Outrage: Sarah Silverman Attacked Donald Trump Because He Asked If Her Boobs Were Real

“Sarah Silverman said Donald Trump once inquired after her breasts, something that would be shocking if we had the capacity to be shocked by that kind of stuff anymore. In a tweet, Silverman said the now-President asked comedian and Roastmaster Jeff Ross if her tits were real, noting that they are, not that it`s Trump`s-or anyone`s-business.”

AV Club

Sarah Silverman should be flattered that anyone inquired after her breasts, her big mouth distracts men from noticing any other part of her anatomy.

Silverman could be delivering her stand-up routine buck naked, and I wouldn`t even sneak a peek at her coochie.

When Silverman first started out in comedy she had that nerdy Jewish girl thing going for her, and she was adorable if not very funny.

In the last couple of years Sarah has taken to wearing sexy attire, I`m sick and tired of her cleavage-exposing shirts.

Silverman failed Comedy 101:

Women suck at stand-up comedy.

The only successful (funny) female comics were homely as hell. Witness Phyllis Diller, Moms Mably, Roseanne Barr.

Parting shot: Sarah, if you don`t want men remarking on your boobs, stop flashing them.


Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://twitter.com/robertpaulreyes



Donald Trump Gets Behind the Wheel of a Big Rig and the Internet Goes Nuts

“Yes, it happened – at the White House. US President Donald Trump was rallying votes for his health care reform bill Thursday but made a pit stop in the afternoon to meet with truck drivers and trucking executives.

During that meeting, he spent a few minutes happily exploring the cab of a tractor-trailer parked outside the White House.

The 70-year-old Republican, dressed in a suit, enthusiastically honked the horn before pretending to drive the vehicle and making some funny faces – and the internet noticed, with #TrumpTruck getting some traction on Twitter.”

News.Com. Au

President Donald Trump got behind the wheel of a big rig and the Internet went bonkers.

My thoughts:

I don`t know what`s more ludicrous Trump playing president or Trump playing truck driver.

How was Trump able to get his tiny hand to sound the air horn?

When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things. When I was a child I really wanted to get behind the wheel of a big truck and blow the horn, but I grew up and pursued more worthwhile goals. Grow up Trump!

The images of Trump inside the cab of the tractor-trailer reminded me of the corny country classic “Convoy” by C.W. McCall. Trump is leading a convoy driving down the path to hell.

Trump was making funny faces while pretending to drive the semi truck, we`re all making funny faces while Trump pretends to govern the country.

Trump will become a real truck driver before his wreck of a health care plan becomes law.

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Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://twitter.com/robertpaulreyes

Donald Trump Jr Blasts London Mayor After Terrorist Attack

“`You have to be kidding me?!` Mr. Trump said Wednesday afternoon on Twitter, as details of the episode – which left at least five dead, including the assailant, and 40 injured – continued to unfold. The message continued, `Terror attacks are part of living in big city, says London Mayor Sadiq Khan.`

Mr. Trump, the oldest son of President Trump, was calling attention to an article from September in The Independent, a British newspaper, that described Mr. Khan`s reaction to a bombing then in the Chelsea neighborhood of New York City.

Mr. Trump mischaracterized the London mayor`s remarks. Mr. Khan did not describe terrorism as `part of living in a big city,` as if bombings and shootings were an inescapable fact of life. He said that terrorism preparedness, including providing sufficient support to the police, was `part and parcel of living in a great global city.`”

New York Times

The rotten apple doesn`t fall far from the tree, Donald Trump Jr. shares his father`s obsession with posting misleading and controversial tweets.

First of all, as the excerpt of the New York Times article shows, Junior twisted the London mayor`s remarks. Mr. Khan didn`t describe terrorism as “part of living in a big city,” his statement was more nuanced and diplomatic.

Although I would argue that terrorism is “part of living in a big city,” there is no way in hell that authorities can prevent a terrorist from mowing down people with a vehicle.

Secondly, Trump gave the impression that the mayor uttered the remarks in the aftermath of the March, 22, 2017 London attack, when in fact he delivered his comments after the September 2016 Chelsea bombing.

But at least Junior didn`t refer to the mayor of London as “the bad Muslim mayor of London,” his father would have pointed out the mayor`s religion.

Word of advice for all the Trumps:

After the next terrorist attack go with a generic Tweet: My thoughts and prayers are with the victims …

Read More: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/03/22/us/politics/donald-trump-jr-criticizes-london-mayor-after-deadly-attack.html?_r=0

Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://twitter.com/robertpaulreyes

Pussy Riot’s Nadya Hates Putin and Trump

“When it comes to defiance, Nadya Tolokonnikova of Russian punk band Pussy Riot could be considered a pro.

