Donald Trump is a Liar

Donald Trump has as much of an intimate relationship with the truth as I have with Halle Berry. I admire her intelligence, wit, and grace from afar, and to be frank I lust after his physical beauty, but I will probably never be in the same zip code as her, let alone close enough to steal a kiss. Only in my fantasies will I consummate a relationship with the Hollywood sexpot, and only in an alternative universe will Trump be known as a truthteller.

We all tell white lies to avoid hurting the feelings of acquaintances and friends, and sometimes we tell whoppers to avoid the unpleasant truth, but deceit is the very essence of Trump. He lies in the same way that a serial killer murders and in the same manner a prostitute engages in promiscuous sex with any man or woman with a heartbeat and a wallet.

Please forgive me for channeling Trump in describing his relationship to the truth, he wouldn’t know the truth if it rammed him up the wazoo.

We’re all familiar with the statistics, the Stable Genius has told over 15,000 lies since assuming office. Even the short-fingered vulgarian’s most ardent supporters will stipulate that he’s no Honest Abe.

The most obvious consequence of Trump’s compulsive lying is that we take everything he says with a grain of salt, and we have no faith or confidence that he will even attempt to keep his promises.

Another effect of Trump’s mendacious nature is that in order to remain in his good graces, administration officials are forced to obfuscate and prevaricate to cover up for their boss. An honest person in the White House is as scarce as a virgin in a whore house.

Trump not only folds, spindles and mutilates the truth, he has changed the definition of the word. Trump is always ranting against the “fake news”, but we must always keep in mind that he isn’t referring to newspapers and cable news outlets that spread fabrications and lies, but to media organizations that tell the unpleasant truth about the corruption in his administration.

How do we confront a pathological liar when he has the biggest soapbox in the world? It’s easy to grow weary in well doing, but we must expose Trump every time he lies. A news anchor with millions of viewers or a blogger with a few hundred Twitter followers must call out Trump every single time he misrepresents the truth.

A million lies can’t defeat the truth, and an evil man can remain in power for a season by butchering the truth, but in the end the truth always wins out.

Trump’s Deplorable Martin Luther King Jr. Day Tweet

It was exactly three years ago today, January 20, 2017, that I was sworn into office. So appropriate that today is also MLK jr DAY. African-American Unemployment is the LOWEST in the history of our Country, by far. Also, best Poverty, Youth, and Employment numbers, ever. Great!

Donald Trump tweet

From the day he descended the Trump Towers escalator to deliver an anti-immigrant and anti-Mexican diatribe to announce his candidacy for the 2016 election, to his divisive and racist comments in the aftermath of the Charlottesville riots, to his remarks today commemorating Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Trump has rarely missed a day to utter a blatantly racist comment.  

In fact, for his entire adult life Trump’s words and actions expose him as a racist, witness the Justice Department suing him in the 70’s for housing discrimination, his call for the innocent Central Park Five to get the death penalty and his Twitter feuds with almost every black celebrity.

Given Trump’s racist streak I am not surprised that his racism surfaced once again on Martin Luther King Jr. Day. First of all, it’s an outrage for the most racist president in recent history to compare himself to a civil rights icon, and it’s an affront to decency, history and righteousness that he tweeted his accomplishments instead of celebrating the life of Martin Luther King Jr.

I have studied the history of civil rights and the career of Martin Luther King Jr, and Trump is no King. He is nothing but an ignorant, vulgar, know-nothing buffoon racist.

Trump Slams Plan for Sea Wall to Protect New York City

A massive 200 Billion Dollar Sea Wall, built around New York to protect it from rare storms, is a costly, foolish & environmentally unfriendly idea that, when needed, probably won’t work anyway. It will also look terrible. Sorry, you’ll just have to get your mops & buckets ready.

Donald Trump tweet

There’s always a Trump tweet that will contradict his current stand on any subject. Wha”t better way to ridicule and criticize his proposal to build a wall from sea to sea on our border with Mexico than to recite this tweet?

Trump tweeted about the proposal on Saturday night after The New York Times reported that a six-mile-long seawall was one of the options the Army Corps of Engineers is considering to protect the Big Apple from severe storms that have buffeted the area since in recent years.

Superstorm Sandy proved that the threat against New York City from severe storms is very real, and being a seawall to protect the city isn’t a bad idea. Whereas there is no real threat of America being invaded by a horde of rapists and criminals from Mexico and Central American countries, and building a wall won’t stop honest and hardworking folks seeking a better life in America.

Constructing a six-mile seawall is a piece of cake compared to erecting a 2,000-mile wall. I can envision the seawall being built in a few years, but I can guarantee that a 2,000-mile wall separating us from Mexico won’t be built in a hundred years.

