Trump Prompts Evangelical Congregation to Shout ‘Bullshit’

“Cries of “Bullshit!” “Bullshit” rang out at a packed Phoenix megachurch June 6 as Donald Trump held his first campaign rally since his conviction on 34 felonies in New York.

As for Biden’s recent executive order limiting immigration? Trump told the crowd at Phoenix Dream Center, an Assemblies of God congregation, that it was ‘bullshit.’

‘They come up with this order,’ he said. ‘I won’t say it, because I don’t like using the word ‘bullshit’ in front of these people.’”

Baptist News Global

Evangelical congregations, especially Assemblies of God churches, aren’t shy about shouting “Amen” and “Hallelujah” as a means of encouraging their pastors to continue preaching Biblical truths and holy living. It was considered anathema for a parishioner to whisper even a mild swear word like “damn” in a temple.

Pentecostal churches place an emphasis on what they consider holy behavior, which certainly rules out shouting obscenities in a house of worship. At least that was the way things were pre-Trump.

But when evangelicals embrace a pathological liar, serial sexual predator, indicted criminal, and twice-impeached sociopath as their messiah, anything goes. It is par for the course to shout “bullshit” in a church when you worship a steaming pile of shit like Donald Trump.

I am not surprised at all that when Trump incited crowd at a crowed evangelical megachurch to utter a swear word, cries of “bullshit” rang out in the sanctuary.

Trump’s cult of evangelical sycophants should be showered with shouts of “bullshit” whenever they leave their tabernacles of evil and try to blend in with normal folks.

Trump is in Full Batshit Crazy Mode

Donald Trump has always been a hyperbolic buffoon with a penchant for uttering superlatives and babbling toxic word salads, but now as he seeks to return to the White House, he’s in full batshit crazy mode.

But most Americans don’t realize how far the deep end the Orange Wack Job gone because he posts his inflammatory and incendiary remarks on Truth Social, his niche social media platform, whose core audience is QAnon cultists, white evangelicals, Nazis and assorted rightwing riff-raff.

During his 2016 and 2020 presidential campaigns Trump used Twitter to spread his racist, fascist and divisive rhetoric, and then his tweets were amplified by the cable news networks. Trump’s posts on Truth Social reverberate in the MAGA echo chamber, but they don’t always impact society at large.

If average Americans read Trump’s Truth Social posts as faithfully as his supporters he would lose in a landslide. Trump explicitly and enthusiastically advocates violence as a method to silence his critics. He’s promised to execute generals who don’t do his bidding and opined that shoplifters should be shot. He has promised to use the power of the presidency to jail his political opponents including Joe and Hunter Biden.

If Trump returns to power there will be no guardrails, and there will be no one to restrain his authoritarian and fascist impulses. If Trump wins the presidency and the Republicans keep the House and gain control of the Senate, our democracy will devolve into a White Christian Nationalist theocracy.

Trump is a ruthless cognitively-challenged sociopath, and we must do everything within our power to stop him. The stakes couldn’t be higher, democracy itself is on the line.

Trump Called Evangelicals ‘Pieces of Shit’

White evangelical Christians, who claim to abide by the Biblical virtues of purity, honesty, integrity and empathy, worship their Orange Jesus, Donald Trump, the twice-divorced, twice-impeached, and four times indicted serial sex predator and pathological liar.

This is not a case of cognitive dissonance so much as it is an example of pragmatic hypocrisy. They are enthralled with Trump not because he bears any resemblance to Jesus Christ; they worship the orange devil because he will break all laws and commit any sin to enact their agenda: criminalize immigrants, demonize the LGBT community, abolish abortion, and turn our democracy into a White Christian Nationalist theocracy.

White evangelicals are besotted with Trump, and they fiercely defend him against anyone with the temerity to criticize him, but Trump tolerates evangelicals for one reason only: they vote for him in overwhelming numbers.

