The Cult of Donald Trump

“I am not the first person to point this out: There`s been a cultish quality to President Donald Trumps most ardent supporters. He seemed to acknowledge the phenomenon when he boasted that he could `stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody`and not lose voters.

Throughout the campaign, and in personal appearances since then, Trump has harnessed the kind of emotional intensity from his base that is more typical of a religious revival meeting than a political rally, complete with ritualized communal chants (Lock her up!).

As we approach the one-year anniversary of Trump`s election victory, the zeal of some of his followers seems increasingly akin to a full-fledged cult

I use the word `cult` in its pejorative sense, meaning a deeply insular social group bound together by extreme devotion to a charismatic leader. Such groups tend to exhibit a few common characteristics.”

Chicago Tribune

After almost a year suffering under the Trump regime, Americans have turned against the president, and his approval ratings have sunk like a stone.

However the buffoon retains a tight grip on his core base, they remain loyal and as close to him as flies on a hot steaming pile of dung.

Reza Aslan is spot on, Trump`s supporters can best be compared to a cult. Most of Trump`s core supporters are white evangelicals, and they will confess that Trump is a vulgar con artist the same day hell freezes over and the same day they admit that televangelists are money-hungry shysters.

When you point out to Trump loyalists the inconsistencies of his policies and his pathological lying, they look at you with disgust, and in their minds they`re thinking: How dare this heathen criticize Gods` prophet who has been raised by the Almighty to Make America Great Again.

It`s a fool`s errand to talk common sense to these deluded fools, they would just as soon deny Jesus Christ as reject Donald Trump.

If we will ever get rid of Trump it won`t be by making his supporters confront and accept reality, but by persuading Republican leaders to turn against him. They`re all about political expediency and their link to him is tenuous.

It`s incumbent upon us to write or call our senators and congressmen and implore them to impeach Trump.

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Donald Trump Considering Designating North Korea as State Sponsor of Terrorism

“The United States will determine very soon whether to designate North Korea a state sponsor of terror, a senior administration official said on Sunday.

`The administration and Secretary (of State Rex) Tillerson and others in the administration are looking very closely right now whether to designate North Korea a state sponsor of terror,` the official said.”


The North Korean dictator`s brutal regime instills terror and slavish obedience from his countrymen.

North Korea`s Dear Leader Kim Jong-un`s bombastic rhetoric and his reckless pursuit of becoming a nuclear superpower instills terror worldwide.

But North Korea isn`t a state sponsor of terror, the totalitarian state doesn`t lend moral or financial support to any international terrorist organization.

Little Kim`s sole focus is to terrorize his citizens so they won`t even think about staging a revolution.

I`m sorry but orchestrating the plot to kill his half-brother with a lethal VX nerve agent doesn`t qualify North Korea as a state sponsor of terrorism.

If Trump designates North Korea as a state sponsor of terror, the designation will lose all meaning.

If Trump makes the designation during his Asia trip, it will only cement his reputation as a fuc*ing moron, and the Asian leaders won`t take him seriously.

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Twitter Employee Deletes Donald Trump’s Twitter Feed on His Last Day of Work

On Thursday President Donald Trump`s Twitter feed went down, unfortunately it was restored 11 minutes later.

A Twitter customer support employee performed the community service on his last day. We all have fantasies about wreaking havoc on our last day of work: Downloading porn on the boss`s laptop, spiking the water cooler, keying the car of the office gossip … But deleting the Twitter feed of the most powerful man in the world, if only for a few minutes, is truly epic.

There is so much tomfoolery, fake news, and just plain meanness that emanates from Trump`s Twitter feed, many of Trump`s supporters and enemies have attempted to curb his addiction to his favorite social media platform.

The as yet unidentified Twitter employee probably committed a crime shutting down Trump`s Twitter account, but I hope he`s not in any serious trouble. Let the man who hasn`t fantasized about shutting up Trump permanently by breaking his baby hands cast the first stone at the Twitter employee.

if I was the CEO of Twitter I would give the patriotic Twitter employee a generous severance package, and the “Employee of the Year” award.

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John Kelly is as Racist as Donald Trump

When retired Marine Corps General John Kelly, then secretary of homeland security, was promoted to the chief of staff`s job, the White House was in turmoil.

Remember this was at the apex of the Anthony Scaramucci/Reince Priebus/Sean Spicer intramural bloodbath. Kelly was brought in to be the adult in the room, and instill some military order.

Kelly was able to restore a semblance of order, mainly by restricting access to the Oval Office, he kept away fringe players who filled his boss`s empty head with Fox News conspiracy theories.

Of course it`s impossible to make the White House run like clockwork when the president is a buffoon with the attention span of a colicky baby. Perhaps if Kelly had forced Trump to wear mittens that rendered him incapable of tweeting, he might have been able to really turn things around.

However Kelly was praised by conservatives and liberals alike for being the adult in the room, little did we know at the time that he was the adult racist in the room.

