Trump Will be Impeached by the House and Acquitted by the Senate. It’s Up to the Electorate to Kick Him Out of Office

The impending impeachment of President Donald Trump is the strongest rebuke that the House of Representatives can meet out to a president, a permanent stain on his already dubious legacy, and an asterisk next to his name in the history books.

As sure as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, the Republican controlled Senate will acquit Trump. The impeachment of the stable genius won’t be a restraint on his unbridled speech, immoral behavior or authoritarian tendencies.

On the contrary, Trump’s acquittal by his sycophants in the Senate will embolden him. The buffoon-in-chief will rightly conclude that he is above the law, and that he is beholden to no man and no rule of law including the constitution.

When the Senate votes to acquit Trump, a precedent will be set in stone: a president can do anything to win reelection and he can do anything to avoid accountability.

Trump will be impeached by the House, acquitted by the Senate, and if he is reelected, he will make the first term version of himself look like a paragon of virtue.

Trump will be insufferable in 2020, he will spike the football, brag about how he was exonerated by the Senate, and ridicule the hapless Democrats.

It’s incumbent upon the electorate to issue their verdict, and kick the corrupt, immoral, racist, degenerate buffoon out of office.

Donald Trump Says That He Dreams About Mayor Pete

“Donald Trump said this week that he dreams about out Democratic presidential hopeful Pete Buttigieg — and Buttigieg finds that pretty unsettling.

‘I mean, you have Alfred E. Neuman who’s running, who’s like this guy?’ Trump said at a campaign rally in Hershey, Pa., Tuesday night. Neuman is the big-eared, grinning, goofy-looking mascot of Mad magazine. ‘This guy Buttigieg, Boot-edge-edge. Can you believe he’s doing well? He’s like the leading fundraiser. I dream about him! It’s true. No, Boot-edge-edge!'”

The Advocate

It’s a great compliment when lovers or friends tell you that they dream about you, it means that you’ve made such a positive impact on their lives and they trust you so much that you inhabit their minds when they’re in their most vulnerable state. It could be argued that when your lover tells you that she dreams about you, it means even more than when she declares that she loves you.

But it’s unsettling to say the least when a powerful and evil man tells you that he dreams about you. When a lover tells you that she dreams about you it’s a comforting and heartwarming thought, but when a corrupt and malevolent entity tells you that he dreams about you, it’s a threat.

Mayor Pete has my sympathies, I wouldn’t be able to sleep at night if the stable genius publicly declared that he dreams about me. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist or a psychiatrist to deduce that the primal urges of sex and power dominate Trump’s dreams. Poor Pete is probably wondering if the physically hideous president is having wet dreams about him, or if he is dreaming about destroying him.

In an interview with the Washington Post Mayor Pete responded to Trump’s disturbing tweet:

“I will admit it did bother me when he says he dreams about me. I don’t know what goes on in this president’s dreams, but I’m sure I want absolutely nothing to do with them.”

I hope Trump’s nightmare comes true and Buttigieg wins the Democratic presidential race, the intelligent, articulate, spiritual and young Mayor of South Bend, Indiana would crush the idiotic, unintelligible, immoral and decrepit illegitimate President of the United States.

Creepy Old Donald Trump Attacks Teen Climate Change Activist Greta Thunberg, Again

President Donald Trump has 60+ million Twitter followers, and when he attacks an individual on his favorite social media platform, whether it’s a celebrity, a politician, a judge or a teen climate change activist many of his followers will channel his cruelty and pile on.

The stable genius blasted Greta Thunberg, a 16-year-old girl with Asperger’s syndrome who has rallied efforts at fighting climate change around the world with these loathsome words on Twitter:

“Greta must work on her Anger Management problem, then go to a good old fashioned movie with a friend.” “Chill Greta, Chill,” the irrational and hot-tempered Leader of the Free World advised the child activist.

Donald Trump has complained in prior years when Time magazine failed to select him as “The Person of the Year”, therefore he was furious when the prestigious publication snubbed the climate change denier-in-chief and picked a teen girl climate change activist for the honor.

Greta didn’t respond to Trump’s nasty tweet in stereotypical teen fashion by tweeting:

Oh just shut your trap you ugly orange fat toad!

Instead she gently trolled him by changing her Twitter bio to read:

“A teenager working on her anger management problem. Currently chilling and watching a good old fashioned movie with a friend.”

This isn’t the first time Trump has attacked Greta on Twitter, doesn’t he realize how unseemly it is for a 73-year-old man to be so fixated on a young girl?

