Taliban Bans Windows So Women Can’t Be Seen

“The Taliban has banned windows in residential buildings to stop women from being seen while they are at home in Afghanistan.

‘Seeing women working in kitchens, in courtyards or collecting water from wells can lead to obscene acts.’”


The Abrahamic religions, Christianity, Islam and Judaism, are inherently patriarchic and misogynist by design.

Since seizing power in 2021 the Taliban has declared war on women, blocking them from the workplace, education, and public places. Women are prohibited from singing or reading aloud.

Women are such a threat to the patriarchy that the Taliban seeks to render them invisible. The sight of a women collecting water from a well can lead men to commit “obscene acts.” Are they referring to masturbation; what a sexually repressive theocracy.

Christian fundamentalists are just as misogynist as Islamist fundamentalists. Many evangelical churches cite 1 Corinthians 14: 34-35 as justification from banning women from leadership positions in the church:  

“As in all the churches of the saints, the women should keep silent in the churches. For they are not permitted to speak, but should be in submission, as the Law also says. And if they desire to learn anything, let them ask their own husbands at home; for it is improper for a woman to speak in church.”

The mere sight of a woman is a threat to the established order in the Taliban’s Afghanistan and Trump’s America.

Religious zealots can board up every window in every building but they can’t make women disappear.

Taliban Attempt to Kill James Mattis!

“The Taliban unleashed a barrage of rockets and suicide bombers detonated their vests at Kabul`s international airport Wednesday, the attack coming fewer than two hours after U.S. Defense Secretary James Mattis arrived there.

Mattis had already left the airport aboard helicopters to attend a meeting with Afghanistan`s President Ghani when the attack occurred.

The Afghan Crisis Response Unit responded to the attack and U.S. forces supported them in the air, but a missile malfunctioned and caused several friendly casualties, officials said.

Fox News

In October 2001 the United States invaded Afghanistan after the Taliban refused to turn over Osama bin Laden and dismantle al Qaeda`s terrorist bases.

In relatively short order the Taliban was removed from power, but most of the al Qaeda`s terrorists escaped to safe haven in Pakistan.

George W. Bush`s fevered vision of turning Afghanistan into a Jeffersonian democracy lies in the dustbin of history. Nevertheless 17 years later American young men and women are still shedding their blood in vain in this godforsaken country.

The Taliban have regained control of most of the territory in Afghanistan, the American puppet, President Ashraf Ghani, controls only Kabul.

America was justified in invading Afghanistan after the Taliban refused to give up the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks, but there is no justification whatsoever for an occupation that has lasted almost two decades.

The Taliban was justified in unleashing a barrage of rockets at Kabul`s international airport, they have every right to protect the sovereignty of their nation and to seek to kill the leader of the occupying force.

The Taliban are freedom fighters and Defense Secretary James Mattis is the general of an imperial army.

The Afghan people are sick and tired of foreigners interfering in their perpetual bloodshed, they simply want the Yankees to go home.

We should allow the Afghan people to slaughter each other in peace, and bring our young men and women home.

What the holy hell are we still doing in Afghanistan?

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