Kelly wasn`t perceived as a politician, but as retired military man who would keep Trump in check.

Kelly is stylistically different from Trump, while his boss is vulgar and bombastic, the retired general is refined and low-key. But it turns out that they share the same racist ideology.

Kelly`s racism first came to light when from the lectern in the Brady Briefing Room, he defended Trump from charges that he was insensitive to the widow of the black sergeant killed in action in Niger by savagely criticizing African-American Rep. Frederica Wilson. He gratuitously called her an “empty barrel” and flat-out lied that she had boasted of securing millions to build a new FBI field office in Miami during the dedication ceremony in 2015.

Kelly`s words in the midst of this racially-tinged scandal weren`t those of the adult in the room, or the calming words of a retired general, but the bellicose rhetoric of a racist politician. The only thing that can explain Kelly`s animus toward the respected congresswoman is racism.

Kelly`s interview this week on Fox News has proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that Kelly is as racist as his Dear Leader.

Kelly uttered these mind-blowing words in his interview with Laura Ingraham:

I would tell you that Robert E. Lee was an honorable man. He was a man that gave up his country to fight for his state, which 150 years ago was more important than country. It was always loyalty to state first back in those days. Now it`s different today. But the lack of an ability to compromise led to the Civil War, and men and women of good faith on both sides made their stand where their conscience had them make their stand.

These are the words of a racist, plain and simple. Kelly was arguing that the Union should have compromised with the slave-holding Southern states. You don`t compromise with slavery, you utterly slaughter all those seeking to preserve slavery. Case closed!

Trump, Kelly and all the other white supremacists in the White House can venerate Robert E. Lee, but those of us who love democracy and hate racism choose to honor Abraham Lincoln.

Trump isn`t going to let anybody into his orbit who doesn`t share his racist philosophy, only a fool is going to pin his hopes that an adult in the room will right the ship. Trump`s ship of state deserves to sink like the Titanic.

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Woody Harrelson’s Brutal Lunch With Donald Trump and Jesse Ventura

“On Friday`s broadcast of `Real Time with Bill Maher`, the star of the upcoming Lyndon B. Johnson biopic `LBJ` explained how he was invited along to a 2002 dinner with the future president by retired pro-wrestler Jesse Ventura.

Trump was trying to convince Ventura to be his running mate on the 2004 Democratic presidential ticket, said Harrelson.

The meal itself was `brutal,` Harrelson told the show`s host, Bill Maher. `I never met a more narcissistic man. He talked about himself the whole time. You could see the standard he was going to bear.`

`I had to walk out halfway through to smoke a joint just to like steel myself from the rest of it,` he added.”

Huffington Post

Woody Harrelson has a laidback demeanor, his dinner with the paranoid conspiracy theorist Jesse Ventura and the narcissist buffoon Donald Trump was destined to be a disaster.

The meal probably didn`t start off with small talk about the weather and sports. I imagine Ventura started by opining that the wait staff was conspiring to poison their meals, and Trump responding that he would grab their waitress by the pussy before she got an opportunity to tamper with their meals.

Is it any wonder that poor Woody had to walk out halfway through to smoke a joint? An average person can`t get through a Trump speech or press conference without hitting the bong or drinking whisky.

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Female Cyclist Flips Donald Trump the Bird! God Bless Her!

“The president of the United States is used to being saluted, but a cyclist in Virginia put her own particular slant on the tradition on Saturday when she was overtaken by Donald Trumps motorcade.

The woman on her bike was photographed raising her middle finger when Trump`s cavalcade passed her on its way out from the Trump National Golf Club on the banks of the Potomac river, on the outskirts of Washington DC. She then repeated the gesture when she caught up with the motorcade.

The White House pool report noted drily: POTUS`s motorcade departed the Trump National Golf Club at 3.12pm, passing two pedestrians, one of whom gave a thumbs-down sign. Then it overtook a female cyclist, wearing a white top and cycling helmet, who responded by giving the middle finger.

The motorcade had to slow and the cyclist caught up, still offering the finger, before turning off in a different direction. Motorcade is now gathering speed and heading for DC.”

The Guardian

There are hundreds of statues of Paul Revere on his magnificent steed, immortalizing his midnight run warning the patriots that the British were coming.

I`m an optimist and I hope that one day there will be hundreds of statues of this woman on her bicycle with her middle finger extended warning patriots that our president is a national disgrace.

This heroic woman has yet to be identified, and maybe it`s better if she isn`t, because she represents all of us who are horrified and disgusted by the short-fingered vulgarian.

This patriot on her mighty bicycle saluted Trump as his cavalcade passed her on its way out from the Trump National Golf Club. Trump spends almost every weekend at one of his golf resorts, patriots should greet him whenever he enters or leaves one of his resorts with extended middle fingers.

Flipping Trump the bird is the perfect way of demonstrating our contempt, it`s speaking in a language that he will understand, and it`s a reminder that everybody, even children, have longer fingers.

