Study: Cats Know Their Names as Well as Dogs

“Call a dog by its name, and its tail wags, it starts panting happily, and it showers you with love and affection.

Call a cat by its name and … well, cats are a bit harder to read. Does the cat even know what its name is?

So researchers in Japan set out to answer the question: Can a cat understand the difference between its name and any other random word that sounds like it?

In any case, the results were clear: Most of the cats moved their head or ears in response to hearing their name. The results, researchers said, showed that the cats could identify their own names among other, similar words.”


When I adopted a 7-year-old 25-pound kitty from the Humane Society, the animal shelter employee told me that he was named “Tico” by his previous owner, so I decided not to change his name.

When I took him home he failed to respond to his name, at first I thought he was just too fat, lazy and indifferent to pay any attention to me. But after a few days of failing to respond to his name, I grew worried that he might be deaf, and I took him to the vet. The vet`s verdict was that he wasn`t deaf at all, but a typical feline who`s too arrogant to respond to his slave`s voice.

No fat cat is going to outsmart me, so every time I opened his can of food I simultaneously called him, and now he usually acknowledges me when I call out his name.

There`s more than one way to skin a cat, and there`s more than one way to get your kitty`s attention.

Don`t let your cat fool you, he darn well can recognize his name.

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