Of course Trump was again projecting, he’s the cruel bastard with anger management issues, and the whole world wishes he would chill the hell out and stop spreading hate on Twitter.

Trump’s Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham Tweets: ‘Let’s be Honest’

Let’s be honest: the press are invited into roundtables & events on specific topics almost every day – and our guests have to “sit there” as they shout questions on subjects completely unrelated to the event at hand. As always, the hypocrisy here is stark.

Stephanie Grisham

Only political junkies are aware that Stephanie Grisham is the White House press secretary, considering she’s never held a single press briefing. That’s like a fire fighter who’s never put out a fire, or rescued a kitten stuck in a tree.

Donald Trump is the liar-in-chief, according to the Washington Post he has lied over 13,000 times since assuming office. All administration officials, and especially the White House press secretary whose job it is to spin Trump’s idiotic and nonsensical tweets and comments, are forced to lie in order to make him seem halfway rational.

No Trump administration official should ever preface his or her comments by saying, “Let’s be honest.” Honesty is a foreign concept to them, they wouldn’t know the truth if it bit them in the butt.

Let’s be honest, you have never invited the press to a White House press briefing and you should be ashamed to cash your paycheck.

Let’s be honest, your perpetually grouchy disposition makes the colicky Sarah Huckabee seem like Ms. Sunshine.

Let’s be honest indeed! Admit that Trump is a lying know-nothing buffoon, and you have the most thankless job in the world.

Would You Buy a MAGA Pride T-Shirt From the Trump/Pence Campaign Web Site?

List of items I would expect to be available at the Trump/Pence campaign web site:

Bibles signed by their false Messiah, Donald Trump Extra-large Depend adult diapers, “For the senior citizen in your life who wants to dress just like Trump.”

MAGA hats, “For informal occasions when a KKK hood isn’t required.”

American flag thong bikini, “For the patriot who wishes to protest godless liberals who desecrate and burn the flag.”

One thing I would not expect to find for sale is a Make America Great Again Pride T-Shirt in rainbow letters. It’s advertised under the caption: Show your support for the LGBT community and the 45th President with this exclusive Make America Great Again Pride T-Shirt.

A recent Out/YouGov poll found that 93% of LGBTQ people disapprove of the virulently anti-gay Trump administration. I suspect they’re not going to sell out of this special edition Make America Great Again T-Shirt.

A Pride T-Shirt at the Trump/Pence campaign web site is as incongruous as a rainbow-colored swastika at a Nazi web site.

The day I buy a Pride shirt at the Trump/Pence web site is the same day I will vote to reelect Trump, in other words when hell freezes over.

White Evangelicals Besotted With the Ultimate Narcissist, Donald Trump

At its mythic heart, narcissism is a story of disappointment. The ancient source is the Greek tale of Narcissus, a beautiful young boy who falls in love with his reflection in a pool. Captivated with his beguiling image, Narcissus vows never to leave the object of his desire. But the reflection—forever outside his embrace—fails to reciprocate, and as a result Narcissus melts away (in one version of the story), a victim of the passion burning inside of him. The lover’s inconsolable disappointment is that he cannot consummate his love for the reflection, his love for himself.

The Atlantic

Donald Trump is neither young nor handsome, he is a septuagenarian with an orange-tinged face whose most remarkable feature is a mouth that bears an uncanny resemblance to a sphincter.

However like Narcissus of Greek mythology Trump has fallen in love with his own reflection. When the orange troll asks the Magic Mirror, “Who is the fairest of them all”, like a true Trump sycophant the Magic Mirror answers:

“Sir you are the fairest of them all. You have the visage of a Greek god! Your powerful mighty hands hint at the awesome size of your phallus and your head is twice the size of a mere mortal for it houses a humongous brain.

Narcissists have many acquaintances but few friends. They are glib, witty, and charming, and they are always the life of the party. But life isn’t a party and narcissists soon wear out their welcome if you have to interact with them every day at work or at home.

Trump’s biographers agree that he has few, if any friends, but many acquaintances who are attracted by his power, wealth and outrageous behavior.

But Trump’s narcissism hasn’t worn thin with his base, there isn’t an unconstitutional policy, immoral behavior, vulgar tweet or vain boast that they won’t justify, excuse or forgive. This is incomprehensible and frustrating to the normal person who was sick and tired of Trump’s mean tweets, racist comments, and self-centered behavior after just a few weeks in office.

