Evangelical False Prophets Lay Hands on Donald Trump in Oval Office

“President Donald Trump, who has remained out of public view since returning from Europe late Saturday, welcomed evangelical leaders into the Oval Office on Monday for a prayer session.

Photos posted by some of the invitees show the group surrounding Trump and laying their hands on his shoulders as his head is bent in prayer.

The picture was posted by Johnnie Moore, a former senior vice president at Liberty University, a large evangelical university in Virginia. It also showed Vice President Mike Pence, with his eyes shut, participating in the Oval Office prayer session.

Moore, reached on Wednesday, said the meeting happened after a number of national faith leaders were invited to meet the President as they met with representatives from the Office of Public Liaison.”


President Donald Trump`s approval rating is stuck near 40 percent and he can`t afford to lose the support of his base, therefore he feels compelled to show respect to evangelical leaders, his most ardent backers.

You`d think evangelicals would only visit the Oval Office to lay hands on the most obscene and vulgar president in our history in an attempt to drive the demons out of the orange bastard. But evangelicals are smitten with the profane clown because he`s appointed a conservative Supreme Court Justice, and he`s attempting to repeal and replace Obamacare. American evangelicals are political animals, and they care more about advancing Republican orthodoxy than they care about preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

It was a regular three-ring circus in the Oval Office, and Vice President Mike Pence was in the mix, praying with his eyes shut. You don`t have to be a prophet to discern what Pence was praying: Dear Jesus please let Trump be impeached, or smite his tiny pecker with a deadly STD.

Witnessing these evangelical false prophets laying their hands on Trump as a way of expressing support of the evil buffoon makes me want to puke. I would love to lay hands on Trump, but I`d better not explain exactly what I mean by that, or I might get a friendly visit by the Secret Service.


Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://twitter.com/robertpaulreyes

Poland’s First Lady Refuses to Shake Hands With Donald Trump

“Donald Trump has only been in office for six months, but he already has a streak of awkward handshakes-or in this case, snubs-with world leaders. As the president and First Lady were greeting the Polish President Andrzej Duda and his wife, Agata Kornhauser-Duda, in Poland on Thursday, Kornhauser-Duda appeared to pass over the president and instead shook Melania Trump`s hand.

The video, which quickly went viral, shows the president turning toward Kornhauser-Duda for a handshake as she swiftly walks by him. Trump looks bewildered at this apparent rejection. (She did, later, shake the president`s hand after all.)”

Vanity Fair

Whenever Donald Trump meets a foreign dignitary you can count on two things: He will babble incoherently and he will botch the handshake. Is it any wonder that foreign leaders will do anything to avoid shaking hands with the idiot?

The Polish president`s wife was looking straight ahead at Melania when Trump offered to shake her hand, it wouldn`t be surprising if she failed to see his deformed little hand in her peripheral vision, but I think the slight was intentional.

Why would any civilized person want to shake Trump`s hands, God only knows what part of Putin`s body his diminutive hands were intimately caressing.

I might fist bump with Trump, but I would never shake hands with him. In fact, I`d rather punch his ugly orange face, even if it means that the Secret Service would riddle me with bullets, rather than shake hands with him.

Link to video: http://www.vanityfair.com/style/2017/07/first-lady-of-poland-avoided-donald-trump-handshake

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Donald Trump Says Mexico Will ‘Absolutely’ Pay for Wall

“President Donald Trump is still insisting that he wants Mexico to pay for the wall he wants to erect on the U.S.-Mexico border.

Sitting next to Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto at the G-20 summit in Germany, Trump told reporters Friday that he “absolutely” wants Mexico to fund the barrier. The pair made comments ahead of a bilateral meeting that included Trump`s top economic advisors.

Trump`s statement about the wall came in response to shouted questions from reporters after the leaders made statements, so it is unclear if Pena Nieto responded specifically to Trump`s wall comment.”


During the election whenever Donald Trump wanted to elicit an enthusiastic response from a crowd he would promise to erect a wall between Mexico and the United States, and he would insist that Mexico would pay for it.

Since his election, every once in a while, Trump still makes perfunctory remarks about building the wall, but he has bigger fish to fry, namely trying to get his execrable health plan passed and dealing with all the Russia-related scandals.

Even his base knows that there`s a snowball`s chance in hell that the wall will be built, and and even slimmer chance that it will be financed by Mexico.

Mexico will erect a three inch phallic monument in honor of Trump before they pay for the damn wall. Trump is expending zero energy trying to get the wall built, but he doesn`t like admitting mistakes, and so he still pretends he`s serious about building it.

Trump should give up his pipe dream of building the wall, and focus on renegotiating NAFTA with the Mexican president.

trump Read More: http://www.cnbc.com/2017/07/07/trump-absolutely-still-wants-mexico-to-pay-for-border-wall.html

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Even the Rasmussen Poll Shows Donald Trump’s Approval Rating in the Toilet

“The poll President Donald Trump has publicly touted isn`t bringing him much good news lately. The latest survey released by Rasmussen Reports Thursday found Trump`s approval rating his nearing his all-time low.