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Heartless Reporters Bring Their Children to White House to Meet Donald Trump

It`s a longstanding tradition for the children of the White House correspondents to visit the Oval Office for Halloween festivities.

Reporters who cover the White House are better acquainted than the rest of us with the corruption that permeates the ultimate seat of power.

Now that Donald Trump occupies the White House it`s the epicenter of evil in the world. Why in the name of everything that`s decent, holy, and pure would reporters bring their innocent children to the White House to meet Trump?

I would look more kindly on parents who offered their children as a sacrifice to Molech than on parents who took their kids to the White House to meet Trump.

Is it any wonder that the press has a lower approval rating than the most corrupt, evil and venial president in the history of the United States?

Did Trump interact with the children by dispensing pearls of wisdom and hugging them?

Bitch get real. Here`s some of the things he told them:

These are beautiful, wonderful children. You gonna grow up to be like your parents? Mmm, don`t answer. That could only get me in trouble, that question.

You have no weight problems. That`s the good news, right?

I cannot believe the media produced such beautiful children.

She is Japanese? Beautiful. She is Japane-I`m gonna be in Japan in two weeks. I`ll be in Japan.

Any person with a modicum of integrity would turn down an invitation to meet Trump, and he sure as hell wouldn`t drag his children to the White House to meet the monster.

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Bob Corker is Spot On! Donald Trump’s Legacy Will be the Debasement of Our Nation

“The public feud between Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) and President Donald Trump continued to escalate on Tuesday.

The GOP senator, who warned earlier this month that Trump`s behavior could lead to World War III, told CNN that he believes the president`s legacy will be the `debasement of our nation.`

`He`s obviously not going to rise to the occasion as president,` Corker said. “I think at the end of the day, when his term is over, I think the debasing of our nation, the constant non-truth-telling, just the name-calling – I think the debasement of our nation will be what he`ll be remembered most for. And that`s regretful.`”

Huffington Post

With his flair for showmanship President Donald Trump has turned the White House into a soap opera, every day we tune into CNN or MSNBC to find out which Cabinet official is on the verge of resignation, and which politician or pundit is the target of Trump`s vitriol on Twitter.

Most Republicans are resigned to the fact that this soap opera/farce will probably run for four years, and they keep quiet through every vicious tweet and every ridiculous statement.

But there are a few statesmen in the Republican Party like Sen. Bob Corker, Sen. John McCain, and Sen. Jeff Flake who put our democracy above their party and even their own careers.

These lions of the Senate have roared against Trump`s petty behavior, vulgar language, divisive rhetoric and racist pronouncements.

Corker got down to the crux of the argument when he declared that Trump`s legacy will be the debasement of our democracy.

Trump has debased political discourse, we know that behind closed doors presidents pepper their conversation with profanity. As a young boy I remember that I was more astonished that Nixon`s tapes revealed he uttered obscenities with abandon, than I was about the disclosure that he committed felonies.

But Trump has made it acceptable for politicians and the reporters covering them to utter obscenities in public.

Trump`s constant name-calling and belittling of his opponents has desensitized us to this kind of infantile behavior. We no longer bat an eye or lift an eyebrow when Trump christens a congressman or a Senator with a derogatory moniker.

Trump has debased our foreign relations, he berates heads of states on Twitter and in private conversations.

As patriots and citizens of this great nation we mustn`t accept this “new normal,”

We must keep resisting and keep fighting until Trump is removed from office, one way or another.

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The CNN ‘This is an Apple’ Ad

“CNN launched a Facts First marketing campaign this morning. The ad features only an apple, though it`s hard to see it as other than a nuts-to-you response to Donald Trump`s campaign to brand CNN as `Fake News.`

`This is an apple,` the ad begins:

Some people might tell you that it`s a banana.

They might scream banana, banana, banana, over and over and over again.

They might put BANANA in all caps.

You might even start to believe that this is a banana.

But it`s not.

This is an apple.

Facts First.



I would love to make my own video. My ad would feature only a Jack O` Lantern.

“This is a rotten Jack O` Lantern,” my ad begins.

Some delusional cultists might tell you that it`s the president of the United States.

They might scream president, president, over and over again, demanding that you grant him respect commensurate with his office.


You might even start to believe that this grotesque orange buffoon deserves to be treated with respect.

But he`s not entitled to any respect.

He`s a rotten orange freak.

The truth hurts.

Robert Paul Reyes

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Life-Size Trump Scarecrow At California Elementary Schools Scares Bejesus Out of Kids

“Parents are divided after a scarecrow depicting President Donald Trump was put up as part of a class project on the Santa Clarita Elementary School campus.

`No matter what your political affiliation is, this was 100% inappropriate for elementary students to see at Santa Clarita Elementary today!!` a Facebook post about the scarecrow read.

But some parents weren`t upset with the scarecrow.

`If only I could be so lucky to have someone like her teaching my children every year!!!,` said one parent with children taught by the teacher named in the original post. `Shame on the people who badmouth her and don`t even know her, nor do they even have a child in her classroom!!!!`


The school was provided with scarecrows for each class. Under the supervision of a teacher each class decided how to decorate their scarecrows.

