Lindsey Graham Sees “Magic” in the Steaming Pile of Manure Known as Donald Trump

Senator Lindsey Graham’s virulent 2015 attacks on presidential candidate Trump transformed into adulation once the reality show buffoon accomplished the seemingly impossible and won the election. The vehement critic transformed into a subservient fluffer, because the senator from North Carolina cares more about political power than he does about morality and democracy.  A profile in courage, he’s not.

Throughout Trump’s chaotic four-year term, Graham made excuses and justifications for the president’s myriad acts of racism, incompetence and corruption.

After Trump’s incitement led to the storming of the Capitol, Graham finally broke with Trump. “Count me out. Enough is enough”, he thundered on the Senate floor.

A few days later Graham was verbally attacked at an airport by a handful of MAGA faithful for his betrayal of Graham, and the cowardly senator returned to the fold, and once again defended Trump.

Graham further prostrated himself before his orange deity this weekend when he declared there was some “magic” in the disgraced twice-impeached former president.

“There’s something about Trump. There’s a dark side and there’s some magic there. What I’m trying to do is harness the magic,” Graham blathered.

There is no magic in Trump, there never was. There’s only a bottomless pit of cruelty, racism, pettiness, misogyny, homophobia, incompetence, corruption …

Only a spiritually blind and politically pragmatic fool like Graham will see any magic in the steaming pile of dog shit known as Donald Trump.

Lindsey Graham Says Blacks Can Go Anywhere in South Carolina if Conservative

“Graham made the comment in a televised ‘conversation’ with his political rival, former South Carolina Democratic party chair Jaime Harrison, the first African American to serve in the role.

He made the remark in the context of political careers, and said Harrison would lose because he is a Democrat, not because he is Black.

‘Do I believe our cops are systemically racist? No. Do I believe South Carolina is a racist state? No. Let me tell you why. To young people out there, young people of color, young immigrants, this is a great state, but one thing I can say without any doubt, you can be an African American and go to the Senate but you just have to share our values.’

He went on to say: ‘If you’re a young, African American or an immigrant, you can go anywhere in this state, you just need to be conservative, not liberal”.

The Guardian

South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham believes that if you’re a young African America you can go far in South Carolina and in Trump’s America as long as you are a conservative.

Graham wears rose-colored glasses in which systemic racism and police brutality don’t exist and blacks and other minorities can go far as long as they subscribe to conservative dogma that dehumanizes immigrants, Muslims, blacks, gays and women.

In other words, as long as they are Uncle Toms like the other senator from his state, Tim Scott, they are welcome under the GOP big tent. Just slap on an ingratiating smile like Scott, and you will go far young black man.

But if you are a black liberal who spouts nonsense like criminal justice reform, racial equality, reparations, Medicare for all …, you will be treated like a second-class citizen.

The voters of South Carolina must reject Graham’s plantation mentality, it has no place it a religiously and ethnically diverse democracy.

Graham is a self-loathing gay man who knows his fellow Republicans would turn against him if he sashayed out of the closet. He denies his sexual orientation, and he expects African Americans to likewise deny the progressive agenda that accepts them as equal members of our democracy. Sorry Lady G, not everyone is a sniveling coward like you.

The Ballad of Lindsey Graham, That’s Lady G to You!

Some call her Lady Graham and some call her Lady G,

but a lady she taint,

In fact this hypocrite is hardly a saint.

She’ll give you nightmares about ladybugs and such,

She’ll blab about Trump until you tell her to just hush.

You don’t have to be a rocket scientist or a stable genius,

to decipher why her mouth is orange like a pumpkin.

Everyone knows why even a white evangelical or a country bumpkin.

Lady G has Trump’s back, and Pence has hers,

gosh this gay train is so long,

So many sycophants really make you want to hit the bong.

Lady G sashay out of the closet,

stop kissing Trump’s ass,

Show us that the lady has some brass.