Robert Paul Reyes: What I’m Thankful for This Thanksgiving Day

Waking up this morning, not exactly with a spring in my step but without keeling over.

The furnace blasting heat inside my home while outside the leaves are tossed about by the frigid wind.

The pitter-patter of little feet as my cats conspire what deviltry to visit upon me.

My dog barking outside as she protects my home and annoys my neighbors.

My little pink house far from a mansion, but a comfortable home.

Family that I will soon join in celebration of Thanksgiving.

TheSop.Org an online soapbox that allows me to spread my opinions with my community and with the world.

This job that barely pays my bills, but provides me with an opportunity to write my essays such as this one.

Few possessions, but no bills.

Jolly Christmas songs playing on the radio, reminding me that this holiday tomfoolery has weeks to go.

The sweet promise that one morning I won`t wake up.

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