As usual Trump stretches the truth in his tweet, the report estimated the cost of the seawall as $119 billion, not the $200 billion figure cited by Trump.

Trump’s wall is costly, foolish, environmentally unfriendly and it probably won’t work anyway. Sorry Trump, you’ll just have to go back to the drawing board.

Outrage: National Archives Alters Images Critical of Impeached President Trump

Trumpism is a metastatic cancer that hasn’t just destroyed the Executive branch, but Congress, the Judicial system and many other governmental agencies as well.

The only hope for our democracy is removing this malignant cancer by impeachment, voting the scumbag out of office in 2020 may be too late, and if Trump wins reelection historians might as well start writing America’s obituary.

Case in point the National Archives in Washington, D.C altered a photograph depicting the 2017 Women’s March on display in an elevator lobby at the museum. The Archives admitted blurring out the word “Trump” on a “God Hates Trump” poster and removing the president’s name from another poster that reads, “Trump & GOP—Hands Off Women” that are visible in the image. The Archives also removed the words “vagina” and “pussy” from signs that read, “If my vagina could shoot bullets, it’d be less REGULATED” and “This Pussy Grabs Back.”

The National Archives is charged with the preservation and documentation of government and historical records. It’s anathema for the Archives to photoshop, distort or alter in any way a government or historical record.

Twenty, fifty or a hundred years from now it’s imperative that Americans realize that not all Christians were infatuated with Trump, but that many Christians and non-Christians alike were convinced that God hates Trump.

History shouldn’t be subject to the rules of pollical-correctness, how dare mindless bureaucrats remove the words “pussy” and “vagina” from posters that illustrated how furious many women were at the misogynist president.

As a non-partisan, non-political federal agency, the National Archives shouldn’t be worried about the tender sensibilities of our thin-skinned president. The National Archives answers to history and the American public, not to an impeached president.

Space Force Mocked for Unveiling Camo Uniforms! Camo in Space? Really?

“The US Space Force has defended its newly unveiled camouflage uniforms after they were roundly mocked on social media.

The force, officially launched by US President Donald Trump last month, posted a picture of the uniform to its Twitter account.

The uniform in the picture has a woodland camouflage design with badges embroidered on the arm and chest.”


Donald Trump isn’t a fashionista, witness his long red tie, wrinkled suit and orange ring-around-the-collar. God knows he’s not a rocket scientist judging by his incoherent and rambling speeches and the nonsense he posts on his Twitter account.

It should come as no surprise that our commander-in-chief, aka Cadet Bone Spurs, aka Space Cadet unveiled camouflage uniforms for the US Space Force.

I guess it really doesn’t matter if the space soldiers wore polka dot uniforms, because they aren’t going to be fighting any aliens in outer space, although Trump might put them to work keeping illegal aliens (racist term) from invading the homeland.

If extraterrestrial beings take a gander at the ridiculous uniforms of our space soldiers, they might decide that we’re easy pickings and launch an invasion of our little blue planet.

Trump’s Appointment of Ken Starr to His Defense Team Shocks Monica Lewinsky

“This is definitely an ‘are you fucking kidding me?’ kinda day.”

Monica Lewinsky tweet

The mindblowing hypocrisy and unmitigated gall of former independent counsel Ken Starr joining President Donald Trump’s impeachment defense team surprised all of us, but it shocked Monica Lewinsky, the former White House intern and former President Bill Clinton’s favorite humidor to the point that she channeled the short-fingered vulgarian by posting this tweet punctuated with an expletive.  

Lewinsky’s sexual relationship with Slick Willy led to his impeachment in 1998, and it made Starr a conservative darling for heading the investigation.

The former White House intern didn’t explicitly make it clear that her tweet was a reference to the hiring of Starr and his successor as independent counsel, Robert Ray, by Trump’s defense team, but you don’t have to be a rocket scientist, presidential historian or a political pundit to connect the dots.

I feel you Monica, every day since Trump was inaugurated as president of the United States has been an “are you fucking kidding me kinda day.”

We can only hope that our long national nightmare will end sooner rather than later, and the Republican Senators will finally do the right thing and remove Trump from office, leading all of us to exclaim in relief and astonishment:

This is an are you fucking kidding me kinda day!

January 2020 Archives Page Two:

Trump Rallies White Evangelicals by Expanding ‘Constitutional Prayer’ in Public Schools

And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.

Matthew 6:5

President Donald Trump marked “Religious Freedom Day” by signing an executive order expanding “Constitutional prayer” in public schools, his latest effort to shore up his white evangelical base with the general election just months away.

