Joe Biden Belongs in a Nursing Home or a Hospice, not in the White House

At an impromptu news conference aimed at defending the octogenarian president’s cognitive abilities from his legion of detractors, Joe Biden inexplicably referred to Egyptian leader Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi as the “president of Mexico.”

Actually, it’ not inexplicable at all, it’s not surprising that a cognitively-impaired and feeble old man who can’t tell his anus from a gopher hole got his wires crossed, for the umpteenth time.  

The gaffe occurred only hours after the release of the special counsel’s report into Biden’s handling of classified documents which concluded that he willfully retained classified information, including top secret documents, but that he didn’t charge him with any crimes, because no jury would convict a doddering old Mr. Magoo-like character.

Islamic Egypt and Roman Catholic Mexico may be separated by thousands of miles of ocean and desert, but what the hey, they both have world-famous pyramids and maybe we should cut Biden some slack? Should we just look the other way every time he falls down stairs, can’t find his way down a stage or utter a mind-boggling gaffe?

Absolutely, not! Joe Biden isn’t the president of the Bingo Club at a nursing home, he’s the president of the United States and Leader of the Free World, and he has no business running for reelection.

Joe Biden belongs in a nursing home or a hospice, not in the White House.