Why haven’t Trump’s evangelical supporters lost faith in him? These true believers would be repulsed by his vulgarity, stupidity and grotesqueness if he was a house guest for a week, but from afar the obese buffoon looks like a dashing and fearless slayer of liberals and godless heathen who has been anointed by God to save White America.

If there’s a God in heaven white evangelicals who support Trump will spend eternity in hell with their beloved false God.

Video Shows World Leaders Mocking Donald Trump

You can always count on there being a Donald Trump tweet that contradicts his current stand on an issue or that exposes him as an idiot.

In 2014 Trump dissed President Barack Obama by tweeting:
“We need a President who isn’t a laughing stock to the entire World. We need a truly great leader, a genius at strategy and winning. Respect.”

How I yearn for a president like Obama who inspired hope and confidence in the homeland with his temperate words and prudent polices, and who inspired respect and admiration in the world with his geopolitical expertise and diplomatic skills.

A widely circulated video showing world leaders mocking the American president roiled the NATO summit; Trump was so humiliated that he abruptly canceled a planned news conference at the summit’s conclusion. It’s not the first time that the colicky man baby has stalked angrily away from a meeting of U.S allies. A year and a half ago, he fled a meeting of the Group of Seven in Quebec, because the allied leaders disagreed vehemently with him on the subjects of climate change and tariffs.

Trump’s 2014 tweet didn’t apply to Obama, but boy does it apply to the clown currently residing in the White House. Trump is a laughingstock to the entire world, American allies like French President Emmanuel Macron and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau mock him, and adversaries like Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un manipulate him.

If Trump isn’t impeached by the House and removed from office by the Senate, it’s incumbent upon the electorate to kick this clown to the curb. We must restore dignity to the White House, and once again command respect in the world

New Poll Shows Majority of Republicans Think Donald Trump is a Better President Than Abraham Lincoln

An Economist/YouGov poll conducted just before Thanksgiving found that a majority of Republicans (53%) think Donald Trump is a better president than the first Republican elected to that position, Abraham Lincoln.

You don’t have to be a history major or a Lincoln biographer to deduce that even mentioning Trump in the same breath as Lincoln is an insult to the 16th president of the United States.

I won’t waste any time enumerating the hundreds, if not thousands of reasons, why Lincoln is a superior president to Trump, because I assume that my readers aren’t idiots.

Only a brainwashed cult member, that is to say a Republican, would argue that Trump is a better president than the Great Emancipator. Trump supporters are akin to North Koreans who believe that their Dear Leader had a supernatural birth, invented the hamburger, and has never used a toilet.

Let me just focus on Lincoln and Trump’s relationship to the truth: Lincoln had such a reputation for honesty that one of his nicknames was “Honest Abe”, contrast that to Trump who according to the Washington Post has lied over 12,000 times since assuming office.

And how can you possibly compare the eloquence of the writer of the Gettysburg Address to the tweeter-in-chief who tweets at a third-grade level? Forgive me, I promised I wouldn’t list the reasons why Lincoln is a better president than Trump.

The most important fact that we can glean from the Economist poll is that it’s a waste of time debating Trump supporters on any political issue. How can you possibly hold an intelligent conversation with a moron who thinks that the stable genius is a better president than The Liberator?

Donald Trump Ain’t Rocky Balboa

The President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, is in great shape for a sexagenarian, and we can almost forgive him for trying to project power by publishing photographs depicting him riding a horse shirtless.

The President of the United States, Donald Trump, is in horrible shape for a septuagenarian, and for a human being of any age. He’s too fat to be able to climb on top of a horse, and if with help he managed to get on top, the pig would probably break the horse’s back. That may be the reason why we’ve been spared the spectacle of a topless Trump riding a mighty steed.

But the stable genius tweeted an image of his head digitally added on to the body of Sylvester Stallone as Rocky Balboa. Why is it that dictators mistake muscle for power?

Will Trump ever understand that braying like a horse, waving his tiny hands and tweeting insults and threats doesn’t portray confidence and power?

Dear Donald, I’ve seen Rocky, in fact I’ve seen all hundred Rocky movies, and you sir are no Rocky Balboa.

Trump Pardons White House Turkeys ‘Bread’ and ‘Butter’

Hardly a day goes by that the buffoon-in-chief doesn’t break a presidential norm, so it was surprising that he continued the tradition of pardoning a Thanksgiving turkey.

Trump pardoned Butter and Bread, two beautiful turkeys who must eat a lot of butter and bread because they both weigh about 50 pounds. It was refreshing to witness the national embarrassment pardon two deserving birds instead of a convicted war criminal or a convicted racist sheriff.