This executive action is emblematic of his tenure in office for the following reasons:

It illustrates how Trump represents his base, and will do anything to appease them, while ignoring communities that didn’t vote for him.

It once again drives home the point that the king of the white evangelicals issues executive decrees instead of working with Congress to establish laws that will withstand judicial scrutiny.

It demonstrates how Trump loves photo ops where he signs an executive order that is sometimes unconstitutional, and sometimes unnecessary. Although the Supreme Court banned school-sponsored prayer in public schools in a 1962 decision because it violated the First Amendment students are allowed to meet and pray on school grounds.

As long as there are students who haven’t studied for a test, and students who are afraid that their crush won’t accept their invitation to the prom there will be prayer in public schools.

But white evangelicals want their children to pray loudly and openly in the name of Jesus, never mind the sensibilities of atheist, Muslim and Jewish students.

Finally, it shows us that Trump is cognizant that the stench of impeachment won’t dissipate before the general election, and he will take desperate measures to shore up his base.

What the Hell is Wrong With Donald Trump?

There is something seriously wrong with Donald Trump, even his most ardent supporters privately stipulate to this glaring and manifest reality.

Many religious people believe that Trump has sold his soul to the devil for earthly fame and wealth. However, America is a post-Christian nation and most of us believe that environment and free will shape our actions and behaviors, and “the devil made me do it” is the excuse of a bygone era.

Some secular folks believe that Trump has a psychological disorder, be it a borderline personality disorder or a narcissist personality disorder. Fundamentalists believe that all the reasons for humankind’s sins can be found in the Bible, and humanists believe that all the answers for are failings can be found in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.

Maybe Trump’s pathological behavior stems from a physical cause, be it dementia or an undiagnosed brain tumor. Have decades of guzzling Diet Coke and eating steaks, hamburgers and fried chicken taken a toll on his body and mind?

Or is Trump on drugs? Trump sniffled extensively and experienced difficulty articulating words during his speech to the nation following the assassination of Iranian General. Qassem Soleimani. A speed freak fresh out of a party with his druggie pals could have delivered a more coherent and articulate speech. The Iran speech wasn’t an aberration, the stable genius frequently has a severe case of the sniffles when delivering an important address. Does the septuagenarian commander-in-chief do lines of Adderall all day to remain conscious?

Or is Trump simply a jerk, the mother of all assholes?

I’m not a theologian, psychiatrist, physician or philosopher, I am merely a third-rate pundit, but in my humble opinion we should spend less time pondering why Trump is such a disaster, and spend more time removing him from office by any means necessary.

Let’s Save Our Democracy and Defeat White Evangelicals and Their False Messiah Donald Trump

When he was a real estate mogul Donald Trump made political contributions to politicians of both parties but mainly Democrats, including liberal icons Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer.

Trump carefully cultivated an image as a playboy by dating movie stars, Playboy bunnies and porn stars.

Prior to Trump’s announcing his run for the presidency in 2015 no politician, theologian, or pundit would have predicted that he would be embraced by white evangelicals as their political savior.

In short, there was little in Trump’s decadent lifestyle to suggest that the real estate developer and reality TV star would enjoy a third career as the Republican champion of family values and religious liberty.

 It’s 2020 and the morally degenerate and politically corrupt short-fingered vulgarian is embraced by white evangelicals more than ever, after three years of spewing vitriol on Twitter, making common cause with white nationalists, supporting dictators and generally acting like the antichrist.

Trump may have been a novice politician but he was a very cunning one and he realized that his surest path to the presidency was by cultivating an unholy alliance with white evangelicals. Other Republican politicians like Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush have won the presidency in no large part by pandering to the religious right, but Trump gave them more than just lip service. Trump is the evangelicals wet dream incarnate, he appointed two pro-life Supreme Court Justices, filled the federal courts with conservatives, surrounded himself with a God-fearing cabinet and gave Israel everything on their bucket list.

Is it any wonder that white evangelicals hail the morally repugnant Trump as God’s appointee on Earth and compare him to a Biblical king? Is it any wonder that Trump acts as if the Constitution doesn’t apply to him and he’s above the law, when he’s treated like a Messiah by his base?

Trump has been an out-of-control disaster in his first term, but if he survives impeachment and is re-elected, he will be vindicated and emboldened, and so uncontrollable that he may bring on Armageddon. It’s incumbent upon Americans of all political parties and all religions, including evangelicals who recognize Trump as an emissary of the devil, to save our democracy by doing everything in our power to defeat Trump. For God’s sake and our democracy’s sake vote for the Democratic presidential nominee in 2020.