In 2012, Pussy Riot staged a guerilla performance at the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow. The show mocked Vladimir Putin and the Russian Orthodox Church, which led to Tolokonnikova and fellow bandmate Maria Alekhina receiving a two-year prison sentence.”

Huffington Post

Nadya Tolokkonnikova of the punk band Pussy Riot is one woman serial pussy-grabber Donald Trump doesn`t want to touch with a ten-foot pole. (Not that tiny hands Trump even knows what a ten-foot pole looks like.)

Nadya has a long and distinguished history of resisting the tyrannical rule of Vladimir Putin, and in an opinion piece she wrote for Foreign Policy she offers some tips to her American cousins on how we can resist Donald Trump, whom she calls a “stupid ape.”

She argues that Putin and Trump are alike; they are thin-skinned egomaniacs who lash out at every perceived slight. Putin has no restraints on his power, he imprisons and even kills his enemies, Trump has to operate within the constraints of a democracy, but he`s still a dangerous person.

It`s our moral imperative to resist tyranny whether we live in an oligarchy or a democracy.

Many Democrats are under the delusion that judging by the colossal mistakes Trump has made in only two months in power, that he will soon be impeached.

But Nadya warns us to be prepared for a long and bitter fight, we may be stuck with Trump for four, or God forbid, eight years.

Putin may be a ruthless dictator, but he`s a patriot and he always has the best interests of the Russian Federation, Trump on the other hand only cares about growing his personal wealth and protecting his brand.

Americans are worse off under Trump than Russians are under Putin, and we must resist Trump by any means necessary.

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For the Good of the Country Twitter Should Ban Donald Trump

“Andrew Napolitano`s wiretapping allegations seem to have gotten him pulled off the air on Fox News.

Just Last week, Napolitano appeared on `Fox & Friends` and weighed in on President Trump`s allegation that former President Obama had him wiretapped.

`Three intelligence sources have informed Fox News that President Obama went outside the chain of command…`

`He used GCHQ. What the heck is GCHQ? That`s the initials for the British spying agency.`

This claim was then repeated by the White House.”
AOL News

Andrew Napolitano has been with Fox News almost since its inception, and he has a long history of disseminating conspiracy theories. We`re all familiar with his type, they usually sit at the end of the bar babbling about Alex Jones as if they were quoting Scripture.

Napolitano has effectively been suspended by Fox News, he was absent as a legal analyst for Supreme Court Nominee Neil Gorsuch`s Senate hearing.

Donald Trump has a lot in common with the loud guy at the bar and Napolitano, he loves conspiracy theories and he has no reservations about sharing them on social media.

Unfortunately, when the President of the United States spreads unsubstantiated allegations and crazy conspiracy theories on Twitter he diminishes his presidency, confuses the electorate, and tarnishes the international reputation of our great country.

In just over a couple of months Trump has severely weakened his presidency with his pathological lying, and spurious allegations against his political opponents.

Accusing former president Barack Obama of a felony without a shred of evidence was beyond the pale, and it has sown the seed that will lead to Trump`s eventual impeachment.

Napolitano was suspended by Fox News for impugning the integrity of a British spy agency, I wish Twitter would suspend Trump for spreading lies.

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Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://twitter.com/robertpaulreyes

Angela Merkel’s Bewilderment at the Entity Known as Donald Trump

“Angela Merkel`s facial expressions illustrate global bewilderment at Trump.”


As a writer I value words over photographs and videos, but a picture is worth a thousand words and these photos of Chancellor Angela Merkel`s facial expressions perfectly encapsulate the world`s bewilderment at Donald Trump.

I could write a 1,000 word thesis on the rise of Donald Trump as evidence that we live in a simulated reality, and that the God/Programmer has a really wicked sense of humor.

But I will spare myself hours of writing and editing, and simply implore you to click the link at the bottom of this page. Angela Merkel is every citizen of the world.

Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://twitter.com/robertpaulreyes

Images of Angela Merkel`s bewilderment at Trump:

Donald Trump Wants to Kill Meals on Wheels

There should be a special place reserved in hell for scammers who target the most vulnerable segment of our population, the elderly.

Con artists who are convicted of fleecing the elderly should be treated like child molesters behind bars, they should walk out of the Big House bowlegged and terrified of taking a shower.

Which brings us to the greatest flimflam artist of our times, Donald Trump. He basically bullshitted his way into the White House, and now he`s crapping all over the poor and the elderly.

