Defending Trump Won’t Spark Revival in the Evangelical Movement, It Will Only Incur the Wrath of God

In a recent speech in Louisiana, President Donald Trump commended evangelicals for supporting him in the fraught contest over impeachment. He said church leaders were telling him that impeachment was fostering spiritual revival: ‘I got a call from the evangelical leaders the other day, a whole lot of them. They said the church has never been more energized as it is right now because of what they’re trying to do to our president,’ Trump said.”

The Dallas Morning News

Historically the Christian church has been revived when Christians renounce materialism and secularism, and return to the foundations of their faith: prayer, reading the Bible and proclaiming the Gospel.

There is never a political component to true revival, revival doesn’t emanate from Washington, D.C, but from churches, large and small, throughout the country returning to the basics of Christianity.

Anti-abortion judges appointed by the president, or laws bringing prayer back to school won’t spark revival. You can’t legislate morality or revival, revival is a spiritual manifestation, not a political movement.

The controversy over impeachment isn’t fostering a spiritual revival. Consider how absurd it is to argue that for Christians to defend a morally compromised, politically corrupt, racist, homophobic, greedy and serial sexual predator is going to foster spiritual revival in the American church.

If white evangelicals are serious about being spiritually energized, they will speak truth to power, and call upon Donald Trump to repent of his racism, xenophobia, misogyny, homophobia, corruption, and moral degeneracy.