Let’s Save Our Democracy and Defeat White Evangelicals and Their False Messiah Donald Trump

When he was a real estate mogul Donald Trump made political contributions to politicians of both parties but mainly Democrats, including liberal icons Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer.

Trump carefully cultivated an image as a playboy by dating movie stars, Playboy bunnies and porn stars.

Prior to Trump’s announcing his run for the presidency in 2015 no politician, theologian, or pundit would have predicted that he would be embraced by white evangelicals as their political savior.

In short, there was little in Trump’s decadent lifestyle to suggest that the real estate developer and reality TV star would enjoy a third career as the Republican champion of family values and religious liberty.

 It’s 2020 and the morally degenerate and politically corrupt short-fingered vulgarian is embraced by white evangelicals more than ever, after three years of spewing vitriol on Twitter, making common cause with white nationalists, supporting dictators and generally acting like the antichrist.

Trump may have been a novice politician but he was a very cunning one and he realized that his surest path to the presidency was by cultivating an unholy alliance with white evangelicals. Other Republican politicians like Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush have won the presidency in no large part by pandering to the religious right, but Trump gave them more than just lip service. Trump is the evangelicals wet dream incarnate, he appointed two pro-life Supreme Court Justices, filled the federal courts with conservatives, surrounded himself with a God-fearing cabinet and gave Israel everything on their bucket list.

Is it any wonder that white evangelicals hail the morally repugnant Trump as God’s appointee on Earth and compare him to a Biblical king? Is it any wonder that Trump acts as if the Constitution doesn’t apply to him and he’s above the law, when he’s treated like a Messiah by his base?

Trump has been an out-of-control disaster in his first term, but if he survives impeachment and is re-elected, he will be vindicated and emboldened, and so uncontrollable that he may bring on Armageddon. It’s incumbent upon Americans of all political parties and all religions, including evangelicals who recognize Trump as an emissary of the devil, to save our democracy by doing everything in our power to defeat Trump. For God’s sake and our democracy’s sake vote for the Democratic presidential nominee in 2020.