Geraldo Rivera Says Donald Trump is Acting Like an Entitled Frat Boy

“For almost 4 years I’ve supported Donald Trump who was assailed by leftist creeps who conjured the Russia Hoax to wreck his presidency. Nevertheless he prevailed. Sadly he lost a bitterly contested election. Shit happens. However since he has behaved like an entitled frat boy.”

Geraldo Rivera Tweet

For four years Fox News correspondent Geraldo Rivera has been a vocal member of the Fox New chorus singing the praises of the short-fingered vulgarian. Geraldo Rivera, Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, the Fox and Friends trio of morons and other Fox News stars have defended, rationalized and praised the president’s racist rhetoric, childish behavior and undemocratic inclinations, and therefore are complicit in his crimes against our democracy.

Joe Biden won the election in an electoral college and popular vote landslide, and Rivera has urged Trump to acknowledge reality and “say goodbye with grace and dignity.”

Since his devastating and humiliating defeat Trump has been on a crusade to steal the election from Biden by any means necessary. Of course, the stable genius isn’t going to listen to a sycophant like Rivera who enabled his four years of fuckery.

For four years Trump has behaved like an entitled frat boy, and now in the last weeks of his presidency it’s no surprise he’s acting like a drunk frat boy on the last day of spring break.

Shit happened in 2016 when America elected a blatant racist, chronic liar and incompetent buffoon, shit did not happen in November 2020 when Americans came to their senses and kicked the wannabe dictator to the curb.

Trump won’t say goodbye with grace and dignity, the petulant and humiliated narcissist will continue to crap on our democratic institutions and give the middle finger to the electorate until his last hour in office.