Brush Your Cat At Least Once a Week

The average cat spends anywhere from 85% to 90% of his day sleeping, about 10% destroying your earthly possessions, and the rest of his time plotting to kill you.

Felines are independent and low-maintenance, and you may think that all you have to do is feed them and clean their litter box, but you still need to brush your kitty at least once a week.

Even though cats spend an inordinate amount of time grooming themselves, brushing your cat on a weekly basis helps remove loose hairs from his undercoat. If these loose hairs aren`t removed your cat will ingest them, and eventually expel them as hairballs.

Grooming your pet will also help you bond with him, he may think twice about scratching your furniture if you show him a little bit of attention.

Come on don`t be so lazy, you spend a good two minutes a day scratching your ass, you can make time to brush your kitty for a few minutes each week.

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