The president just released his budget proposal that slashes federal funding from multiple programs that aid the elderly and poor.

The orange bastard wants to eliminate funding for a government program that partially funds local Meals on Wheels programs. Meals on Wheels is considered sacrosanct by Republicans, Democrats, and anybody with a beating heart. Only a Scrooge, the Antichrist or a monster with a really deep hatred for the elderly would kill Meals on Wheels.

Meals on Wheels delivers nutritional meals to the elderly and to the disabled who are housebound. The only social interaction that many of these disabled and elderly have is with the Meals on Wheels volunteers.

Trump`s $1.15 trillion budget proposal seeks a humongous increase in military and other security spending while slashing spending on social welfare programs that benefit the poor and disadvantaged.

Trump is building up the military to compensate for his micropenis; he should get a penis transplant and leave the poor and elderly the hell alone.

Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://twitter.com/robertpaulreyes

Billboard Depicts Donald Trump, Nazi-like Symbols! Masterpiece!

“A billboard depicting President Donald Trump`s face next to explosions and dollar signs created with typography imitating Nazi swastikas went up in downtown Phoenix on Friday afternoon.

The back of the billboard shows five fists forming sign language letters with the word `unity` beneath the fists.”

The Arizona Republic

Regardless if you are a Republican, Democrat or an Independent, we should all agree that this controversial billboard is an expression of free speech, and it should not be taken down.

This masterpiece perfectly captures the cluelessness of Donald Trump, he seems oblivious to the nuclear explosions going off behind him. Nero played the fiddle while Rome burned, Trump will be tweeting and contemplating why God cursed him with tiny hands while the world burns.

The dollar signs created with typography imitating Nazi swastikas are a stroke of brilliance that perfectly captures Trump`s unholy amalgamation of Nationalist fascism, unbridled capitalism and unchecked power.

This billboard is a clarion call, the time to take action against Trump is now before his rhetorical Twitter bombs ignite nuclear explosions.

Pic of billboard:


Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://twitter.com/robertpaulreyes

McDonald’s Twitter Account Mocks Donald Trump’s Tiny Hands

“The McDonald`s Twitter account on Thursday sent a quickly deleted message calling President Donald Trump a `disgusting excuse of a president.`

The tweet, which came from the fast-food giant`s official corporate account, also said the company would love to have Barack Obama back as president, and that Trump has `tiny hands,` the Associated Press reports.

Shortly after the tweet was posted, McDonald`s said it was notified by Twitter that its account had been compromised. `Twitter notified us that our account was compromised. We deleted the tweet, secured our account and are now investigating this,` McDonald`s wrote.”


You`d think a billionaire would dine only on filet mignon, caviar and lobster, but actually Donald Trump loves fast food, and he once starred in a McDonald`s commercial.

I don`t know how Trump can get his tiny hands around a Big Mac, he probably has an assistant cut the giant burger into smaller portions that he can pick up.

Contrary to the Time magazine article, McDonald`s didn`t quickly delete the message calling Trump a “disgusting excuse of a president.” The offensive Tweet was online for over an hour before it was finally deleted. If McDonald`s Twitter account was really compromised, and the hacker posted a tweet claiming that the Big Whopper was superior to the Big Mac, I guarantee that message would be deleted in a New York minute.

Maybe Trump will get revenge by attacking McDonald`s on Twitter and by doing a commercial for White Castle, he shouldn`t have any problems holding a White Castle slider with his diminutive hands.

Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://twitter.com/robertpaulreyes

Donald Trump Condemns Snoop Dogg Satirical Video

“A satirical music video featuring the rapper Snoop Dogg and a clown called Ronald Klump is the latest piece of pop culture drawing the attention and ire of President Trump.

On Wednesday, in yet another of his trademark early morning Twitter bursts, the president took the extraordinary step of invoking `jail time!` in response to the clip, which depicts Snoop Dogg pointing a toy pistol toward the Klump character. When the rapper pulls the trigger, a sign that says “bang” drops from the barrel in the style of classic prank guns; Klump is later shown in chains.”

New York Times

This article is a follow-up to my previous essays:

Snoop Dogg shoots Evil Clown Donald Trump in New Video


Marco Rubio Slams Donald Trump Over Music Video Depicting Mock Donald Trump Assassination


I knew that it was only a matter of time before Donald Trump would express his outrage on Twitter at Snoop Dogg for his anti-Trump video.

Any institution or individual who ridicules or criticizes Trump is branded as “failing” by the think-skinned president. The rap icon may be many things including a stoner, but he`s not failing as an entertainer by any sense of the word.

