Donald Trump Tossing Paper Towels Is His ‘Let Them Eat Cake’ Moment

“Let them eat cake!”

This is a proverb that demonstrates insensitivity to or incomprehension of the realities of life of the disenfranchised. The philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau, in his confessions, tells of a princess who on being informed that the peasants had no bread, replied, “Let them eat cake.”

While the phrase is commonly attributed to the French Queen Marie Antoinette, there`s no record of her having said it.

Donald Trump is oblivious to the stark realities of life of the urban poor. He can`t relate to normal folks, and he obviously has no clue how to relate to normal folks trying to survive in the aftermath of a natural disaster.

The spectacle of Donald Trump tossing paper towels to the survivors of Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico defines the cruelty and stupidity of the Trump administration, and it`s his “Let them eat cake” moment.

The optics of the billionaire president tossing paper towels as if he was playing fetch with dogs underscores his racism and disdain for anyone who isn`t white.

I shouldn`t be so harsh, I must admit a roll of paper towels is a perfect gift for the survivors of Hurricane Maria. Puerto Ricans can use the paper towels to clean the floors of their houses that have been defiled by sewer water. And with a dash of hot pepper a paper towel can fill the stomach of a Puerto Rican who doesn`t have anything to eat.

Marie Antoinette, regardless if she ever uttered the immortal phrase “Let them eat cake,” was beheaded in the French Revolution.

Heads should roll over the incompetent federal response to the devastation wreaked by Hurricane Maria, started with Donald Trump. I leave it to you, my dear reader, to discern if I`m speaking literally or metaphorically.

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Pat Robertson Placed the Blame for the Las Vegas Massacre on Disrespect for Donald Trump

“TV preacher Pat Robertson says the massacre in Las Vegas was caused by lack of respect for President Donald Trump, protests during the national anthem and the country having no vision of God.

“There is profound disrespect for our president, all across this nation they say terrible things about him,” the televangelist and former presidential candidate said on The 700 Club on Monday.”

Huffington Post

The 87-year-old televangelist and former presidential candidate has a sordid history of placing the blame for natural disasters on gays, lesbians, feminists and anybody else who doesn`t subscribe to his Neanderthal belief system.

God might have diverted the course of Katrina into the ocean and spared New Orleans if only the wicked city hadn`t been so hospitable to gays, lesbians and other infidels.

But the con artist really takes the cake with his latest pronunciation that the massacre in Las Vegas was caused by lack of respect for President Donald Trump.

I wish the Almighty would smite Robertson and take him to the Big Nursing Home in the Sky.

If America respected a profane, vulgar, petty and narcissist egomaniac like Trump I would really be worried, it speaks well of the spiritual health of our great democracy that we can`t abide the short-fingered vulgarian.

I imagine what really pisses off God are the evangelical ministers who laud Trump out of political expediency.

Evil, whether it takes the form of a madman who slaughters innocents in Las Vegas, a televangelist who fleeces his flock, or a president who embarrasses his country on a daily basis, is well-entrenched in our society.

But I have a smidgen of hope for America when I see my fellow Americans recognize Pat Robertson, Donald Trump, and the loser who killed 59 people in Las Vegas as moral reprobates.

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Lewis Hamilton Posts Video of Chihuahua Humping Donald Trump Plush Toy! Bravo!

Lewis Hamilton, the British F1 driver, posted a video ridiculing Donald Trump on Instagram. The video shows a Chihuahua humping a Donald Trump plush toy.

Donald Trump is vile, profane, racist and a willfully ignorant narcissist, it`s an indictment on the greatest democracy in the world that we elected him president.

If a crackhead is smoking crack on my front lawn, I am not going to show him all due deference and kindly request that he “enjoy his controlled substance somewhere else.” You have to speak to people in a language that they will understand; I would demand that the crackhead “get the fuc* off my property before I bash his head in with a baseball bat.”

If you want to criticize or ridicule Trump you don`t employ subtle wit, you bash the short-fingered vulgarian over the head with savage insults.

Hamilton chose the right tact in demonstrating his displeasure with Trump`s racist views and policies.

Trump sees himself as the alpha dog, but Hamilton posted a video that depicts Trump as a bitch who is getting humped by a freaking Chihuahua.

My only point of contention with Hamilton is that he took down the video, it should have remained online until the American people come to their senses and remove the wretched dog from office by any means necessary.

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Melania Can’t Stand Donald Trump

“In the aftermath of Hurricane Irma, President Trump visited Fort Myers, Florida to speak about his administration`s recovery efforts in the state. The president was joined by his wife and vice president – but while addressing the crowd, Trump seemed to forget that Melania was standing right next to him, and instead told the audience that the First Lady `really wanted to be with us.`

But she was with them. Melania and Vice President Mike Pence were right by Trump`s side, as were Sen. Marco Rubio and other local officials, as he spoke about the post-Irma cleanup effort.”