The teacher whose young charges decided to dress one of the scarecrows as Donald Trump should be commended for reminding her students, with a clever Halloween decoration, that there`s evil in the world. Sometimes there is a bogeyman under year bed, a pedophile in a trench coat lurking near a public school, and a racist buffoon in the White House.

Creating a Trump scarecrow is the easiest thing in the world: Find a rotting pumpkin to represent his head, an empty suit to represent his torso, and Barbie hands.

It`s incumbent upon teachers and parents to teach our children that the profane, vulgar, mean-spirited and imbecile president doesn`t deserve our respect.

Get with the damn program and place your own Trump scarecrow on your font lawn this Halloween.

Pic of Trump scarecrow:

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October 2017 Archives Page 2:

Donald Trump Jr. Posts Fake Time Cover of Donald Trump as Superman! I Want to Die!

“Social media users took delight in ridiculing President Donald Trumps oldest son on Saturday after he posted a bizarre picture of his father on the Internet.

Sharing a fake Time Magazine cover photo to Instagram, the post shows the commander-in-chief depicted as a superhero reminiscent of Superman.

The image also depicts the President with a long golden beard with a `T` instead of an `S` emblazoned across his chest.”

Daily Mail

It seems Junior shares his dad`s penchant for posting nonsense on social media and his love for fake Time Magazine covers.

Donald Trump Jr. may see his father as a Superman, but the rest of the world sees him as an arch-villain, such as the vengeful demon Pumpkinhead, that Superman would utterly destroy.

The fake Time Magazine cover depicts the Trump superhero with a long golden beard. I doubt the real Donald Trump can grow more than a wispy goatee, but if he had a long beard, it would certainly be golden because his sidekicks would be harlots who would always be satisfying his need for golden showers.

This disturbing image would be perfect on the cover of an alt-right porn DVD favored by the likes of Richard Spencer or on the wall of a museum whose curator is Satan himself.

If you are a fan of the Superman franchise, I beg you don`t click the link at the bottom of this page! You will never want to see another Superman movie!

See the hideous image for yourself, if you dare!

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Donald Trump’s Renoir is as Fake as his Orange Complexion

“A PAINTING which Donald Trump claims is a real Renoir is fake according to experts.

The US President`s biographer, Tim O`Brien, said he first spotted the Two Sisters artwork by the French impressionist on Trump`s private jet.

Mr O`Brien told Vanity Fair`s “Inside the Hive” podcast that he alerted the US President to that fact that the painting was a fake.

He says he was told by Mr Trump `You know that`s an original Renoir` to which Mr O`Brien responded `Donald it`s not`.

However Mr O`Brien claims Mr Trump still boasted the painting was an original and it now hangs in Trump Tower in New York where it could be seen in the background during a `60 Minutes` interview after he won the election in 2016.”

The Sun

The incident that Trump`s biographer, Tim O`Brien, describes occurred when Trump was a private citizen. The billionaire`s penchant for lying, and never admitting the truth even when confronted with incontrovertible evidence that he`s wrong has been a lifelong pattern, and at 71-years he`s not suddenly going to change course.

Trump doesn`t know an impressionist painting from an abstract one, Renoir is a brand name, and that`s the only reason the vulgar Philistine owns the fake Renoir.

If an interviewer asked the president why he slathers his face with sun tan lotion, he would swear that he`s never bought sun tan lotion in his life and that orange is his natural complexion.

Trump will tell an outrageous lie, such as his claim that Hillary won the popular vote because millions of undocumented immigrants voted for her, and then he will constantly repeat it until he and his followers believe it`s the Gospel truth.

You don`t have to be a rocket scientist or an art major to know that the real Renoir is hanging in the Chicago Art Museum and not in Trump`s mansion.

Trump`s supporters are enthralled by their plastic Messiah, and they may accept his alternate truth, but it`s incumbent upon the press to point out that the emperor is buck naked.

Trump`s isn`t well-endowed, the crowd at his inauguration didn`t set records, millions of undocumented immigrants didn`t vote for Hillary, and his Renoir isn`t the genuine article.

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The Southern Poverty Law Center Should Classify the White Evangelical Movement as a Hate Group

“MSNBCs Morning Joe`on Tuesday, host Joe Scarborough delivered a sermon about President Trump.

The MSNBC host said he didn`t understand the `fever` which has gripped the Republican Party in the age of Donald Trump –and said the president represents `the antithesis of just about every single thing that Jesus Christ said on the Sermon on the Mount.`

`Some things cannot be debated: You look in Matthew and go through the Beatitudes, every single Beatitude, you go through Jesus` teaching, what he says he wants people to be,` Scarborough said. `Donald Trump is the antithesis of just about every single thing that Jesus Christ said on the Sermon of the Mount.`”

Real Clear Politics

Joe Scarborough has a patrician bearing, he`s a policy wonk who waxes eloquent when it comes to defining and describing Republican orthodoxy.