Donald Trump loves celebrities, and he was crushed when all the A-list celebs declined to perform at his inauguration. Trump was happier and more satisfied when he was firing contestants on “Celebrity Apprentice,” than he is serving as president of the United States.

When a celebrity like Meryl Streep, Rosie O`Donnell or Snoop Dogg criticizes Trump it really cuts him to the bone.

The only one who is failing is Trump, Snoop doesn`t tolerate any Oompa Loompa clowns, and neither do most Americans.

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Rachel Maddow: Most Epic Fail in Cable News History

For a few moments MSNBC`s Rachel Maddow was in a position that she`s unfamiliar with: At the center of the political world.

With a single tweet, Maddow became the Coc*tease Queen of Cyberspace:

We`ve got Trump`s tax returns … (Seriously)

Trump haters and political junkies were salivating at the prospect that Maddow was going to bring down the Trump administration by exposing his shady business dealings live on her program.

Maddow`s butch lesbian vibe and didactic presentation aren`t my cup of tea — not that there`s anything wrong with butch lesbians or ponderous speakers. But even I was waiting with bated breath for the big reveal.

MSNBC even stole a page from the CNN playbook, running a countdown clock on its screen counting down the minutes to a “Trump Taxes Exclusive.”

All eyes were on Maddow even though it was actually another reporter`s exclusive, the two pages from Trump`s 2005 federal tax return were mailed to David Cay Johnston, author of the book, “The Making of Donald Trump.”

Maddow`s publicity stunt was such an epic fail that commentators were wondering if Trump had leaked his own tax returns. The only thing we learned is that Trump made a lot of money and paid a lot in taxes,Trump couldn`t ask for better publicity or a bigger diversion from his TrumpCare disaster.

These hashtags were trending on Twitter after Maddow`s epic fail: #GeraldoRivera, #AlCapone, #LebronJames, #bitchgotplayed, #MSNBCsucks, #exclusivemyass, #fakenews

That tells you everything you need to know about the most epic fail in cable news history.

Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://twitter.com/robertpaulreyes

Marco Rubio Slams Snoop Dogg Over Music Video Depicting Mock Trump Assassination

“Snoop Dogg has been criticised for shooting a toy gun at a Donald Trump character in a music video.

“Florida Senator Marco Rubio said the rap star was unwise to pretend to shoot a clown dressed as the US president in the video.

Mr Rubio told TMZ: If the wrong person sees that and gets the wrong idea, you could have a real problem.”


This is a follow up to my article:

Snoop Dogg Shoots Evil Clown Donald Trump in New Video


The video depicts Snoop shooting the evil Trump clown with a toy gun that releases a flag with the word “bang” written on it.

I must concede that there`s one in a billion chance that Snoop`s video might inspire a Jihadist with a sense of the absurd to shoot the real evil Trump with a toy gun that releases a flag with the word “bang” written on it when the trigger is pulled.

But when Snoop`s fans see the video they will only be inspired to munch on Cheetos, take a hit from the bong, and exclaim: Snoop is a righteous dude, I`m glad he clowning on that fat ass Trump clown.

Little Marco needs the chill the hell out, smoke a big blunt and give Snoop Dogg his well-deserved props.

Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://twitter.com/robertpaulreyes

Photo Credit: Wikipedia

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Kellyanne Conway (Inspector Gadget) is Bonkers

“CNN anchor Chris Cuomo grilled President Donald Trump`s top counselor Kellyanne Conway on Monday about the president`s unfounded surveillance claims.

When asked on Sunday by the Bergen Record about Trump`s unfounded claims that President Barack Obama wiretapped Trump Tower before the election, Conway had responded by suggesting that microwaves could be used for surveillance purposes.

In a live televised interview that lasted over 20 minutes on CNN on Monday morning, Conway appeared to slightly walk back her statement, saying she was “not Inspector Gadget” and didn`t think people used microwaves to spy on the Trump campaign.”

Business Insider

In the interview with the Bergen Record Conway asserted that there are microwaves that turn into cameras, “that is just a fact of modern life” she added for emphasis.

In an alternate universe where alternative facts are the norm, there may very well be microwave ovens that turn into cameras, but in the very real universe where we live, I`m not going to put on a clean shirt in case my microwave oven decides to take a pic of me when I nuke my popcorn.

Conway isn`t Inspector Gadget, a rocket scientist or a credible spokesperson for Donald Trump.

But even the smartest person in the world will come across like an idiot trying to explain or justify Trump`s perplexing tweets.

Former president Barack Obama didn`t wiretap Trump Tower. Period. End of story.