Trump Retweets Fake Image of Pelosi and Schumer in Muslim Garb

Reading Donald Trump’s Tweeter feed is as enlightening, illuminating and life-affirming as reading a serial killer’s diary, there isn’t a low he won’t sink to appeal to his racist base.

Trump retweeted a photoshopped image of Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi in traditional Islamic garb, standing in front of an Iranian flag, with the caption “Democrats 2020.”

The stable genius, renowned diplomat and geopolitical master is implying that the top two Democrats, and by extension most Democrats, support the Iranian regime.

Trump may be unable to find Iran in a map, but even he knows that Pelosi and Schumer aren’t in league with Iran, but he loves feeding red meat to his ravenous base. Many of the rednecks, religious fanatics and assorted riff raff in his base will actually believe that Pelosi and Schumer are secretly Muslim, they will believe anything their Messiah says.

Trump is furious with these Democrats for having the temerity to demand that the administration offer detailed information about the supposed “imminent” threat posed by Iranian general Qasem Soleimani which led to the US military’s assassination of him by a drone strike.

Let’s not forget that one of Trump’s first actions as president was the Muslim ban, there is simply no room in Trump’s America for dark-skinned Muslims. This anti-Muslim image is just the latest manifestation of Trump’s abhorrence of Muslims and other religious and racial minorities.

Trump may be winning points with his racist base, but he isn’t winning hearts and minds in the Muslim world, and the most extreme elements in the Muslim world will respond with bombs and assassinations of their own.

Global Community Has Little Trust Trump Will Do the Right Thing in Foreign Affairs

“The majority of people around the world have little confidence that President Trump will do the “right thing” in world affairs, according to a new poll published by the Pew Research Center.”

CBS News

The President of the United States is by default the Leader of the Free World and regardless of his personal failings he is regarded by the majority of people around the world as an exemplar of American values: democracy, respect for the rule of law an abhorrence of violence and criminality.

But Trump isn’t your grandfathers’ president, and according to a new poll published by the Pew Research Center the majority of global citizens have little confidence that Trump will do the “right thing” in world affairs.

It’s not just Muslim or communist countries where Trump is held in low esteem, this anti-Trump sentiment is particularly strong in western Europe, where under 25% of people in Spain, France and Germany say they have confidence in the stable genius.

It’s not surprising that Trump is anathema in the civilized world, and the uncivilized world, how can other countries be expected to respect him when he is loathed in America for his despicable words, actions and policies?

Trump’s “America First” foreign policy is rightly interpreted by the peoples of the world as a doctrine that power rules, and as the most powerful military and economic power in the world America, under Trump, acts in its self-interest. Trump’s controversial “America First” actions such as withdrawing from the Iran nuclear deal and the Paris Climate Accord don’t serve the best interests of America or the world.

It’s incumbent upon the American electorate to restore America’s international image and reputation by kicking Trump to the curb, and electing the Democratic general election candidate, whomever he or she might be.

Things You Can’t Unsee: Donald Trump as Baby Yoda

Donald Trump has the patience and attention span of a colicky baby, it’s no surprise that he’s often called a “man baby” and often depicted as a baby by political cartoonists.

An inflatable caricature of Trump known as Trump Baby has flown in countless demonstrations all over the world. My most horrifying nightmare is that when I’m raptured to meet Christ is the air, I’m intercepted by Trump Baby and dragged down to hell.

Even Donald Trump Jr. depicted his infantile father as a baby, he shared a doctored image on Instagram depicting his dad as Baby Yoda from the new Disney Plus “Star Wars” spinoff series “The Mandalorian.”

Arguably Baby Yoda is the most beloved character from the Star Wars franchise and there’s a special place reserved in hell for Trump Jr. for desecrating the image of Baby Yoda.

Trump as Baby Yoda is almost as disturbing and mind-numbing as Trump as President of the United States.

For the love of God let’s put this man baby on permanent time-out on election day 2020.

Pic of Donald Trump as Baby Yoda:

Eulogist at Qassem Soleimani’s Funeral Calls for Trump’s Assassination! What Do You Think?

A eulogist at the funeral procession of Iranian general Qassem Soleimani has called for President Donald Trump to be assassinated.

“Anyone who brings the yellow haired lunatic to us will get 80 million dollars from the Iranian people”, said the grief-stricken and outraged mourner.

He wasn’t alone in his grief and outrage at the Trump administration, more than a million people took to the streets of Tehran to pay their respects to the iconic Iranian military and political leader, and to vent their anger at the aforementioned yellow haired lunatic.

It shouldn’t be surprising that Iranians are calling for the assassination of Trump, “an eye for an eye” is a proverb that everyone in the Middle East lives by. If Trump ordered the assassination of an Iranian government official naturally the patriotic people of Iran are calling out for the blood of the feckless leader of America.

