best to forget the witch.

Secondly, he is the only jackass in the world who is asking why the Special COUNCIL isn`t looking at Hillary`s crimes. It`s Special COUNSEL, you frigging moron.

Trump would be well-advised to forget Hillary and concentrate on dealing with the scandals destroying his administration.

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Donald Trump: Comey Used ‘Golden Showers’ Dossier As Leverage

“President Donald Trump breathed new life into one of the oddest political scandals in the country`s history Wednesday when he alleged to The New York Times that former FBI Director James Comey may have tried to use the so-called `Golden Shower` dossier as leverage over him.

The memo was generated by former British spy Christopher Steele, and, among other accusations, it contained a wild claim that Trump once hired prostitutes to urinate in front of him on a bed that former President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama had slept on at the Moscow Ritz-Carlton. The report claimed that a video existed of the alleged incident, but no proof has surfaced to date.”

Yahoo News

If a political operative alleged that a politician had hired prostitutes to urinate on a hotel bed that one of his opponents had once slept on, it would immediately be dismissed as political dirty tricks of the lowest order.

But nobody was particularly surprised or shocked when a former British spy claimed that Donald Trump hired escorts to urinate on a hotel bed that former President Barack Obama had slept on.

After all an obscene and vulgar man who brags about the size of his manhood and boasts that he can get away with grabbing woman by their genitals is capable of anything.

Allegedly a video exists of the whores urinating on the bed while Trump nods in approval, but if it were released Trump wouldn`t lose the support of his base. His followers would insist it was a miracle: Holy water emanating from the nether regions of virtuous women, a prophecy that the Lord would soon be blessing America with golden showers of the Trump presidency.

Trump`s presidency has been anything but a blessing, and it would be in character if a man who has been shi**ing on the Constitution for the last six months hired call girls to urinate on a bed.

Trump is his own worst enemy, he keeps mouthing off about all things Russia. I hope and pray that he will be impeached and showered with rotten eggs.

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Americans Aren’t Naming Their Babies ‘Donald’ Because of Vulgarian Donald Trump

“The name Donald has been losing popularity in the United States for decades, but it took its biggest drop in 2016, and Donald Trump may be the reason why.

The name ranked 488 in the Social Security Administration`s annual report on popular baby names for boys in 2016, down from 441 in 2015 and 418 in 2014. (The most popular boy`s name last year was Noah.)

Of roughly 4 million births last year, 621 babies were named Donald, according to the Social Security report released in May.”


Donald Trump is 71-years-old, and decades of his dissolute and decadent lifestyle has done incalculable damage to his name.

There are many buildings throughout the world that bear Trump`s name, but after only six months in office he has so badly tarnished his reputation that when he leaves office, I doubt that there will be any schools or public buildings named after him.

It`s certainly no surprise that the name “Donald” has plunged in popularity, why would any parents saddle their bouncing baby boy with a name that repulses polite society?

Parents would rather name their newborn “Damien,” “Lucifer” or “Little Bastard,” anything but Donald.

I love my first name, I`m exceedingly grateful that a degenerate son of a bitch hasn`t destroyed the name “Robert.”

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‘Why is it Lie After Lie?’ Shepard Smith Goes Off on Trump Administration

“In a surprisingly frank outburst, Fox News anchor Shep Smith tore into the Trump administration on Friday for its lack of transparency on the unfolding Russia scandal.

`Why is it lie after lie after lie? Smith said to fellow anchor Chris Wallace. `The deception, Chris, is mind-boggling.`”


The Fox News Network begins its programming in the morning with “Fox and Friends” which can only be described as a chatfest whose main objective is to puff up Donald Trump. At night Sean Hannity wraps things up by serving as Trump`s prosecutor, he rips apart any politician, pundit or newsmaker who dares say anything critical about the president.

Between these two programs, that are rock solid behind Trump, there is a steady stream of less shrill pro-Trump propaganda.

But not everybody at Fox is drinking from the water cooler that dispenses Kool-Aid,there are a couple of journalists with integrity at the Fair and Balanced network, Shep Smith and Chris Wallace.

Smith hit the nail on the head, it`s lie after lie after lie emanating from the White House. Lies of commission and lies of omission. Lies that are calculated to fit in with a false narrative, and lies that are calculated to muddy the waters. Little white lies and huge whoppers.

After Smith in frustration posed the question “Why is is lie after lie?,” Wallace could only respond, “I don`t know.”

Wallace opined: If you`re a fair-minded citizen, you ought to be concerned about the fact that we were repeatedly misled about what this meeting concerned.

Trump`s supporters aren`t fair-minded citizens, they`re zombies who are enthralled and mesmerized by the histrionics and rantings of their Messiah.

I share Smith`s frustration, I`m sick and tired of the lies, obfuscation and coverups of the Trump administration, and I plead with my fellow Americans to join my crusade to do everything possible to impeach Donald Trump.

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