Trying to decipher what a Donald Trump tweet means makes as much sense as trying to explain what a Trump wet fart means in a geopolitical sense.

According to Wikipedia Inspector Gadget is dim-witted, clueless, incompetent, oblivious, and gullible. On second thought maybe Conway is Inspector Gadget.

Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://twitter.com/robertpaulreyes

Snoop Dogg Shoots ‘Evil Clown’ Donald Trump In New Video

“Snoop Dogg recently jumped on a rework of BADBADNOTGOOD single Lavender. Snoop stars alongside a cast of clowns in the track`s new video. Of the clip, in which a Donald Trump parody reigns supreme-at one point announcing the deportation of all dogs-Snoop told Billboard, `Nobody`s dealing with the real issue with this f–king clown as president, and the shit that we dealing with out here, so I wanted to take time out to push pause on a party record and make one of these records for the time being.` In a climactic scene, Snoop pulls a gun on the Trump clown in a parking lot; later, a chain-bound Trump tries in vain to join Snoop and his accomplice in smoking a blunt.”


Snoop Dogg is the most beloved celebrity in America; he`s adored by everybody from soccer moms to stoners to Opera aficionados to rap fans…

America is one nation under a groove, Crip-walking to the musical stylings of the Doggfather.

I can`t wait for the day when a true believer of the rap God opens the High and Holy Church of Snoop Dogg. The only sacrament observed will be the smoking of the holy herb, and every Sunday will be a high and holy day.

It`s interesting to note that the most loved man in America has nothing but disdain for the most despised man in America, Donald Trump.

We love Snoop for a hundred and one reasons, but chiefly because he keeps shit gangsta real.

Snoop doesn`t mince words when it comes to describing Trump, he calls him a fu**ing clown. In the video he pulls a gun on the Trump clown, ties him up, and doesn`t let him smoke a blunt.

You can be sure that if Snoop Dogg was President of the United States, the Trump clown would be behind bars, the poor imprisoned for minor drug offenses would be freed, and everybody would be enjoying a fat blunt.

Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://twitter.com/robertpaulreyes

White House: Intruder Arrested on Grounds While Trump at Residence

“The U.S. Secret Service says a person is under arrest after climbing a fence and getting onto the south grounds of the White House.

The breach happened at 11:38 p.m. Friday. President Donald Trump was at the White House.

The agency says the individual – whom it did not identify – was arrested without further incident. No hazardous materials were found during a search of a backpack the individual carried.”

Los Angeles Times

Instead of building a border wall between Mexico and the United States that would cost billions and severely strain our relationship with our good neighbor, President Trump should spend a few millions to build a solid wall around the White House grounds.

Anyone can scale the fence around the White House and gain instant notoriety and dominate a news cycle, and indeed it`s not an uncommon occurrence.

But post-9/11 this is unacceptable, the trespasser who was arrested after he breached security didn`t have a bomb or weapons in his backpack, but the next intruder might be a suicide bomber.

The intruder jumped the fence without being observed, he wasn`t detected until he was approached by a uniformed Secret Service officer. If an individual jumped a fence protecting the mansion of a movie star he would immediately be detected and grabbed by bodyguards, Trump may be a reality TV star, but he`s also the Leader of the Free World and the security at the White House is a joke.

If a suicide bomber jumped the White House fence he probably wouldn`t be able to get close enough to the president to kill him, but if he managed to blow himself up inside the grounds, the harm to the prestige and reputation of the United States would be incalculable.

Donald Trump you`re a builder: BUILD THE WALL NOW!

Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://twitter.com/robertpaulreyes

Alameda City Council Calls for President Trump’s Impeachment

Tuesday night the Alameda City Council passed a resolution asking Congress to investigate whether to impeach President Trump.

The island city of Alameda isn`t a liberal bastion, like the cities that surround it: The People`s Republic of Berkeley, Oakland and San Francisco.

Trump is only two months into his administration, and already there`s talk of impeachment, it`s only a matter of time before dozens, if not hundreds, of municipalities introduce impeachment resolutions.

City councils have no actual authority to call for an impeachment, but they can send a message: Enough with the inflammatory tweets and clownish behavior.

I`ll be the first to admit that city councils should focus their energy and attention on fixing potholes, affordable housing and fighting crime, but somebody needs to speak truth to power.

I lived in the beautiful city of Alameda for a few years, and this bold action is sparking a desire to return for a vacation.

Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://twitter.com/robertpaulreyes

Stephen King Trolls Donald Trump with Twitter Horror Story

“After President Donald Trump took to Twitter Saturday to accuse Barack Obama of wiretapping Trump Tower during the 2016 election, Stephen King trolled POTUS by sharing his latest horror story.

