Trump and Israel Seek to Ethnically Cleanse Gaza

“According to a United Nations agency and a growing number of experts and rights organisations, including Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, Israel has committed genocidal acts against the Palestinian people.”


Israel responded to the barbaric attack by Hamas on October 7, 2023, against primarily Israeli civilians by unleashing a counteroffensive that quickly degenerated from a just retaliatory military action against wanton terrorism into a textbook case of deliberate and systematic genocide.

You don’t need to be a member of an international court of law to deduce that Israel has committed genocide in Gaza. More than 47,000 Palestinians, the majority civilians, have been killed in Israel’s offensive, and more than 100,000 have been injured. Most of Gaza’s two million residents have been internally displaced, many multiple times, and most of Gaza’s infrastructure, including primary schools, universities, mosques and hospitals have been bombed into rubble. You have to be morally blind and an Islamophobe not to conclude that Israel is guilty of genocide.

Trump wants to legitimize and finish off the genocide of the Palestinians in Gaza. He said that he wants Egypt and Jordan to take in Palestinians from Gaza.

Describing Gaza as a “demolition site”, Trump said: “You’re talking about probably a million and a half people, and we just clean out that whole thing”. He said that the move “could be temporary or could be long-term”.

“Clean out the whole thing.” He might as well have said that Gaza needs to be completely ethnically cleansed so that the Jews from Israel can move in.

Both Hamas and the Palestinian Authority condemned the proposal. Jordan and Egypt have also rejected the idea.

Even though Gaza has been reduced to rubble, Palestinians have a strong attachment to their homeland, and they would never willingly leave.

The authoritarian Trump administration and the Zionist regime must not be allowed to ethnically cleanse Gaza.

The Symbiotic Relationship Between Trump and White Evangelicals

The toxic and symbiotic relationship between Donald Trump and white evangelicals has changed since 2016 when the Bible thumpers initially tentatively embraced the amoral bastard.

Back then they were queasy and hesitant to publicly support the pathological liar, serial philanderer and unethical real estate tycoon. The sanctimonious hypocrites distanced themselves from his immoral conduct, penchant for uttering profanities and petty vindictiveness, but they embraced his stand against abortion and his affinity for the Zionist state of Israel.

They regarded Trump as a corrupt politician but nevertheless a messiah chosen by the Almighty to Make America Great Again and to turn back the tide of moral decadence.

But now white evangelicals are as corrupt, petty and vindictive as their Dear Leader. Trump has a cultlike hold on his evangelical devotees, and they support him not despite the fact that he’s amoral, but precisely because he’s a ruthless moral monster who’s on a mission from God to destroy liberals.

In 2016 they cringed when Trump uttered an obscenity at his MAGA rallies, now they laugh and recite the profanity along with him. They experience a spiritual orgasm when Trump engages in violent and hateful rhetoric. In short, they have become indistinguishable from their evil leader, and they have turned into the moral decadence that is ruining our great democracy.

The end stage of this symbiotic relationship is when the parasite from hell Trump, has sucked every last drop of goodness that may have existed at one time in the white evangelical movement.

Nothing Will Warm You During the Frigid Winter Like a Dog

It’s the middle of winter, the thermometer flirts with the freezing point, the sun hides behind the menacing clouds, and spring is nowhere near the horizon. We gird ourselves against the frigid cold as we don a Snuggie, sip hot cocoa, tend a roaring fireplace, or turn a space heater all the way up.

Warm clothes, hot cocoa and a dependable source of heat are necessary for dealing with the harsh elements, but a pooch is indispensable for facing the most unforgiving season.

There is nothing more heartwarming than cuddling next to a doggie whose fur is like a built-in heating pad guaranteed to keep you warm even at the chilliest of nights.

Man’s best friend will keep your body and soul warm, there is no better feeling than sleeping next to a loyal and loving four-legged person who always has your best interests at heart.

Your lover or your spouse may or may not cuddle with you when the weather dips, depending on their mood, but canines with their inherently docile and gentle temperament will gladly stick by your side.

A wealthy person may live in a mansion with a state-of-the-art heating system, but if he does not have a furry companion, he will never be as toasty as a person living in a humble home with a dog.