I didn’t shed any tears when Soleimani was murdered, the blood of hundreds of American soldiers and tens of thousands of Syrian and Iraqi civilians are in his hands, and likewise I won’t shed any tears if Trump is assassinated, he has destroyed democracy, civility and morality in the homeland and he has made America a worldwide laughingstock.

Defending Trump Won’t Spark Revival in the Evangelical Movement, It Will Only Incur the Wrath of God

In a recent speech in Louisiana, President Donald Trump commended evangelicals for supporting him in the fraught contest over impeachment. He said church leaders were telling him that impeachment was fostering spiritual revival: ‘I got a call from the evangelical leaders the other day, a whole lot of them. They said the church has never been more energized as it is right now because of what they’re trying to do to our president,’ Trump said.”

The Dallas Morning News

Historically the Christian church has been revived when Christians renounce materialism and secularism, and return to the foundations of their faith: prayer, reading the Bible and proclaiming the Gospel.

There is never a political component to true revival, revival doesn’t emanate from Washington, D.C, but from churches, large and small, throughout the country returning to the basics of Christianity.

Anti-abortion judges appointed by the president, or laws bringing prayer back to school won’t spark revival. You can’t legislate morality or revival, revival is a spiritual manifestation, not a political movement.

The controversy over impeachment isn’t fostering a spiritual revival. Consider how absurd it is to argue that for Christians to defend a morally compromised, politically corrupt, racist, homophobic, greedy and serial sexual predator is going to foster spiritual revival in the American church.

If white evangelicals are serious about being spiritually energized, they will speak truth to power, and call upon Donald Trump to repent of his racism, xenophobia, misogyny, homophobia, corruption, and moral degeneracy.

Donald Trump to Evangelicals: ‘God is on our Side

Donald Trump is courting evangelicals following a scathing editorial in Christianity Today (CT).  The editor of the mainstream evangelical publication questioned whether evangelicals could justify supporting Trump given his grievous moral failings.

The CT essay is an aberration, the vast majority of white evangelicals are enthralled by their Orange Messiah, and Trump doesn’t have to worry about losing their support.

The short-fingered vulgarian is trying to expand his support beyond white evangelicals by speaking at a Hispanic megachurch in Florida, telling the congregation that “we have God on our side”.

The most successful con artists never doubt their ability to sell a bill of goods to anyone, and the amoral, greedy, serial sexual predator figures that if he was able to persuade white evangelicals that he’s the Second Coming, then he might even win over Hispanic evangelicals even though he’s blatantly anti-immigrant and anti-people of color.

Hispanic evangelicals who support the stable genius should be ostracized by real Christians and disowned by their Latino brothers and sisters.

Real Christians don’t worry whether or not the Almighty is on their side, they seek to be on God’s side by ministering to the prisoners, immigrants and the poor and homeless.

You don’t have to be a theologian to deduce that God isn’t on the side of Trump and his Republican sycophants. The enmity that Trump and white evangelicals harbor toward immigrants, people of color, and gays and Lesbians are anathema to the peace-loving, merciful and gracious Jesus of the Gospels.

White Evangelicals Have a Pragmatic and Transactional Relationship with Amoral Donald Trump

“Liberty University President Jerry Falwell Jr. is among the loudest public champions of President Trump, touting himself as the voice of the 81 percent of white evangelicals who voted for the president in 2016. Yet Falwell also says he’s never spoken to Trump about faith: ‘I’ve never talked to him about that in particular,’ he said in an interview with The Ringer.”

The Week

Evangelicals are so named because their main religious focus should be to evangelize, to share Jesus Christ with a lost and dying world, as they would put it.

But if you listen to the sermons of televangelists and read their publications you would get the impression that their main goals are to build quasi- Christian empires, attack gays and immigrants and promote the administration of Donald Trump.

White evangelicals have a pragmatic and transactional relationship with Trump, they don’t support him because he exemplifies the values of Jesus or because he shares their religious beliefs. They worship the short-fingered vulgarian because he doesn’t just give lip service to their pet causes, he’s kept his promise to appoint pro-life judges, declared war on immigrants and defend Israel right or wrong.

Jerry Falwell Jr, the president of Liberty University, acknowledged that he has never spoken to Trump about faith. It’s malpractice, or should I say heresy, for an evangelical leader not to try to lead an outwardly immoral and irreligious person to the Lord.

But of course, Falwell doesn’t care about Trump’s soul, he cares only that the stable genius shares his enmities, prejudices and policies. At least Falwell is more honest than his evangelical brethren who pretend that they support Trump because he’s a believer who’s been anointed by God to make America Great Again.