In a series of three tweets, the author penned a short thriller mocking the allegations, seeming to ridicule the fact that Trump provided no evidence backing up his claims. `Not only did Obama tap Trump`s phones, he stole the strawberry ice cream out of the mess locker,` King wrote. `Obama tapped Trump`s phones IN PERSON! Went in wearing a Con Ed coverall. Michelle stood guard while O spliced the lines. SAD!`

But it was the twist ending that really took the cake: Trump should know OBAMA NEVER LEFT THE WHITE HOUSE! He`s in the closet! HE HAS SCISSORS!”

Time Magazine

Not even the twisted mind of Stephen King could conceive of a reality more chilling than Donald Trump accompanied by a military aide carrying a briefcase with launch codes for nuclear weapons.

Leave it to the master of horror fiction to satirize Trump`s delusional paranoid mind by turning his tweets into a horror scenario.

I just hope King hasn`t further inflamed Trump`s inferiority complex by reminding him that he can never escape Obama`s legacy (such as it is). Indeed Obama`s shadow follows Trump wherever he ventures inside the White House.

Size does matter, and a literal pissing contest between Trump and Obama would be like Obama fighting a blaze with a water hose, and Trump brandishing a water gun in his pathetic little hand.

Trump is attempting to burnish his reputation by defaming Obama. SAD! Trump`s Twitter rants are indicative of a petty and sick mind. SAD! The American people elected this Oompa Loompa Clown. PATHETIC.

Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://twitter.com/robertpaulreyes

An Angry Donald Trump is Out of Control!

“Here’s how The Washington Post described President Trump’s mood heading into this past weekend: Trump was mad — steaming, raging mad.

And here’s ABC News: President Donald Trump summoned some of his senior staff to the Oval Office and went ‘ballistic.’

The president, it seems fair to say, wasn’t happy then on Saturday morning when he sent a flurry of tweets alleging — with zero evidence — that Trump Tower had been wiretapped in the course of the 2016 campaign under orders from then-President Barack Obama. Anger — and a persistent sense that people were out to get him or weren’t treating him fairly — motivated Trump to make a massive charge: That the man he was running to replace purposely sought to sway the election via misuse of the intelligence community.”

The Washington Post

Trump was livid that Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself on Thursday from any investigation into charges that Russia meddled in the 2016 presidential election, only hours after he declared that he saw no need for his Attorney General to recuse himself.

Trump felt that Sessions made him appear weak and ineffectual and he took out his explosive anger on those closet to him, his hapless staff. I would love to see video of Trump`s blistering attack on his handlers; I can imagine his wig flipping, his tiny hands gesticulating, hot air emanating from his mouth, and wet farts from his ass.

His seething anger hadn`t dissipated by Saturday morning, so he let loose with toxic tweets accusing former President Barack Obama of wiretapping Trump Tower in the course of the 2016 presidential campaign.

Needless to say, Trump doesn`t have a shred of proof to back up his mind blowing accusation. Trump`s preposterous allegation has been denied by a spokesperson for Obama, former DNI Director James Clapper, and by just about everyone else who isn`t connected with the Trump regime.

Trump`s anger was humorous in the debates when he was cutting down “Little Marco,” Lyin` Ted Cruz,” and “Low-energy Jeb Bush,” but his out of control temper is terrifying now that he`s the Leader of the Free World.

What if the dictator of North Korea tweets that Trump`s belligerent tone towards his country is compensation for his tiny pecker? Will Trump respond by nuking the Hermit Kingdom?

If Trump blows off steam by having an affair with a White House intern, I hope to God that the press doesn`t report on the scandal. If Trump finds a way to blow off steam, other than tweeting, we should be grateful.

Trump for the love of God please have an affair, or hire Snoop Dogg as your aide, and chill with him smoking some Chronic.


Donald Trump and the Press Must Call a Truce

Donald Trump has been president for less than two months, but it seems like two years. Every day, if not every hour, of the Trump administration brings a new senseless Twitter attack, overreaching executive order, or poorly planned policy initiative.

The Russia controversy is a cancer that is quickly metastasizing, claiming another official of the nascent administration in almost every news cycle. The Russian connection may not bring down the Trump presidency, but it`s crippling his agenda.

The president is mired in historically low approval ratings, and his only recourse is to demonize an entity, the press, that has an even more dismal approval rating.

Trump and the press are engaged in trench warfare, every new engagement between these implacable foes only serves to diminish the reputation of both of them.

Both parties of this conflict have gone nuclear: Fake news vs incoherent rants and peeves.