But you can always count on the stable genius to screw things up, he ruined the heartwarming moment by making a lame impeachment joke. Trump quipped that Butter and Bread had been raised to remain calm under any condition, a trait he said will be very important because they’ve already received subpoenas to appear in Adam Schiff’s basement.

Whenever I write an article about the freaking moron I’m always compelled to fact-check or to explain his misleading comments. Schiff, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, held the depositions in the basement of the Capital Visitor Center because that’s where the secure room is located.

Trump claims that he isn’t worried about the impeachment hearings and that the “witch hunt” will actually help him get reelected. But this story illustrates just how much he’s worried about the impeachment proceedings.

The nation will have a lot to be thankful for if Trump is impeached by the House and removed from office by the Senate.

If Only Donald Trump Had a Smidgen of the Intelligence and Loyalty of Conan the Hero Military Service Dog

President Donald Trump on Monday finally met Conan, a military service dog injured in the U.S. raid that resulted in the death of former Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. After teasing for weeks that the Belgian Malinois would come to the White House, Trump introduced Conan to journalists during a surprise event in the Rose Garden. ‘So this is Conan. Right now probably the world’s most famous dog,’ Trump told reporters. ‘I learned a lot about this particular type of dog. It’s trained that, if you open your mouth you will be attacked. You want to be very, very careful.’

Time Magazine

Almost every president since time immemorial has kept a pet pooch at the White House. A president without a dog is as conspicuous as a president without a wife or a body man.

Donald Trump is conspicuous for many foul reasons, naturally we haven’t spent much time mediating why he doesn’t have a faithful canine by his side.

The stable genius probably figures: Mike Pence is more servile than any mutt, he’s always sniffing my butt and is quick to obey my every command, who needs a puppy?

You can’t argue with the reality that Pence is an obedient lap dog, but still I would feel better if Trump had a pooch around to calm his nerves so he wouldn’t be so reckless.

But I’m glad that for at least one day a dog, Conan the military service canine, was in the White House with Trump. I’m praying that at least a smidgen of Conan’s bravery and intelligence rubbed off on the fucken moron.

Republicans Pretend to Love Trump’s Ass, Nobody Pretends to Love His Mind

In the impeaching hearings the Democrats’ lawyer, Daniel Goldman, asked Ambassador Gordon Sondland if he recalled telling President Donald Trump that the Ukrainian leader “loves your ass” during a July 26 call at a restaurant in Kiev.

Sondland, who isn’t a career diplomat with a penchant for using diplomatic language, conceded that he could have said that because it sounds like something I would say.

The billionaire who bought his ambassadorship by donating a cool million to Trump’s inauguration said “that’s how President Trump and I communicate. A lot of four-letter words. In this case, three letters.”

He explained that he was putting it in “Trump-speak.” I can imagine how frustrating it must be for anyone who interacts with Trump daily, he must dumb down his vocabulary and spice up his conversation with expletives.

I doubt that Zelensky or anybody else in the world loves Trump’s wrinkled orange ass, but there are many who at least pretend to like him.

But there isn’t a single person in the world who’s claimed to love Trump’s head or his intellect. However, there are many politicians with brown noses, a testament to how much they love Trump’s ass.

I don’t love Trump’s ass, in fact I hate his racist and vulgar ass, and I’m going to kick his ass to the curb come election time.

Jim Carrey Paints Donald Trump as Las Vegas Era Elvis Presley

Actor Jim Carrey turned to Elvis Presley to ding President Donald Trump in his latest mocking cartoon, which he shared online Thursday.

Trump as the late King of Rock and Roll performs a tweaked version of the 1969 hit ‘Suspicious Minds’ in the artwork.

‘They’re caught in a trap, they can’t walk out, because they love me too much baby,’ he sings as top members of his administration are tied together behind him.

‘His reign will soon be over,’ Carrey captioned the piece. ‘Woe to the loyal subjects of this counterfeit king.’

Huffington Post

Jim Carrey’s legacy will be as a cartoonist and not an actor, his series of Trump-themed cartoons dwarf his accomplishments as a comedic actor.

Carrey’s latest masterpiece depicts Donald Trump as the Las Vegas era Elvis crooning Suspicious Minds.

Elvis in his Vegas incarnation was a parody of himself: a bloated behemoth bellowing his hits for his besotted fans. But at least Elvis in his youth was really the King of Rock and Roll, an icon who ruled the pop charts and transformed the culture at large.