We shouldn’t think of white evangelicalism as a religious or spiritual movement that deserves our respect and admiration, but as a repressive conservative political group that merits our wrath and disgust.

Let’s deal a devastating blow to white evangelicals by voting to remove their False Messiah from office.  

White Evangelicals and White Supremacists are an Existential Threat to Democracy and Christianity

You don’t have to be a theologian or a political scientist to know why white evangelicals worship Donald Trump. They are enamored with the short-fingered vulgarian because he supports their divisive agenda, especially their obsessive crusades against abortion, immigration, and the LGBT community.

Allow me to digress by pointing out that the Bible is silent on the subject of abortion, and that Jesus Christ never even mentioned homosexuality. And as for immigration, the Bible contains numerous passages that exhort God’s people to treat the poor, immigrants and refugees with hospitality and respect. White evangelicals should read Leviticus 19:33-34, Jeremiah 7:5-7, Zechariah 7: 9-10 and Ezekiel 47:22.

Trump isn’t a Republican, conservative or a religious person, let alone an evangelical, but early on he figured out that he could win the presidency by pretending to be a conservative Republican who was evangelical-friendly. Unlike other Republican presidents like George W. Bush who are real evangelicals, Trump didn’t just pay lip service to their pet causes, he’s used the awesome power of the presidency to wage holy war against immigrants, gays and lesbians and he’s flooded the federal courts with radical pro-life judges.

It’s not surprising that Nazis and white nationalists share the same prejudices as white evangelicals, and that Trump is very sympathetic to white evangelicals and alt-right racists. Trump and his enablers, white evangelicals and white supremacists are an existential threat to democracy and true Christianity, and it’s incumbent upon patriots to fight these enemies of truth and liberty tooth and nail. Let’s deal a death blow to these fascists by kicking Trump out of office

Trump’s ‘MERRY CHRISTMAS!’ Tweet Mean and Divisive Taunt


Donald Trump tweet

Donald Trump didn’t take a holiday from Twitter on Christmas Day, his tweet on this holiday was typical in that it was all-caps and capped off with an exclamation point.

At first glance it appears that Trump kept things light and apolitical for the holiday season, but actually this brief tweet is a taunt. In Trump’s revisionist history President Barack Obama banned the phrase “Merry Christmas” and substituted the phrase “Happy Holidays” to be politically correct, and he the Great Protector of White Evangelicals resurrected the Merry Christmas greeting.

Trump’s MERRY CHRISTMAS! Tweet isn’t that of a president trying to spread goodwill and unity, it’s a taunt from a Grinch, saying “take that you godless liberals, you don’t belong in my Christian America.

Although I greet family, friends and strangers with a hearty “MERRY CHRISTMAS”, I also say “Happy Holidays”, it’s a more inclusive greeting that encompasses all religions and holidays, and there are a hell of a lot of religious holidays in December.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all my readers!

White Trump-loving Evangelicals are an Abomination

White Trump-worshipping evangelicals are heretical Christians who have ruined the reputation of the worldwide evangelical movement. Many evangelicals eschew the label and identify themselves simply as “Christians” because they don’t want to associated with the racism, bigotry and theologian corruption of white evangelicals.

White evangelicals are enamored with Trump because they believe that his presidency comes from on high.  White evangelicals are a blight on Christianity and a cancer cluster that has devastated the Trump administration. Trump’s cabinet and staff is infested with evangelicals, and they never cease singing the praises of their False Messiah.

Rick Perry, the energy secretary, stated that Trump’s presidency was not merely the will of the people, but ordained of God. He believes that the Creator of the universe is active in the details of American politics. Perry’s God is the ultimate white hat hacker whose divine algorithms resulted in Trump’s victory.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders, former press secretary, said that “God wanted Donald Trump to be president … that’s why he’s still there.” Mike Pompeo the Secretary of State said that God made Trump president to protect Israel from Iran.

Why are white evangelicals persuaded that the a holy, pure and righteous God ordained a corrupt, racist, greedy, ignorant sexual predator to be the Leader of the Free World? It doesn’t compute, it doesn’t make any theological sense.

White evangelicals are enamored with Trump because he has appointed two Supreme Court Justices who are fervently against abortion, and hundreds of conservative federal judges. They worship the amoral politician who is the antithesis of the teachings of Jesus Christ because he believes in deregulation, cutting taxes for the wealthy and is anti-LBGT.

In the eyes of white evangelicals Trump’s adherence to their narrow interpretation of scripture trumps his moral failings and utter lack of qualifications to be president and they will remain faithful to him to the detriment of their eternal souls.

