Donald Trump’s Twitter Feed Gives Us a Glimpse Into His Sick Mind

“It’s hard to even imagine President Donald Trump’s Twitter addiction getting worse, but we may be living through just that right now. Consider that over the past 24 hours, Trump has tweeted (and retweeted) 52 things. In a 30-minute span on Monday night, he retweeted 24 items — about nine different topics and from 15 people.”


I tweet almost as much as Donald Trump, but I’m not the Leader of the Free World with a pile of existential threats to society in my in box.

The stable genius has to answer to the American public for wasting his time posting mean-spirited and deceitful tweets, while I have to answer only to my employer since I do most of my tweeting during my work hours.

Trump’s Twitter feed is a window into the fuc*ing moron’s warped mind, and reading his tweets on a daily basis gives us an indication if it’s finally time to put him in a straightjacket or at least bind his tiny fingers.

What did Trump tweet about over the past 24 hours? Who gives a rat’s ass, it’s just the typical rantings of a diseased mind!

Although it’s noteworthy that that many of Trump’s posts are retweets, he’s too lazy to come up with original content. You’d be well advised to unfollow Trump on Twitter, why not follow me instead @robertpaulreyes Read More:

Twitter Purges Site of Suspicious Accounts

“Twitter users across the globe may see a drop in their followers this week as the social media platform purges the site of suspicious accounts.”

U.S. News and World Report

America is a classless society, we don`t have a religious caste system like India or a social class system like England. When we apply for a job our prospective employer doesn`t care if our ancestors arrived on the Mayflower, or if our parents are members of an exclusive golf resort. Ideally any employer will be concerned only with our education, experience, wisdom and skills.

However in this digital age any employer would be derelict in his duties if he didn`t investigate our social media profile. Whenever I apply for a job I assume that I will be googled and that my Twitter and Facebook accounts will be scrutinized.

A social media presence is more important than a social pedigree or financial success or lack thereof, and it`s incumbent upon us to ensure that there`s nothing negative on our social media sites.

I`m not quite an anal-retentive as Millennials in regularly updating my social media accounts, but for a Baby Boomer I have an impressive presence on the Internet. I have published political essays online since 1998, and thousands of my articles, for good or ill, are available online for anyone to read. I also have a Twitter feed, a Facebook page and a Linkedin account.

I was dismayed this morning when I checked my Twitter feed and discovered that I had lost about two hundred followers. Even though I take Twitter`s word that they were purging the site of suspicious accounts, i.e. trolls and bots, I still feel like I just checked my checking account and discovered that I have $200 less than I expected.

But I`m probably not as shocked as celebrities who have millions of fake accounts, for example a survey has shown that more than a quarter of Trump`s followers are not real people. I just hope that Twitter purged the accounts of celebrities as thoroughly as they did those of regular folks.

My precipitous drop in Twitter followers was a slap on the face, if you enjoy reading my essays I hope you will empathize with me, and follow me on Twitter.

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Twitter Employee Deletes Donald Trump’s Twitter Feed on His Last Day of Work

On Thursday President Donald Trump`s Twitter feed went down, unfortunately it was restored 11 minutes later.

A Twitter customer support employee performed the community service on his last day. We all have fantasies about wreaking havoc on our last day of work: Downloading porn on the boss`s laptop, spiking the water cooler, keying the car of the office gossip … But deleting the Twitter feed of the most powerful man in the world, if only for a few minutes, is truly epic.

There is so much tomfoolery, fake news, and just plain meanness that emanates from Trump`s Twitter feed, many of Trump`s supporters and enemies have attempted to curb his addiction to his favorite social media platform.

The as yet unidentified Twitter employee probably committed a crime shutting down Trump`s Twitter account, but I hope he`s not in any serious trouble. Let the man who hasn`t fantasized about shutting up Trump permanently by breaking his baby hands cast the first stone at the Twitter employee.

if I was the CEO of Twitter I would give the patriotic Twitter employee a generous severance package, and the “Employee of the Year” award.

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