“Tim Alberta of The Atlantic reported in his upcoming book The Kingdom, The Power, And the Glory: American Evangelicals in An Age of Extremism that the then-candidate labeled evangelicals who supported rival Republican hopeful Texas Senator Ted Cruz ‘some real pieces of shit’ and ‘so-called Christians.’”

Trump is spot-on in his assessment of white evangelicals, they are total pieces of shit, regardless if they vote for him or not. Trump doesn’t attend an evangelical church, never reads the Bible, and he doesn’t have any close evangelical friends. He thinks they are idiots for believing in God, and the only thing he likes about them is that he can count on their support.

Everything Trump touches turns to shit, Trump-supporting white evangelicals were already shit, and the whole lot should be flushed down the toilet.

Dump Trump and Evangelical Filth on Dumpster Election Day

“The waxwork museum Madame Tussauds in Berlin loaded its effigy of TV star-turned Republican president Donald Trump into a dumpster on Friday, a move apparently intended to reflect its expectations of next Tuesday’s presidential election.

In what seemed a further calculated insult, the statue of his predecessor and nemesis Barack Obama, who counted Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel among his closest allies, remained in place, beaming and besuited.”


The wax museum didn’t put away its effigy of Donald Trump in a storeroom or attempt to sell it, they dumped the monstrosity into a dumpster.

This action by the curators of the museum reflects their expectation that the incumbent will lose, and it also expresses their desire to spare their customers from looking at the likeness of the despised despot.

On Tuesday Americans will symbolically dump the short-fingered vulgarian into a dumpster, all signs point to a Joe Biden landslide. Our long national nightmare will soon be over, and I seriously doubt there will be any schools or public buildings named after him. I wish the crime boss was tossed into a dumpster and taken to a landfill.

Unfortunately, Trump isn’t the only one who should be thrown into a dumpster, his White House staff, the Republican senators and congresspeople who enabled him and the Fox News reporters who propped him up also belong in a landfill.

As well as the millions of white evangelicals who voted him into office, and have stood by him throughout his tenure chock full of racist and unchristian actions. A landfill full of garbage in the perfect place for the toxic message of white evangelicals. The rats and other vermin that thrive in landfills are the only creatures who just be exposed to the racist perverted Gospel message of evangelicals.

I beg my fellow Americans, please join me in taking out the garbage this Tuesday, and remember our work is not done until we get rid of the evangelical filth as well.

Democrats and Independents Must Turn Out in Droves to Prevent Trump From Stealing the Election

America’s most consequential presidential elections have been decided over how presidential candidates dealt with the following wars: Civil War, World Wars I and II, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan.

Every presidential election cycle we hear the same refrain: This is the most important election in history! Even though America is at peace, this time it’s really one of the most important presidential elections in history, because democracy itself is at stake.

Trump has run roughshod over every pillar of our democracy: freedom of the press, the independence of the judiciary, the trustworthiness of the election process. The choice isn’t between the Republican Party and the Democrat Party, it’s between Trump and democracy.

America’s endless wars, Afghanistan and Iraq aren’t even background noise, the central fight is over Donald Trump.

Trump assumed office with no overarching agenda except to burnish his brand, and not just his political brand, but his business and entertainment brands as well.

Trump hasn’t sought to ensure his reelection by expanding his base, instead of making overtures to his political opposition, he ridicules, threatens and demonizes them.

Trump is betting that the blind loyalty of his base will be enough to prevail in a historically close election that may very well be decided by the Supreme Court that includes three Justices that he nominated.

It’s incumbent upon us who love democracy to turn out in droves on election day to prevent this nightmare scenario.

Donald Trump Is Not My President!

The phrase “President Donald Trump” is an oxymoron, and many journalists, commentators and bloggers refuse to describe him in such terms. In fact, a substantial number of Americans don`t consider Trump their president, and they refuse to legitimize his administration in any way.