Trump was elected by rednecks, racists and religious heretics, not by God. Americans, whether they’re Republican, Democrat or Independent, especially if they are Christians should do everything in their power to defeat the abomination who is destroying democracy and corrupting Christianity.

For What Shall it Profit an Evangelical if He Gains Political Power But Loses His Own Soul?

Donald Trump has been impeached, the ultimate rebuke of Congress on a corrupt, greedy, unethical and immoral president. But his evangelical base continues to treat him like a Rock God at his all-too-frequent political rallies.

It’s manifest that any thoughtful, reasonable and religious individual would discern that Trump’s three years in power has exposed him as too incompetent, unethical and intemperate to be the type of leader that will cause the Almighty to bless our country and lead citizens to listen to their better angels.

It’s self-evident, even to someone with only a rudimentary understanding of the Bible, that Trump is not fit to be the commander-in-chief responsible for making military decisions that may result in the death of hundreds of our soldiers.

Is the evangelicals’ Faustian bargain with the devil worth the nomination of federal judges that rule in favor of the wealthy, the elimination of regulations that harm the environment and tax cuts benefit the wealthy?

For what shall it profit an evangelical if he gains political power but loses his own soul?

AOC Rips Tulsi Gabbard for Voting ‘Present’ on Impeachment Vote

President Donald Trump became only the third president in American history to be impeached when the House of Representatives voted to charge him with abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.

The vote on Article One, abuse of power, was 230-197, with one vote of present. All Republicans voted against the article, joined by two Democrats. The vote on Article Two, obstruction of Congress, was 229-198, with one vote of present. All Republicans voted against the article, joined by three Democrats.

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, a Democratic presidential candidate who is primarily known for her vigorous defense of brutal Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad, was the spineless coward who voted “present.” Not only did Gabbard vote “present”, but she also did not speak on the House floor during the six-hour impeachment debate.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortes was outraged by Gabbard’s act of cowardice, this was her reaction:

“Today was very consequential, and to not take a stand one way or another, on a day of such great consequence to this country, I think is quite difficult. We are sent here to lead.

I couldn’t agree more with AOC, in the last three years I have written over 300 anti-Trump essays and I would have given up my life for the opportunity to speak out in favor of impeachment on the House floor. 

Gabbard failed to qualify for the last Democratic debate, and that’s a good thing because she doesn’t belong on the same stage with the other Democratic hopefuls. A Democratic politician who fails to speak truth to power at a crucial juncture in history and call for the impeachment of Trump has forfeited her right to call herself a Democrat, in fact she should be ashamed to call herself an American.

Gabbard is a disgrace and she doesn’t deserve to live in a democracy. She should move to Syria, I’m sure her favorite dictator, Assad, would welcome her with open arms.

Evangelical Magazine Christianity Today Says ‘Trump Should be Removed From Office’

“The evangelical magazine founded by the late Rev. Billy Graham published a surprising editorial Thursday calling for President Trump’s removal and describing him as “a near perfect example of a human being who is morally lost and confused.”

Whether Mr. Trump should be removed from office by the Senate or by popular vote next election—that is a matter of prudential judgment,’ said the piece, written by editor in chief Mark Galli. ‘That he should be removed, we believe, is not a matter of partisan loyalties but loyalty to the Creator of the Ten Commandments.’”

The Washington Post

Donald Trump was quick to respond to Christianity Today’s searing editorial on Twitter:

“A far left magazine, or very ‘progressive,’ as some would call it, which has been doing poorly and hasn’t been involved with the Billy Graham family for many years, Christianity Today, knows nothing about reading a perfect transcript of a routine phone call and would rather…..

have a Radical Left nonbeliever, who wants to take your religion & your guns, than Donald Trump as your President. No President has done more for the Evangelical community, and it’s not even close. You’ll not get anything from those Dems on stage. I won’t be reading ET again!

As usual Trump’s tweet was chock full of lies, typos and mischaracterizations. Christianity Today (CT) is not a far-left magazine, it’s a centrist evangelical publication.

The White House released a rough transcript or summary of the phone call between President Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, and the call wasn’t routine, unless you consider bribery routine.

It’s not the editor of CT who knows nothing about reading, it’s the functionally-illiterate president of the United States who never reads. I doubt if he even read Galli’s editorial, one of his aides probably summarized the essay for him.

No president has done more to discredit the evangelical community than Trump, the unholy union between the short-fingered vulgarian and white evangelicals has tarnished the evangelical movement. Evangelicals justification of Trump’s racism, cruelty, misogyny, sexually predatory behavior and vulgarity has diminished their effectiveness as witnesses of Jesus Christ.

