It is hard to reconcile the vengeful and horrific acts of the Old Testament deity with the loving and forgiving nature of the Jesus Christ of the New Testament. How can a devout person rationalize the Hebrew Bible’s endorsement of slavery, genocide, homophobia, misogyny, and xenophobia? Except for Noah and his family, Jehovah drowned every human being in the world including babies, pregnant women, the elderly and the mentally feeble. That is horrific beyond imagination, but what’s even worse was the wholesale murder of innocent and sentient animals who are incapable of evil thoughts or deeds and are at the mercy of humans and God.
You do not have to believe in the Calvinist doctrine of the total depravity of man, to concur that people really suck.
When Joe Biden’s term ends, his last remaining pet, a tabby called Willow, will leave with him, leaving the White House bereft of cats and dogs.
Even the best politicians like Biden are inherently corrupt to some extent, and the worst like incoming President Donald Trump are incorrigible moral monsters.
The White House needs a loyal dog, a mischievous but loveable cat or what the hell even a hamster, to counter the evil of the people who live and work there.
Trump has given no indication that he is going to bring a pet with him. None of the lap dogs in his Cabinet qualify as pets, and I would not want to be anywhere near the vicinity of this pet-free infernal building.