Just 44 percent of respondents approved of Trump`s job performance in the survey, while 56 percent disapproved. That`s just one percentage point better than the president`s lowest approval ever in the Rasmussen Reports tracking poll: He hit 43 percent approval on multiple occasions. But Trump had risen to 46 percent at the end of June, and he also tweeted out the results of the poll earlier in the month-when he rose to 50 percent approval.”


Rasmussen Reports is the Fox News of polls, when every poll finds Trump beneath water, Rasmussen can be counted on to be the outlier that finds him treading water. It begs the question does Rasmussen interview only schmucks who`ve purchased “Make America Great” hats?

When even the Rasmussen poll finds Trump`s approval rating nearing his all-time low is should be perceived as a clarion call by the president that his administration is in deep trouble.

Trump frequently cites Rasmussen to prove that he still enjoys a modicum of support, will he now declare that it`s a fake poll, like every other poll?

If Trump has his druthers he would officially make Fox News the state news network, and he would create a state poll that`s weighted in his favor.

Sorry Trump but this isn`t Russia or North Korea, and our independent and fair news outlets like MSNBC, CNN, ABC News and CBS News are going to report the truth that your administration is an abject failure, and the polls are going to report the truth that your ratings are in the toilet.

Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://twitter.com/robertpaulreyes

Donald Trump: Dude Where’s My Limo?

“The scenes aired Monday on Fox News as President Trump landed at Joint Base Andrews airfield. He is seen stepping off the plane and waving to a gathered crowd. However, when he reaches the bottom of the steps, he seems to miss his ride-parked directly in front of the jet-and walks off in a different direction. Maybe, like his alternative facts, he just prefers alternative routes? Trump is then redirected to his awaiting car by an aide.”


The presidential limo is known as “Cadillac One” and “The Beast,” the sedan is longer than two large SUVs and weighs eight tons. Even Stevie Wonder wouldn`t miss the monstrosity if it pulled up in front of him.

But when President Donald Trump landed at Joint Base Andrews airfield, and stepped off the plane, he walked right by the limo that was parked directly in front of the jet. Trump was redirected to his limo by an aide.

This embarrassing incident has sparked rumors that Trump is suffering from dementia, here are a few solutions to prevent this from happening again:

The president likes to brand his properties with his name, why not install a neon “Trump” sign on top of the presidential limo?

New chauffeur: Kellyanne Conway butt naked, wearing only a “Make America Great Again” hat. The prez will never walk past his ride again.

Paint footprints on the ground leading from the plane to the limo.

Assign one of his Secret Service Agents (blond, female, hot) to hold his hand and lead him directly to the limo.

Have the limo driver honk the horn to get the attention of the clueless bastard.

Dear Lord, Trump has been in office for less than six months and he`s already embarrassed our country countless times.

Link to video http://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-limousine-631880

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Photo Credit: Wikipedia

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Corey Lewandowski Calls Donald Trump ‘The Hemingway of Twitter’

“Corey Lewandowski likened President Donald Trump to author Ernest Hemingway, and the Twitterverse just couldn`t cope.

Tweeters were quick to poke fun at Trump`s onetime campaign manager after he claimed his former boss was the `Ernest Hemingway of Twitter` on Friday night`s broadcast of `Hannity` on Fox News.

Huffington Post

Hemingway`s economical style would have been a good fit for Twitter, but Lewandowski should burn in hell for comparing Trump to the Nobel Prize for Literature winner. That`s like comparing a toddler coloring in a color book to Picasso or Van Gogh.

Hemingway was a man`s man; he served as an ambulance driver during World War I, reported from the battlefield during the Spanish Civil War, and he was a war correspondent during World War II.

Trump is a sissy who plays at being macho; he body slammed Vince McMahon in WrestleMania 23, fired Gary Busey in Celebrity Apprentice, and engaged in epic Twitter feuds with the likes of Rosie O`Donnell and Arianna Huff.

Hemingway committed suicide, let`s hope and pray that Trump will kill himself, so that at least in the manner of death he will resemble the great writer.

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Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://twitter.com/robertpaulreyes

Even Fox News is Turning Against Donald Trump

“President Donald Trump`s tweets got tough coverage at Fox News Channel, a usually friendly media outlet.

The US leader was heavily criticised after he lambasted `Morning Joe` hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski for their coverage of his administration on Twitter – and was rude about Ms Brzezinski`s appearance.

`I heard poorly rated @Morning_Joe speaks badly of me (don`t watch anymore),` Mr Trump wrote. `Then how come low I.Q. Crazy Mika, along with Psycho Joe, came to Mar-a-Lago 3 nights in a row around New Year`s Eve, and insisted on joining me.`

He added: She was bleeding badly from a face-lift. I said no!”