The CT article will have a minimal effect on white evangelicals’ infatuation with Trump, they simply don’t read intellectual religious journals. They are more likely to read Penthouse Forum or the online rant of an end time evangelist.

If Jesus Christ Himself wrote a new addition to the New Testament condemning the immorality and corruption of Trump, they would ignore it.

Donald Trump Impeached


For every patriot who believes in the rule of law, common decency and cherishes the Constitution there will be no sweeter headline for the duration of Trump’s tenure, whether it’s one or five more years.

Of course, the Republican-led Senate won’t remove Trump from office and he will campaign falsely bragging that he’s been exonerated by Congress, nevertheless he’s been indelibly stained by the impeachment process.

Even if the stable genius discovers a cure for cancer and convinces Kim Jong Un to denuclearize, when Satan finally takes him home to hell the first paragraph of his Wikipedia page and the first paragraph of his obituary will mention that he was impeached.

Being impeached won’t change Trump’s behavior in the slightest, he will continue to trample the Constitution, viciously attack his political opponents on Twitter and cozy up to dictators and insult our allies. Trump will continue to be Trump until he’s dead.

But he might as well trade in his MAGA hat for a hat with the Scarlet Letter “I” for Impeached. I have always refrained from calling Trump “President Trump”, because he’s not the president of all Americans, he cares only about his base. Now I can refer to him as the “Impeached President.”

There has never been an impeached president who ran for reelection, let’s hope that this will be too high of a hurdle, even for Teflon Don, and that he will go down to an ignoble defeat.

December 2019 Archives Page 2:

Corrupt Trump Pleads Innocence Hours Before Impeachment

Can you believe that I will be impeached today by the Radical Left, Do Nothing Democrats, AND I DID NOTHING WRONG A terrible Thing. Read the Transcripts. This should never happen to another President again. Say a PRAYER!

Donald Trump tweet

Yes, Mr. Trump America believes that you will be impeached today. Since assuming office, you have told thousands of lies, fired off hundreds of toxic tweets, uttered many racist comments and committed dozens of impeachable acts. It was never a question of if, but when the patriots in the Congress would finally say enough is enough, and impeach you.

Mr. Trump you aren’t being impeached by the Radical Left, but by mainstream Democrats who value the rule of law over political expediency. Unfortunately, there isn’t a single Republican in the House of Representatives who values the Constitution over their party and the corrupt president.

Mr. Trump it’s unfair to label the Democrats as “Do Nothing Democrats”, the Democrat-controlled House has passed many bills that have died in the Republican-controlled Senate.

List of important bills that have died in the Senate:

Mr. Trump it’s patently absurd to declare that you’ve done nothing wrong. You abused your power and obstructed Congress is an ill-advised scheme to bribe Ukraine into interfering in the 2020 election.

Mr. Trump, I’ve read the summary of your infamous phone call, and it clearly depicts a quid pro quo. In fact, the summary of the phone call between the president of Ukraine and the president of the United States, is the is the most damning piece of evidence in the case against you.

Mr. Trump if the next president, whether he is a Republican or Democrat, attempts to bribe another country to interfere in our election for his political benefit I hope he’s also impeached.

Mr. Trump, I am indeed praying that’s our democracy will survive your execrable administration, and that the next president will restore the rule of law and restore the greatness of America.

Who is More Physically and Morally Revolting Rudolph Giuliani or Donald Trump?

Rudolph Giuliani was a controversial mayor of the New York City, to many his aggressive strategy to combat crime that singled out young men of color for special scrutiny from the police symbolized what was rotten in the Big Apple.

But Giuliani’s leadership, and tireless effort to unite and comfort Gotham in the aftermath of 9/11 turned him into a superhero: America’s Mayor.

In recent years Giuliani has attached himself like a leech to the corrupt and decadent Donald Trump, and he has undergone another metamorphosis, from America’s Mayor to America’s laughingstock.

In his role as Trump’s personal lawyer he rants and raves in defense of his boss on cable news. With his peculiar teeth (Perfect dentures on top and broken yellowed teeth on bottom) he looks like a cartoon villain. In fact, I don’t understand why he hasn’t been cast as the Penguin in a Batman movie, he’s a twin to the dastardly criminal.

Giuliani misses the limelight of his glory days as America’s Mayor and there is nothing, he won’t do to debase himself as Trump’s personal lawyer to remain relevant.

Trump doesn’t mind Giuliani’s friendship, I guess birds of a feather (vultures) flock together. Trump likes having the disgraced former mayor by his side, because he is so physically revolting that he makes the fat orange baboon look good. If only there was a real-life dynamic duo of Batman and the Boy Wonder to give Trump and his sidekick a solid beating and drive them out of the White House