New Yorker Magazine Cover Captures the Essence of Donald Trump

“With just one week until President-elect Donald Trump`s inauguration, The New Yorker used its cover to imagine what his presidency will be like.

The cover features Trump trying to fit into an amusement ride meant for children.”

Huffington Post

The cover depicts Trump “driving” a stationary car meant for a child.

This New Yorker cover perfectly captures the essence of Donald Trump. The blowhard billionaire rants, raves and tweets, but he`s not moving himself or the country forward. All of his histrionics and diatribes are nothing but hot air, and they quickly dissipate, although they do leave a foul odor that lingers.

A toy car would be ideally suited for Trump, I imagine it`s difficult for the short-fingered vulgarian to handle a normal-sized steering wheel.

The New Yorker is taking the proper approach in handling Trump, that is don`t try to delegitimize his presidency, he won fair and square, but by all means ridicule him.

I used to think a clown car perfectly captured the spirit of Trump, but I must admit that a toy car ride is even better.

Fasten your seat belts, we`re in for a rough ride, a colicky man-baby is behind the wheel.

Link to cover:

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