Donald Trump religiously watches the Fox New Network, especially the “Fox and Friends” morning gabfest.

Whatever incoherent policy Trump`s advancing or whatever vulgar tweet he just posted, he can count on the “Fox and Friends” hosts to spin his shi* into gold.

But Trump`s latest ad hominem attack on Mika Brzezinski was so sexist and perverse that even the “Fair and Balanced” network criticized him.

Fox News anchor Shepard Smith, the only politically moderate personality on the network , led his afternoon newscast with Trump`s profane Twitter rant, stating that some critics are calling it sexist cyber bullying.

“Media Buzz” host Howard Kurtz opined that it`s perfectly clear to people who aren`t paid to defend him that he crossed a line.

When Fox turns against Trump you know that he`s in deep trouble. Trump watches Fox for affirmation and moral support, and he tunes into MSNBC and CNN to get his daily fix of outrage. Trump thrives on chaos and controversy, and a few minutes of watching these cable outlets fuels his inferiority complex and he soon lashes out on Twitter.

When the “Fox and Friends” dimwits finally turn against Trump, he will probably suffer a heart attack or go bonkers and nuke North Korea or Canada.

Here`s wishing he suffers a heart attack soon.

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Female GOP Lawmakers Need to Have ‘Come to Jesus Meeting’ With Donald Trump

I heard poorly rated @Morning_Joe speaks badly of me (don`t watch anymore). Then how come low I.Q. Crazy Mika, along with Psycho Joe, came…..to Mar-a-Lago 3 nights in a row around New Year`s Eve, and insisted on joining me. She was bleeding badly from a face-lift. I said no!

Presidential Tweet

This is the tweet heard around the world, it`s been denounced by commentators, pundits, politicians, intellectuals and everyday people of every political persuasion.

Even some GOP lawmakers were finally compelled to condemn Trump`s misogyny. Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and GOP Sen. Susan Collins of Maine spoke out in no uncertain terms against Trump`s sickening tweet. You`d think that these female politicians would be joined by a chorus of sister GOP lawmakers appalled by our president`s ad hominem attack. But too many Republican congresswomen and senators were silent in the face of misogyny and some even defended the indefensible.

Melania Trump`s communications director Stephanie Grisham released this statement: As the First Lady has stated publicly in the past, when her husband gets attacked, he will punch back 10 times harder.

Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel defended Trump`s reprehensible tweet saying “Today, the president acted like a human, and he pushed back.”

Deputy press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders vigorously defended the bully-in-chief, not backing down an inch.

The First Lady has made it her crusade to put an end to online bullying, she can start by speaking out against the biggest bully in the world. Ronna McDaniel is correct, the president acted like a human — a despicable and petty human being. Sarah Huckabee Sanders should be reminded that her job description doesn`t include making excuses for and enabling the worst personality traits of her boss.

Enough is enough, the female Republicans in Congress should demand a meeting with the president. They should make it abundantly clear to him that his sick tweets are endangering his agenda and that he is putting at risk their support.

I don`t know about the Republicans in Congress, but I want to be on the record speaking out against Trump`s insanity. Indeed, it`s incumbent upon all of us, of every political party, to speak truth to power, and condemn Trump`s toxic tweets.

Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://twitter.com/robertpaulreyes

Eric Trump’s New Nazi Haircut

“This week in political style news, Eric Trump got a haircut. It`s bad.

But it`s not just bad because he styled it firmly away from his face, creating a severe forehead arc. And it`s not just bad because he used a handful of motor oil to slick it back like some bad Elvis impersonator. It`s bad because it looks eerily similar to the preferred cut of famed white nationalist Richard Spencer.

We`ve talked about this haircut before. It`s called the high-and-tight. And, while popular in Hollywood and hipster circles lately, it has more of a connection to Nazism than many guys feel comfortable with in Donald Trump`s America-one in which virulent white nationalism has far too much of a foothold in non-fringe circles.

In the 1930s and `40s, the Hitler Youth wore the `do in propaganda posters.


A thousand and one articles have been written about Donald Trump`s hair, some speculate that`s it`s a thrift store toupee while other swear it`s a combover from hell. Trump`s hairstyle might not be very presidential, but it`s appropriate for a clown who`s playing at being Leader of the Free World. Every famous clown worth his salt sports a ridiculous hairstyle, why should Trump be any different?

The poop doesn`t drop far from the toilet bowl, Eric Trump just got a haircut that makes him look as ridiculous as his father. Eric`s haircut is almost identical to the hairstyle of white nationalist Richard Spencer, it`s a severe style that`s been favored by racists going all the way back to the Hitler Youth.

