Dear God: Please Rapture the Hateful Evangelicals the Hell Out of Here

A century ago, “The Rapture of the Church” was an eschatological theological position held by few Christians, primarily American evangelicals. Today most American evangelicals believe in the Rapture, and even most secular Americans are familiar with the concept: Christians around the world will be taken up (raptured) into heaven prior to the unleashing of apocalyptic events culminating with the rise of the anti-Christ and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

I prefer a Christianity based on the teaching of Jesus Christ and without any Science Fiction/Disaster movie theatrics, but to each his own.

American white evangelicals are the most loathsome Christian movement on the face of the Earth, they stand for everything that is antithetical to the Gospel of Jesus Christ: racism, misogyny, homophobia, xenophobia, capitalism run amuck, baseless conspiracy theories, Trumpism …

Most of what evangelicals believe in is hogwash, but how I pray that there will really be a Rapture when the good Lord take up evangelicals into heaven. That may turn heaven into hell, but good riddance to bad rubbish.

On the other hand, without evangelicals America would be a democratic paradise: hate crimes and racism would plummet and Kumbaya would become the National Anthem.

Oh God, please, please rapture the evangelicals to kingdom come.