As I peck away at the keyboard, Princess is staring at me with her fervent eyes, making me feel warm, even as the temperatures outside are in the teens.

Homophobe Franklin Graham Will Deliver Invocation at Trump Inauguration

On January 30, 1933, Adolf Hitler was sworn in as the Chancellor of Germany and the Nazi Party assumed control. No Jewish Germans were present to celebrate the ascendancy of their arch enemy as the absolute ruler of Germany.

On January 20, 2025, Donald Trump will be sworn in as the President of the United States, and the MAGA movement will control the presidency, both chambers of Congress and the Supreme Court. Unfortunately, Log Cabin Republicans and other gay Republicans will be president to celebrate the return to power of the enemy of the LGBTQ community.

The invocation at Trump’s inauguration will be delivered by two raging homophobes: evangelical minister Franklin Graham and Roman Catholic Cardinal Timothy Dolan. Both of these “men of God” are well known for their vitriolic anti-gay rhetoric. Graham said celebrating LGBTQ Pride is like celebrating “lying, adultery, or murder” and he castigated Pete Buttigieg for having the temerity to be and out and proud gay man. Dolan is a vehement opponent of same-sex marriage, and he said gay people are entitled to “friendship” not sexual love.”

The closing prayer will feature Rabbi Ari Berman, an Orthodox Jew, a branch of the Jewish faith that is not LGBTQ affirming. It seems like the organizers of the Trump inauguration went out of their way to feature the most notorious anti-gay clergy.

Why would any self-respecting member of the LGBTQ community attend an inauguration ceremony with such a glaring anti-gay vibe? I won’t even watch this travesty on TV.

Why is Trump Glaring in His Inaugural Photo?

Donald Trump’s newest official portrait, captured by his chief photographer, Daniel Torok, and not by a vindictive tabloid paparazzo perfectly captures his malevolent essence.  

In the photo, the president-elect dons a stern expression, eyebrow cocked as if he is contemplating what evil he is going to unleash in the next four years. The disturbing image deliberately bears an uncanny resemblance to Trump’s mug shot, as if he wants to convey the message that his enemies must gird themselves for biblical style retribution and vengeance.

Trump is depicted sternly squinting, bathed from lighting from below, as if the faux lighting is emanating from the pit of hell. This photo is an antithesis of portraitists who employ “heavenly light” to express God’s delight in the object of their painting.

Nobody should be surprised that Trump is not smiling, he eschews smiling in photos because he equates smiles with weakness and scowls with strength.

This is the image which will be printed in the programs his MAGA cultists will clutch on Inauguration Day, reminding them that their orange messiah is no wimpy Jesus.

The grifter-in-chief has a talent for hawking Trump-branded merchandize to his devotees, and I would not be surprised if he sells a signed limited-edition print of his official inaguaration portrait.

I will not be buying any prints of his photographs, and I will studiously avoid watching his unsmiling ugly mug whenever it pollutes my TV screen.

Nancy Mace Challenges Jasmine Crockett to a Fight on House Floor

Stop me if you’ve heard this refrain before, but a meeting of the House Oversight Committee erupted into chaos when MAGA lightning rod Rep. Nancy Mace challenged rising star Dem. Rep Jasmine Crockett to a fight.

Mace got her panties into a twist when Crockett called her “child” while criticizing her obsession with anti-trans messaging. This anti-trans hysteria is endemic in the GOP, Republican politicians bash trans people to raise funds and energize their base.

“Somebody’s campaign coffers really are struggling right now,” Crockett said of Mace. “So she can’t keep saying trans, trans, trans, so that people will feel threatened. And child, listen—”

Mace immediately interrupted, yelling: “I am no child! Do not call me a child. I am no child. Don’t even start. I am a grown woman, 47 years old.” There is no better way to prove that you are not a child than by screaming hysterically in a setting where decorum and civility should prevail.

While Crockett tried to continue speaking, Mace shouted, escalating the matter to a new level, challenging her to a physical confrontation:

 “I have broken more glass ceilings. You will not do that. I am not a child. … If you want to take it outside, we can do that.”