But on Tuesday of this week he was preaching like a tent show evangelist: His text the Sermon on the Mount, his point, that he drove home like a sledgehammer on a thumbtack, that Trump is the antithesis of all the virtues mentioned in that famous passage of Scripture.

I kept looking at the TV screen for the toll-free phone number where I could send in a donation to the Rev. Scarborough.

Amen brother Joe! Amen.

Trump isn`t just an antithesis of a pious Christian, he`s the antithesis of a human being. He`s a disgusting reptilian creature who escaped from the bowels of hell.

You`d think most Christians would share Scarborough`s disgust at Trump`s immoral and vulgar policies and behavior, but this abomination is revered as a political Messiah by white evangelicals.

The short-fingered vulgarian has been embraced by most white evangelical leaders and most of their followers.

The Southern Poverty Law Center should classify the white evangelical movement as a hate group.

From this point forward the white evangelical movement is anathema to me.

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Watch Video and You Will Understand Why Hillary Clinton Lost to a Vulgar Pig

“Failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton became visibly irritated during an interview with Australian TV when she was asked about Wikileaks and its founder, Julian Assange.

In the interview with 4corners, she appeared tired with bags under her eyes, and her bitterness over losing the election to Donald Trump clearly remained.”

American Mirror

If you want to know why career politician Hillary Clinton lost to a neophyte candidate who was totally unqualified to be president of the United States look no further than this interview.

Hilton is accustomed to American reporters treating her with deference, and she doesn`t expect them to challenge any of her statements.

When Hillary told an Australian reporter that Julian Assange was a nihilist opportunist who does the bidding of Putin, the interviewer challenged her noting that many people in Australia view Assange as a martyr for free speech and freedom of information.

It was like a switch was turned on, Hillary became instantly cold, and she never regained her composure.

Even an atheist who doesn`t believe in anything supernatural would be convinced that Hillary is possessed by an evil spirit after spending only a few minutes with the loathsome entity.

Even an advocate for LGBT rights will be convinced that Hillary is the stereotypical butch lesbian who hates life in general and men in particular after engaging with the bitter cow for only a few moments.

Even a lifelong Democrat will be convinced that Hillary is a Republican plant meant to turn away voters from the Democratic Party after enduring a cup of coffee with the witch.

Is it any wonder that voters preferred a racist, no-nothing buffoon over the pantsuit-wearing fiend?

Link to video:

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True Christians Should be Horrified by the Evangelical Movement’s Embrace of Trump

“At the annual Values Voter Summit (VVS) in Washington this weekend, former congresswoman Michele Bachmann, who serves on Donald Trump`s evangelical advisory board, said in an interview with me on SiriusXM Progress that Donald Trump is now a `committed believer` of Jesus Christ and a `man of faith` who has `asked God for help and wisdom.`”

Huffington Post

At the annual Values Voter Summit where evangelicals congregated to celebrate the ascension of the short-fingered vulgarian to the presidency, Trump bathed in their adoration and showered them with enough red meat to make them writhe in ecstasy.

Michelle Bachmann declared that the man who on a daily basis craps on the Constitution and the teachings of Jesus is now a “committed believer of Jesus Christ” and a “man of faith” who has “asked God for help and wisdom.”

Bachmann`s utterance is enough to make any genuine Christian vomit, Trump has never publicly declared that he`s a committed believer of Jesus Christ or a man of faith. If Trump communes with the Almighty at all, it`s to berate Him for failing to smite his myriad enemies.

Bachmann went on to explain that Trump isn`t acting under his own authority, but under the authority of God. What was left unsaid is that if we complain about the president`s racist and misogynist comments and policies we are fighting against God.

The mainstream evangelical movement has thoroughly aligned itself with the alt-right and Donald Trump, and any evangelical who is a true believer in Jesus, should disavow the evangelical movement.

To paraphrase the words of Jesus, “You can`t serve God and Trump,” the evangelical movement can save itself only if it decides that following Jesus is more important than their political agenda.

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Larry Flynt Offers $10 Million for Dirt on Donald Trump

“Pornography publisher Larry Flynt is offering $10 million in cash for any information leading to the impeachment of U.S. President Donald Trump.

Flynt, who is best known as the publisher of Hustler magazine, took out a full page ad in the Sunday edition of The Washington Post.

In the ad, Flynt lists six charges that he believes constitutes the basis for impeachment, including colluding with a `hostile foreign power to rig our election`, to `inciting violent civil strife.`

The businessman said that the offer to pay for information is real.

`I do not expect any of Trump`s billionaire cronies to rat him out, but I am confident that there are many people in the know for whom $10 million is a lot of money. And just because you pay for information, doesn`t mean it`s not good. Make no mistake, I fully intend to pay the entire sum,` the ad read.”


I don`t think this is a publicity stunt, the pugnacious pornographer can`t abide what Trump is doing to our democracy, and he is willing to put his money where his mouth is.

