Uncle Tom Ben Carson Says Trump Will Ease Up On Athletes Who Kneel During National Anthem

You don’t have to be a rocket scientist, political analyst, or a psychologist to deduce that Donald Trump is exploiting the racial divide and harping on cultural issues to cement his standing with his base.

Ever since Colin Kaepernick first knelt during the playing of the National Anthem to protest police brutality and racial discrimination some four years ago, Trump has railed against him and other black athletes who use their platform to protest racial discrimination.

The racist-in-chief has spread the false narrative that these professional athletes were disrespecting the flag and dishonoring our military by kneeling during the national anthem, even though they have stated time and time again that they were protesting America’s treatment of racial minorities.

Nobody thinks that Trump will ease up on his criticisms of athletes who kneel in protest during the national anthem, in his mind they will always be sons of bitches.

Only HUD Secretary Ben Carson thinks that Trump will ease up on his lambasting of black players who kneel during the national anthem. He told Hugh Hewitt the following:

“Well, I don’t think he has manifested as much animosity in that region lately and I think we just continue to work with him. He’ll get there.”

Earth to Uncle Tom Carson: he won’t get there. He will never get there. Nobody has any respect for an Oreo, and a sniveling coward has no sway over Trump.

Trump will continue to use race to divide the public and pander to his racist base. But the George Floyd murder has changed everything, and America has had enough of racial inequality. Trump’s racist base and support from Uncle Toms the likes of Carson won’t be enough, and he’s headed to a defeat of landslide proportions.

Donald Trump Selects Dr. Ben Carson as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development


“On Monday, President-elect Donald Trump announced the long-rumored selection of former pediatric neurosurgeon and presidential candidate Ben Carson as secretary of Housing and Urban Development.

Curious as it may sound, Carson accepted the offer from his former rival less than a month after his spokesman told reporters that Carson was not qualified for a position in the incoming administration because he ‘has no government experience‘ and has ‘never run a federal agency.’ The same spokesperson made clear that Carson would not want to take a position that could cripple the presidency.”


In this presidential election the electorate made it abundantly clear that they wanted change above everything else.

The socialist revolutionary, Sen. Bernie Sanders, would have defeated the establishment favorite Hillary Clinton, if the DNC hadn’t rigged the game in her favor.

Donald Trump beat 17 heavyweight Republican rivals even though everybody (RNC, media, intelligentsia, Wall Street, donor class) was vehemently against him.

In this season of disenchantment with the establishment, when the electorate eschewed political hacks in favor of change agents, even a renowned brain surgeon, Dr. Ben Carson, with absolutely no political experience was the Republican frontrunner for a short spell in the fall of 2015.

That is until Donald Trump brutally crushed Carson’s nascent bid by comparing him to a child molester. On March 4, 2016, Carson ended his campaign, and shortly thereafter he became one of Trump’s most loyal surrogates.

The primaries, especially the debates, exposed Dr. Carson as an idiot savant, he’s a genius when it comes to medicine, but he’s mentally-retarded when it comes  to economics, foreign policy, education, or housing and urban development.

I can understand Trump’s desire to reward Dr. Carson for his loyalty, but his tenure as Secretary of Housing and Urban development is destined to be an unqualified disaster.

Carson’s supporters point to his childhood living in poverty in the mean streets of Detroit as his most impressive qualification. Really? I attended a  high school in the poor side of town, but that doesn’t qualify me to be Secretary of Education.

It’s incumbent upon the Senate to give Mr. Carson a thorough examination, and ultimately reject him for being woefully unqualified.

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