The bloody Korean War ended with an armistice, not a peace treaty. Donald Trump and the media aren`t going to be singing Kumbaya anytime soon, but for the sake of our democracy, if not our sanity, I implore them to call a truce. This interminable sniping between the Trump administration and the press must stop.

Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://twitter.com/robertpaulreyes

Outrage: Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Skips Donald Trump’s Speech

Not only did Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg never miss a speech that President Barack Obama delivered to Congress, but she always hugged him.

Ginsburg made her loathing for Donald Trump clear before he was elected president, during the heated campaign she called him a “faker.”

Chief Justice John Roberts, and Justices Anthony Kennedy, Stephen Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan attended Trump`s address to Congress last night. Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito weren`t in attendance, continuing their past practice.

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was notably absent from President Donald Trump`s first address to a joint session of Congress, shame on the hideous little gnome.

Justice Ginsburg is making a mockery of the principle that the Supreme Court is above politics, her love of the constitution and justice should exceed her hatred and disdain of Trump, and she should have dragged her skeletal butt to Congress to hear Trump`s speech.

Trump isn`t an easy man to like, his clownish Oompa Loompa appearance is matched by his petty and vulgar character. But he`s exceedingly blessed that his primary female detractors (Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, Lena Dunham, Leslie Jones, Rosie O`Donnell, Elizabeth Warren, and Ruth Bader Ginsburg) are the most physically and morally repulsive creatures on the face of the Earth.

Hopefully, the Grim Reaper will drag Ginsburg to hell before she has another opportunity to embarrass herself and disrespect the president by skipping another presidential address.
Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://twitter.com/robertpaulreyes

Outrage: Kellyanne Conway Disses Black Leaders in the Oval Office!

“Social media erupted Monday night after Kellyanne Conway, a White House senior adviser, was pictured kneeling on the Oval Office couch to snap a photo of President Trump with leaders of the nation`s historically black colleges and universities.”

USA Today

If Donald Trump`s young son Barron was in the Oval Office while his father was meeting dignitaries he would have the decorum, manners and respect to sit up straight.

Kellyanne Conway was casually sitting with her knees tucked under her on the couch, playing with her phone, while Trump met with leaders from historically black colleges and universities.

Conway`s lackadaisical posture was an insult to her boss, and and affront to the black educators. If Trump met with white leaders from community colleges and vocational schools, Conway would have been sitting like a proper lady, not like a wanton floozy.

A picture is worth a thousand words, and this image speaks volumes about Conway`s white privilege and disdain for black leaders.

I`m sure Conway believes that she deserves credit for not diddling with a dildo while Trump was meeting with the distinguished African American leaders.

Unlike the Bowling Green Massacre this is a real news item, and Conway should be summarily fired by the president of the United States.

Pic of Conway siting like a slut in the Oval Office:


Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://twitter.com/robertpaulreyes

Why Doesn’t Donald Trump Condemn Hate Crimes?

“An Olathe man who reportedly told two strangers – Garmin engineers originally from India – to `get out of my country` before he shot them in an Olathe bar was charged Thursday with first-degree murder in the death of one of the victims.

Adam W. Purinton, 51, allegedly shot Srinivas Kuchibhotla, 32; Alok Madasani, 32, of Overland Park, and another bar patron, 24-year-old Ian Grillot of Grandview.

At least one witness reportedly heard the man yell `get out of my country` shortly before shooting Kuchibhotla and Madasani. The man fled on foot. A manhunt ensued. Five hours later, Purinton reportedly told a bartender at a bar in an Applebee`s in Clinton, Mo., that he needed a place to hide out because he had just killed two Middle Eastern men, The Star has learned.

The bartender called police, and Purinton was arrested without incident, Assistant Clinton Police Chief Sonny Lynch said. Purinton was not armed.”


Donald Trump has a notoriously thin skin, at any perceived slight he retaliates immediately on Twitter with an onslaught of venom. But when there`s an act of outrage perpetrated against Muslims, Jews, or immigrants, not a word of protest from the president of the United States.

Trump is being derelict in his duties, he`s the president of all Americans, and as consoler-in-chief it`s incumbent upon him to speak out against acts of violence against minorities.

Trump`s silence in the face of a murder of an Indian immigrant isn`t an aberration, Trump has a well-established pattern of failing to speak out against hate crimes.

For weeks Trump remained silent after a rash of vandalism against Jewish Community Centers and cemeteries, even when prodded to condemn these crimes by journalists. It wasn`t until last week that Trump finally unequivocally condemned these vicious acts of antisemitism.

