The Symbiotic Relationship Between Trump and White Evangelicals

The toxic and symbiotic relationship between Donald Trump and white evangelicals has changed since 2016 when the Bible thumpers initially tentatively embraced the amoral bastard.

Back then they were queasy and hesitant to publicly support the pathological liar, serial philanderer and unethical real estate tycoon. The sanctimonious hypocrites distanced themselves from his immoral conduct, penchant for uttering profanities and petty vindictiveness, but they embraced his stand against abortion and his affinity for the Zionist state of Israel.

They regarded Trump as a corrupt politician but nevertheless a messiah chosen by the Almighty to Make America Great Again and to turn back the tide of moral decadence.

But now white evangelicals are as corrupt, petty and vindictive as their Dear Leader. Trump has a cultlike hold on his evangelical devotees, and they support him not despite the fact that he’s amoral, but precisely because he’s a ruthless moral monster who’s on a mission from God to destroy liberals.

In 2016 they cringed when Trump uttered an obscenity at his MAGA rallies, now they laugh and recite the profanity along with him. They experience a spiritual orgasm when Trump engages in violent and hateful rhetoric. In short, they have become indistinguishable from their evil leader, and they have turned into the moral decadence that is ruining our great democracy.

The end stage of this symbiotic relationship is when the parasite from hell Trump, has sucked every last drop of goodness that may have existed at one time in the white evangelical movement.