Donald Trump has an addiction for high-maintenance trophy wives, when he grew bored with Marla Maples he traded her in for fashion model Melania Knavs.

The celebrity couple has been married since 2005, and in the first few years of their relationship they made time in their busy schedules to engage in sexual congress.

Now that Trump is a septuagenarian he no longer has the ability to please his still relatively young spouse. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak …

Imagine his frustration, he`s like a rich old codger who admires his Ferrari in his garage, but doesn`t take it out for a spin anymore because he realizes that he no longer has the keen eyesight or quick reflexes to tame such a wild beast.

Melania has admitted that she married Trump for his money, and if she swats away his hand in public, you can be damn sure that she bitch slaps him if he tries to steal a kiss in the privacy of their bedroom.

No wonder Trump forgot that Melania was standing right next to him during his speech in Florida, she`s useless to him now.

We should share Melania`s disgust for her husband, and by any means necessary get rid of him.

Link to video of clueless Trump:

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There Should Be No Safe Haven in the World of Entertainment for Donald Trump

“Journalist Megyn Kelly told Ellen she`d welcome President Donald Trump on her new show, Megyn Kelly Today.

After telling Kelly she would not have the sitting president on her show, DeGeneres received massive applause from her studio audience.

`I just, you know, he is who he is and he has enough attention and he has his Twitter account and he has ways to get his message across. There`s nothing that I am going to say to him that is going to change him and I don`t want to give him a platform because it just validates him. And for me to have someone on the show, I really, I have to at least admire them in some way and I can`t have someone who I feel is not only dangerous for the country and for me personally as a gay woman but to the world. He`s dividing all of us and I think I don`t want him on the show,` DeGeneres said again to massive applause.”

Real Clear Politics

Jimmy Fallon, with his good-natured impish personality, was once the undisputed king of late-night comedy, but that all changed when Donald Trump appeared on “The Tonight Show” last September.

Instead of seizing the opportunity to grill (good-naturedly of course) the candidate on his racist and anti-women comments, inexplicably Fallon chose to humanize the monster by ruffling his hair.

Fallon paid dearly for his unforgivable mistake, he`s fallen far behind in ratings to the Trump-bashing Stephen Colbert.

There should be no safe haven anywhere in the world of entertainment for the Reality Show president, a lesson Ellen DeGeneres has certainly learned.

As a gay woman Ellen would never consider having the homophobic president on her show. No black talk show host should ever consider inviting the racist buffoon on his program. No Latino/Latina talk show host should ever consider giving the anti-immigrant and anti-Mexican idiot a platform to spew his noxious views. No white talk show host should ever consider inviting Trump to be a guest on his show, after all Trump is an embarrassment to the Caucasian race, indeed to all of humanity.

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Rocket Man Vs The Dotard! Who Are You Rooting For?

Donald Trump has been called every name in the book, his willful ignorance, depraved profanity and epic narcissism is enough to make even a nun call him anything but a child of God.

When President Donald Trump gave an an address at the United Nations (The Mecca of diplomacy) on September 19, 2017 he referred to North Korea`s regime as a “band of criminals” and he called Kim Jong-un a “Rocket Man on a suicide mission.”

Trump`s speech at the United Nations is the equivalent of a sex worker giving a lecture at Notre Dame University where she blasts the school`s administration as “hypocritical and puritanical a**holes who need to get their heads out of the pope`s ass, realize it`s the 21st century, and allow escorts to ply their ancient trade in their university.”

Leave it to North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un (no stranger to fiery rhetoric), to come back with the perfect rejoinder:

I will surely and definitely tame the mentally deranged U.S. dotard with fire.

The Oxford Dictionary definition:

An old person, especially one who has become weak or senile.

The Urban Dictionary definition:

When you are in the midst of your dotage meaning that you are in the midst of your mental decline. i.e. you`re in the process of becoming a fuc*ing idiot.

I admit I didn`t know the definition of “dotard,” but it`s a perfect description of Trump. It`s similar to “retard,” but not as politically-incorrect.

Kim Jong-un is the Dear Leader of a communist hellhole, but most of us are hoping and praying that he will indeed tame the mentally deranged dotard with fire.

Maybe North Korea`s military technology is more advanced than we ever suspected, and they are capable of launching a tiny projectile, no longer than Trump`s penis, and target the freaking dotard.

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Donald Trump Jr. Wants to Give Up Secret Service Protection! Why Can’t His Idiot Dad Do the Same?

“Donald Trump Jr. has asked to be removed from Secret Service protection, telling friends he wants more privacy, according to two people briefed on the decision.

It`s a rare move for a member of the president`s family to forgo a security detail, in part because adult children are counseled by the Secret Service that they are quickly seen as targets for those railing against their famous parents.

