Pat Robertson the Evangelical Crypt Keeper Says Putin’s Invasion of Ukraine Fulfillment of Biblical Prophecy

The recently retired televangelist Pat Robertson came out of retirement to gleefully declare that Russian President Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine to set the stage for the ultimate End Times war in Israel.

I don’t take advice on geopolitics or theology from an entity that looks like the Crypt Keeper on crack.

Pat Robertson, like most evangelicals, practically creamed his pants when Russia attacked Ukraine without any justification or provocation because it fits his eschatology that the final battle of Armageddon will pit Russia against Israel.

Robertson has no concern for the hundreds of civilians who have already been killed, or the thousands of casualties that will be the inevitable outcome of Russia’s monstrous invasion of a thriving democracy.

Robertson is deliriously happy because he thinks Russia’s invasion of its neighbor means that Jesus will soon his rapture his decrepit body.

Fuck Robertson and any other evangelical who interpret wars from an eschatological viewpoint, and are blind to human suffering.