Donald Trump boasted that he was the King of New York real estate, but in reality he was a con artist and such a failure as businessman that the bankrupted his casinos.

Trump resembles the Las Vegas era Elvis in appearance only, he is a talentless fat slob who belts out all the hits in his campaign rallies (build the wall! lock her up!) to his brainwashed fans.

Elvis died in his porcelain throne with enough drugs in his blood to kill a dozen men; I won’t be surprised if Trump dies is his toilet with his arteries blocked with plaque, his intestines full of crap and his mind full of hate and venom.

Jon Voight’s Cringeworthy Dance for Donald Trump Will Make You Pluck Your Eyes Out

“Jon Voight took his Donald Trump worship act to the White House on Thursday, dancing awkwardly for the president during a ceremony to receive a National Medal of Arts.

Music from Voight’s 1969 film ‘Midnight Cowboy’ played in the East Room when the 80-year-old Oscar winner rose from his chair to provide an impromptu shuffle that earned a fist pump and a finger point from Trump.

Huffington Post

Jon Voight is a celebrated actor best known for his iconic roles as a wannabe gigolo in Midnight Cowboy, a paraplegic Vietnam veteran in Coming Home and of course as a businessman who survived a nightmare canoe trip in the Georgia wilderness in Deliverance.

An actor’s brilliance on celluloid usually inoculates him from his fans shunning his films when the darker aspects of his personal life are revealed, but when Voight became one of the biggest cheerleaders for Donald Trump even his most devoted fans turned away from him.

The last chapter of Voight’s life has been dedicated to singing the praises of the loathsome, vulgar, and racist Donald Trump. The legendary actor is a vociferous defender of the president on Twitter, and he eviscerates anyone who criticizes his idol.

Voight took his “I will do anything to debase myself for Trump act” to the White House dancing awkwardly for Trump during a ceremony to receive a National Medal of Arts. His embarrassing display may have earned a fist pump from Trump, but it elicited winces and epithets from the viewing audience.

Voight’s family needs to hold an intervention, and confine him to a 12-step program or a retirement home for retired thespians.

Melania Trump #BeBest and Condemn Your Husband’s Online Bullying

A trophy wife’s main responsibility is to dress stylishly, smile adoringly at her benefactor and keep her mouth shut unless her man is being criticized in which case, she is expected to defend him vehemently.

Donald Trump is a crude, vulgar, misogynist, racist and mean-spirited buffoon who is under constant criticism by just about everyone who isn’t on his payroll, but Melania rarely deigns to defend him.

I’m surprised Trump has traded in the former glorified escort for a younger model, but I guess he stays married to her because at least she doesn’t raise a peep about his serial philandering or any of his other vices.

A First Lady is expected to adopt a pet cause, and instead of choosing one like saving the whales, Melania’s Be Best campaign focus is on battling the scourge of online bullying.

Why Melania’s pet cause is fighting cyber bullying when her husband is the biggest cyber bully in the world is beyond me. You’d think she would have chosen a project that wouldn’t open her up to charges of cowardice and hypocrisy, considering she’s never castigated her husband for savaging people, especially women, online.

But now everyone is excoriating Melania for keeping silent when her husband attacked former Ukrainian ambassador Marie Yovanovitch on Twitter while she was testifying during the impeachment hearings.

I don’t expect Melania to get all legal on us and accuse Trump of witness intimidation, but the least she could do is gently chide him for disparaging a courageous woman and consummate professional who is guilty only of doing her patriotic duty.

Come on now Melania, Be Best!

Donald Trump’s Racist DACA Tweet

“Many of the people in DACA, no longer very young, are far from ‘angels.’ Some are very tough, hardened criminals. President Obama said he had no legal right to sign order, but would anyway. If Supreme Court remedies with overturn, a deal will be made with Dems for them to stay!”

This is the latest in a series of racist tweets emanating from the racist mind of the racist-in-chief Donald Trump. The president is a blatant racist and a pathological liar, and this tweet highlights both of these character flaws.

On Tuesday the Supreme Court began hearing arguments on the Trump administrations’ decision to end the Deferred Action Arrivals Program (DACA). The immigration policy is an executive branch memo signed by President Barack Obama in 2012 that allows undocumented people between the ages of 16 and 30 to defer deportation, attend school, work and pay taxes for renewable two-year periods.

Let’s parse Trump’s tweet:

“Many of the people in DACA, no longer very young”

According to the PEW Research Center most dreamers enrolled in DACA are ages 25 and younger. Even a senile septuagenarian should admit that people in their twenties are relatively young. DACA recipients are young people with a bright future and many years of service to their country, provided they are allowed to remain in America, their home country, for all intents and purposes.