One close friend of the president`s son said Trump Jr. has been talking for weeks about waiving the 24-hour protection that Secret Service agents provide him, his wife and their five children. But it was unclear Monday night whether he had requested his wife and children be dropped from protection. Secret Service spokeswoman Catherine Milhoan declined to comment on whether Trump Jr. and his family were no longer receiving protection.”

Washington Post

During his first seven months in the White House, Donald Trump has taken seven trips to Mar-a-Lago, five to his golf resort in New Jersey; and one to Trump Tower in Manhattan.

Earlier this year, Junior`s business travel to Uruguay cost the Secret Service nearly $100,000, and that was just for hotel rooms. Which begs the question, does he travel with a harem of bimbos?

Donald Trump`s weekly trips to his resorts, and the business and vacation trips of his sons and daughters are bankrupting the Secret Service.

I don`t know what prompted Trump Jr. to request that he be removed from Secret Service protection, but I hope his father and his siblings follow his example before they bankrupt the federal government.

I`m not saying I want Trump to be assassinated, but the prospect of Trump traveling sans Secret Service protection fills my heart with joy and hope for the future of our great democracy.

Let me make it abundantly clear, I`m not advocating for the assassination of Trump, and anybody who makes threats against the president should be prosecuted.

However, I hope and pray that a solid citizen will lie to Trump and tell him that Kim Jong-un doesn`t have any bodyguards. That would be enough for Trump to try to out-macho the Korean dictator and compel him to dismiss his Security detail.

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Donald Trump, Twitter and the End of the World

Outrage is the coin of the realm on social media, especially Twitter. Trump has a volcanic nature and his default mode is outrage, therefore Twitter is the perfect platform for him to publish his insane proclamations.

Many presidents have occasionally used the editorial pages of the New York Times or the Washington Post to communicate with the American public. But Trump`s grammar is unfit for a middle school newspaper, let alone a prestigious publication like The New York Times, fortunately there are no grammar rules per se on Twitter, and he can vent to his illiterate heart`s content on the social media site.

I sometimes wax apoplectic on Twitter and nobody bats an eye, because that`s just how people roll on Twitter.

Even though Trump is the President of the United States and Leader of the Free World we shrug when he spouts nonsense on Twitter. Nothing to see her folks, it`s just our Buffoon-in-Chief talking smack on his favorite social media platform.

Trump could tweet that Kim Jong-un the Rocket Man and Crooked Hillary should ride a nuclear-tipped missile shaped like a dildo and crash into a deserted island and we would take it in stride, after all Trump has been twitting crazy shi* for years.

If Trump tweeted “crazy fundies are right and September 23, 2017 is really the end of the world and imma gonna grab me as much pussy as I can before then!,” I would think to myself what kind of a fuc*ed up world do we live in, I always thought the end of the world would be announced by heavenly trumpets, not by a stupid Trump tweet.

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Donald Trump Re-tweets Golf Ball Hit on Hillary Clinton

“On the eve of a critical week of foreign policy challenges, Donald Trump started his Sunday by retweeting an edited video of him hitting a golf ball into Hillary Clintons back — and her falling over from the impact.

That message — a trollish attempt at humor with overtones of violence against women — went out to Trump`s 38.5 million Twitter followers and turned a Sunday expected to be focused on the President`s preparations for the United Nations General Assembly meetings this week into a now-familiar White House circus.”


Granted Hillary Clinton is the most unlikable politician in the modern political era, and if she was hit hit by a golf ball causing her to fall over from the impact she would not be inundated with Get Well cards.

In fact I hope she is conked in the head by a golf ball, but the only injury she will suffer is a total amnesia of the 2016 presidential election. I`m sure I`m not the only one who is sick and tired of her and Trump continuously rehashing the election.

However a man with a history of misogynistic behavior and making crude jokes at the expense of women should refrain from retweeting a video with overtones of violence against women.

We shouldn`t let Trump get away with anti-women antics even when the targets of his venom are vile and reprehensible creatures like Rosie O`Donnell and Hillary Clinton.

Trump will always be Trump, which means he will always act like a pig, but we must never stop condemning him for his unacceptable behavior.

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11-Year-Old Who Cut White House Lawn is a Stooge Who’s Trying to Humanize a Monster

“President Donald Trump has taken up an offer from an 11-year-old in Virginia to help cut the White House grass.

`Frank from Falls Church, Va.,` was helping the grounds crew cut the Rose Garden grass on Friday, according to press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders. On Friday, she shared an image of him pushing a lawn mower next to the West Colonnade.

Frank Giaccio was so focused on pushing the lawn mower, he didn`t notice Trump had emerged to greet him until the president was next to him in the Rose Garden. Frank got a high-five from the president, who called him `the future of the country.`

Last month, Sanders read a letter from the boy in which he wrote that he admires the president`s business background and has started his own neighborhood lawn care business.”