Mace is an evangelical Christian who wears her religion on her sleeve. With so many MAGA evangelicals in Congress who engage in histrionics, threaten violence, eschew civility, and demonize racial and sexual minorities we should prepare ourselves for many more spectacles.

Biden Should Play Corpse in ‘Weekend at Bernie’s 3’

After 50 years in public service President Joe Biden’s political career is ending next week, and he will suddenly have a lot of free time. Although it could be argued that the senile octogenarian has done little in the last four years, and that his wife and his aides have been the real powers behind the throne.

Nevertheless, the 82-year-old retiree needs to consider what to do with the rest of his life. My suggestions (You are welcome Mr. President):

Star in Weekend at Bernie’s 3

This dark comedy was released in 1989, and its sequel was released in 1993, it is about time for a third sequel, and Biden is the perfect person for the role of the cadaver. The comedy tells the tale of two young insurance salesmen who discover that their boss Bernie is dead after arriving at his house in The Hamptons. They pretend that he is still alive, leading to hijinks, corpse desecration and guffaws. What better person to play the role of the corpse than a brain-dead octogenarian who is practically comatose?

Walmart Greeter

Biden can adequately perform the duties of a Walmart greeter, even if he has the cognitive ability of a wilted head of lettuce. You can count on Biden to greet women by sniffing their hair and welcoming young girls by giving them a courtesy grope or two.

Donate his body to Support Medical Research and Science

I know he is not technically deceased yet, but being experimented on while he is still alive will serve as atonement for failing to keep his implied promise not to run for reelection.

Whatever Biden decides to do after he leaves the White House, it will not be for long, the Grim Reaper will soon catch up with the doddering old fool.

Joe Biden: I Won’t Be ‘Out of Sight, Out of Mind’

Ten days before President Joe Biden leaves office and President-elect Donald Trump is sworn in for a second term, he ruled out staying away from the public limelight.

“I’m not going to be out of sight and out of mind, “he told reporters at the White House.

Traditionally, presidents keep a low profile after leaving office, and Biden would be well-advised to follow the well-established custom.

It is ironic Biden promised not to be out of sight and out of mind, considering he’s been out of public view his entire tenure, rarely granting any interviews and eschewing press conferences.

He has been out of mind, literally, for at least the last few years, it’s been sad watching dementia inexorably taking a toll on his mental faculties.

There is a special place reserved in hell for Jill Biden, and the other elder abusing aides who hid Biden’s dementia from the public.

Trying to stay in the public spotlight is an exercise in futility anyway, there is no way a geriatric Biden can garner even a smidgen of attention away from the crazy and chaotic Donald Trump.

Biden’s stubborn refusal to accept his mental and physical decline and his fateful decision to decline to run for reelection resulted in Trump’s comfortable victory. Everyone, even progressives, are sick and tired of Biden, and we hope he rides off in his wheelchair into the sunset.

Jimmy Carter the Evangelical

Jimmy Carter was a Renaissance man: a prolific author, compassionate humanitarian, amateur painter, skilled carpenter, nuclear engineer, Nobel Prize winner, tireless peacemaker, peanut farmer, Navy lieutenant, former president of the United States, and an evangelical.

This essay is about Carter the evangelical; I don’t mean any disrespect by calling him a religious slur. He was a liberal evangelical before the Christian Right went on a crusade to elect Ronald Reagan, a B-movie actor, to the White House. He was an evangelical before an amoral Donald Trump and his army of racist and homophobic evangelicals made “evangelical” one of the most despised words in the American lexicon.

Jimmy Carter was a down-to-earth Christian who taught Sunday school not in the ornate National Cathedral in D.C. but in the humble Maranatha Baptist Church in Plains, Georgia.

The former president expressed his faith by eradicating diseases in Africa, monitoring elections all over the world, and building houses for the homeless. He didn’t need to stage any photo-ops holding a Bible in front of a house of worship, we could see that his faith was real by his lifetime commitment to doing unto others as you would have them done to you.

In the aftermath of Watergate, Carter made the following campaign promise:

“I’ll never tell a lie.”

No man is perfect, and no man, especially a politician, can survive in the ruthless world of politics without telling a lie. But no man came closest to living a life free from guile than Carter.