This is not simply a case of sour grapes over losing the election, Trump is uniquely unqualified, morally, ethically and intellectually to be president of the greatest democracy in history. Expecting patriotic Americans to accept the legitimacy of the Trump administration is akin to expecting Roman Catholics to accept Richard Dawkins as the Pope or Iranians to recognize Cardi B as their new Supreme Leader.

Something went horribly wrong on November 8, 2016, in a multiverse with an infinite number of universes ours is the only world where Trump won the presidential election. Even if you don`t believe in the multiverse theory of quantum physics or a sadistic deity who delights in playing practical jokes, you know there`s something rotten in Denmark.

So what does it mean in practical terms for a journalist or blogger not to accept the validity of the Trump administration? It means that we shouldn`t treat Trump as if he were an Abraham Lincoln, John F. Kennedy, Ronald Reagan or even a George W. Bush. Cable new networks shouldn`t broadcast his campaign speeches live, his tweets shouldn`t be parsed as if they were Shakespeare sonnets, and the White House press conferences, presided over by lying sycophant Sarah Huckabee Sanders, shouldn`t be telecast.

Donald Trump is a clown, buffoon, ignoramus and bully, and the racist bastard doesn`t deserve our respect. To hell with the argument that he deserves the benefit of the doubts that accrue to his office, he is an aberration and an abomination, and it`s incumbent upon patriots to dedicate their lives to get rid of him by any means necessary.

“Impeach Trump” shouldn`t just be the cry of leftist radicals, this chant should be heard everywhere, from the smallest rural towns to our greatest cities.

Not My President! Not now! Never!

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Robert De Niro Deserves Nobel Prize for Saying ‘F Trump’ at the Tony Awards

Silver Screen icon Robert De Niro received a standing ovation at the Tony Awards when he exclaimed, “First I wanna say, `F*ck Trump.” It`s no long `Down with Trump,` it`s F*ck Trump.”

Sometimes the eloquent words of a statesman like a Winston Churchill or a Barak Obama are needed when the West needs to be warned about an existential threat to democracy.

Sometimes the primal scream of a prophet is called for when a nation needs to wake up to the truth that the Barbarians aren`t at the gate, but in the halls of power.

De Niro is spot on, it`s no longer “Impeach Trump” or “Dump Trump,” but “F Trump!”

The time for civil debate with Trump supporters is over, they`ve had plenty of time to discern that the short-fingered vulgarian is unworthy of being dogcatcher, let alone the President of the United States. I might as well waste my time trying to convince a Nazi that Hitler wasn`t a good person.

When I see Trump my visceral reaction is: F Trump!

When I hear Trump speak my reaction is: F Trump!

When I hear a sycophant praise him my reaction is F Trump!

It`s a crying shame that CBS bleeped out De Niro`s shining moment. “F Trump” should be blaring from every public address system in America.

F Trump!

In a Sane World Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un Would Settle Things in a Death Match

I always feared that if nuclear war broke out it was because a hyper-nationalist Russian Federation overreached and invaded one of the Baltic States, drawing NATO into the conflict which escalates into a nuclear conflagration.

Another likely scenario: The People`s Republic of China invades the island republic of Taiwan, and the United States is forced to defend Taiwan under the Sino-American Mutual Defense Treaty and soon there are mushroom clouds over Beijing and Washington.

And there`s always the possibility that Israel`s archenemy Iran will miscalculate and attack Israel with swarms of missiles and the Jewish nation will have no choice but to respond with nuclear bombs.

But I never dreamed that a nuclear holocaust would be unleashed because the President of the United States and the Dear Leader of North Korea
engaged in a pissing contest, exchanging apocalyptic broadsides culminating in a nuclear winter.

American presidents from George H.W. Bush to Barack Obama didn`t overreact when Kim Jung-un`s grandfather and father hurled bombastic threats, they were confident as leader of the free world and didn`t see a need to match the inflammatory rhetoric of a 3rd world tinpot dictator.