I think we can all stipulate that Donald Trump isn`t a Boy Scout, as a real estate mogul, entertainer and President of the United States, his modus operandi has been to lie, cheat and bend the law to reach the top.

In the 1970`s the Justice Department accused the Trump organization of systematically discriminating against African Americans wishing to rent his apartments, and since then he`s demonstrated his racism against people of color a hundred times.

You can`t imprison someone for being a racist, but did Trump break the law when he was a builder and real estate magnate? It`s impossible to erect skyscrapers in Manhattan without striking deals with unions that are controlled by organized crime, especially in the 70`s and 80`s. Is there a patriotic Mafioso who is willing to rat out Trump?

Trump would rather appear naked on television and expose his tiny genitals than release his tax returns. Is the smoking gun that can kill this abomination buried in his tax returns? Is there a patriotic IRS employee who will release his returns?

Trump is an admitted serial groper, but has he committed sex crimes? The persistent rumors that he had sex with underage girls may be true, judging by the contented look on his face when a prepubescent Ivanka gave him a lap dance. Is there a patriot woman who was raped by Trump when she was a child willing to come forward for a cool $10 million?

Born again Christians forgive Trump for all his sexual indiscretions, even though he has never admitted any wrongdoing. But even evangelicals would turn against him if there was proof that he raped young girls.

We don`t have the luxury of waiting until Robert Mueller`s investigation is complete, and he finds proof that Trump obstructed justice and colluded with the Russians.

Trump may ignite a nuclear war before then, if anyone has proof that Trump committed a crime, for the love of God and $10 million bucks step forward now.

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Bob Corker Blasts Donald Trump for Castrating Rex Tillerson

“US Republican senator Bob Corker stepped up his public feud with Donald Trump on Friday, saying the presidents undermining of his secretary of state was like castrating him in public.

Corker told the Washington Post in an interview that Trump had undercut Rex Tillerson`s efforts to enlist China in reining in North Korea`s nuclear program by denigrating the diplomat.

Tillerson told a news conference in Beijing two weeks ago that the US was directly communicating with North Korea on its nuclear and missile programs, but it had shown no interest in dialogue.

Trump took to Twitter the next day, saying Tillerson was `wasting his time` trying to negotiate with the North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un.”

The Guardian

Donald Trump ridicules anyone who opposes his words or policies mercilessly on Twitter, but Senator Bob Corker seems to be impervious to the president`s sophomoric tweets.

Trump has turned one of his earliest and most fervent supporters into an implacable foe, and as chairman of the powerful Senate foreign relations committee Corker is in a position to block Trump`s agenda.

Corker is spot on, Trump has effectively castrated his Secretary of State in public rendering him impotent as America`s top diplomat.

Tillerson was spot on when he called Trump a “fuc*ing moron,” only a clueless president would tell his Secretary of State that he is wasting his time negotiating. Diplomats negotiate, that`s what they freaking do!

I wish there were more Republicans in Congress who would publicly condemn Trump for his despicable behavior and actions.

I wish that the Trump administration officials, like Tillerson, who privately bash their Dear Leader, would man up and quit, and publicly disavow him.

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Donald Trump Flings Red Meat at Values Voter Summit! Evangelicals Enthralled by the Vulgar Moron

The Republican Party controls both chambers of Congress, and President Donald Trump is nominally a Republican, but after nine months in office he doesn`t have any significant legislative victories under his belt.

The Great Dealmaker has managed to offend and alienate key Republican members of Congress, dooming his efforts to repeal and replace Obamacare, pass a tax reform law or build his cherished wall.

In lieu of any legislative victories Trump has signed one executive order after another, and thrown enough red meat to his supporters to feed an army.

This morning at the Values Voter Summit Trump promiscuously dished out red meat to the adoring conservative crowd. Two years ago before Trump announced he was running for president, the thrice-married short-fingered vulgarian would have been anathema to the socially conservative audience, but proving that they value politics over Christian values they treated him like a rock star.

Trump trumped his greatest hits, declaring that his administration had “returned moral clarity to our view of the world,” and promising to end the war on Christmas.

“They don`t use the word Christmas because it is not politically correct,” Trump said, “We`re saying Merry Christmas again.”

Needless to say there is no war on Christmas, retailers instruct their sales staff to greet customers with exclamations of “Merry Christmas,” they will do anything to get customers to buy crap they don`t need.

Trump is the ultimate con artist, he will wrap himself in the flag and the national anthem, and adopt the vernacular of a televangelist to retain control of his base.

I`m not surprised Trump is able to bamboozle evangelical Christians who send televangelists millions for prayer cloths and other religious trinkets, but it`s a crying shame many level-headed Republicans are also enthralled by him.

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Eminem’s Anti-Trump Freestyle Rap Silliest Thing I’ve Ever Seen

The only thing more ridiculous than septuagenarian rockers like the Rolling Stones performing and engaging in all the histrionics of rock stars is a middle-aged rapper grabbing his crotch and rapping about bitches and bling.