NBC News

Trump supporters tout Frank Giaccio, who goes by the nickname `FX`, as the embodiment of entrepreneurship and hard work that made America Great, but the rest of us view him as a willing stooge who is trying to humanize a monster.

FX waived his usual fee of eight dollars, figuring that the publicity will expand his business to the point where he can cut grass fulltime, and drop out of middle school.

Trump has a sad history of stiffing contractors, I doubt he would have paid him anything anyway. The young landscaper probably left the White House with only a “Make America Great Again” hat and a signed glossy photograph of The Donald.

FX hails from Falls Church, Virginia, a wealthy suburb of Washington with the lowest level of poverty of any independent city or county in the United States.

The little creep may be a hero in his affluent hometown, but in real America he is anathema.

The president called FX “the future of our country,” if that`s true our great democracy is doomed.

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Candice Bergen’s Disastrous Date With Donald Trump

“Candice Bergen recalled the dud of a date she went on with future President Donald Trump back in college, and admitted his dedication to color coordination just didn`t do it for her.

`He did (pick me up). He was wearing a three-piece burgundy suit and burgundy patent leather loafers and a burgundy limousine,` she said Wednesday on `Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen.` `There was no physical contact whatsoever.`

The 71-year-old `Murphy Brown` actress, who was 18 and attending the University of Pennsylvania at the time, admitted that while Trump was a good-looking guy, he was also a douche.”

The New York Daily News

Candice Bergen survived her traumatic date with Donald Trump, and went on to become a top fashion model and an award-winning actress.

If Bergen is anything at all like the sharp-tongued and hard as nails Murphy Brown (her most famous role), I`m not surprised that she dismissed The Donald after only one date.

Thank goodness Trump seems to have gotten over his fetish for color coordination, if he wore an orange suit and orange loafers to coordinate with his orange face he would look like a clown.

Bergen reminisced about her date from hell with Trump while sporting a “Free Melania” sweater. Wearing a sweater with a slogan is a fashion faux pas that no fashion model should ever make, but I agree with the sentiments.

Bergen`s date with Trump left her with the impression that he was a douche, fortunately we don`t need to date him, or even have a couple of beers with him to deduce that he`s a douche, a clown, and a racist.

Bergen`s date with Trump lasted only a couple of hours, and Trump`s term in office shouldn`t last more than a couple of years, we should impeach the douche.

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Miss Texas Margana Wood Condemned White Supremacy Better Than Donald Trump Ever Has

At the Miss America pageant Houston`s 22-year-old Margana Wood was asked about the president`s response to the recent White Supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia.

People editor Jess Cagle inquired: The president said there was shared blame with very fine people on both sides. Were there? Tell me yes or no and explain.

The Texas beauty responded: I think that the white supremacist issue … it was very obvious that it was a terrorist attack. I think that President Donald Trump should have made a statement earlier addressing that fact and making sure all Americans feel safe in this country. That is the number one issue right now.

Beauty pageant contestants are infamous for their vacuous answers to simple questions. Miss Teen South Carolina 2007, Caitlin Upton, went viral for her incomprehensible answer to the question:

“Recent polls have shown a fifth of Americans can`t locate the U.S. on a world map. Why do you think this is?

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When a beauty pageant contestant is asked a question, regardless of the topic, she will usually allude to World Peace, and mention how much she loves puppies and butterflies.

But Wood, with only a few seconds to formulate her answer, gave a clear and concise answer to the question that President Donald Trump totally botched. Wood didn`t need a TelePrompTer and a team of advisers to condemn white supremacy in no uncertain terms.

We should impeach the 71-year-old buffoon Donald Trump and replace him with the 22-year-old beauty Margana Wood.

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Donald Trump’s Creepy Relationship With Ivanka

“Donald Trump was branded nauseating and creepy after he referred to his daughter Ivanka as honey during a speech in North Dakota.

The U.S. president was delivering a speech at a tax reform event when he invited his daughter up on stage, calling her `honey` as he told how she was desperate to visit the U.S. state alongside him on Wednesday.

He told crowds he liked of the way Ivanka called him `daddy` when the 35-year-old businesswoman asked to join him for the trip.”

Inviting his daughter up on stage, Mr. Trump said: “Sometimes they`ll say he can`t be that bad of a guy – look at Ivanka. Come on up, honey. She`s so good.


Donald Trump has always enjoyed an intimate, some would say perverted, relationship with his daughter Ivanka.

We can`t forget, regardless how hard we try, the creepy September 2016 photograph depicting a 15-year-old Ivanka grinding on the lap of her father during a Beach Boys concert.

During a TV interview on The View in 2006 Donald Trump said: If Ivanka weren`t my daughter, perhaps I`d be dating her.