To my knowledge Trump has yet to condemn the arson of several mosques. Whenever any house of worship is vandalized or destroyed it`s a crime against democracy and religion in general, and American of all faiths, and atheists should denounce these hate crimes.

Any president, especially one who been criticized for years for his insensitivity towards minorities, should decry all hate crimes. Trump`s silence speaks volumes about his racism.

If I were an opinion writer for the New York Times, instead of an unknown blogger, Trump would be tweeting his fool head off denouncing this article as fake news.

Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://twitter.com/robertpaulreyes

How to Cure Donald Trump of His Tweeting Addiction

Donald Trump is a liar. Period. End of story. He is a compulsive and pathological liar, he wouldn`t know the truth if it grabbed him by the groin.

Here`s a list of 99 lies Trump has told just since he`s been president:


Trump has told some whoopers, and folks think his most glaring deception was when he waved his baby hands at the debate audience and declared there was nothing wrong with the size of his manhood.

Methinks his biggest falsehood was when he told Fox & Friends two days before his presidential inauguration: Look, I don`t like tweeting! That`s like Snoop Dogg declaring: Look, I don`t like smoking weed.

Trump loves to tweet, he`s addicted to Twitter, and he needs an intervention. Mr. T, Dr. Phil and Steve Bannon should pounce on him when he attempts to tweet at an ungodly hour of the morning, and take away his phone.

Trump will need something else for his demonically diminutive hands to play with. We all know how he loves to grab them by the pussy; his handlers could give him Taylor Swift`s pussy . . . cat to play with. The pop star owns several felines, and she might donate on for the sake of national security. One inappropriate tweet and Trump could start World War III, but if he handles Swift`s pussy inappropriately, the only damage will be scratches to his baby hands.

Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://twitter.com/robertpaulreyes

Witches Mobilize to Cast a Binding Spell on President Trump

“Donald Trump`s presidency has cast a pall over the nation, so now witches are casting a spell against him.

A document making its rounds among the witch community is asking people who practice the craft to perform a monthly binding ritual until the president is removed from office.

In order to work, the mass spell must be performed at midnight EST on every waning crescent moon.

The first one is happening on Friday and will be followed by similar spell cast events on March 26, April 24 and May 23 and beyond.”

Huffington Post

Donald Trump is enthralled and delighted by this mass spell witches are casting against him, nothing will unite and energize his core supporters more than knowing that they are under attack by a coven of witches straight outta hell.

Trump`s supporters crap on nuance and subtlety, they perceive everything in black and white terms, they don`t see these witches as members of an alternative religious community or as performance artists, but as emissaries of Satan hellbound on destroying their Messiah, Trump.

Millions of feminists and lesbians turned out in droves to support a real witch, Hillary Clinton, and she still lost to an Oompa Loompa from hell. Instead of casting ineffectual spells these witches should focus their efforts on voter registration drives so that Trump can be cast out of office in 2020.

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Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://twitter.com/robertpaulreyes

Donald Trump Raised More in Small-dollar Donations Than Bernie, Hillary and Obama

“Donald Trump, who spent more of his own money on his campaign than any other presidential candidate in history, also raised more in small-dollar donations than anyone else ever did.

Trump brought in $239 million in donations of $200 or less, more than Democrats Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders combined, according to the Campaign Finance Institute, a Washington-based research group.
He also proved more adept at raking in small-dollar contributions than Barack Obama, who brought in $219 million in 2012 and $189 million in 2008. Clinton raised $137 million and Sanders $100 million in donations of $200 or less.”


Donald Trump didn`t buy the election, he invested a tiny fraction of his enormous wealth into his campaign. Putin`s hackers didn`t tilt the election in favor of the Orange Menace, an enormous backlash against the status quo as represented by Hillary ensured Trump`s victory. The media wasn`t responsible for Trump`s triumph, sure they provided the reality TV star with wall-to-wall coverage of his campaign speeches, but they were unabashedly in Hillary`s camp.

Trump campaigned as a populist, and he`s governing like a dictator, but the irony is that he was elected in a democratic fashion. Trump raised more in small-dollar donations than any presidential candidate in the history of our democracy. It was hardworking patriots in flyover country and frustrated blue-collar workers in the rust belt who sustained Trump`s campaign with their small donations.

Trump`s economic populist message resonated with millions of voters across the country, he owes his unexpected victory to rank-and-file voters.

Like it or not, Donald J. Trump is the president of all Americans, and we shouldn`t resort to undemocratic means (riots, fake news) to undermine and delegitimize his administration.

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Follow Robert Paul Reyes on Twitter: http://twitter.com/robertpaulreyes