Rap is a young man`s game, and there should be a rule that a rapper should retire when he reaches age 30.

I didn`t watch the annual BET Hip Hop Awards show, but I caught Eminem`s freestyle rap on YouTube.

It`s the most ridiculous shi* I`ve seen in ages, watching a middle-aged white millionaire clad entirely in black, wearing the requisite hoodie, and rapping obscene anti-Trump lyrics while grabbing his crotch almost made me hurl.

For some reason Eminem gets a ghetto pass from a segment of the rap community, but where I`m from he`s almost a big of a clown as Trump.

Bitch please, you aren`t black and you aren`t relevant, not in the hip hop community and not in the culture at large.

I don`t need a white rapper with a long history of misogynist and homophobic lyrics preaching to me about any subject under the sun.

In the video Eminem stalks around a parking garage with a group of young black men standing silently behind him. In the real world those black dudes would have beat his punk ass for appropriating their culture.

Bitch please, Trump is such an easy target, why don`t you turn your fury on Harvey Weinstein.

I hope Eminem and Trump share a room forever in hell, fuc* those losers.

Watch Eminem make an ass out of himself:

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Trump May Visit DMZ! Who’s Behind This Plan Mike Pence?

“U.S. President Donald Trump may travel to the heavily fortified demilitarized zone (DMZ) separating North and South Korea when he visits South Korea next month, the South`s Yonhap news agency said on Tuesday, citing a defense source.

The White House sent an advance team of working-level officials in late September to check candidate sites for Trump`s “special activity” in South Korea, the source was quoted as saying.

A trip to the DMZ, following in the footsteps of his predecessor, Barack Obama, and Vice President Mike Pence, would bring Trump within yards of North Korean soldiers, who stand eyeball to eyeball with their South Korean enemies, and likely be regarded by the North as highly provocative.”


I wonder if Vice President Mike Pence is behind the plan to have President Donald Trump travel to the DMZ, he strikes me as an ambitious politician who is itching to be in charge.

Having Trump visit the DMZ within shooting distance of North Korean soldiers strikes me as dangerous as scheduling him to speak at an antifa rally.

How can the North Korean soldiers be expected to refrain themselves from shooting the buffoon who`s always ridiculing their Dear Leader?

As much as I want to see Trump dead, I hope to God cooler heads prevail and he doesn`t visit the DMZ. I want Trump dispatched to hell, but not if it means World War III.

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Evangelical Christian Mike Pence Willing to Sell His Soul to Protect Satanic Donald Trump

“On Saturday, Vice President Mike Pence was in Las Vegas honoring the victims of the largest mass shooting in modern American history. Less than 24 hours later, he was in Indiana walking out of the Indianapolis Colts game against the San Francisco 49ers after several of the players failed to stand during the National Anthem.

`I left today`s Colts game because @POTUS and I will not dignify any event that disrespects our soldiers, our Flag, or our National Anthem,` Pence wrote on Twitter by way of explanation.

President Donald Trump, never one to cede to the spotlight, quickly took to Twitter to claim credit for Pence`s walk-out. `I asked @VP Pence to leave stadium if any players kneeled, disrespecting our country. I am proud of him and @SecondLady Karen,` tweeted Trump. He continued to inject himself into the moment Monday morning, tweeting that Pence received `great praise` for leaving the game.”


Vice President Mike Pence flew on Air Force Two from Las Vegas to Indianapolis to attend the game between the Colts and the 49ers.

After attending the game for the sole purpose of engaging in his publicity stunt, he flew to California — the cynical ploy cost taxpayers almost $300,000.

Former 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick started the kneeling during the National Anthem protest a year ago, and ever since some 49ers always kneel during the anthem.

Pence knew there was a 100% certainty that a few 49ers would kneel during the playing of the National Anthem, his sole purpose for attending the football game was to engage in his publicity stunt to distract attention from Rex Tillerson calling the president a fuc*ing moron and Republican Sen. Bob Corker warning that Trump may lead us to World War III.

The only thing that the evangelical Christian Pence accomplished is prove that he is willing to sell his soul to protect the image of the satanic Donald Trump.

Time for revolution?

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Shame on Thomas Gunderson for Standing Up for Donald Trump

“A man who was shot in the leg during the Las Vegas mass shooting didnt let his injury hold him back from standing up to greet President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump.

Thomas Gunderson was attending the Route 91 Harvest Festival on Sunday night when he was horrifically injured when Stephen Paddock, 64, sprayed bullets on more than 20,000 concertgoers.

Gunderson, of California, said he was running toward Mandalay Bay when a bullet pierced his leg.

`There may be plenty of issues in this country but I will always respect my country, my president and my flag. Shot in the leg or not, I will stand to show my President the respect he deserves!` Gunderson wrote.”

Daily Mail

If I were in the same circumstances as Gunderson I would have stood up to greet the orderly who changed my bedpan, the surgeon who repaired my shattered leg, and any of the first responders.