“Are far from angels. Some are very tough, hardened criminals.”

DACA recipients must undergo extensive background checks, complete education requirements and have a clean police record. They undergo a more extensive background checks than the poorly vetted scammers and grifters who’ve found employment in the White House. Undocumented immigrants commit less crime than native-born Americans, and DACA recipients commit even less crimes. Dreamers are the cream of the crop, and if Trump weren’t a racist he would encourage them to stay in America.

“If Supreme Court remedies with overturn, a deal will be made with Dems for them to stay!”

Trump is a habitual liar, and if the Supreme Court overturns DACA I seriously doubt that he would make a deal with Democrats allowing them to stay.

The reason why the Supreme Court took up DACA is because the Trump administration couldn’t come up with a legal reason why they wanted to deport close to a million of law-abiding dreamers.

Trump wants to expel dreamers simply because he’s a racist, and I hope that the Supreme Court will do the right thing, and allow these exemplary individuals to remain in this country.

Donald Trump Relying on His Tweets to Save Him From Being Impeached and Removed From Office

Most Twitter subscribers use the popular social media platform to promote their businesses, keep in touch with acquaintances and friends or to dabble in politics or hobbies. Their lives don’t revolve around Twitter, it’s merely one of several social media sites they turn to when they are bored.

Then there’s Donald Trump, the tweeter-in-chief, the short-fingered vulgarian is addicted to Twitter, his presidency can’t survive without it. Trump uses Twitter to issue major announcements, whether it’s staff firings, troop withdrawals or new policy initiatives. The stable genius uses Twitter to energize his base, ostracize his political opponents, and to defend himself from the scandals that are always engulfing his administration. 

Trump has killed the daily White House briefing, he prefers to be his own communications chief. He prefers to field reporters’ shouted questions himself from the Oval Office in front of the noisy presidential helicopter, which makes it difficult for reporters to ask follow-up questions.

Trump has used Twitter to dictate and dominate the news cycle, and with the impeachment process moving into the public phase this week, he is tweeting at a fever pitch. He is confronting the existential threat to his presidency largely alone, relying on his Twitter feed to save his presidency.

Trump’s base eats up his inane and incoherent tweets, but his strategy of relying on his tweets to sway public opinion to his side will fail miserably with the electorate.

Trump can fire off thousands of tweets, but they won’t save him from being impeached by the House, and there’s even a slight chance they won’t save him from being removed from office by the Senate.

Trump is Full of Covfefe

President Donald Trump on Monday revived the mystery – or weirdness – of one of his most famous tweets: ‘Covfefe.’ Re-tweeting a post reporting that a horse named ‘Covfefe’ won a race over the weekend – and noting that the winner was in fact named for the president’s famous mistweet – Trump replied: ‘Great! But how do you know it was a ‘mistweet?’ May be something with deep meaning!’

USA Today

I’m tempted to exaggerate and declare that nothing Trump utters has a deep meaning, but the truth is that speeches that were written for him by professional speechwriters may contain a deep meaning.

But most of Trump’s speeches are delivered extemporaneously, and nothing that emanates from his diseased, demented and deplorable mind makes a lick of sense. There are no hidden meanings in his stump orations at his campaign rallies, the steady diet of racism and intolerance that he dishes out is clearly comprehended and easily digested by his supporters.

Trump’s stream-of-consciousness tweets are even more convoluted and revolting than his speeches, and most of them don’t have a rational meaning, let alone a deep meaning.

The truth is that “covfefe” doesn’t have a deep meaning, it’s just one of hundreds of Trump typos and mistweets that litter the Internet.

The pertinent question is, “who in God’s name would name a noble and majestic racehorse after a Trump mistweet? Dear Lord, I hope and pray that there aren’t any deplorable babies named “Covfefe.”

Donald Trump is the Weakest President in History

Donald Trump struts and preens like the dictators that he admires, but in reality he’s a cartoon strongman who is easily manipulated by genuine authoritarians like Russian President Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong-un the leader of North Korea and Turkish President Recep Erdogan.

Asked in a recent Post-ABC News poll whether Trump is a strong leader, only 44 percent said yes; 54 percent said no. Americans aren’t fooled by Trump’s act, we recognize him as an insecure preening orange peacock who is totally out of his element in the White House.