During the 2016 presidential campaign Trump demonstrated a tendency to let his tiny hand slip to his daughter`s backside while introducing her on stage.

Trump`s inordinate affection for his daughter hasn`t dimmed, as his behavior toward her during a recent speech in North Dakota proved.

America is nauseated by everything that Trump says or does, but especially by his creepy relationship with Ivanka.

So The Donald likes being called “Daddy?” I hope Mr. T pimps slaps the Orange Buffoon, and asks him “Who`s your daddy?” until he cries out “You`re my daddy.”

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Vladimir Putin: Donald Trump is Not My Bride

“Russian President Vladimir Putin dismissed a question about U.S. President Donald Trump at a news conference Tuesday, refusing to comment on U.S. political affairs and distancing himself from the American leader.

Trump is “not my bride, and, likewise, I am neither his bride nor bridegroom. We are statesmen,” Putin told reporters, according to a translation by Reuters.”

Huffington Post

Donald Trump`s bromance with Vladimir Putin has lasted twice as long as the average Kardashian relationship, and if those two lovebirds ever consummate their romance, and if a video of their unholy tryst emerges it would break, nay shatter the Internet.

But it appears that Putin is having second thoughts about their love affair, the Russian president insisted that Trump is not his bride.

Putin was engaging in diplomatic speak, this is what he was really saying: Oh hell to the no, Trump ain`t my main squeeze, he`s just a side bitch. He`ll be lucky if I give him an industrial size jar of Vaseline as a parting gift.

Trump`s ardor however hasn`t waned, he`s still madly in love with the man who won him the election.

If Putin wants to get rid of his fatal attraction, he should gift Trump a couple of Russian prostitutes whose specialty is Golden Showers.

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Donald Trump’s Dreadful DACA Decision

Today Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced that Donald Trump (who was too cowardly to make the announcement himself) has ended the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program which gives work permits to undocumented immigrants who were brought to the United States a children, along with protection from possible deportation.

DACA won`t be rescinded for six months, ostensibly to give Congress enough time to write legislation to save the dreamers. But the racist Trump knows damn well that such a bill will never pass through the House of Representatives that`s controlled by hardline Republicans.

Trump`s racist, cowardly and evil action has been roundly condemned from all quarters

There have been a million and one tweets condemning Trump`s DACA decision, but I want to highlight this one:

“It`s incredible to me that you`ll pardon a man who is known for running his prison as a Latino concentration camp and call him a patriot, but then deport kids with a dream to be successful citizens with safe lives. You disgust me.”

Tweet from Fifth Harmony`s Lauren Jauregui

I couldn`t agree more with Jauregui`s tweet, Trump has proven with his words and his actions that he hates Mexicans and Mexican-Americans. He disgusts me.

Trump claims that he wants to build a wall to protect Americans from Mexican rapists and criminals, but the DACA young adults are college graduates, entrepreneurs, and hardworking citizens who are making the communities they live in a better place.

Trump is physically, intellectually and spiritually disgusting; I disagree with his political ideology but my reaction to him is primal and visceral: I want to tear out his heart and smash it before his dying eyes.

Trump you disgust me, and this Latino blogger will continue to write editorials exposing your racism, buffoonery and sheer incompetence until you are removed from office, one way or another.

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How Do We Cope With the Obscenity Known as Donald Trump?

“When Tina Fey introduced `sheet-caking` to the world, she spoke a truth that many of us have been reluctant to admit. In her most recent `Saturday Night Live` skit, Fey gorges on sheet cake while discussing the malevolent resurgence of Nazism in America, President Donald Trump`s own disturbing attitude toward right-wing extremism and the cowardice exhibited by Republicans like House Speaker Paul Ryan. By the time `Weekend Update` co-host Michael Che decides to join her in shoveling cake into his own mouth, anyone with a soul can understand why.

Like Fey, many very fine people across the land have turned to their junk food vices for comfort since the election of Trump. The DoorDash food delivery service saw a 90 percent increase in orders from liquor stores, a 79 percent increase in cupcake orders and a 50 percent increase in orders from wine bars on Election Day and the days after, MarketWatch reported.”

When I go to sleep I pray that I will awaken in an alternate universe, where Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton lost the election, and President Bernie Sanders` steady hand is at the helm presiding over a nation making strides toward a more perfect union.

But when I wake up and turn on CNN, cold reality hits me in the face when I hear about Trump`s latest idiotic tweet.

According to the multiverse theory of physics there`s an infinite number of universes, and we are cursed to live in the universe where Donald Trump is the President of the United States.

How do we cope with this horrendous truth? I`m not down with gorging on sheet-cake, unless there`s also a giant stash of weed next to the damn cake.

I can understand citizens turning to sheet-cake, weed, cocaine, alcohol or permissive sex to cope with the abomination known as Donald Trump.