Eric`s hairdo is a visual dog whistle, as soon as they see him Nazis immediately realize that he`s simpatico with their racist ideology. If only every racist had the consideration to sport a Nazi haircut, so they could be easily identified.

I shave my head and I haven`t darkened the door of a barber shop for almost 20 years, I wonder if they still have photos of various hairstyles on the wall. Did Eric point to image #6, and tell the barber “I want to look just like that gentleman wearing that Nazi uniform.”

Eric Trump`s high-and-tight haircut may be all the rage in white nationalist circles, but it`s anathema to freedom-loving Americans.

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Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://twitter.com/robertpaulreyes

Majority of Americans Would Give Up Alcohol to See Donald Trump Impeached

“Donald Trump`s presidency has caused stress and anxiety in Americans across the country, many of whom have opted to offset their worries with an extra glass of wine or two or shots of whiskey from time to time. But as it turns out, the majority of citizens say they would quit drinking alcohol tomorrow if it meant the president would be impeached.

Nearly 73 percent of Democrats and 17 percent of Republicans said they would abstain from alcohol for the rest of their lives if they could see the official political process begin to remove Trump, according to a Detox.net survey of 1,013 men and women nationwide.

The latest data set showing support for Trump`s impeachment-an exhaustive political process that includes no definite promise of his removal-comes at a time when multiple Democratic lawmakers are drafting articles of impeachment and at some point could bring them to the floor of Congress.”


The alcoholism rate has skyrocketed (my personal observation) since Donald Trump assumed office, the only way that a rational human being can endure Trump`s tweets, incoherent babbling, and crude behavior is by getting wasted.

The majority of Americans would abstain from alcohol for the rest of their lives if the long and arduous impeachment process began, although we might turn to a controlled substance until the vulgar short-fingered buffoon is finally impeached and removed from office.

I would give up all of my vices, which shall remain unnamed, for the rest of my life if the House drafts articles of impeachment. In fact, in a vow that`s sure to please all of my haters, I would give up writing if the orange fascist was impeached.

But until the moron is impeached we will keep our liquor cabinets well stocked with whiskey and gin.

Read More: http://www.newsweek.com/democrats-quit-drinking-so-donald-trump-impeached-survey-629110

Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://twitter.com/robertpaulreyes

Moral Outrage! Donald Trump Drives Golf Cart on Green! Video!

I`ve never played golf and I don`t know a driver from a putter, but I do know that you never drive a golf cart on the green. A golfer desecrating a golf course by driving a cart on the green is equivalent to a baseball player pulling down his pants and underwear and adjusting his crotch in the middle of a game. It`s simply unthinkable!

Donald Trump owns over a dozen golf courses, and he plays golf almost every weekend — you`d think he would never violate this cardinal rule, but the lazy shi*head must think he`s above the law.

Johnny Depp is the latest actor to joke about assassinating Trump, I predict that now professional golfers will joke about assassinating the Philistine.

Warning: After watching this video of the fat orange lard driving his golf cart on the green you may join the legions joking about killing Trump.


June 2017 Archives Page 2


Shock Jock Resigns After Being Asked Not to Criticize Donald Trump

“Bruce Bond has quit his position at WTPA.

The reason for Bond`s departure, he said, was that he was unwilling to comply with a directive from the WTPA general manager to curtail political discussion, specifically regarding President Trump.

The outspoken shock jock shared a photo on Facebook of a letter asking him to not criticize the president. In the post, Bond said that `there is this really ugly political environment in this country with the current President` and that he would be unable to continue in the job if he were unable to `continue being honest to my fans & listeners.`”

Penn Live

To demand that a shock jock refrain from criticizing Trump is akin to insisting that a basketball player refrain from trash talking or requiring a baseball player not to adjust his crotch.

Trump is a big fat target, and he provides enough fodder for a shock jock to make fun of him all day long. I`ve even heard disc jockeys at easy listening radio stations wax apoplectic condemning Trump.

I write a column for The Ledger, a conservative publication, and the publisher has enough sense not to demand that I resist from criticizing Trump. I`ve written over a hundred anti-Trump articles in the last couple of years; I would go nuts if I didn`t have an outlet for ridiculing the buffoon.

Kudos to Bond for prizing his integrity and character over a salary, even if he`s only able to land a job doing a podcast he`s much better off.

Read More: http://www.pennlive.com/life/2017/06/bruce_bond_quit_wtpa.html

Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://twitter.com/robertpaulreyes

Is Sean Spicer About to be Fired?

“CNN White House correspondent Jim Acosta on Monday said White House press secretary Sean Spicer is `just kind of useless` as tensions continue to escalate between the Trump administration and the press corps.

`So the White House press secretary is getting to a point, Brooke, where he`s just kind of useless,` Acosta said during an appearance on CNN Newsroom with Brooke Baldwin.

