Nancy Mace Challenges Jasmine Crockett to a Fight on House Floor

Stop me if you’ve heard this refrain before, but a meeting of the House Oversight Committee erupted into chaos when MAGA lightning rod Rep. Nancy Mace challenged rising star Dem. Rep Jasmine Crockett to a fight.

Mace got her panties into a twist when Crockett called her “child” while criticizing her obsession with anti-trans messaging. This anti-trans hysteria is endemic in the GOP, Republican politicians bash trans people to raise funds and energize their base.

“Somebody’s campaign coffers really are struggling right now,” Crockett said of Mace. “So she can’t keep saying trans, trans, trans, so that people will feel threatened. And child, listen—”

Mace immediately interrupted, yelling: “I am no child! Do not call me a child. I am no child. Don’t even start. I am a grown woman, 47 years old.” There is no better way to prove that you are not a child than by screaming hysterically in a setting where decorum and civility should prevail.

While Crockett tried to continue speaking, Mace shouted, escalating the matter to a new level, challenging her to a physical confrontation:

 “I have broken more glass ceilings. You will not do that. I am not a child. … If you want to take it outside, we can do that.”

Mace is an evangelical Christian who wears her religion on her sleeve. With so many MAGA evangelicals in Congress who engage in histrionics, threaten violence, eschew civility, and demonize racial and sexual minorities we should prepare ourselves for many more spectacles.