On Super Tuesday Tulsi Gabbard and Elizabeth Warren Were Humiliated Beyond Belief

At the start of the Democratic nominating marathon the field featured the most diverse candidates in history, including five formidable female contenders: Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, Sen. Kamala Harris, Sen. Amy Klobuchar, and Sen. Elizabeth Warren.

The traditional first four contests and Super Tuesday have winnowed the field, and there are now only two females left in the race, Sen. Warren and Rep. Tulsi. The senior senator from Massachusetts doesn’t even qualify as a speed bump for Sanders and Biden as they continue racing toward the finish, and the congresswoman from Hawaii is nothing but an asterisk.

On Super Tuesday Warren and Tulsi were humiliated beyond belief, but they are both in denial and have yet to drop out of the race.

Warren didn’t just lose; she was humiliated beyond redemption. She finished third in her home state of Massachusetts and won just a handful of delegates in the 14 states that cast ballots on Tuesday.

Tulsi registered as a blip in all of the Super Tuesday primaries and she managed to snag only one delegate in American Samoa where she was born. How can she justify staying in the race when she lost to billionaire Mike Bloomberg in American Samoa?

Tulsi was never more than an asterisk and she won’t even be a footnote when the history of the 2020 campaign is written, but Warren was an intelligent, inspiring and tireless campaigner who briefly caught fire in the summer of 2019 but then sizzled out.

Regardless who wins, Sanders or Biden, it’s almost guaranteed that the vice-presidential nominee will be a female, but it won’t be Tulsi or Warren. I won’t waste any time explaining why the asterisk aka Tulsi doesn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of being chosen.

Sanders won’t choose Warren; the socialist needs to balance the ticket with a moderate nominee. What would Warren bring to the ticket anyway, besides the .001 percent of the electorate who are faux Native Americans? Biden won’t select Warren as his running mate, there is no emotional or ideological connect between the two. Biden is extremely grateful to African Americans for their loyalty and support and he will probably anoint a black woman like Kamala Harris or Stacey Abrams as his running mate.

Democratic Debate: Chaos Featuring Naked Cowboy, Homeboner, Amy Klobuchar’s ‘Uncle Dick’ and Elizabeth Warren Going Psycho on Mike Bloomberg

Donald Trump is an existential threat to civility, the rule of law and democracy itself. Last night I watched the Democratic debate in Charleston, South Carolina; the Democratic hopefuls faced off and it was a Battle Royale from the opening bell.  

The debate was moderated by CNS’s Gayle King, Margaret Brennan, Major Garrett and Bill Whitaker, and they were utterly ineffectual in preventing crosstalk and stopping the candidates from speaking out of turn.

The seven candidates on stage: frontrunner socialist Bernie Sanders, crazy Joe Biden, Mayor Pete, billionaire Mike Bloomberg, Native American activist Elizabeth Warren, billionaire impeachment king Tom Steyer and Amy (I eat salad with a comb) Klobuchar engaged in an epic food fight.

The debate featured gaffe-prone Joe Biden exclaiming that 150 million people had been killed in shootings since Sanders voted more than a decade ago to shield gun manufacturers from liability, and uttering the word “homeboner” for no discernable reason.

Amy Klobuchar referenced her Uncle Dick and explained that she weighs gun controls by asking “Do they hurt my Uncle Dick in the deer stand?” If I had a niece as weird as Klobuchar, I would spend all of my time in a deer stand just to get away from her, even though I’m not a hunter and I would never kill a deer.

Billionaire Bloomberg let is slip that he “bought off” Congressional reps with his millions in pocket change, and he referenced the “Naked Cowboy” for good measure.

Warren once again ripped Bloomberg a new a-hole, she really has a vendetta against him.

The debate was a chaotic cacophony that made me want to pierce my eardrums, but having said that I’d rather have any of the seven Democratic hopefuls as president instead of the short-fingered vulgarian Trump. Even if the Naked Cowboy was the Secretary of Defense and Amy’s Uncle Dick was the Chief of Staff. You can bet your homeboner on that!

Donald Trump Makes Fun of ‘Mini Mike’ Bloomberg’s Height

President Trump went after ‘Mini Mike’ Bloomberg in a series of tweets early Sunday morning and suggested the former New York mayor would need to stand on a box during a Democratic presidential debate.

‘Mini Mike is now negotiating both to get on the Democrat Primary debate stage, and to have the right to stand on boxes, or a lift, during the debates,’ the president posted on his Twitter account in the last of three postings about 5-foot-8 Michael Bloomberg. ‘This is sometimes done, but really not fair!’

The New York Post

If your mouth resembles a syphilitic sphincter, you’d be well-advised not to point your stubby fingers at someone else’s physical imperfections. But Trump isn’t well-equipped to battle anyone intellectually, his diseases mind is hard-wired for ad hominin attacks.

It’s not Bloomberg’s political ideology that sets Trump on edge, they are both New York liberals who have supported Democratic politicians for decades. Trump can’t stand the fact that Bloomberg is worth over $60 Billion while Forbes estimates the president’s wealth at $2.5 billion.

Trump’s Twitter barrage of insults directed at Bloomberg portends how he will conduct his general election campaign: attack his rivals on a personal basis and spew conspiracy theories.

There is absolutely no truth to the outrageous lie that Bloomberg is negotiating for the right to stand on a box during debates. And if it were true, what’s wrong with that? Bloomberg has more gravitas than Trump, and if he was sitting down and Trump was standing on a stepladder during a debate, it wouldn’t afford the fucking moron any advantage.