But I would have endured the excruciating pain of standing up for Trump only to piss on his shiny shoes.

Tragedies tend to unite us, they blur our political and religious differences, and bring us together as Americans facing off against a common foe, be it a natural disaster or terrorism.

But not even the Apocalypse could narrow the chasm that exists between an imperial racist president and most of the American people.

I wish Gunderson a speedy recovery, but he`s dead wrong in his belief that Trump deserves our respect.

By his words and behavior Trump has earned the undying disdain of any American who values liberty, equality and racial harmony.

By standing up for Trump Gunderson is enabling Trump`s racist agenda! Shame on Trump and shame on Gunderson!

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Rex Tillerson is Right, Donald Trump is a Moron

“Discord between President Donald Trump and his chief diplomat is at an all-time high, spilling into public view in recent days and peaking with a NBC News report Wednesday that Secretary of State Rex Tillerson called Trump a moron in a Pentagon meeting.

Trump was aware before Wednesday`s report that Tillerson had referred to him as a `moron` at the Pentagon this summer, a source familiar with the conversation told CNN, but it`s unclear whether Trump discussed the remark with Tillerson. Trump was not present at the Pentagon meeting. A White House source also confirmed to CNN that Trump knew about the insult prior to Wednesday.

During a hastily arranged statement Wednesday morning, Tillerson insisted he enjoys a close relationship with Trump and called him `smart.` But he would not directly deny that he`d called Trump a `moron.`”


Donald Trump expects obsequiousness from his subordinates, and he considers their most important responsibility to shower him with praise.

To work in the Trump administration a man must sear his conscience and hand over his balls to the buffoon-in-chief on a silver platter.

By all accounts Rex Tillerson called Trump not just a moron, but a fuc*ing moron. There are good-natured morons, and then there are evil fuc*ing morons like Trump.

Tillerson didn`t explicitly deny referring to Trump as a moron, which left the fuc*ing moron seething in anger.

You don`t have to be a rocket scientist or a political analyst to deduce that Tillerson`s days are numbered.

Trump would have summarily fired Tillerson if it weren`t for the fact that too many administration officials have recently been fired or forced to resign.

If Tillerson has a shred of dignity he will resign before the fuc*ing moron fires him.

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In Meeting With Military Donald Trump Talks About ‘Calm Before the Storm’

“After discussing Iran and North Korea with U.S. military leaders on Thursday, President Donald Trump posed for a photo with them before dinner and declared the moment `the calm before the storm.`

`You guys know what this represents?` Trump said after journalists gathered in the White House state dining room to photograph him and first lady Melania Trump with the uniformed military leaders and their spouses.

`Maybe it`s the calm before the storm,` he said.

What storm?

`You`ll find out,` Trump told questioning reporters”


When the commander-in-chief and his military brass are assembled before the press, and he declares that the moment represents “the calm before the storm,” that chilling statement would elicit ominous headlines if the president were anybody other than Donald Trump.

But Trump has a history of making outlandish comments, and his statement (joke?) was ill-advised and reckless, but I don`t think we should worry about any impending military action.

Although our relations with Iran and especially North Korea are at a boiling point, in no small part due to Trump`s bombastic and inflammatory rhetoric.

A pundit would have just as much luck trying to discern the meaning of Trump`s noxious farts as they would trying to make sense out of the nonsense that spews from his mouth.

I would advise my fellow Americans to chill out, just remember that our reality show president is liable to say anything for dramatic effect.

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Donald Trump Tossing Paper Towels Is His ‘Let Them Eat Cake’ Moment

“Let them eat cake!”

This is a proverb that demonstrates insensitivity to or incomprehension of the realities of life of the disenfranchised. The philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau, in his confessions, tells of a princess who on being informed that the peasants had no bread, replied, “Let them eat cake.”

While the phrase is commonly attributed to the French Queen Marie Antoinette, there`s no record of her having said it.

Donald Trump is oblivious to the stark realities of life of the urban poor. He can`t relate to normal folks, and he obviously has no clue how to relate to normal folks trying to survive in the aftermath of a natural disaster.

The spectacle of Donald Trump tossing paper towels to the survivors of Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico defines the cruelty and stupidity of the Trump administration, and it`s his “Let them eat cake” moment.

The optics of the billionaire president tossing paper towels as if he was playing fetch with dogs underscores his racism and disdain for anyone who isn`t white.

I shouldn`t be so harsh, I must admit a roll of paper towels is a perfect gift for the survivors of Hurricane Maria. Puerto Ricans can use the paper towels to clean the floors of their houses that have been defiled by sewer water. And with a dash of hot pepper a paper towel can fill the stomach of a Puerto Rican who doesn`t have anything to eat.

Marie Antoinette, regardless if she ever uttered the immortal phrase “Let them eat cake,” was beheaded in the French Revolution.

Heads should roll over the incompetent federal response to the devastation wreaked by Hurricane Maria, started with Donald Trump. I leave it to you, my dear reader, to discern if I`m speaking literally or metaphorically.

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