Only 10 Black Students Invited to Trump’s Speech at a Black College

It’s axiomatic that Donald Trump is a blatant racist, everyone is familiar with his countless racist words and actions that span decades. Even some of Trump’s most ardent supporters will stipulate that he’s a racist, in fact this see his bigotry as part of his charm.

Cadet Bone Spurs is as much of a coward as he is a racist, naturally I was shocked that he had the gonads to deliver a speech at the historically black Benedict College. Trump is anathema to most African Americans, and I’d never thought I would see him play Daniel in the Lion’s Den by speaking to an audience of black college students.

It turns out that the hero of Charlottesville agreed to speak at the historically black college because students were instructed to remain in place or leave campus during his speech. They were essentially sheltering in place in their dormitories like you would during a disaster, and in a way, it makes sense because there’s no bigger disaster than Trump.

The black college students were replaced by Trump-friendly Uncle Toms and other supporters of the racist-in-chief, and it wasn’t surprising that he received a rousing reception.

There were more black students protesting outside the venue than there were inside the auditorium listening to Trump babble incoherently.

There’s a lot more anti-Trump than pro-Trump black people, and if America wasn’t still such a racist country, there would be a hell of a lot of more anti-Trump white folks as pro-Trump white folks.