It`s too bad a naked Donald Trump and Kim Jung-un can`t settle their differences in a death cage death match, and not endanger the lives of millions of people.

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CBN: ‘There’s a Spiritual Awakening Underway in the White House’! Bullcrap!

“A spiritual awakening is underway at the White House.

Some of the most powerful people in America have been gathering weekly to learn more about God`s Word, and this Trump Cabinet Bible study is making history.

They`ve been called the most evangelical Cabinet in history – men and women who don`t mince words when it comes to where they stand on God and the Bible.

Ralph Drollinger of Capitol Ministries told CBN News, `These are godly individuals that God has risen to a position of prominence in our culture.
Health Secretary Tom Price, Energy Secretary Rick Perry, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, Agriculture Secretary Sunny Perdue, and CIA Director Mike Pompeo are just a few of the regulars.


It should be noted that CBN is an evangelical television network and production company founded by televangelist con man, Pat Robertson. It would be the epitome of ignorance to rely on CBN to provide an objective opinion on the spiritual state of the Trump administration.

You don`t have to be a political science major or a theologian to deduce that the White House is in political and spiritual chaos. All of the political divisiveness and spiritual turmoil emanates from the president, Trump`s petty, narcissistic and vindictive behavior sets the tone for the White House staff.

Consider the example of the newly appointed White House Communications Director, Anthony Scaramucci, if the boss swears like a sailor and publicly belittles his cabinet members, he will do him one better. Scaramucci`s obscene on-the-record rant against Chief of Staff Reince Priebus and Special Counselor to the President Steve Bannon made even sailors blush.

If the Trump administration`s anti-Muslim, anti-people of color and anti-poor policies and its hateful tone can be attributed to the Cabinet Bible Study, then I hope they ditch the Bible and seek spiritual guidance from the Satanic Bible.

This isn`t a blanket condemnation of evangelicals, there are sincere Christians who follow the example of Jesus Christ and preach the Gospel, feed the poor, and minister to prisoners.

Jesus Christ wouldn`t recognize the wealthy swine holding Bible studies in the White House while venerating the most evil person ever to sit in the Oval Office.

Only an evil fuc* believes that there`s a spiritual awakening underway in the White House

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Dump Trump! Impeach the Abomination!

When against all odds Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton and assumed the presidency, Republicans were ecstatic, they assumed they would enact legislation on tax reform, immigration, and repealing and replacing Obamacare.

Republicans weren`t naïve, they realized that Trump wasn`t a real Republican, but an opportunist who saw his best chance of winning running as a Republican. Nevertheless they had high hopes that after eight years of Obama they would finally pass conservation legislation, after all they controlled the White House and both chambers of Congress.

This week marks the six month point of Trump`s chaotic and turbulent presidency, repealing and replacing Obamacare is a pipe dream, the Wall is a mirage, the infrastructure plan is crumbling and tax reform isn`t going anywhere.

Trump`s only clear victory is the Senate confirmation of Judge Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court.

Why is the Trump administration such an unmitigated disaster even though the GOP controls all levers of power in Washington?

According to the polls, even the conservative-friendly Rasmussen poll, Trump is the most unpopular White House incumbent of the modern political era.

The Russian scandal has completely consumed the Trump administration, and instead of tamping down the controversy and focusing on policy, Trump has fed the fires with his obsessive compulsion to tweet about Russia.

Time has run out on the Trump administration, and even the most adroit politician wouldn`t be able to turn things around. Certainly an incontinent toddler with the diplomatic skills of a WWE wrestler isn`t going to right the ship of state.

A Monmouth University poll released this week showed that more Americans want to see Trump impeached today than was the case for then-incumbent Richard Nixon at the start of the Watergate scandal.

Republicans are blind if they can`t see that the faux-Republican buffoon isn`t going to lead their party to the Promised Land. They don`t have the luxury of waiting a year or longer until the Special Counsel completes his investigation, they would be well-advised to immediately take steps to get rid of the bastard.

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