Donald Trump received more than 80 percent support from evangelicals in 2016. Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign may have been a publicity and narcissistic enterprise, but white evangelicals considered it a moral crusade to Make America Great Again by turning back the clock on women’s reproductive freedom, gay rights and racial equality.
White evangelicals are very pleased with the two far-right Supreme Court judges that were appointed by Trump, and not to mention the close to two hundred judges he has appointed to federal appeals courts. They are ecstatic over the setbacks that Trump had dealt to the LGBTQ communities. They have ramped up their efforts to reelect their False Messiah, the moral reprobate is the perfect presidential candidate for evangelicals who are committed to their so-called family friendly causes.
The usual evangelical suspects have earmarked hundreds of millions in their crusade to reelect Trump. Ralph Reed’s Faith and Freedom Coalition is spending tens of millions on a voter mobilization effort that aims to register 1 million Christians in key battleground states. The Susan B. Anthony List, an anti-abortion rights group, has a budget of $41 million this campaign cycle to reelect Trump and other anti-abortion candidates. The Family Research Council is also putting their money where their mouth is and pouring millions into the ungodly mission to reelect the short-fingered vulgarian.
It is manifestly clear that Trump could not have won without the support of white evangelicals, and it’s incumbent upon Democrats, Independents and Republicans who haven’t swallowed the Kool-Aide to redouble their efforts to defeat Trump and destroy the white evangelical movement.
Patriots can take these steps to delegitimize, demoralize and defeat white evangelicals:
There are no sacred cows, and where is it written that religion should be exempt from ridicule? Sanctimonious evangelicals with their penchant for hypocrisy, racism, and misogyny make such easy targets.
Why in the holy name of God aren’t there any protests at megachurches? White evangelicals support the chaos of the Trump administration, so why not bring some chaos to their churches?
Tax-exempt status
If white evangelical churches are acting like political organizations why not yank their tax-exempt status? I think it’s an abomination that my tax money is being used to support churches that support homophobia, misogyny and xenophobia.
Join me in my mission from God to impeach Trump and to put the fear of God in white evangelicals!