`You know, if he can`t come out and answer the questions and they`re just not going to do this on camera or audio, why are we even having these briefings or these gaggles in the first place?`

Acosta`s comments came just after Spicer held an off-camera press briefing that reporters were not allowed to record.”


Sean Spicer is the incredible shrinking man, when he first started his job he was holding daily briefings, Monday through Friday. Now he`s holding briefings only two or three times a week, and the press isn`t allowed to record some of them. To add insult to injury his deputy Sarah Huckabee Sanders sometimes takes a turn at the podium.

No shi*, Spicer is “kind of useless,” his boss has cut off his balls, and silenced him, he`s a husk of his former self. Granted Spicey isn`t a master of elocution, but he`s smart and personable. Spicer is in an impossible situation, even the most eloquent speaker in the world would be hard-pressed to make sense of Donald Trump`s incoherent tweets and rambling speeches.

The only way that Spicer can redeem himself is by holding a final press conference in which he answers every question clearly and honestly, of course that will expose Trump as an idiot. Spicer can close his briefing by resigning, and removing the baton from his hind quarters and passing it on to Huckabee.

It`s not really the White House Press Secretary who needs to resign, it`s the buffoon who makes his job a living hell.

Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://twitter.com/robertpaulreyes

Gay Teacher Flashes Gay Attitude in Oval Office! Donald Trump Unfazed by His Gay Spirit!

“Gay teacher Nikos Giannopoulos` displayed his LGBTQ pride as he sported a rainbow pin and clutched a lacy fan in an official photo with President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump. And now the Rhode Island teacher of the year`s bold stand for LGBTQ rights has gotten global attention after the image went viral on Facebook.”

Huffington Post

Donald Trump may be many things, but he`s not homophobic. In the entertainment business, where Trump has thrived for decades, there are more gays than you can shake a feather boa at, I`m sure he`s seen more flamboyant characters than a guy sporting a rainbow pin and clutching a lacy fan.

As a matter of fact Trump told the gay teacher that he looked very stylish. I know how Trump rolls, it wouldn`t have been out of character for him to exclaim: Work it girlfriend!

Although Trump isn`t homophobic some members of his administration, most notably Vice President Mike Pence, aren`t very gay friendly. Had Giannopoulos posed with Pence in all his gay splendor, he would have attempted to cast the gay demons out of him.

Kudos to Giannopoulos for flying his freak flag high in the Oval Office, you need a little bit of color to counterbalance the Orange Menace.

Gay pic:


Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://twitter.com/robertpaulreyes

Tiny Orange Dot on Melania’s Birthday Card to Donald Trump Stumps Internet

“On Wednesday it was the 71st birthday of President Donald Trump and his wife wished him well via Twitter.

But a subtle detail on the image of a birthday card she tweeted to her husband has left many online scratching their heads — a small orange dot.

Since she published the image on Wednesday evening, more than 40,000 users have “liked” the first lady`s post — and many have speculated on about whatever could have caused the glaring stain.”


I wouldn`t be surprised if Melania does most of her communication with her husband via Twitter, she`s been videotaped more than once swatting away his tiny hand. She doesn`t want his diminutive hands anywhere near her butt, boobs or vagina.

As far as what the small orange dot means, here`s a few thoughts:


The dot is orange and tiny, let`s hope it`s a fingerprint and not an impression left by his tiny presidential penis.

Signet ring impression

An impression left by Trump`s signet ring, his ring would feature a tiny engraved pumpkin.

A teardrop

Trump would have been so touched that Melania still pretends to love him, that he might have shed a tear or two. Of course any of Donald`s tears are orange after running down his fake tanned face.

Deliberate distraction

Conspiracy theorists believe that this tiny mark was deliberately created to distract the American public from Russiagate.


Was Trump drinking covfefe while admiring his birthday card?

Donald`s soul

These tiny pixels may represent his soul.

What do you think, my friend?

Pic of Trump`s Birthday Card:


Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://twitter.com/robertpaulreyes

Top Ten Donald Trump Resignation Tweets

“Everyone knows that if President Trump resigns, he`ll do it on Twitter.”

USA Today


I agree if Donald Trump resigns because he`s facing certain impeachment, he`ll do it on Twitter. Here are some possible Trump resignation declarations on Twitter:

I was hounded out of office by losers. SAD!

I accomplished so many great and beautiful things in only two years. BELIEVE ME! No need to remain in office. PEACE OUT!

I hereby resign. Mike Pence will be almost as great as I was. ALMOST! He`s the “gayest” born-again Christian I know, but I love the gays!!

For last time my hands are BIG! so BIG! And with my BIG hands I type my last prez message: See ya LOSERS


When I pinched Sarah Huckabee Sanders fat butt I knew I been here too long. I freaking quit!

SPICY has beautiful brown nose. so Beautiful! I could use him as my house boy at Trump Tower

Goodbye White House, RUSSIA here I come!!