But on a serious level, we must be sober-minded to fight Donald Trump until he`s impeached, forced to resign or removed from office via the 25th amendment.

We can`t get rid of Trump by hacking the Matrix, or relying on prayer alone, we must write editorials, march in protest, and write letters to our senators and congressmen and congresswomen until we rid ourselves of this obscenity.

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Donald Trump Can’t Tell Difference Between Two Female Reporters

“Donald Trump managed to mix up two female reporters at a press conference on Monday, forcing the Finnish president Sauli Niinisto to explain that the women were not actually the same person.

As the leaders took questions from the press pool, Mr Niinisto called on a reporter.

`Again?` Mr Trump asked the Finnish president, mistakenly believing he had called on a reporter who had already asked a question. `You`re going to give her the same one?`

`No, she is not the same lady,` Mr Niinisto replied, to the amusement of the two journalists.”


There are three possible explanations for Trump`s embarrassing gaffe:

Trump`s hatred of media

The president hates the media with a passion, he thinks the press has a vendetta against him. He sees the press as a single entity, he doesn`t see reporters as individual human beings just doing their job. It`s not surprising he couldn`t distinguish one reporter from another.

Trump`s sexism

Both reporters were young, blond and attractive, in Trump`s eyes they were just blond bimbos, indistinguishable from one another.

If Trump visits a brothel on a monthly basis, and if he is serviced by blond prostitutes who look nothing like each other on each visit, he would probably complain: You have a bunch of girls in this here fine establishment, why do I always get the same broad?

Trump`s dementia

The septuagenarian probably can`t tell his adult diapers from his KKK cap, who can blame him if all the reporters look the same to him?

The only reporters that Trump remembers are the ones who compliment him, and all those sycophant morons work for Fox News.

Pic of reporters:

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In a Perfect World Donald Trump Would be Impeached and Hillary Clinton Would be Run Over by a Mack Truck

Every time Hillary Clinton opens her mouth she reminds us that as bad as things are under Donald Trump, and make no mistake about it our country is going straight to hell, things would have been even worse with Hillary at the helm.

Trump may be a buffoon, a narcissist and a racist, but at least he`s sometimes funny — there isn`t a funny bone in Hillary`s body.

In her forthcoming memoir “What Happened,” Hillary writes that when Donald Trump wandered up behind her during the second debate, in St. Louis, she thought, “This is not OK. . . . Two days before, the world heard him brag about groping women. Now we were on a small stage and no matter where I walked, he followed me closely, staring at me, making faces.”

There isn`t a snowball`s chance in hell that the lecherous Trump would have touched the frigid old hag with a ten-foot pole, and we all know that the short-fingered vulgarian doesn`t have a ten-foot pole.

Clinton continues with her self-serving narrative “It was incredibly uncomfortable. He was literally breathing down my neck. My skin crawled. It was one of those moments where you wish you could hit pause and ask everyone watching, well, what would you do? Do you stay calm, keep smiling and carry on as if he weren`t repeatedly invading your space? Or do you turn, look him in the eye and say loudly and clearly, `Back up you creep, get away from me. I know you love to intimidate women but you can`t intimidate me, so back up.`”

Bitch please! You didn`t lose because the sexist Trump was trying to intimidate you, you lost because you are the most self-loathing and socially-awkward butch lesbian in the world.

Let me digress and explain that I`ve been publicly advocating for gay and lesbian rights for twenty years. I love me some lesbians, it`s humorless lesbians who are too cowardly to come out of the closet that I can`t stand.

When Trump got too close for comfort she should have let loose with one of her patented toxic farts, believe me Trump would have scampered away.

What a horrible world we live in, I wish Trump was impeached and I wish Hillary was run over by a Mack truck.

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Who’s More Evil, Donald Trump the Racist Clown or Pennywise the Clown?

“Stephen King`s Twitter war with Donald Trump isn`t over yet.

After being blocked on Twitter by Trump in June, the famous horror writer got revenge on the President Thursday evening by declaring that he`d be returning the favor – by blocking Trump from seeing the upcoming film `IT` and television series `Mr. Mercedes,` both based on works by King.

`Donald Trump blocked me on Twitter. I am hereby blocking him from seeing IT or MR. MERCEDES. No clowns for you, Donald. Go float yourself,` King tweeted.”


Stephen King has created many horrifying characters, like Pennywise the Clown, that haunt us in our nightmares, but even the master of horror couldn`t conceive of an abomination like Donald Trump the President of the United States.

King has been fighting the evil clown on Twitter, it`s no surprise that Trump blocked the acclaimed writer on Twitter.

King is now returning the favor, by blocking the orange clown from seeing the upcoming film “IT” and the television series “MR. MERCEDES,” both based on novels by the famous novelist.

