Because Trump, My Annual List of New Year’s Resolutions Postponed

New Year’s resolutions are goals individuals make to improve their family life, career prospects, spiritual growth and civic engagement.

This annual tradition is predicated on possessing a measure of optimism about the future.

But a person staring at the abyss, contemplating living the next four under the reign of a raging sociopath, afflicted with dementia and whose agenda is chaos, isn’t going to have any damn New Year’s resolutions.

So, for the first time in decades, I will not post my annual list of New Year’s resolutions.

Only lunatics or a mentally challenged persons would have the audacity to post a list of goals to improve their lives when the writing is on the wall that our democracy will devolve into a fascist Christian nationalist dystopia.

My annual list of New Year’s resolutions is postponed until the Almighty acts like a vengeful and bloodthirsty Old Testament deity again and smites Donald Trump with a terminal case of brain cancer and gonorrhea.

Happy New Year!