The only ones fooled by Trump’s bravado are white evangelicals who’ve been prepared to be brainwashed by the stable genius by preening televangelists who are full of sound and fury signifying nothing.

The buffoon-in-chief may think that his bullying manner and offensive tweets display his machismo, leadership and authority, but the electorate and the world at large perceive them as the desperate cries for attention of an impotent little man.

Like a tone-deaf symphony conductor with freakishly small hands, Trump is aesthetically and materially unsuited for his job.

With real dictators like Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping undermining democracies all over the world, America need a real strong leader now more than ever. Let’s throw out the orange weakling out of office, and replace him with a real leader like any of the leading Democratic presidential candidates.

Woman Who Gave Finger to Trump’s Motorcade Wins Virginia Local Election

Juli Briskman, the patriot who was fired after flipping the bird at President Donald Trump’s motorcade, has won a seat on a county board of supervisors in Virginia. She defeated Republican incumbent Suzanne Volpe with 52 percent of the vote.

Briskman was enjoying her daily bike ride in October 2017 and was photographed making the obscene gesture as Trump’s motorcade went by. Her viral moment wasn’t planned, her daily routine was interrupted when the president’s motorcade went by and she reacted instinctively and spontaneously by giving him the finger. 

I can certainly understand Briskman’s reaction, if I was enjoying my morning cup of coffee at McDonald’s and Trump walked in with his Secret Service detail in tow my visceral reaction would be to flip him off.

Briskman told her employer what happened after the photo went viral and was asked to leave her government contracting job or face termination. She fought her unjust termination, sued and won a severance claim. The political novice demonstrated the same drive and energy in her campaign against Volpe as she did in fighting her unjust termination, therefore it’s not surprising that she won.

Briskman’s victory was part of a major victory for Democrats in Virginia, on Tuesday they flipped both the state Senate and the House of Delegates, giving them control of both the governor’s office and the legislature for the first time in more than two decades.

It’s very cathartic to flip off Trump, and very euphoric for the Democrats to gain control of Virginia, but it will be so much cathartic and euphoric for all patriotic Americans if we kick Trump out of office next year.

White Evangelicals Will Never Abandon Donald Trump

Donald Trump is a pathological liar, blatant racist, unrepentant sexual predator, cruel bully and a pitiful buffoon, in short, he’s the antithesis of all the values that evangelicals claim to cherish.

Yet he’s worshipped by white evangelicals, because unlike genuine evangelical former presidents like Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush, he doesn’t just give lip service to evangelicals, he’s gone out of his way to enshrine their deepest prayers into law. He’s appointed dozens of pro-life federal judges and chosen two pro-life judges to serve as justices on the Supreme Court. He relocated the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, recognized the Golan Heights as part of Israel, and he has ostracized the Palestinians and embraced the Zionist government of Israel.

Trump is a lifelong Democrat and he’s not of the evangelical faith, but he’s deeply aware that the only way he can win reelection is if he retains the fanatical support of evangelicals, and therefore he will do anything to curry favor with them.

Still it’s puzzling why white evangelicals haven’t dumped Trump, knowing that one of their own is waiting in the wings. Mike Pence is ramrod straight, would never cheat on Mother, and he’s so anally-retentive evangelical that you couldn’t pull out a toothpick from his anus.

White evangelicals will never hop on the impeachment bandwagon, they prefer the short-fingered vulgarian bully over the mild-mannered milquetoast Pence. It’s Trump the obscene bully who has beaten the holy hell out of the Godless liberals and enacted their agenda into law.

Don’t wait on evangelicals to abandon Trump, they are as pragmatic as they are hypocritical, and they will cling on to him until the bitter end.

Jeffrey Wright Compares Donald Trump to Charles Manson! Well Played!

Noted thespian Jeffrey Wright is best known for his role as an android in “Westworld”, but as far as I’m concerned, his most iconic role was Peoples Hernandez, a Dominican drug lord, in the 2000 movie “Shaft”.

Superstar Samuel L. Jackson starred as Shaft and Christian Bale co-starred as a wealthy sociopath murderer, but Wright stole the movie from these heavyweights. Peoples is the greatest villain in the history of cinema, he was frighteningly intimating but charming and affable at the same time. In action flicks it’s usually the hero who has all the memorable one-liners, but almost every line Peoples delivered was a memorable quote. If I could have dinner with any movie character in history, it would be with Peoples.

Wright came to my attention recently when he compared Donald Trump to Charles Manson.

Wright tweeted a video of Trump’s poodle Rep. Devin Nunes speaking on the House floor, defending the buffoon against his opponents’ push for impeachment. Nunes had the unmitigated gall to compare Democrats and the media to cult followers.