SESSIONS can finally exhale. I intimidated him so much when I farted he complimented me on my cologne.

Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://twitter.com/robertpaulreyes

Donald Trump’s Cabinet Meeting: An Exercise in Kissing Ass

“Leave it to Donald Trump to reinvent the Cabinet meeting.

The public portion of these gatherings of all of the president`s top advisers are usually staid affairs. Photographers are let in to take pictures. The president makes a very brief statement. A reporter shouts a question, unanswered. The end.

Donald Trump did something very different in his Cabinet meeting Monday
Once Trump finished touting his administration`s accomplishments, he turned to several of his newly-minted Cabinet secretaries like Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue. Each of those Cabinet secretaries lavished praise on Trump, which he accepted without comment but with a broad smile.

At first, I thought Trump was just going to have the new members of the Cabinet spend a few minutes praising him. NOPE! It soon became clear that Trump planned to have every Cabinet member speak. And when I say speak what I really mean is praise Trump for his accomplishments, his foresight, his just being awesome.”


This has now become standard practice in the Trump administration, whenever the president makes a big announcement or celebrates an accomplishment, he first has a few flunkies from his cabinet or administration offer laudatory remarks of his royal highness.

I`m surprised he didn`t call on Sean Spicer to powder his nose, kiss his ass, and shine his shoes.

Whenever I see Trump with officials from his administration I`m reminded of North Korea`s Dear Leader, his sycophants always appear as if they are enthralled to be in the presence of deity.

It would restore my faith in humankind if one of his cabinet members had simply told the truth:

Serving in your cabinet has been the most humiliating experience of my life, you demand loyalty, but offer none in return. You will throw us under the bus without hesitation if it serves your purposes. Before I`m emasculated to the point where I`m incapable of making love to my wife, I quit. See you later, you orange freaking fascist.

Whenever Trump`s advisors and administration officials act so obsequiously toward their Fearless Leader, it doesn`t make him look better, it just makes him look like a narcissistic buffoon totally lacking in self-confidence.

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Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://twitter.com/robertpaulreyes

Donald Trump is a Habitual and Pathological Liar

“People have got to know whether or not their president is a crook. Well, I`m not a crook.”

Richard Nixon

Nixon made the infamous declaration during a press conference in Orlando, Fla., amid charges related to the Watergate break-in and subsequent scandal.

History proved that Nixon was a fundamentally flawed and crooked person, and facing certain impeachment and removal from office he resigned in disgrace.

Donald Trump often prefaces his remarks by stating “Believe Me,” kind of ironic considering he`s the most untrustworthy president in history.

People have a right to know whether or not their president is a liar, and anybody with a modicum of common sense can come to only one conclusion: Donald Trump is a pathological liar.

Trump is a habitual liar, and sometimes he lies for no obvious reason. His default mode is permanently stuck on liar liar your pants are on fire.

List of some of the most egregious Donald Trump lies:


Trump is in a world of trouble, he`s facing claims that key members of his campaign and transition team had improper contact with Russians. There`s compelling evidence that he pressured the FBI director to drop the investigation of Mike Flynn.

Trump would need a deep reservoir of good faith with the American public and Congress to escape these serious charges without being impeached. Even Republicans in Congress have expressed doubts about his veracity, it`s almost inevitable that he will eventually be impeached.

Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://twitter.com/robertpaulreyes

Kirsten Gillibrand Drops F-Bombs Like a Sailor! Blame Donald Trump!

“Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand swore like a sailor while blasting President Trump during a speech at New York University on Friday.

kirsten `Has he kept any of these promises? No. F-k No … If we are not helping people, we should go the f-k home,` she told a crowd at the Personal Democracy Forum, according to CNN.”

New York Post

Gillibrand has a history of using colorful language in public, nevertheless this is another example of how Donald Trump has coarsened political discourse. In the Trump era even “family values” politicians feel emboldened to spice up their speeches with as many expletives as scripture references.

Gillibrand`s liberal use of F-bombs may signal that she`s planning on running for president in 2020, thanks to Trump we don`t think a politician is being himself unless he sprinkles his speeches with obscenities.

Prior to Trump expletives and mildly offensive words like “pussy” only appeared in online publications, but now they appear in staid publications like The New York Times and The Washington Post.

In Gillibrand`s defense it`s impossible to talk about Trump and his policies without resorting to swear words. When talking with my friends and colleagues I usually refer to Trump as an orange f**k or a f**king Nazi.

It would be bad enough if Trump`s biggest sin was contributing to the coarsening of or culture, but his biggest crime is desentizing Americans to the needs of migrants, the poor and racial minorities. Under the Trump administration it`s become acceptable to bash immigrants, people of color and the poor and disadvantaged.

F**k Trump and his f**king inhumane policies. It`s time to impeach the F**king bastard!