Trump Wants to Rename Gulf of Mexico ‘Gulf of America’

“President-elect Donald Trump proposed renaming the Gulf of Mexico to the “Gulf of America,” citing U.S. dominance and economic activity in the region, while also hinting at tariffs on Mexico over drug trafficking concerns.”


Donald Trump, aka the stable genius, and wannabe oceanographer doesn’t know the difference between a gulf, a bay and an ocean, nevertheless he wants to rename the Gulf of Mexico the “Gulf of America.”

I see no need to rename the Gulf of Mexico, considering that the US gulf coastline is smaller than the Mexican gulf coastline. Anyway, it was known as the Gulf of Mexico or “Gulfo de Mexico”, long before there was an entity called America, created in a territory formerly occupied by indigenous people from Mexico and the United States.

I am actually surprised Trump, the noted egomaniac, doesn’t float buoys in the gulf branded with his name, and renames it the “Gulf of Trump.”

MAGA Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene said she would quickly introduce a bill renaming the Gulf of Mexico, shortly after hearing the Dear Leader’s remarks. Her bill will quickly pass since the House is infested with Trump sycophants, but Mexicans, most Americans and the rest of the world will still call it the Gulf of Mexico.

Regardless of what it’s called, Trump the climate change denier will “drill baby drill” and pollute the Gulf of Mexico with offshore oil and natural gas rigs.

Trump hasn’t been inaugurated yet but he’s already chaos and confusion with his ridiculous statements.

Trump’s White House Needs a Pet to Counter the Oppressive Evil

It is hard to reconcile the vengeful and horrific acts of the Old Testament deity with the loving and forgiving nature of the Jesus Christ of the New Testament. How can a devout person rationalize the Hebrew Bible’s endorsement of slavery, genocide, homophobia, misogyny, and xenophobia? Except for Noah and his family, Jehovah drowned every human being in the world including babies, pregnant women, the elderly and the mentally feeble. That is horrific beyond imagination, but what’s even worse was the wholesale murder of innocent and sentient animals who are incapable of evil thoughts or deeds and are at the mercy of humans and God.

You do not have to believe in the Calvinist doctrine of the total depravity of man, to concur that people really suck.

When Joe Biden’s term ends, his last remaining pet, a tabby called Willow, will leave with him, leaving the White House bereft of cats and dogs.

Even the best politicians like Biden are inherently corrupt to some extent, and the worst like incoming President Donald Trump are incorrigible moral monsters.

The White House needs a loyal dog, a mischievous but loveable cat or what the hell even a hamster, to counter the evil of the people who live and work there.

Trump has given no indication that he is going to bring a pet with him. None of the lap dogs in his Cabinet qualify as pets, and I would not want to be anywhere near the vicinity of this pet-free infernal building.

Mike Johnson Reads Fake Prayer from Thomas Jefferson

Evangelicals preach a revisionist history that teaches that America is a Christian nation founded on biblical values, and they vehemently proclaim that the founding fathers were fire-breathing Puritans.

Most of the founding fathers were deists, not theists, and if alive today they would be more comfortable attending a mainline Protestant church than an evangelical one.

Benjamin Franklin was a deist and member of the Hellfire Club, notorious for drunken debaucheries. Thomas Jefferson also a deist valued reason over revelation and rejected traditional Christian doctrines. In fact, he was so contemptuous of conventional Christian beliefs that he wrote “The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth”, commonly referred to as “The Jefferson Bible” which included no signs of Jesus’s divinity.

Shortly after being reelected as House Speaker, Christian Nationalist Mike Johnson read a prayer falsely attributed to Thomas Jefferson, which has been debunked by historians, scholars and even the Thomas Jefferson Foundation.

The spurious quotation known as the “National Prayer for Peace” ends with the words:

“In time of prosperity fill our hearts with thankfulness, and in the day of trouble, suffer not our trust in Thee to fail; all of which we ask through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.”

Jefferson, a staunch supporter of the separation of church and state, would have considered it anathema to invoke “Jesus Christ our Lord.”

Jefferson is probably rolling over in his grave at the thought of a self-righteous Christian politician misquoting him to mislead people into thinking he was a Bible thumper.