Then he tweeted this video depicting a side-by-side comparison of two of history’s most infamous villains: one is a mentally ill megalomaniac with dangerous followers – and the other is Charles Manson:

Bravo Wright! You showed us who is the cult leader we should fear the most. Keep it up and your tweets will become almost as well-known as the lines uttered by Peoples.

Stable Genius Donald Trump Lays Candy on a Minion Child’s Head

As a child Halloween was my favorite holiday, after all what kid doesn’t love to dress up as his favorite comic book hero and extort candy from his neighbors. As an adult Christmas is one of my least favorite holidays, because I hate buying presents for co-workers that I despise, and family members that don’t deserve a Merry Christmas greeting, let alone a gift. But Halloween is still my favorite holiday because I love handing out candy to little kids whose dental bills aren’t my responsibility.

I even enjoy watching other adults hand out candy to little trick-or-treaters, but I was filled with a sense of revulsion when I saw video of Donald Trump and his wife handing out candy to costumed kids at the White House.

Trump took a break from his usual routine of vilifying political opponents on Twitter and making racist comments to participate in one of the ceremonial aspects of his job, namely giving out candy to children on Halloween.

The buffoon-in-chief screws everything up, including the simple task of handing out candy to children. The stable genius plopped a candy bar on the head of a child dressed as a Minion, instead of in its outstretched bag. Melania followed her husband’s example and laid a candy bar on the Minion’s head. Of course, the candy bars slid of the child’s head, leave it to the fucking moron to disappoint children.

Cruelly teasing children should be added to the Articles of Impeachment.

Link to video:

Trump Showered With Boos at Game 5 of World Series, Fans Chant ‘Lock Him Up’

For over a century every president has thrown out a ceremonial first pitch during their time in office, either for Opening Day, the All-Star Game or the World Series. Watching the president throwing out the first pitch is as American as apple pie or baseball, but leave it to Trump to disregard precedent and tradition.

Trump notified Major League Baseball (MLB) that he wasn’t going to throw out the ceremonial first pitch or make other public appearance, ostensibly because he didn’t want to be a distraction. The real reason may be that he didn’t want to expose himself to ridicule and humiliation.

Another reason why Trump may have refused to throw out the ceremonial first pitch is that his tiny hand has trouble handling a baseball. Pick up a golf ball no problem, throw a baseball and look like an uncoordinated fool, no way.

Trump may have tried to keep a low profile to spare himself from the crowd’s wrath, but he was greeted with a thunderous chorus of boos when he was introduced after the third inning during the Nationals’ salute to veterans. As the next inning began, fans shouted “lock him up”, illustrative of the fact that Trump wasn’t in Kansas anymore or at a Trump rally where the chant “lock her up” is ubiquitous, but in the nation’s capital where citizens are cognizant that he’s the real villain.

Trump and wife Melania sat in the Washington Suite and were joined by sycophants the likes of Lindsey Graham, Matt Gaetz and Mark Meadows. I’m sure these weasels tried to comfort the stable genius by telling him that MLB and the Nationals were part of a conspiracy to allow only Democrats into the game in order to embarrass him.

I hope this will be the last appearance that Trump makes in the World Series, baseball is supposed to be a temporary respite from real life, and the president screws up everything he takes a part in.

Why Doesn’t Melania Defend Trump From Impeachment Charges?

Nero played the fiddle while Rome burned, and Donald Trump is tweeting frantically while the fires of corruption and chaos that he ignited and fanned encircle him ever more closely.

When President Bill Clinton was facing impeachment and removal from office, his ardent feminist wife stood by and defended her misogynist husband whose serial sexual harassment of women, culminating in his inappropriate relationship with Monica Lewinsky led to his predicament.

Which leads me to ask, Where’s Melania? The first lady has studiously avoided answering any questions about the impeachment inquiry. If she plans on helping her husband, now is the time. If she’s going to expend her political capital, now is the time to speak out on behalf on her husband.  

When Melania visited Capitol Hill on her own last week for the first time since entering the White House, she avoided answering any impeachment questions.

Melania has made the coldhearted calculation that her bottom line (her net financial worth) wont’ change if her spouse is impeached and removed from office.

A trophy wife is expected to smile, look pretty and offer vacuous compliments on behalf of her better half, she isn’t expected to offer a robust intellectual defense when her husband gets in trouble.

We may not hear much from Melania, even when he faces removal from office I the Senate.