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Adorable British Kids Criticize Donald Trump: Video

Chelsea interviews some of Britain`s youngest voters on their knowledge about POTUS, and their answers couldn`t be more spot on. Among some of the key takeaways? Donald Trump owns a wig closet, has orange skin, and is racist. Now THAT`s not fake news.

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I have read dozens of articles by scholars criticizing Donald Trump`s troubling personality and his incoherent policies in detail with footnotes and annotations.

But you don`t need to be a political science major, or even an adult, to discern that there is something seriously wrong with Trump.

These adorable British children intuitively realize that Trump is a fuc**d up wanker. Chelsea Handler asks little Charlie what he knows about Trump, and he responds: Well, for start, he`s got an orange face. Charlie knew that Trump`s orange face was indicative of a serious psychological disorder. Nobody is his right mind is going to slather his face with fake orange tan, the president`s orange complexion is an outward manifestation of a sick mind.

Then Charlie added: I know he doesn`t like people with brown skin. Any adult with a modicum of common sense will quickly deduce by examining Trump`s policies and statements that he`s a blatant racist. But even a child will instinctively sense that he is a bigot.

Trump has been put down by intellectuals, stand-up comics, and political commentators, but never more adorably than by these British school kids.

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America Wants Donald Trump to Stop Tweeting

“President Donald Trump may insist his tweets are a way to get his honest and unfiltered message out,” but a majority of voting Americans – including Trump`s supporters – say he should spend less time on Twitter.


According to a new Morning Consult poll released Wednesday, more than two thirds of voters – 69 percent – say Trump uses Twitter too much, compared to just 15 percent who say he uses it about the right amount and only 4 percent who say he should tweet more.”

US News and World Report

You don`t have to be a rocket scientist or a political science major to deduce that Donald Trump spends far too much time on Twitter. In fact, according to a new poll 69 percent of voters say Trump uses Twitter too much. Four percent say Trump should tweet more, these morons also probably think he should apply more orange fake tan.

The results of this poll beg the question: What activity should Trump engage in instead of Twitter?

Enroll in an adult education remedial English Class

Call Jenny Craig

It should be explained to the bastard that he shouldn`t call to flirt with her, but to enroll in a weight-loss program. After Trump gets over the hump and loses 40 pounds from his belly and he can see his tiny pecker for the first time in decades, it will motivate him to lose a hundred more.


Trump isn`t limber enough to do any of the classic Yoga positions, but it might mellow him out just a tad.


This game might be too complicated for Trump, but if Betsy DeVos agrees to give him a full body massage wearing only a “Make America Great Again” hat if he does well he might be inspired to become a Sudoku master.

Practice for the US Citizenship Test

I`m persuaded that this a-hole who wants to deport everyone who isn`t white would flunk the test.

Take up cutting

He could take up cutting himself as a mechanism to relieve stress, maybe we would all get lucky and he`ll cut his jugular.


Give the wanker a shiny new fishing pole and let him fish in the toilet bowl

Train for running marathons

Tell the buffoon that all once he has suffered a stroke or a heart attack he will be ready to participate in a marathon.

As you can see there must be a million and one more productive ways to spend your time, other than on Twitter. Send me your suggestions.

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Theresa May Should Withdraw Her Invitation to Donald Trump for a State Visit

“Benny Hill music, inflatable chodes, kazoos? Now Trump`s insulted Sadiq Khan, let`s get truly British and welcome the US President with a festival of piss-taking.

Does there remain a single potential act of idiocy that, by this point, would surprise any of us were it committed by Donald Trump? Trump`s latest attempts to smear the London mayor, Sadiq Khan – while the latter leads our city through the aftermath of a painful terrorist attack – are simultaneously beyond the pale and tediously par for the course.

As ever, Trump cakes his bigotry in the camp maquillage of false concern for the city and its inhabitants, when it`s clear that this man is incapable of human empathy, and has, furthermore, seemingly chosen to attack Khan so vehemently because he is a Muslim.”

The Guardian

These eloquent words were written by Rhiannon Lucy Cossslett, a London-based freelance writer for the British publication, The Guardian. This article is proof that DonaldTrump is anathema not only in the halls of Congress, the television studios of journalists, and the kitchen tables of everyday Americans, but everywhere in the free world as well.

I will throw away my dog-eared thesaurus and instead bookmark Cosslett`s article: Inflatable chodes, cakes his bigotry in the camp maquillage of false concern, festival of piss-taking! I hope that now my friends and colleagues will understand why I`m an unabashed anglophile, reading an editorial written by an English reporter is nirvana.

In the last couple of years I`ve written over a hundred anti-Trump essays, but my rhetoric has never matched the eloquence of Cosslett. I hope that her dream will come true, and that the golden showers-loving freak will be welcomed with a festival of piss-taking by the genteel people of the United Kingdom.