Of course King can`t really block the perverse clown from seeing the productions based on his works, but wouldn`t it be great if we could block any image or article about Trump from social media, newspapers, and TV and radio? Surely there`s an app for that!

Living in a Trump-free world would be as close to paradise as we can get this side of death, unfortunately we need to hear about Trump`s daily outrages and scandals. We need to be outraged, so that we will be compelled to fight the evil clown until he`s banished from our great country.

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Donald Trump Used Hurricane Harvey as Cover to Pardon Joe Arpaio

Natural disasters bring to light the worst of Mother Nature and the best of human beings, the courage and determination of the victims and first responders remind us of the indomitability of the human spirit.

Natural disasters also reveal the character of the President of the United States. President George Bush was on vacation when Hurricane Katrina made landfall, and as the nation watched the devastation in horror, the president remained on vacation, he didn`t return back to the White House until a couple of days later.

On his way back, Bush had Air Force One fly over part of the devastated area and he glimpsed the wreckage from the plane. The photo of Bush looking out the window of his presidential plane became one of the defining images of his tenure.

A picture speaks a thousand words, and that photograph spoke of the president`s detachment from the concerns of everyday people. Since most of the victims in the hardest-hit areas were African-Americans it also spoke of his insensitivity towards people of color. In Kanye`s immortal words, “Bush doesn`t care about black people.”

The Bush presidency never recovered from Hurricane Katrina, and President Donald Trump failed to learn from Bush`s bungling of the natural disaster.

Hours before Hurricane Harvey made landfall in Texas, Donald Trump left the White House for a weekend getaway in Camp David.

Trump used Hurricane Harvey as a cover for announcing controversial measures, the pardon of racist Sheriff Joe Arpaio and the signing of a memo which bans transgender individuals from newly enlisting in the military.

Hurricane Katrina struck New Orleans in 2005 during Bush`s second term, and the Iraq war had already severely weekend him. Hurricane Harvey struck Texas only seven months into Trump`s administration, but his countless scandals and mistakes have already crippled his administration.

Trump is ill-equipped to lead our nation during the best of times, God help us when he`s at the helm during a natural disaster or a terrorist attack.

For God`s sake, we must get rid of the bastard, one way or another, as soon as possible.

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Donald Trump is a Pig and His Supporters are Piglets

Donald Trump the President of the United States hasn`t changed an iota from Donald Trump the candidate, he`s as much of a racist buffoon as he was on that day when he descended from the elevator at Trump Tower to deliver his racist presidential announcement speech.

A day after he read a presidential speech of a TelePrompTer, devoid of any histrionics and buffoonery, committing to send more young men and women to fight in the endless and pointless Afghanistan war, he reverted to form.

At a campaign rally in Phoenix, Trump wasn`t chained to a TelePrompTer, and he delivered his greatest hits from the campaign trail, railing against the media and his many enemies.

Trump`s tone and specifics changes from speech to speech, depending on the crowd and the prevailing news of the day, but the subject of his speech never changes, it`s always about himself.

It`s always about how the media is attacking him, and about how he doesn`t get the credit he deserves. Trump is a billionaire who had every opportunity to succeed handed to him on a silver platter, but spends every day throwing tantrums and acting like a victim. Sad!

Trump devoted most of his Phoenix rant relitigating his bungled response to Charlottesville. He theatrically pulled his previous remarks about Charlottesville from his front pocket, and read them verbatim, but omitted the words that caused all the controversy. The audience didn`t hear him read the parts about how “many sides” were to blame, or that there were “fine people” on both sides.

Trump revised history, exaggerated the size of crowd, and fed the pigs a steady diet of red meat. I will not apologize for calling Trump supporters “pigs,” they may have been excused for supporting him during his presidential run, but for six months they have witnessed him destroy our country and our democratic ideals, and yet they still enthusiastically support him. I should be commended for calling them “pigs” instead of one of the expletives favored by their Messiah.

I`ve seen enough to deliver my verdict: Donald Trump is a narcissist, a buffoon and a racist, and as a newspaper columnist and blogger I will devote my talents, meager as they may be, convincing my readers that he should be impeached.

How about you, will you stand on the right side of history?

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German Magazine Portrays Donald Trump Giving Nazi Salute

“A German magazine has portrayed President Donald Trump giving a Nazi salute on its latest front page.

Stern magazine mocked up the image of Trump performing the gesture while draped in the American flag for the cover of its Aug. 24 issue.

The magazine`s cover is the latest in a line of provocative anti-Trump front pages to appear since the president failed to fully condemn this month`s violent white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia.”

Huffington Post

If anyone can recognize the dangers of Nazi philosophy taking root in a democracy it`s the Germans, and they are appalled at Donald Trump`s embrace of White Nationalism.

Americans are aware that Trump`s toxic racism is doing incalculable harm to our democracy, but I don`t think most of us realize how much harm he`s doing to America`s reputation and standing in the world.

