White Evangelicals Have Made Porn Kosher

“Conan O`Brien poked fun at President Donald Trump`s evangelical supporters over claims they are helping to bring porn into the mainstream on Tuesday.

The late-night comedian noted how some people were accusing evangelicals of normalizing porn due to their unwavering support of Trump, who allegedly had an affair with porn star Stormy Daniels in 2006.

`In response, evangelicals say: We`re in favor of any situation that makes people scream, `Oh, God,` O`Brien quipped.”

Huffington Post

White evangelical leaders have given President Donald Trump a mulligan over his sexual fling with porn star Stormy Daniels, thereby reducing watching porn to a venial sin, and giving born-again Christians a holy dispensation to watch porn.

If an evangelical mother catches her son watching the sexual acrobatics of Stormy on his cell phone, she`d better not say a damn word.

Conan O`Brien is spot-on, Trump`s evangelical supporters have brought porn into the mainstream.

White evangelical leaders and their followers engaged in a holy crusade to support Trump`s presidential candidacy even though he was caught on tape bragging about grabbing women by their genitals. No longer is it a sin to support a politician with dozens of credible accusations of sexual harassment against him.

White evangelical leaders supported pedophile Judge Roy Moore with a holy fervor, thereby bringing child molestation into the political mainstream. No longer can a senatorial candidate be dismissed out of hand simply because he trolled middle schools and high schools for young girls.

White evangelicals have given their tacit support for every kind of sexual sin under the sun, well maybe not every sexual sin. Had Moore been accused of molesting Boy Scouts, evangelicals would tear him limb from limb. And if Donald Trump was caught having sex with Mike Pence in the Lincoln Bedroom, evangelicals would demand that the sodomite be impeached.

It is imperative that the few evangelicals who haven`t sworn allegiance to the antichrist figure of Trump join other true Christians, and Americans of other faiths and no faith in denouncing Trump, and calling for his impeachment.

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White Evangelicals are the Greatest Threat to Christianity and Democracy

President Donald Trump is the most crude, vulgar, petty, corrupt and unchristian president in history:

Trump`s charitable foundation makes the Clinton foundation look like a paragon of virtue. Trump`s foundation admitted violating federal rules on self-dealing that bars nonprofit leaders from funneling their charity`s money to themselves, their business or their families. Every Trump enterprise is self-dealing from his faux university to his stint as president of the United States.

Before he became a politician Trump darkened the door of a church only three times, to get married. During his presidential campaign and his first year in office he`s attended church a couple more times, just to prove to his less faithful evangelical supporters that he`s not the Antichrist.

Trump believes in the Golden Rule: He that has the gold makes the rules. And the corollary: He that has the gold can disregard the rules.

Trump doesn`t know crap about the Bible, the only books he can remember are Genesis and Two Corinthians. The only time he touches a Bible is for depositions, and when he runs out of toilet paper.

Trump`s never uttered a prayer in his life, although he cynically offers his thoughts and prayers after a national tragedy.

Trump has never apologized to any of the countless politicians, celebrities, journalists and judges that he has crudely mocked and ridiculed, and he famously declared that he`s never asked God for forgiveness.

This is the cesspool of evil that white evangelicals venerate and treat like the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Thank you Donald Trump for exposing the moral bankruptcy of white evangelicals. Thank you Donald Trump for educating us to the truth that white evangelicals are the greatest danger to Christianity and democracy.

Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://twitter.com/robertpaulreyes

White Evangelicals’ Hatred of Gays and Acceptance of Pedophiles and Sexual Predators Will Forever Defile Their Movement

Judge Roy Moore, said in a 2005 interview that he believes homosexual conduct should be illegal. In the interview the hardline Christian conservative was asked by journalist Bill Press: Do you think that homosexual conduct should be illegal today? That`s a yes or no question. Such is Moore`s hatred of gays and lesbians that he didn`t give a typical politician`s ambiguous answer. He replied empathically: Homosexual conduct should be illegal, yes. In the same interview he also equated homosexuality with bestiality.

Moore`s hatred and fear of gays and lesbians is shared by the overwhelmingly evangelical Alabama electorate. That dear friends and neighbors is why a pedophile is expected to win the Senate seat in Alabama.

Evangelicals would cross the street to avoid an openly gay man, but they warmly embrace a pedophile who preys on underage girls.

In the evangelical ranking of sins homosexuality is the lowest of the low, the one transgression that will forever bar a soul from paradise.

Jesus Christ, who had plenty to say about the sins of pride, hypocrisy and jealousy, but not single word about homosexuality, would feel more at home with gays and lesbians than with the religious hypocrites who demonize them.

The white evangelicals in Alabama who are about to elect a pedophile to the Senate and the white evangelicals in America who elected a sexual predator to the White House have forever stained the white evangelical movement.

Anyone who still identifies as an evangelical is complicit in the moral depravity that resulted in a sexual predator reaching the highest office in the country. It`s incumbent upon those evangelicals who are outraged by their brethren`s embrace of Trump and Moore to reject the evangelical movement, and identify themselves simply as Christians.

Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://twitter.com/robertpaulreyes