Trump clearly chose to insult Khan because he`s a Muslim. See my article: Racist Donald Trump Attacks Mayor of London http://thesop.org/story/20170606/racist-donald-trump-attacks-mayor-of-london.html

Speaking of Khan Cosslett writes: London had the clear-sightedness to elect this humble, compassionate man as our leader. So true, and it`s equally true that America had the short-sightedness to elect an arrogant, heartless man as our president.

The British Prime Minister Theresa May should heed Khan`s advice and withdraw her invitation to Trump for a state visit.

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Racist Donald Trump Attacks Mayor of London

Hours after London was hit by an Islamic terrorist attack, Sadiq Khan the Muslim mayor of London, announced:

Londoners will see an increased police presence today and over the course of the next few days. No reason to be alarmed — one of the things the police and all of us need to do is make sure we`re as safe as we possibly can be.

The mayor was reassuring his constituents that the police were doing everything they could to protect them, and that they shouldn`t be alarmed by the increased police presence.

Whenever an ally of America is hit by terrorism the president immediately issues a statement expressing solidarity and concern. I`m not a politician or a speechwriter, but I could have written a statement for Trump:

My heart goes out to the victims and their families and friends in London. No act of terror can shake the strength and resilience of our British ally. They will maintain a stiff upper lip, stay calm and carry on.

Instead Trump attacked the mayor of London during his time of crisis, he mischaracterized his words in a loathsome tweet:

At least 7 dead and 48 wounded in terror attack and the Mayor of London says there is “no reason to be alarmed”

Of course the mayor was telling the citizens of London not to be alarmed by the increased police presence, he wasn`t telling them not to be alarmed about terrorism in general.

Why did Trump attack the mayor of London in a time of crisis, when England is our closest ally? I can come to no other conclusion, but that it has everything to do with the mayor`s ethnicity and religion. Trump has a history of attacking people of color, witness his previous victims of his toxic tweets:

Gold star parents Khizr and Ghazala Khan

U.S District Judge Gonazlo Curiel

Former Miss Universe Alicia Machado

Univision anchor Jorge Ramos

Trump`s blatant racism is causing division and strife in the homeland and destroying our relationships with our allies. It`s time to impeach the racist bastard.

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Donald Trump Signs Meaningless Executive Memo

“After announcing his goal to privatize the nation`s Air Traffic Control System, President Donald Trump sat down at a desk on Monday and signed two documents. There was only one problem: He wasn`t actually signing something that would have any tangible impact on what he had just proposed.

A White House aide told reporters Trump had signed a a decision memo and letter transmitting legislative principles to Congress, surrounding the privatization of the Air Traffic Control system, which he had just spent the last few minutes advocating for. But in order for his goal to come to fruition, Congress would need to pass pass legislation implementing it.”


The Republicans control both chambers of Congress, but the Republican president hasn`t been able to pass a single major piece of legislation. Trump`s repeal and replace of Obamacare managed to squeak by the House, but it will be a miracle if it passes the Senate. His infrastructure and tax reform bills are nothing more than items on a wish list.

Trump keeps himself busy tweeting and ruling by executive order, but his cherished executive orders banning Muslims have been struck down by the courts. Trump is now relegated to signing meaningless executive orders. His executive memos, or whatever the hell you wish to call them, privatizing the nation`s Air Traffic Control System are as valid as a Trump University diploma. The documents merely express Trump`s desire to privatize the Air Traffic Control System, in order for his goal to come to fruition, Congress needs to pass a bill.

Trump would be well-advised to skip photo ops when the cameras focus on his freakishly tiny hands signing a document, especially when the document doesn`t have the weight of law.

Read More: http://time.com/4805726/donald-trump-air-traffic-privatization-document-signing/
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Emmanuel Macron Trumps Donald Trump and Punks Vladimir Putin

Emmanuel Macron, France`s 39-year-old president, has been on the world stage for less than a month, but already he`s demonstrated that he won`t be intimidated by the likes of Russian President Vladimir Putin or American President Donald Trump.

The photogenic French leader has stared down Putin and Trump, to the delight of his countrymen, and to the consternation of these dictators.

When Macron and Putin held a joint press conference at the Palace of Versailles, he rebuked Putin to his face for meddling in the French election in which the Kremlin favored his far right rival Marine Le Pen.

How can we forget Macron`s handshake with Trump, the young French president gripped the septuagenarian`s puny hand like a vise, and then bragged about it later. After that fateful encounter Trump probably changed his diapers, and ordered Sean Spicer to rub Bengay on his injured hand.

Macron trolled the troller-in-chief in a televised speech, speaking in English he condemned Trump for withdrawing from the Paris Climate Accord with a call to “make our planet great again.”

Macron has put the world`s tyrants on notice, that contrary to the stereotype he`s a French man with testicles the size of bowling balls.

Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://twitter.com/robertpaulreyes