Stern`s cover is spot on, Trump drapes himself in patriotism and American supremacy while winking at the violent antics of White Nationalists. Nazi ideology is the antithesis of democracy, and it`s incumbent on the president to denounce it in no uncertain terms.

If America is to survive as a democracy we must hate Nazism as much as the Germans, and that means impeaching our racist president.

Link to pic of cover of Stern:

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Who Was the ‘Blacks for Trump’ Guy Standing Behind Trump at his Phoenix Rally?

During Donald Trump`s unhinged rally in Phoenix on Tuesday night, two thoughts popped into my mind that kept my awake all night long.

Question 1: Why in the name of God is Trump still holding campaign rallies? Campaign rallies are by their very nature divisive and partisan events, a candidate attempts to solidify his base by attacking his opponent.

Somebody needs to remind Trump that he won the election and he`s no longer a presidential candidate, but the President of the United States. With every speech that he delivers, and every press conference that he holds, he should be seeking to unify the country.

Question 2: Who in the name of God was that black guy strategically placed behind the president, holding a sign proclaiming “BLACKS FOR TRUMP.” As a Latino I`d rather walk downtown buck naked wearing a cowboy hat and high heels, than stand behind Trump when he`s delivering a speech. Why would any self-respecting black man attend a Trump rally?

A black man would have to be stark raving mad in order to support our Nazi-sympathizing president. It shouldn`t come as any surprise that the black dude standing behind Trump is crazier than a shi*house rat. According to his website he believes that the “real KKK slave masters” are Cherokee Indians and that ISIS and Hillary Clinton are plotting a race war to kill all black and white women in America. Like I said, homeboy is nuttier than a fruitcake.

In the six months that Trump`s been in office he`s clearly demonstrated that he`s morally, intellectually and temperamentally unfit to be president. Anybody, not just religious and ethnic minorities, would have to be freaking nuts to support him.

Impeach the racist bastard!

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Billy Joel Dons Star of David in Protest of Donald Trump

“Billy Joel may wear his heart on his sleeve in his songs, but Monday night he wore the Star of David to make a statement.

Joel, whose parents are Jewish, wore the symbolic yellow stars on the front and back of his jacket while performing at Madison Square Garden in New York City.”


This is an obvious reaction to Donald Trump`s deeply offensive and troubling remarks in the aftermath of the White Nationalists` rally in Charlottesville, Virginia.

Billy Joel normally eschews politics, but when the President of the United States is a Nazi sympathizer, all of us, artists, celebrities, politicians, writers, religious leaders and regular folks must take a stand.

Trump has made racist statements against virtually every minority: Muslims, immigrants, African-Americans, Mexicans, and Mexican-Americans.

The majority of Americans believe in racial equality and harmony, and we must repudiate the hatred and bigotry embodied by Trump.

Gary Cohn, Donald Trump`s top economic adviser, is said to be infuriated over Trump`s press conference in which the president couldn`t bring himself to denounce Nazis and White Supremacists in no uncertain terms.

Cohn was seething as he stood behind Trump while he was playing footsie with racists, but the moral coward hasn`t uttered a single word in protest.

If Cohn ever appears in a press conference with Trump again, at least he should wear a Star of David in case the president once again makes sympathetic statements about White Nationalists.

Kudos to Billy Joel, a gentleman, scholar and terrific rock and roller. When Trump is impeached I will blast his music all day long.

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August Archives Page 2:


Donald Trump Stared at Eclipse Without Proper Eyewear! Why Didn’t God Blind Him?

“As President Trump and first lady Melania Trump got in on Monday`s eclipse mania, the president took a peek at the sun without the proper eyewear.

Accompanied by son Barron Trump, the pair arrived on the balcony at 2:38 p.m, per pool reports. When asked how the view was, the president gave a thumb`s up.

At one point, the president appeared to glance up at one point sans eclipse glasses, leading to an aide shouting, `Don`t look,` per pool reports. Looking at the eclipse without the proper eyewear can lead to eye damage.

At 2:41 p.m., a minute before peak eclipse at the White House at about 81%, the president put on a pair of glasses and stood next to the first lady.”


I`m a normal human being, and I`ve never physically hurt anyone in my life, but like most Americans I have fantasies of torturing Donald Trump until he agrees to resign.

When I saw the photographs of the degenerate billionaire staring at the eclipse without proper eyewear, I grumbled to myself: Dear God, why didn`t you blind the bastard?

The Almighty isn`t going to smite the buffoon with a lightning bolt, or blind him, or kill him in a painful way that will bring joy to billions.

It`s up to citizens to get rid of the abomination by any legal means. It`s incumbent upon us to call our senators and congressmen, and demand that they impeach Trump or remove him from power via the 25th amendment.

Pic of the moron staring at the eclipse without protective eyewear:

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